Sunday, April 14, 2013

Yahveh Traced To Babylon By Clay Tablets

Visit Dr. Friedrich Delitzsch Facebook Group

Evidence mounts. Before Abraham. Before Isaac. Before Jacob. Before Israel existed. There was a Babylonian God named Ia, Ya, Ja, which is an abreviation of the god named Yahve (Yahveh). According to Exodus 6:3 God told Moses that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob only knew him as El-Shaddai (God Almighty). These patriarchs of Israel did not know and did not worship a Babylonian God named Ia, Ya, Ja or Yahve(h). It is this god that Dr. Friedrich Delitzsch informs us is the same as Yah and Jah. This is the god of hallelu-jah. We know this cuts hard across the traditions of men, be they the traditions of the Jews or the traditions of the Gentiles. But the true God is not Jehovah or Yahweh or Jahveh. The name of the true God is Jesus Christ. And I confess right here that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. Will you?

Sources for Further Reading
Robert WRogers, The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, Eaton and MainsN. Y., 1908.

Ed., Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testament, Eaton and MainsN. Y., 1912.
Morris JastrowCivilization of Babylonia and Assyria, J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1915.
Id., The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, Ginn and Co., Boston, 1898.
J. BPritchard, Editor, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old
Testament. Princeton University Press, 1950. -- An excellent translation of well selected material illustrating every phase of Babylonian sacred literature. Covers much the same ground as Rogers, Cuneiform Parallels, but enjoys the advantage of forty additional years of archaeological and scholarly investigation.
Sacred Books and Literature of the East, Vol. I.

Smashing Down Babylon Walls Around The People Of God

Smashing down the walls of Babylon one brick at a time.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

YHWH Has An Evil Place In History

Evidence continues to mount that YHWH was a name taken from paganism and inserted into the Scriptures. While many scholars will admit YHWH could not have been the name of the God of Israel in Abraham's day, or even while in Egypt or the post-exodus period up to around 900BC, they will not admit or say it is a false name associated with idols. They will say YH or Yah has a bad origin as the Egyptian moon god and the WH or Weh has a bad origin in the god Yam, they will still not say this name is evil. After all my research I am not afraid to say the tetragrammaton is evil. It is not the name of God and never was. It was inserted into the Bible by evil scribes just as the scholar E.C.B. Maclaurin reports. I will say to everyone, do not give up or throw down the name of Jesus for this false god or any invented names from this tetragrammaton. If you do, you will be lost.


The evidence has been before us for quite some time that YHWH existed before the evil scribes put it into the Aramaic bible around 500BC.

YHWH can be proven to be the letters that represent the name of the idol god referred to as Baal. This idol god was an evil god that caused ruin and calamity to come upon the people. This god was perverse and wicked. Baal means "lord" (adown) a substitute for Lord (Adonai). The devil is tricky with his substitutions.

The priest of this god Baal have been claimed to castrate themselves in a special bloody ritual. The altars of this Baal god were places of sexual immorality that mixed Sodom and Gomorrah conduct with sacred whores and even male, female, and child prostitution. The acts of debauchery are well known. These places of Baal worship were on high hills where people from a distance could hear the music, the shouts, the screaming, the laughter, and see crowds gathered there.

The deception of the Babylon kabbalist scribes runs deep into the Aramaic bible. They were involved with mysticism and this idol god Baal (lord). That is the god of evil and calamity, perverse and wicked, that caused them to be evicted out of the holy land by God. They were in Babylon because of worship of this YHWH Baal god. And while in Babylon many Jews continued in this religion and mystified him in their kabbalah. At one crucial time only a small group of Jews remained faithful to the true God. They were not among this new kabbalist cult. 

Who put together the new Babylon bible and inserted the Baal YHWH name over 6000 times? The names of the guilty have long been forgotten but their wickedness has caused Jews and the world to be deceived for hundreds of years. The God of Abraham was not their god. They tried to change the God of Abraham into this evil god.

The evidence of the YHWH Baal god is on the Moabite Stone in clear print. Only men as evil as those ancient Babylonian scribes would pervert YHWH on this stone to represent the one true God of Abraham. 

It is here liars are exposed and where liars gather to celebrate the long ritual that YHWH Baal, he is God. They changed the truth into a lie. And at the rituals of YHWH they worshipped the creature (images of man) and not the Creator.

Only when we look at the evidence on the Moabite Stone and rightly divide it, can we unlock one of the greatest damnable lies of evil scribes in the history of the world. When the shocking reality of the deception of all ages is exposed, the sheep can come home to to the true God Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. No YHWH god is the author and finisher of our faith.

