Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Over the years I have met many different kinds of men. There is a particular kind of man I choose to avoid. These are the ones who become obsessed with hate to the point they begin to revile. This reviling takes on the nature of "smearing" the name and reputation of those they target for their hate.

I have been the victim of hate, reviling, smear, for years. My stand on the name of Jesus has generated this bigotry. My decision not to fellowship certain men, certain religious organizations, has created a hail-storm of anger from hundreds of people. My name on the internet is mud. If you read the silly nonsense, it is obvious they are intent on smearing me in the hopes they can gather people around themselves and at the same time attack me for standing against their false doctrines and lies. In spite of this reviling, I remain strong in faith, steadfast in Spirit, and always abounding in the blessings of Jesus.

A few months ago, I came under attack over the tithing issue. I had written a bible study on this subject and concluded it with the words I did not want to fellowship non-tithers and did not want them to travel or minister with me. I was cursed by many for saying this. Let me say here, all the followers of Jesus believe in and gave tithes. All of them. There was not a single man among the twelve who were law-breakers or breakers of the faith of Abraham. Men can say Jesus had non-tithers among his twelve but they lie. They can say Jesus did not demand tithing of his disciples. And they can say he had a confused mix of tithers and non-tithers. But this is all in an attempt to revile me and smear me.

Jesus clearly said men ought to tithe. And he clearly said if a person was not faithful in unrighteous mammon: who will commit to your trust the true riches (Luke 16:11). The faithfulness here can only point to what is to be given to God. It cannot point to what a person spends on themselves. There is a unity between the giving of money and receiving the true riches. The true riches are based upon the proper faithfulness of giving. While many cry about use of Malachi 3:8-11, to show how God looked at tithing, saying that was under the law: they still cannot cancel the fact God honored tithing as a means to support his temple and its ministers. The law ending on Calvary did not end the tithe, it only change to whom it was to be given. The priesthood being changed is what Paul says in Hebrews.

Let me say here as plain as I can: I require tithing of all my church members. I require tithing from all Ministers directly under my ministry. I do not and have never required everyone to tithe to me like I am a "five star general" as one man lies and reviles. In my missionary work, I require all pastors to preach and teach tithing. All of the tithe of these missionary works go to the pastor. Not one penny has ever come to me. I do not receive tithes of anyone from any country. If a minister places himself under me for his spiritual covering, I am expecting him to tithe. If I am not his spiritual covering, I do not receive tithing from him.

In my ministry I teach all pastors the following:

1) If a member does not tithe they have no vote or say in any matters of the church.
2) If a member does not tithe they cannot be a board member of the church.
3) If a member does not tithe they cannot minister to the congregation in any form.
4) If a member does not tithe they cannot be a worship leader.
5) If a member does not tithe they cannot play any music or sing any special songs.
6) If a member does not tithe they cannot be ordained to any ministerial office.
7) If a member does not tithe they cannot teach sunday school or be a youth leader.
8) If a member does not tithe they cannot go on any missions trips.
9) If a person does not tithe they can attend church, worship with us, and are free to come and go as they please since they are recognized only as visitors and not members.
10) If a person creates any church disturbance over the tithing issue they are put out of the fellowship of the church and not allowed to come back again.
11) If a person is disfellowshipped because of spreading hate, reviling, and telling lies for the purpose to "smear" me, they are never again allow back. The person can go any where of their choosing. If Jesus will allow them into heaven, that is not my business. But I will not allow revilers to come into the church and spread discord and disunity.

I follow the doctrine of the Scriptures. If you choose not to believe in tithing that is ok with me, but do not think you will ever force me to accept you or to want fellowship with you.

In the past, rather than fight with naysayers and revilers I have let them alone and remained mainly silent. Only in some rare cases will I encounter the revilers to correct or refute them personally. Once a man becomes a reviler, he is finished in my book. Once he begins to smear to make himself a name on his dragging me through the mud, he is finished. I may be smeared and reviled, but Jesus is still my Lord, still my Savior, and still my God: and he will prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies.

smear  (smîr)
v. smearedsmear·ingsmears
a. To spread or daub with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance.
b. To apply by spreading or daubing: smeared suntan lotion on my face and arms.
2. To stain by or as if by spreading or daubing with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance.
3. To stain or attempt to destroy the reputation of; vilifypolitical enemies who smeared his name.
4. Slang To defeat utterly; smash.
To be or become stained or dirtied.
1. A mark made by smearing; a spot or blot.
2. A substance to be spread on a surface.
3. Biology A sample, as of blood or bacterial cells, spread on a slide for microscopic examination or on the surface of a culture medium.
a. Vilification or slander.
b. A vilifying or slanderous remark.

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