My mother came into the Apostolic Faith in 1949. Her Pastor was Clarence M. Eby. He was a holiness preacher. He was mightily filled with the Holy Ghost and he was a mighty man of faith. As a child I can remember all kinds of miracles at the altar. Goiters just disappeared. People choked up cancers. Eyes were healed. Backs of the coal miners were healed. My own father who had a bad coal mine accident was prayed for and he fully recovered. Demons were cast out. People were delivered. He lived the life of a man of God. He made no provisions for the flesh. When he spoke it was with knowledge and lots of study. I first learned of the Babylonian connection to all false doctrine when I was a teenager. What he put into me as a child and as a young teenager has never left me. He taught One God better than any other preacher I have ever heard. A lot of my doctrine and teachings, points I make, I received them from him. He taught me pre-trib rapture because that is all he ever knew. Not one time did I ever hear him say anything about a post trib rapture. I do not think he ever considered it. From 1949 until I joined the Army in 1963 he was the only Man of God in my life. These 14 years gave me my Apostolic foundation. I served well as a teenager. Precious Memories.
When we built the new Church on Pennsylvania Avenue in Bellview, I was there for the first shovel of dirt. I shoveled after this. I was just 10 years old. I sanded the knotty pine boards that went into the walls. I sanded the wood of the altar where I would later shed a lot of tears and pray for the Holy Ghost. I was there when this altar was dedicated to the Lord for a place for sinners, backsliders, and those who need to touch God. I carried the tiny strips of wood for the floor. I carried wood, nails, tools, and was a general all around Church-boy. I loved working and learned a lot from the skilled older men in the Church. God's house has always been my love. I was there when it was dedicated. I was there to see mighty moves of God. I was shaken in this place many times by the Holy Ghost. While I played no music, I was requested to sing many times. And I loved it. It was my time to shine and be on the platform for Jesus. Sometimes in my singing I would feel a tingling sensation go from my head to my feet. Other times the Holy Ghost would come upon me and all I could do was quiver and shake. I knew what it was. When this happened my Pastor would speak from behind me: "let the Holy Ghost have his way." I would sometimes shake even more. I still sing sometimes and the Holy Ghost is still there. These are days of precious memories.
I did not get the Holy Ghost during those 14 years. But I almost did. I was raised a proper child. My mother took me to Church along with the other seven kids. She seldom missed after she got the Holy Ghost. Rain, shine, summer, winter, we made the couple miles trip by foot after going over a river in a small boat. We loved going to Church. We loved all the people there. And they loved us. I was never mistreated by any member of the Church. I was always hugged by each of them. I am sure the other children were hugged also. But I remember only me. Church was my real life. I was so happy when my mother would call us in from the yard and the street to get washed up and ready for Church. We ran to the house, climbed those stairs, and from the porch entered into the two room old country house. Precious memories.
I went into the Army in 1963 and became a Vietnam Veteran. I left the Army in 1966 and got married the same year. My wife and I have been together now for 45 years. Yep married to one wife just like a Bishop is supposed to be. While my wife and I attended Apostolic church in Tampa from 1966 to 1968 we did not get all the way in. We went and a few times went to the altar. But we did not want to give up the drive-in movies, TV, going to the beach, wearing our wedding rings, our Christmas tree, and so forth. You know the drill. We knew, but we were not submitted. But in 1968 that changed. My wife and I went from Tampa to Millville, New Jersey and there we got into Church. Under my older brother, Charles Reckart, no less. He was a great Man of God. He preached like Pastor Eby. That was where he was trained and taught. Here it came again. This time I did allow the Holy Ghost to have his way. My wife was filled first I was filled later. Precious memories.