It is impossible that everyone will greet this message with thanks and appreciation. The majority of people will hate us and this exposes them as clandestine confederate change agents of this satanic ancient Baal god. They will not give up this ancient god YHWH. They will fight for him. They will want people like me dead. many of them curse me daily with evil communications and slander. But I will not be carried away with their flood of hate. They will use YHWH to destroy the name of Jesus from the earth. The new replacement of the name of God Jesus in the bible is in full swing. Jesus name is being blotted out and replaced by false invented guess names in many new bibles. The war is the home and at the door of the church. It is in the congregation silently working as the roots of this HRM entangles around the roots of the wheat. It is in the choir as they sing YHWH songs. And it is in the pulpits as they scream Yod-Hey-Vau-Hey. Then shout Jehovah. The music and drum beats crankup. The shouts begin. Multiple screams of hallelujah pierce the air. They run, they jump, they spin, ashes, ashes, and they all fall down. And modern mystery Babylon in the glory of its final thrust to conquer the Jesus Name people is in full swing.

Apart from this end time mystery Babylon there is a small band of worshippers softly saying Jesus. They are not wanted among the YHWH worshippers unless they admit this Baal name is holy and greater than the name of Jesus. If these will not confess Jesus is YHWH-Baal (Jehovah/Yahweh) come in the flesh they are hated and betrayed. These Jesus only people have rejected the bisexual god YHWH. They have rejected a god named Allah-Yahweh. And they will not follow anyone who tries to lure them to the Tetragrammaton cult and perdition of ungodly men. These are Jesus House people. And through the gates into some other house of ruin and destruction, perversity and wickedness, they will not go. 

The little voice of Truth is in the land. And the roaring sound of the devil's mouth is against it. Many are called but few chosen. This is a Jesus Name way. Those not dedicated to Jesus Name and protect it, these will protect YHWH and the invented names of their Baal god.

Choose this day whom ye shall serve.

Jesus or YHWH-Baal, now being called Allah-Yahweh in many lands.

Let the elect of God come forth, from the East, the West, the North, and the South. I prophesy to the four winds: COME FORTH TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

Come forth.

Sources for Further Reading
Robert WRogers, The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, Eaton and MainsN. Y., 1908.
Ed., Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testament, Eaton and MainsN. Y., 1912.
Morris JastrowCivilization of Babylonia and Assyria, J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1915.
Id., The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, Ginn and Co., Boston, 1898.
J. BPritchard, Editor, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old
Testament. Princeton University Press, 1950. -- An excellent translation of well selected material illustrating every phase of Babylonian sacred literature. Covers much the same ground as Rogers, Cuneiform Parallels, but enjoys the advantage of forty additional years of archaeological and scholarly investigation.
Sacred Books and Literature of the East, Vol. I.

Monday, April 8, 2013

A Good Report

I am happy to report that the number of souls who believe in Jesus name as the only saving name of God is growing.
Many evil men are opposed to this work. They seek one way or another to destroy it. They perform their perilous hatred by attacking me. Of course my enemies will eat this up. Have any of them proven the name of Jesus is NOT THE ONLY SALVATION NAME?

I am proud of all of you Brothers and Sisters who have not rejected the name of Jesus and accepted some other doctrine. Many will attempt to deceive you with lies, perversions, distortions, twists, and will not give up until they make a blasphemer out of you. You must be on guard every day.

The Apostle Paul had many adversaries against him. They went behind his back and slipped into the churches and spread their lies. Lies have one purpose: to destroy and kill. This was what the devil wanted when he lied to Eve. Liars have one agenda. They do not care who they cause to be lost by their lies.

Catholicism contains the largest volume of lies of all religions in the world. But because they mix Christianity with it, over a billion accept it. There are little catholic groups who have lots of Rome in them mixed with some truth. It is these who fight against us Brothers and Sisters. They do not want people free from their little Romes.

Many years ago I had to make choices about the UPC and Rome. When my eyes were open to the Word of God I was shocked that the UPC had me believing things of the Catholic Church.

I did not leave God when I quit the UPC. I drew more near to God. I drew more into the Truth and this led me closer to God. Over the last 34 years after leaving the UPC, Jesus never left me. Instead he blessed me more and more. Yes, I often found myself alone and with few friends. People who once loved me when I was in the UPC now hated me. Meet them in a store and they would avoid me. Try to say hello and they could not get away quick enough. Their pastors spoke evil of me. At that time my only sins were I did not believe in women preachers; I did not believe in celebrating Christmas; I did not believe in celebrating New Year's Eve communion; I did not believe in celebrating Easter; I did not observe St Valentine's Day or St Patrick's Day, and I did not believe in wearing jewelry and short sleeves. And I was such a sinner, such a devil, worthy of the UPC to disfellowship me and into hell fire.

The same spirit is in nearly all UPC today. They show it to me a lot here on Facebook. They will threaten me with harm if I preach in their country or area and some have cursed me to die. Why? Because these people love the UPC organization more than the life of souls who want to be free.

When I saw the Truth of the glorious Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, no organizational structure patterned after Rome could hold me from running to it. I ran to the Truth. I could not hold back my tears or my joy. I was home at last and Jesus was at last my Lord.

Many men have tried to destroy me, my reputation, my character, my testimony, my missionary work, my church: but I have survived them all. Some attackers are dead and two others are dying right now. I have this promise from Jesus: that nothing formed against me will prosper. I have an additional promise: that nothing they do against the Truth will prevail. You see I chose to allow 2Corinthians 13:8 to push me more and more closer to Jesus:

"We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth."

