Monday, May 19, 2014

Check-In At One Of The Gates To Hell

There are many gates that lead down to hell. There is just one gate that leads to the Kingdom of God and everlasting life.

Many do not know it, they have never been told what a gate to hell is.

They are not told because to do so means a preacher would have to preach against something he likes or is involved with. Or, he does not think these are a gate to hell. So he will not mention these from the pulpit. There are many antichrist preachers in the pulpit, they are change agents. There are many members in the pew who are change agents. Facebook and the internet are full of secret change agents. They do not want others to know what a gate to hell is. Many of them operate from the portals of the gates to hell and visit churches to see who they can lure to their gate. Members of churches today are being evangelized by members of satan's change agents. These agents operate right in the church openly and preachers are saying nothing.

What is happening is, anti-holiness, anti-tithers, anti-christ preaching the monk names Jehovah or Yahweh, operate among the congregations. Bible schools are brainwashing students with change agent programming. Religious organizations now have leaders who no longer believe the name of Jesus is the true name of Jesus and offer other substitutes. Many have accepted the Catholic church interpretations of the name of Jesus. Freemasons operate freely among most churches today and invite members to come join the lodge. Pastors are saying it is ok. College students join satanic oath fraternities. Perversion is rampant among church members all accepted by modern Laodicaea preachers.

Many are checking in at the gates to hell.

Of course I do not expect any of these to like me. In fact members from these groups say they hate me. They come to me asking questions thinking they can trap or trip me up. They go behind my back and contact ministers and other people to spread lies and falsehoods. I expect this. I am prepared for it. When a person can be led astray by the lies of change agents, I let them go. I do not chase after them. The spiritual measure of a man is how well he follows Jesus Christ and the Truth. If he loves the Truth he or she will search it out for themselves. And no one can lead them astray. But for those easily led about by lies, perverted illogical theories, they are just checking into hell by one of the many hundreds of gates that lead there. Truth will lead you closer to Jesus. Lies and falsehood will lead you further and further away.

In the last days there will be many strong delusions. Those in these strong delusions will actually believe they are seeing the Truth, but they are seeing a delusion. Truth cannot be defeated. It can be perverted but it cannot be defeated.

I have checked in with Jesus. I am fully and completely in his control. He is my Lord, my Master, my Savior, my Shepherd, my Teacher, my Leader, my Inspiration, my Anointing, my Revelator, and my Friend.  No one can separate me from him. For several years I have led hundreds to lift his name above all names. Some of these have turned back to a gate to hell. Some of them have become bitter enemies. But still, there are more with me than against me. I continue to lead souls to the gate that has the name of Jesus Christ upon it. This is the joy of my life. It keeps me happy. I am so over-joyed to lead people to the one gate that leads to eternal life. On that gate is the name of Jesus Christ. No other name.

I warn you about change agents. One way to detect one is to see if they are a Reckart hater. Hummmm: they are easy to detect.

Be encouraged all ye true Jesus Name people. If you will not be turned to a gate that leads down to hell: and if you will abide in the one true vine that is the vine of the name of Jesus Christ; you will receive a crown of life.

Jesus name gate.

Bishop Reckart
Jesus Name Gate Guide, Ordained By Jesus Christ Himself

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