I spent four years in the Millville Church. I was taught, trained, and inspired under my Brother. He gave me a sunday school class after I was in Church for a year. A class I held for three years. I became the song leader of the worship service. I was appointed youth leader for two years. I founded Soul Patrol, a street based ministry among hippies and drug users. And at last, I was allowed to exhort. Jesus helped me and my wife helped me. Together we brought in 20 children each sunday and friday nights. We were soul winners bringing many to the Lord. Before I preached one time I was a soul winner. This is why I do not care much for men preaching who are not soul winners first. All they want is some other preachers people to preach to and never add to the Church anyone. And if they do, they will claim them as their own and if they leave will try to take them with them. I never did this. As Jesus developed me into Apostolic Spirituality, I fell in love with history and books. I would read several books a month. I collected books on Church history, theology, philosophy, faith, and commentaries. When I moved, taking my books was almost as big a project as moving the furniture. I had boxes and boxes. In them I picked the jewels. I could read a book and when I found a jewel I would note it in the back. In this manner I was able to document a lot of things I would say and write about. In the four years I spent in the Millville Church I fasted every week a day or two. I fasted many three day, seven day and 21 day fasts. I would pray half hour most mornings before going to work. On the way home I would go by the Church and pray another half hour or hour. Sometimes I got lost in prayer and an hour or two went by when I finally got up. I was not aware I had been in the Spirit so long. It seemed like just a couple minutes. Often I would shake under the power. And dance? Why when the Holy Ghost was upon me I was like David. I did not need music. And the most of my dancing in the Spirit was when there was no music and drum beat like so many need these days. Precious Memories...
Thirty six years have past since my first four novice years. I think in all, although I was a Pastor in my fifth year, I was a novice about 15 years. I never was one to exalt myself for a title. All that I am I paid the price before I received ordination into the office. I could write a book on my 40 years experiences with people, organizations, preachers, church members, liars, deceivers, mockers, and about many who are now dead who came against the Truth. While I have met and contended with a lot of rebels and gainsayers, I have met a lot of beautiful people of God. I have met some great men of God. Men who love the Truth more than anything. My last great precious memories are now being created on the mission field. Light to the Nations is giving me many great experiences in the Holy Ghost. Truth has blessed me. And Jesus is always right on time. For two years now we have been feeding and ministering to the homeless and the poor. We now serve every day from noon to 1pm. We feed anywhere from 15 to 30 every day. On saturday it can get as high as 75. And Pastor Reckart cooks. Yep, I am also a pretty good cook. If you are in Tampa come on by and check me out. Tampa Angels is a mission of charity of my own heart and the members of our Church. We know they will not all turn to God. We know many will still die lost. We feed not just to get people in Church, although that is our hope: but we feed people because we want to. It is the charity in us that compels us to compassion. We here at Jesus House know what Paul meant when he said "now abideth faith, hope, charity" and the greatest is charity. Pastor Reckart can preach on this awhile. And it is here I have many precious memories: charity which is the bond of perfection.
A man builds his legacy day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year. Out of these he will develop his own precious memories. A person who has little or no precious memories has a very bitter past. Such people are generally non-respective of others who do have precious memories. Such people also generally have lots of emotional hangups and problems relating with others. Such people generally are always critical and imagine all kinds of speculation that will not allow them friendship and joy. We should not want to live a life we constantly tear down and destroy and start again. No, we who are great men of God build on faith and Truth and pass from faith to faith. We do not play spiritual games with doctrine. We get our foundation. We build thereon. And we surround ourselves with quality Men of God who are champions. We are not afraid to seek out just and righteous men to be our mentors. And we know how to stay in our place and not usurp authority we do not have. We wait our time to shine as a light that cannot be hid. We are not a candle to be blown out by winds of doctrine and leave those who look to us in darkness. We protect the Light within us. And we will not put our Light under a bushel, no we will not allow the devil to blow it out.