There I stand. And although I must bear my own cross, on it I want the truth nailed. I want nothing of Rome with me as I carry my own cross.

How about you?

The Blessing Of Truth

The blessing of Truth is that it saves you through Jesus Christ our Lord.

When religion does not answer the thirsting of the soul, when you go home tired after the ritual shout-down, and when the Spirit nudges you to pick up the Bible and read: there is a purpose the Holy Ghost is working.

At these times just say: "speak my Lord and I'll be quick to answer thee."..

You see religion can become an addiction but people are still not saved. Many are still not free if they are saved. Religion is not Truth. Truth is not a religion. It is the testimony of God. It is the counsel of his mind. It contains no darkness and is always the Light. Truth is always right. It does not have to apologize. It does not deceive or pervert or lie or twist or have anything false within it. Truth is pure, it is holy, it is the highest standard of knowledge and wisdom. Truth represents all that God is.

If you choose Truth it will demand of you honesty. It will lead you from men

but bare you to the throne of God. Truth will set you free from every sin, from all your condemnation, and give you a pure heart. Truth washes and cleanses us in a way that takes away every dirty spec of uncleanness and falsehood.

Truth is a lie detector. If there is any lie in you put there by men, by religion, by yourself: Truth will prick your heart and tell you it is wrong. If you resist these pricks your mind will become seared and you will no longer want or love Truth. You will want to defend lies and religion. You will hate Truth because you refused to accept it. If you are being challenged by Truth, see that you receive it.

The last struggle of the Church age will be over the Truth. What side are you on? Will you sacrifice to stand with the Truth or give your soul to defend lies and deceptions?

If you have a heart for Truth, Truth will lead you from the UPC. It has led thousands out of that religion that has loads of Catholic traditions and teachings. Take a stand and leave the UPC and start a new Church, a Church of Truth. The Truth deserves a place of worship. Give Truth it's glory and show God you honor him as the source of this divine glory.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Jesus Is A Hebrew Name

Acts 26:15.  In the Paleo-Hebrew tongue Jesus told Saul his name was Jesus.

Now if Saul was told some other name he did not write it or preach it to the nations. Therefore, we know Jesus is the Hebrew name of Jesus. This Hebrew name was written in Latin, Greek, and Paleo-Hebrew on the Cross. The phonetics of the name Jesus is sealed for all eternity in the Latin and Greek. And when they agree phonetically because they represent the Hebrew name Jesus, we can see and know of assuredly, Jesus is the name above all names.

Thank You Jesus for your great name.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Answering The Liars Of The UPC

1.) I am accused by liars of the UPC that I claim to hold a PhD degree. This is false. Many years ago a man by the name of Chris Goodwin requested to post some of my Bible studies on his web site. I gave him permission. In his comments about me, he mistakenly called me Pastor Gary Reckart, PhD. This was picked up by the search engines and it is now on the internet. Instead of the liars contacting me about this, they demanded I present them my dissertation for the PhD degree. I answered this accusation several times and it still appears in many UPC lies about me.

2) I am accused of making myself a Bishop by UPC liars. As if I needed someone to ordain me into this title and office before I am entitled to use it. I answered this UPC hate rant. First let me say, I was ordained into the office of Bishop by the following Bishops before me: Bishop Joseph Rex Dyson, Bishop Norman Kent, Bishop W.E. Smith, and Bishop Boyd Lawson. Now I asked my UPC accusers who ordained any UPC minister as a Bishop since the UPC does not ordain into that office? How many of these did these UPC liars question who ordained them? Well, I got one UPC liar to admit no one ordained them to this office they just took it and started using it because they believe being a Pastor made them Bishops automatically. I ask this UPC liar, why then he was attacking me for using the title Bishop when I also have been a Pastor since 1972. The UPC liar would not answer. Typical UPC liars do this kind of things. If they can persuade people in their lies it gives them great joy.

3) I was asked if I held a Doctoral degree since I use the title Dr. Gary Reckart. I gave this UPC liar the name and telephone number of Dr. Clinton Willis, Biblical Apostolic University, (479-524-3923). That devious liar then said, he was not going to call because it would be long distance charge to him. Well, let me say this, if he keeps up his lies, he is going to have another long distance charge and it will pay that bill. :)

4). It has been claimed by these UPC liars that I am telling lies about the name Jehovah. That it is the true name of God. No, the name Jehovah has never been the true name of God. It is the UPC and these liars who are telling the lies. The name Jehovah was invented by a Catholic monk in 1260-1270AD. It never existed before this monk created it. I have proved the name Jehovah did not exist in the Aramaic Jewish Bible. It did not exist in the Greek Septuagint Bible. It did not exist in the Latin Vulgate. It did not exist in the Textus Receptus. In fact it did not exist and was not known in all of the Old Testament. It is a lie taught in UPC churches that Abraham said Jehovah-Jireh. Abraham did not know and never spoke the name Jehovah. How could he when it was not invented until 3,200 years after he was dead? It is not me lying it is the whole UPC.

4.) It is claimed by these UPC liars that I am telling lies about the name Yahweh. Now that Pastor David K. Bernard and other UPCers have tossed the name Jehovah into the garbage can, they are spreading this new invented name Yahweh as the name of God. I have proven that this fake name was also invented by another Catholic monk using the Samartian bible and perverting the name Yabe there for God into Yahweh. This name also was never know by anyone in the Old Testament. This name is not found in the Aramaic Jewish Bible. It did not exist in the Greek Septuagint Bible. It did not exist in the Latin Vulgate. It did not exist in the Textus Receptus. It did not exist in the King James Version or in any previous version of the Bible. So, they are now wanting to change out Jehovah in the KJV and replace it with this new monk invention Yahweh. Of course I question the UPC and its leaders making this perversion of God's name. The UPC attacks on me is because I teach the name of Jesus is above all names: above Jehovah and above Yahweh. David K. Bernard's response to me is that if "there is no Yahweh there is no Jesus." I am shocked at this educated stupidity. If this man and all the UPC claims the name of the Father is Jehovah or Yahweh, they are forced to deny Jesus name (which they do), and claim the name of Jesus should be Jehovah or Yahweh if these are the name of the Father and the name of the Father is not Jesus. I will shut the mouths of all these UPC liars.

5.) It is claimed by these UPC liars that they just want to check the credibility of my education to see if I have any right to challenge them. Let me say this: there is no education requirement for any ordained Minister before he has a right to defend the Truth. If there is a UPC rule that if you do not have an approved education by these liars, you have no right to speak, write, preach, or demand the Truth: then these liars need to stand every preacher in the UPC up and demand their education credentials before they can Pastor or speak in a UPC church. This is insanity. But then, these UPC liars, are not known to have much education themselves. And the education they do have is muddled with all these lies and false doctrines of Rome.

6) It is claimed by these UPC liars, that the name of Jesus is not true. That the name of Jesus is really Joshua, Jehoshua, Yahshua, or some other spelling. These liars, including David K. Bernard, claim the name of Jesus is an English name. This is as wrong and insulting as it gets. To accuse me of preaching a false name because they claim it is an English name is stupidity and very wrong. Let me put this to rest easily. The name Jesus is a Hebrew name and it appeared on the Cross in letters of the Greek, Paleo-Hebrew, and Latin alphabets. The name Jesus is the Latin IESVS. It is pronounced Jesus. While there are many who claim there was no letter J and this destroys the name Jesus, let me say these liars are not very clever schemers. The Letter J as we now know it did not exist. But the letter "I" in this name was pronounced with the J letter sound. The J letter sound is very ancient. But for UPC liars to say the name of Jesus is false because there was no letter J to represent the J sound is insanity. I question David K. Bernard and every UPC preacher why they are baptizing in the name of Jesus if it is false? Stop calling me a liar about the name of Jesus being above all names and then baptize saying that name.

There are many more lies of these UPC false accusers. Mainly they do not want their beloved UPC corporation called a Pentecostal Catholic Church. Well my response is then get all the Catholic doctrines and monk names out of all the UPC churches.

Jesus help us all to love the Truth even if you find yourself a member of the United Pentecostal Catholic church.


Bishop Reckart
A man God made

Friday, April 5, 2013

Passover in Jamaica March 25, 2013 after sundown. 

This is a great event in that nation. 

No other people on that whole Island among the Oneness people observed the Passover of Jesus but our little band of Jesus House members. 

I am so very proud of all of them. Maybe I can get some more pictures.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The UPC Observes Catholic Christmas Paganism

The UPC observes Catholic Church Christmas (Christ mass). The Catholic Church invented December 25th as the birthday of Jesus and adopted the date of the Roman Saturnalia. The UPC has never disclosed this to its members the entire 67 years of its life. Why? It did not because it is a daughter of whore Rome.

If by the time a person is 67 years old and does not know of the paganism of Christmas celebrations and observances, that individual has not allowed the Holy Ghost to speak to them about idolatry. It is evident the UPC has not allowed the Holy Ghost to speak to it about this idolatrous catholic practice. The UPC has taught and led thousands and thousands of its members in the sin of idolatry for 67 years. There has not been a single writing against catholic Christmas in the Pentecostal Herald for 67 years. No prophet has risen in the UPC ranks to cry out against the UPC idolatry and accepting this false Catholic birthday of Jesus. That is a great evil and sin. The organization uses Christmas to sucker millions of dollars in contributions. The UPC uses christmas to rake in money from those in its grip.

Did your UPC church celebrate Christmas in any way (even giving gifts)? Then grab your wife and kids and leave. You are being made into a Pentecostal Catholic. Leave. Do it right now. Tell your pastor you will not let the UPC make you into a Pentecostal Catholic and you are leaving and watch him explode.

Worship in your house, in your car, in the woods, in a barn, in a park, or some place where the fingers of Rome are off your soul. Many thousands of others had to do this to get away from Rome. Get the fingers of the Catholic Church off your mind and off your soul.