Brothers and Sisters, if you do not have precious memories in your life, it is time to start them. I can be of help there. You can see the kind of man I came from. He was not a slob preacher who was skilled in rants and rending. Not one time in the 14 years I was under him did I ever hear him rend another man from his pulpit. When he stood up to preach he had a message from the throne of God. Many times it was backed up by prophecy in tongues and interpretation. He was not a nonsense man. He did not speak stupidity and crazy stuff. He believed that the most perfect words possible, the best a man could speak with all his training and talents, should come from behind the pulpit. I have good training. Why, I loved that Man of God so much, as a teenager, I parted my hair down the middle like he did. Out of several boys my age in the Church, I was the only one who wanted to be like his Pastor. What's wrong with that? Be like someone, and choose someone who merits your respect and honor. Do not be like crazy preachers who speak all kinds of stupidity from the pulpit. Do not be like lap-dogs who are good at jumping and doing back flips but cannot live Godly and holy. Do you have precious memories?
Bishop Reckart
Precious Memories A Year At A Time
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Pastor C.M. Eby & wife Sister Eby 2-14-1904 - 12-13-1979 |
My mother came into the Apostolic Faith in 1949. Her Pastor was Clarence M. Eby. He was a holiness preacher. He was mightily filled with the Holy Ghost and he was a mighty man of faith. As a child I can remember all kinds of miracles at the altar. Goiters just disappeared. People choked up cancers. Eyes were healed. Backs of the coal miners were healed. My own father who had a bad coal mine accident was prayed for and he fully recovered. Demons were cast out. People were delivered. He lived the life of a man of God. He made no provisions for the flesh. When he spoke it was with knowledge and lots of study. I first learned of the Babylonian connection to all false doctrine when I was a teenager. What he put into me as a child and as a young teenager has never left me. He taught One God better than any other preacher I have ever heard. A lot of my doctrine and teachings, points I make, I received them from him. He taught me pre-trib rapture because that is all he ever knew. Not one time did I ever hear him say anything about a post trib rapture. I do not think he ever considered it. From 1949 until I joined the Army in 1963 he was the only Man of God in my life. These 14 years gave me my Apostolic foundation. I served well as a teenager. Precious Memories.
When we built the new Church on Pennsylvania Avenue in Bellview, I was there for the first shovel of dirt. I shoveled after this. I was just 10 years old. I sanded the knotty pine boards that went into the walls. I sanded the wood of the altar where I would later shed a lot of tears and pray for the Holy Ghost. I was there when this altar was dedicated to the Lord for a place for sinners, backsliders, and those who need to touch God. I carried the tiny strips of wood for the floor. I carried wood, nails, tools, and was a general all around Church-boy. I loved working and learned a lot from the skilled older men in the Church. God's house has always been my love. I was there when it was dedicated. I was there to see mighty moves of God. I was shaken in this place many times by the Holy Ghost. While I played no music, I was requested to sing many times. And I loved it. It was my time to shine and be on the platform for Jesus. Sometimes in my singing I would feel a tingling sensation go from my head to my feet. Other times the Holy Ghost would come upon me and all I could do was quiver and shake. I knew what it was. When this happened my Pastor would speak from behind me: "let the Holy Ghost have his way." I would sometimes shake even more. I still sing sometimes and the Holy Ghost is still there. These are days of precious memories.
I did not get the Holy Ghost during those 14 years. But I almost did. I was raised a proper child. My mother took me to Church along with the other seven kids. She seldom missed after she got the Holy Ghost. Rain, shine, summer, winter, we made the couple miles trip by foot after going over a river in a small boat. We loved going to Church. We loved all the people there. And they loved us. I was never mistreated by any member of the Church. I was always hugged by each of them. I am sure the other children were hugged also. But I remember only me. Church was my real life. I was so happy when my mother would call us in from the yard and the street to get washed up and ready for Church. We ran to the house, climbed those stairs, and from the porch entered into the two room old country house. Precious memories.
I went into the Army in 1963 and became a Vietnam Veteran. I left the Army in 1966 and got married the same year. My wife and I have been together now for 45 years. Yep married to one wife just like a Bishop is supposed to be. While my wife and I attended Apostolic church in Tampa from 1966 to 1968 we did not get all the way in. We went and a few times went to the altar. But we did not want to give up the drive-in movies, TV, going to the beach, wearing our wedding rings, our Christmas tree, and so forth. You know the drill. We knew, but we were not submitted. But in 1968 that changed. My wife and I went from Tampa to Millville, New Jersey and there we got into Church. Under my older brother, Charles Reckart, no less. He was a great Man of God. He preached like Pastor Eby. That was where he was trained and taught. Here it came again. This time I did allow the Holy Ghost to have his way. My wife was filled first I was filled later. Precious memories.