Do not give gifts or do anything on this catholic helladay. Give your gifts on birthdays or special occasions that have nothing to do with catholic invented monk days.

Christmas trees from the grove, the bulbs, the decorations are all part of ancient idolatry (2kings 23:7, Jeremiah 10). Those round Christmas wreathes, the red flowers, Santa Claus, the system of lies, are the fingers of Rome gripping your heart and soul. Get those fingers of the prostitute whore off your heart.

In the UPC, the pope of Pentecost David K. Bernard, will not tell you these things because he is a Catholic Pentecostal. You must hear this from someone who has escaped the UPC. Fear will first grip you if you think to leave the UPC. The same fear Catholics experience. But you must break this fear off your soul and cast it down. Do it right now.

You should leave the UPC over Christmas. If you do not, you are accepting Rome's fingers on your soul.

Come out and join your brothers and sisters who were once UPC or in another Oneness group but now they are free of these Pentecostal Catholic religions.

It matters not where you began your walk with Jesus, but you MUST let him lead you away from false religion just like he did the Apostles.

Follow Jesus only, for you cannot follow Jesus and the UPC. To follow Jesus is purity. To follow the UPC is to follow corruption. The UPC is not following Jesus it is following Rome in several doctrines and practices.

All I want is you to follow Jesus alone. In that day he will become 100% your Lord. He will lead you. Because he is 100% your Shepherd.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

No, The UPC Can Not Save You

Exploding the myth that the UPC can save you.

No, the UPC cannot save anyone since it did not die on the Cross.

No, the UPC cannot save since it has no blood to shed.

No, the UPC is not sent by God to save the world.

These are all erroneous thoughts people have. Jesus calls, prepares, and sends forth his Ministers and they do not need to belong to the UPC.

In fact, there are more Oneness Ministers in the world not in the UPC than are in the UPC.

Jesus is the one who saves through the preaching of the Gospel, and the UPC is not the only group preaching Acts 2:38. What is so wrong with the UPC, is that after they teach and administer Acts 2:38, they make their converts into Pentecostal Catholics. They teach them it is okay to observe the 8 monk doctrines and practices of Rome. So we must explode the myth that a person is saved because they are a member of a UPC church.

We must warn all the members of the UPC that they must come out of the UPC and stop practicing Catholic monk traditions and observances. The UPC will not teach its members the Truth on the Catholic traditions it holds.

It may anger you to read this, but you should be angry at the UPC for not being honest and telling you this. If you are not angry at the UPC for not telling you it observes and practices at least eight Catholic monk inventions: then you have no right to be angry here at us.

Jesus, please open the eyes of the UPC members to see they have been deceived to accept Catholic monk practices and observances.

Do Not Seek Truth Among Liars

If you want to know the Truth do not seek it among liars. If you want to know Jesus Christ do not seek him among the cults. If you want to go to heaven do not hang out with those going to hell. When you overcome yourself you have overcome your greatest downfall. Keep yourself from the perversions of liars and the Truth will be more beautiful. Your future is a choice so do not let others choose your future when you do not know how they have chosen theirs. If I have told you the Truth and someone says it is lies, it is because they do not know the difference between their lies and the Truth. Beware of those who speak great swelling words but who cannot speak little words that birth faith. Yeah, I said so....

Miserable Men With No Peace Of Mind

When men think they can destroy the Truth by attacking the messenger, they are of all men most miserable. For they cannot have peace of heart and mind so long as the victim of their hate still lives. So long as the victim of the hate lives there is no rest to the soul of the one who thinks they can still destroy the Truth with the wickedness they devise in their heart.

Do Not Deny The Name Of Jesus

If you deny me, you have just sinned against a brother. You can repent and get it right. But if you deny Jesus name, you will go to hell. And there is no place of repentance once the flames has your soul.

The UPC Is Not The End Of The Search For Truth

If anyone believes the UPC is the end of all search for Truth, they will end up lost because the UPC has loads of Catholic traditions in it.

If you do not know the Catholic practices accepted by the UPC, you better begin finding out.

Many will try to put stumbling blocks in your way so you will not find out. Many will tell you the UPC is the best Oneness organization and lie to you. Many will try to get you to go back to the UPC and deny the Truth. If you do this, if you to known lies, God may never prick your heart again to come out.

You can dance and bump into people, and twirl until you are dizzy, but you will be lost.

When you come out, stay out. Do not go back. If you do your mind will be wiped by the lies and your conscience will be seared by a hot iron.

The UPC is not the end of the search for Truth.

Passover Bread 2013

When Pastor Reckart makes the Passover Unleavened Bread for the annual Lord's Supper Memorial, he makes it as real as he can. No other preacher in the world ever put the name of Jesus into the unleavened bread as a tribute to the 33 1/2 years of holy life of Jesus.

Yes, I want to start a new practice.

Yes, I want all of our Jesus House Global family to put the name of Jesus in next year 2014 Unleavened Bread.

Yes, let us remember we are the true Jesus Only.

Those who believe in the monk names Jehovah and Yahweh are not true Jesus name only people.

We prove what we are by the name in the Bread we eat.

Jesus, your name is great and from the east to the west, I will spread your name to the nations. And the Gentiles will trust in your name.

Thank you Jesus for calling me out to this work of your great Name.

Your son,
Pastor Reckart

The Name of Jesus Is Under Attack In Indonesia

The name of Jesus is under attack in Indonesia.

There are many in the country of Indonesia now blaspheming the name of Jesus.

How did it all start there?

It all started with UPC members who believed the writings of David K. Bernard that the name of God was Yahweh. This led them to search the internet for this Yahweh name of God. They discovered the cults of YHWH who have perverted so much of the Word of God they can never be saved again. As Paul said: "they are severed from Christ." And it is "impossible to restore such an one. "

The slide down the slippery slope into the abyss of hell began right in the UPC church.

While we do not expect David K. Bernard to become a Jesus name blasphemer as these have developed into, we do hold him accountable for the destruction of these souls. He wrote those lies that the name of God was Yahweh. He planted the seed. He is the one who is responsible for them believing this cult mess.

There are many thousands of others who will be turned into blasphemers just like these in Indonesia.

I am warning every one of you: do not believe the lies of David K. Bernard. The name of God never was or ever will be Yahweh. The name of God is Jesus and it has always been Jesus. Do not be deceived by the UPC, by David K. Bernard, or by any other means.

Do not accept Yahweh, it was a name invented around 1565 by a Catholic monk. It did not exist before this invention. Do not accept it.

Stick to the name of Jesus. You will not go wrong.

Pray for the believers in Jesus name in Indonesia. Believe with me. The battle there is now getting worse and worse. Please pray for our Brothers and Sisters of Jesus name there. We do not care if they are in the UPC or not. We do not want anyone deceived to reject the name of Jesus. If the UPC does not stand up there against the name of Yahweh the members will have to leave those UPC churches and start new ones where the name of Jesus will be held in high respect.

The Nettles And The Wheat

I saw the field of the foolish man all grown up with nettles. He had deceived himself that God would plow his field, sow his seed, water the plants, give the increase, reap the harvest, and deliver the produce into his barn. As the days passed into weeks and then months and the harvest was past: alas all there was out there in front of him were those wretched nettles. So, he went out and got those nettles and put them in his church. He tried to make them appear as wheat but as much as he tried, he could not get them to change the way they looked. He stood before them and said: "ho all ye wheat, do not call yourself a nettle any more, for that is negative thinking. Call yourself wheat. Believe ye are wheat. Name it and claim it. And wheat you are." But he was working with nettles. A wheat will mature into exactly what God designed it to be. Even so, many people think their church is filled with wheat when all that has been harvested are the nettles.

Pastor Reckart Breaking The Passover Bread

Who Controls Your Mind?

If truth is rejected because a person wants to continue to believe lies: the devil is controlling their mind.

Not Afraid Because We Are Not Ashamed

When you are not ashamed, you are not afraid (Romans 1:16; Acts 18:9-10).

Refusing To Walk In The Light

He that refuses to walk in the Light is cursed to stumble in his darkness.

The Curse Of Rejecting The Revelation Of Jesus Christ

It has been my observation that those who have a cursed life are the ones who have rejected a revelation of Truth. God cannot bless those who reject Truth.

Deliverance Is An Act Of God's Mercy

Deliverance is a beautiful act of God's mercy. When the Israelites cried to God because of their sufferings, God heard them in heaven. His answer was deliverance and compassion. He would separate them from the cause of their sufferings.

Every act of deliverance is an act of mercy and compassion.

There are several kinds of deliverance:

1) deliverance from demonic powers and possession;
2) deliverance from physical illness which includes healing of the mind and body;
3) deliverance from one's own sinful acts and addictions;
4) deliverance from the torments of past memories of abuse;
5) deliverance from religious delusions caused by lies, fables, false interpretations, and perversions;
6) deliverance from people who are evil and who exert control over a person's mind;
7) deliverance from the devil's kingdom.

Deliverance is a choice. It is all about CHANGE. If a person does not want change deliverance is impossible.

Desire deliverance, cry to The Lord Jesus for change. When he moves on your behalf, submit and surrender. Then let him lead you step by step into the glorious liberty of promise. Surrender: where he leads follow. Do not look back. Your future is in front of you. The past will forever be blotted out. Set your affections on things above.

Deliverance is a great miracle of mercy and compassion.

Salvation, ...The Real Salvation

Salvation in its basic meaning is "escape."

To be saved from a burning hell means we have escaped from the future punishment of our sins.

In salvation we are saved by a Saviour. We could not save ourselves from our sins and we could not save ourselves from the burning flames of hell. Our sins and unrighteousness make us helpless to save ourselves. It takes someone who is not in our accursed condition to save us. To help us escape. To give us salvation.