I spent four years in the Millville Church. I was taught, trained, and inspired under my Brother. He gave me a sunday school class after I was in Church for a year. A class I held for three years. I became the song leader of the worship service. I was appointed youth leader for two years. I founded Soul Patrol, a street based ministry among hippies and drug users. And at last, I was allowed to exhort. Jesus helped me and my wife helped me. Together we brought in 20 children each sunday and friday nights. We were soul winners bringing many to the Lord. Before I preached one time I was a soul winner. This is why I do not care much for men preaching who are not soul winners first. All they want is some other preachers people to preach to and never add to the Church anyone. And if they do, they will claim them as their own and if they leave will try to take them with them. I never did this. As Jesus developed me into Apostolic Spirituality, I fell in love with history and books. I would read several books a month. I collected books on Church history, theology, philosophy, faith, and commentaries. When I moved, taking my books was almost as big a project as moving the furniture. I had boxes and boxes. In them I picked the jewels. I could read a book and when I found a jewel I would note it in the back. In this manner I was able to document a lot of things I would say and write about. In the four years I spent in the Millville Church I fasted every week a day or two. I fasted many three day, seven day and 21 day fasts. I would pray half hour most mornings before going to work. On the way home I would go by the Church and pray another half hour or hour. Sometimes I got lost in prayer and an hour or two went by when I finally got up. I was not aware I had been in the Spirit so long. It seemed like just a couple minutes. Often I would shake under the power. And dance? Why when the Holy Ghost was upon me I was like David. I did not need music. And the most of my dancing in the Spirit was when there was no music and drum beat like so many need these days. Precious Memories...
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43 Year Apostolic Veteran |
A man builds his legacy day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year. Out of these he will develop his own precious memories. A person who has little or no precious memories has a very bitter past. Such people are generally non-respective of others who do have precious memories. Such people also generally have lots of emotional hangups and problems relating with others. Such people generally are always critical and imagine all kinds of speculation that will not allow them friendship and joy. We should not want to live a life we constantly tear down and destroy and start again. No, we who are great men of God build on faith and Truth and pass from faith to faith. We do not play spiritual games with doctrine. We get our foundation. We build thereon. And we surround ourselves with quality Men of God who are champions. We are not afraid to seek out just and righteous men to be our mentors. And we know how to stay in our place and not usurp authority we do not have. We wait our time to shine as a light that cannot be hid. We are not a candle to be blown out by winds of doctrine and leave those who look to us in darkness. We protect the Light within us. And we will not put our Light under a bushel, no we will not allow the devil to blow it out.
Brothers and Sisters, if you do not have precious memories in your life, it is time to start them. I can be of help there. You can see the kind of man I came from. He was not a slob preacher who was skilled in rants and rending. Not one time in the 14 years I was under him did I ever hear him rend another man from his pulpit. When he stood up to preach he had a message from the throne of God. Many times it was backed up by prophecy in tongues and interpretation. He was not a nonsense man. He did not speak stupidity and crazy stuff. He believed that the most perfect words possible, the best a man could speak with all his training and talents, should come from behind the pulpit. I have good training. Why, I loved that Man of God so much, as a teenager, I parted my hair down the middle like he did. Out of several boys my age in the Church, I was the only one who wanted to be like his Pastor. What's wrong with that? Be like someone, and choose someone who merits your respect and honor. Do not be like crazy preachers who speak all kinds of stupidity from the pulpit. Do not be like lap-dogs who are good at jumping and doing back flips but cannot live Godly and holy. Do you have precious memories?
Bishop Reckart
Precious Memories A Year At A Time
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