You see salvation is not a one time thing. To be saved and staying saved is salvation escape working in our lives every day. You see, Jesus can save you and then daily keep you saved. You can never say Jesus saved me now I do not need him any more I can make it on my own. We need Jesus every second of the day in our heart keeping us saved.

So, salvation is a continuing work of escape. Every time we say no to evil, to sin, to the wickedness of worldliness, to lies and false religion: We are escaping through the power of Jesus in our lives. Jesus is then always our Saviour.

Many get saved from all their sins and from all the future judgment in a burning hell. They have escaped by the forgiveness of their sins (Acts2:38), but then some devil comes along and says "that's not sin" and we are led back into sins we were saved from. We escaped and then were told we could release ourselves from such a strict sin free life, and go back and do sins, but pretend they are not sin. In this manner we can select a church that allows our sins and at the same time tell us we are saved.

Jesus came to save us because we could not save ourselves. He came to give us hope when our sins and the hurt of them caused us to feel hopeless. He sent each of us a message he loves us and wants us to escape the sorrows of our future burning hell.

It is really simple: do you want saved from your future burning hell? If you answer yes: come right now to the altar and cry to Jesus to save you. You say there is no altar where you are. Kneel down and lay your bible on the ground. Lay one hand on that bible on a page that has Jesus name on the cross. And tell Jesus you are sorry for your sins and to save you. Let your bible be your altar. Tell Jesus you want him in your life forever. Cry unto The Lord Jesus. Raise your hands and worship. Let the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit now fill your soul.

Salvation is God's gift of love and mercy. Turn to Jesus the only Saviour. Be willing to accept a changed life. There is hope. But you must want a changed life more than anything. Jesus is the beginning of a changed life. Your ending will not be nice if Jesus is not your Saviour right this minute.

Escape from the pollutions of sin. Enjoy your journey with Jesus saved from a future burning hell.

That is real salvation.

Only The Free Can Speak Freedom From Rome And Mystery Babylon

Can a man speak of freedom from that which he is not free and does not want to be free?

Cannot Eat At The Lord's Table

I remember as a kid being called to the supper table. My favorite was fried potatoes, sliced red tomatoes, fried hamburger patties, sliced home made bread, and great northern beans (ice cold water).

We all had to wash up, which for me meant all the way to my elbows and my face. Mom would make me go back to the wash bowl if I was not clean. To eat at our table you had to be clean. No one could touch any of the food on the table if their hands were not clean.

In the tabernacle the table could only be attended by those with kosher hands. They who bore the vessels of The Lord must be holy. God did not want those with unholy and unwashed hands attending at his altars. The table of shewbread was right there near the altar of incense where the prayers of the people were offered up.

What is so beautiful about the Passover Table of Jesus is that it is the place the holy washed hands of Jesus gave and said "take and eat" and "take and drink." The leader of the Passover supper that night was Jesus. He led them through the memorial of the old and instituted the new. At one table he gave us the plan of salvation. And at one table they ate and drank the Gospel.

When the Passover became so real to me so many years ago, it became my favorite Supper. Because it was so special I put a lot of planning into it. I show I care by the way I set the Table. This is so very special I cut no corners. I make it more beautiful than any Jewish Passover table. You see, I have respect unto the Table of The Lord Jesus.

I know the liars will spin their lies. The perverters will make up stories out of their wicked hearts, and religious demon spirits will fight: and although many will be deceived, yet the Truth remains triumphant. They can destroy the man but the Truth is indestructible. And this is what Passover symbolizes. They can hate the man Christ Jesus and kill him: but the Truth will live on in the hearts of the faithful.

There are many fake tables serving up religious pots of their random collected gourds and prepare a delicious tasting soup. But there is poison in those pots. They who cooked it up and they who serve it are all as one. Only when someone cries "there is poison in the pot" can corrective action can be taken if there is a man of God near who had nothing to do with that pot in the first place.

The words of a righteous man speaketh wisdom whereas the words of a liar speaketh poison.

Eat and be filled at whatever table you choose. Of one life. Of the other death.

We have a Table which they who serve their altars of false pots of poison religion CANNOT EAT.

They cannot eat because they are not invited. They have dirty hands. Their face is not washed. They cannot touch this food. And it puts them into a frenzy of hell. As they stand afar off and scream their hate and anger saying "away, away, with those at the Passover Table that Bishop Reckart preaches about."

So to them the Table of The Lord is contemptible. They hate it and will speak blasphemies against it. They know not in their stupidity they are railing against the emblems of the blood and body of our Saviour and the very message of tge Gospel. I do not want them at the Table of The Lord until they wash up their hands from their filth and come with a clean face.

Then they are welcome.

They can come to the Table.

Check Out The Liars They Hide What They Are

BTW, a check of the Internet indicates there could be many thousands who hate me and who have written lies, distortions, and perversions about me.

You have a choice: would a man as evil as these make me be so anointed and blessed by God to write the Truths I write?

Those of you with the real Holy Ghost can discern if what I write is God inspired or not. Those who have a fake Holy Ghost will of course say their false doctrines are more inspired of God.

Many who come here and read are lied to by UPC liars and other liars. Before you believe the liars, why not ask me?

Do not believe all those things written on the Internet. They come from adulterers, witches, homosexuals, monks, baby baptizers, law keepers, serpent seed, preterists, dispensational pret-trib rapturists, trinitarians, child molesters, Freemasons, and other evil persons. Before you believe the liars, check them out.

Bishop Reckart
A man God made

Easter Is Over No Prophet In The UPC Stood Up

Catholic Easter is over. No prophet arose within the UPC or the other Oneness organizations. I am convinced they have none and the ones they have are all false glory seekers. David K. Bernard leads the UPC and he does not possess the Spirit of a Prophet. Something is very wrong here.

The Easter bunny has gone back I presume to the wonderland of Alice. They never did say where she came from or where she goes back to. I mean with Santa Claus they say he comes from the north pole and goes back there. So where do the UPC preachers who celebrated the Easter goddess bunny say this rabbit came from and will go back to? Could it be they never answered this question because all the members are so dumbed down they would never think to ask it? No question asked, no answer need be given.

The UPC along with the PAW are all catholic Pentecostals. They think they are not catholic because of Acts 2:38 and the Oneness doctrine. Well, several years ago I ask a catholic high ranking official if baptism in Jesus name was accepted by the catholic church. He said the Catholic church fathers decided a long time ago to accept baptisms in the name of Jesus providing these baptized and the baptizer did not deny the trinity. Well, with Lord Jesus Christ as the formula name used by the majority of Oneness people, that represents Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the trinity: that is covered. This means all baptisms by Oneness in the name of the "Lord Jesus Christ" to represent the trinity of Matthew 28:19 ARE ACCEPTED BY ROME.

What of the Oneness doctrine?

The official said the UPC and other Oneness groups who deny Jehovah is Father God and who deny Jesus is his Son, are not accepted by Rome. Well, howdy... Now we get to another shocking new reality. The UPC and most Oneness do confess Jehovah as Father God and they do confess Jesus is the Son of Jehovah God. All that is missing is referring to these two as separate persons in the Godhead. Well the UPC does refer to them differently but balks in calling them persons. The UPC will say that Jesus the Son of God is the visible manifestation of Jehovah God. So Jesus is a different person than Jehovah even if the word person is not used. One UPC preacher said there was no Jesus until he was born the Son of God in Bethlehem. And he also said there will come a time when the Son of God will cease to exist. Let me see if I got this right? Jesus did not exist? That means he is not eternal, since being God demands no beginning and no ending. It means God must be everlasting and eternal, time without end. So if there was a time Jesus did not exist, he could not be God. This means Jesus and the Father are separate persons. the Father, Jehovah God is eternal and Jesus the son is created and had a beginning. Only God is uncreated. If Jesus began his existence in Bethlehem, then he is a created person separate and distinct from the Father Jehovah. Because anything not eternal is a part of the creation.

The catholic church will seek ways of common ground with the UPC but via a Pentecostal ecumenicalism which David K. Bernard is now plotting the path for all major groups to come together in unity. What is ecumenicalism? Basically it is unity without doctrinal agreement. It means you agree to disagree for the sake of unity and each will not consider the other unsaved or in heresy or false doctrine. It is the same as compromise but it is called unity and not contending for one's personal view to the disunity of the body. When this mantra is applied within this new developing ecumenical Oneness unity of the major Pentecostal groups, they will make an announcement. They will then plan one gigantic huge he-haw. All the popes and bishops will come into the meeting convention and it will look like Nicaea all over again.

We are now in the midst of an endtime revival of all that is antichrist. We are seeing birthing of every major false doctrine that rose against the first Church. We are seeing men of political and financial power manipulating the minds of the rank and file and brainwashing them. The voice of the prophets have all been silenced. A new Babylonian musical ensemble of the cornet, the flute, the harp, the sackbut, the psaltery, the dulcimer and all kinds of music is working the crowds into a frenzy of emotionalism and they will fall down to this new ecumenical image of United Pentecostalism. What will they name this new beast? What will this new Babylonian baby be called. One thing it cannot be called is the APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Because the true people of God will not accept this theft if it occurs.

Some of you will never participate in the voice against this endtime Mystery of Babylon. You will let the liars deceive you with their lies. You will think everyone who is against unity is of the devil. Well I am for the unity of the faith, the one first delivered, but this monster that has been conceived and soon to be born is not that FAITH or that Church. A gigantic false Pentecostal church is about to be born. Catholic Pentecostalism is the false church. I am demanding all of you to come out of it (oh no, I did the wrong thing there commanding). Well I did that to see whose feathers I could ruffle. I did it to poke at the lurking serpents who will fast forward this comment to the powers of Pentecostal Babylon.

My brothers and sisters, if you have the real Holy Ghost, your spirit will witness to everything I have written. If you do not have the real Holy Ghost your spirit will be provoked and you will get steaming mad and angry. Check your spirit.

Jesus bless us all as we fight the true fight of faith.