Saturday, July 16, 2011

Was Jesus The True Messieh Of Israel

Greetings Everyone:

In our on-going discussions about Jesus and New Testament Judaism, there are important things for us to remember.

First, was Jesus the true Messieh? The Temple cult said no. Jesus said yes. Whom do we believe?

“Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed” (Mark 14:61).

“And Jesus said I am” (Mark 14:62a).

“Then the high priest rent his clothes, and saith, what need we any further witnesses? Ye have heard the blasphemy. What think ye? And they all condemned him to be guilty of death” (Mark 14:63-64).

When Jesus admitted he was Christ Messieh, the Son of the Blessed, the Temple cult condemned him to death. To claim to be Christ was admitting to being a king of the Davidic seedline. The Temple cult denied Jesus was heir of the Davidic lineage to be the Messieh. But they never proved he was not. They did not even bring this up at his trial because they knew he could prove his lineage back to king David.

It was the accusation of his being king that was placed over his head on the Cross: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”

Now the Temple cult did not like this and ask Pilate to remove this writing, and reword it, but Pilate refused. Because it was indeed the very reason Jesus was being crucified. He claimed to be King of the Jews and the Jews denied this as blasphemy and said he deserved to die. Later on these Jews would be the one to select his method of death by screaming "crucify him, crucify him."

When we take a true look at Jesus and ask was he the Messieh? We can only come to a valid conclusion if we answer some simple questions.

1.) Was Jesus qualified to be the Messieh?
2.) Did Jesus come as Messieh in the time frame prophesied by Daniel the prophet in chapter 9:25-26.
3.) Did Jesus fulfill other essential prophecies?
4.) What will the Messieh accomplish?
5.) Is the testimony of the angels true?
6.) Did God really speak from heaven at the baptism of Jesus?
7.) Did Jesus do miracles by the power of God?
8.) Was Jesus resurrected from the grave on the third day?
9.) Was Jesus seen after his resurrection?
10.) Did Jesus ascend to heaven from the Mt. of Olives?

The Temple cult will say no to numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
The Temple cult will say in answer to #4 that Jesus did not fulfill what the Messieh was to accomplish. Most of the reasons Jews now claim Jesus did not qualify or fulfill requirements are things they fabricated in the last 100 years. They hope by publishing this new list of disqualifications, this will cause millions of Christians to recant Jesus and quit being believers in him as the Christ, the Messieh. They also hope that many millions will then convert to become law-keeping Noahide Gentiles who they can teach how to hate Jesus and Christianity.

I will now answer each of these by number. Being a Christian New Testament Jew I am qualified to speak from a Jewish perspective (Romans 2:28-29; Gal 3:29; Phil 3:3, Col 2:12-14; ). And so were the Apostles who were born again Jews of the true Israel of God (see Gal 6:16) . Our New Testament was written by Jews except for Luke and Acts which many claim were written by Luke, a Greek physician who was converted to New Testament Judaism and grafted into the Kingdom olive tree (see Romans 11:24).

Let me say from the beginning, that the true Apostolic Church is Jewish. It is the true Judaism of Jesus. It has nothing to do with the Temple cult Judaism. Because of this, the Apostles were not priests of the Law and they were not preachers of the Law. They were priests and preachers of the Gospel of grace. The Good news that salvation has come to the world.

1.) Was Jesus qualified? The original requirement for the Messieh was that he must be of the tribe of Judah and of the seedline of king David (Psalms 132:11; John 7:42; Romans 1:3). He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). A virgin would birth him (Isaiah 7:14). A star would appear at the time of his birth (Numbers 24:17) . He would be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, and the Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus qualified. It is right here the Temple cult objects. They schemed up their own list of qualifications between 1200 and 1900AD. It is these schemed up qualifications they now use to deceive thousands that Jesus did not qualify to be the Messieh.
2.) Did Jesus come as Messieh in the time frame prophesied by Gabriel in Daniel the prophet in chapter 9:25-26? The answer is yes. What is the time frame Messieh must come? When we read verses 25 and 26 we discover the Messieh will come by the 69th week of years. That is, he will appear in the 483rd year after the decree goes forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. It is agreed by the majority of scholars that this decree was issued in the year 457BC by Artaxerxes. He gave Ezra the authority to rebuild and restore Jerusalem. Since the Messieh must come in the year 483 we can see that Jesus must appear as the Messieh in the year 26-27AD. And if Jesus began his ministry at the age of 30, this means he was born 3-4BC. Most scholars agree with these figures. What is important here? It is this, if Jesus is not the Messieh who fulfilled the prophecy of Daniel, then the Temple cult is forced to trot out their messiah who did. But they have none. They have presented none. This is a great embarrassment to the Jews that they have no messiah to fulfill this important time frame for the Messieh to appear. And remember, it was the angel Gabriel who gave these numbers to Daniel. Did an angel of God lie? If Jesus was not the Messieh, then no Messieh appeared and the angel lied. It is just that simple. What has been an embarrassment to the Jews is that Jesus came right on time in the exact year and they cannot prove he did not.
3.) Did Jesus fulfill other essential prophecies? Yes. He fulfilled over 300 prophecies. These are well documented in the New Testament with references back to the Old Testament. The odds of any man fulfilling all these has already been calculated to be one in one hundred trillion. I have a large list of these prophecies he fulfilled. If you would like them please email me you believe what is written in this blog post and I will forward them to you.
4.) What will the Messieh accomplish? The angel Gabriel said he would save his people from their sins (Luke 1:77, see also Matthew 1:23). He will establish the kingdom of David again and will rule over all Israel (Luke 1:32-33) That Kingdom and nation is the Church, the Israel of God. He will be a light to the Gentiles (Luke 2:32). He will suffer rejection by his own people (Luke 9:22). He will also be made to suffer physical injury and hurt. He will bring salvation (Luke 1:69). For his name Jesus means God has become our salvation.
5.) Is the testimony of the angels true? For the Apostles and Christians they say yes. The Jews say no. There will be no agreement between them. If the angel Gabriel lied to Daniel, lied to Elizabeth, and lied to Mary and Joseph, then of course Jesus was false and the whole New Testament is false. While Jews are quick to say the angel Gabriel lied, or did not speak what is recorded to have been spoken, they have no proof the angel did not speak and the angel lied other than their denials. It is these kinds of acts of hatred of Jews against Jesus that attracts many who also find a reason to hate him. These become easy candidates for conversion to Judaism that rejects Jesus as the Messieh.
6.) Did God really speak from heaven at the baptism of Jesus? Yes. God spoke from heaven and in the words spoken gives the world notice that Jesus is not a bastard, a mamzer as the Jews call him. God called him “my son.” Will God allow the Jews to call his Son a bastard and not do something about it? The Jews say his father was a Roman soldier and Mary was a whore. This makes God a liar. Will God allow the Jews to call him a liar and do nothing about it? The New Testament does not in any way contain any information that would lead a person to believe Jesus was a bastard child. The Jews on the other hand get great joy of accusing Jesus of being a bastard and his mother a whore. This is an attack against God who spoke from heaven and said: “this is my beloved Son.” To call God's Son a mamzer, a bastard, went over the top and God decided to treat the Temple like a pagan idol. While some may convert to the Jews and accept this hatred of Jesus and his mother, those with any measure of common sense would never allow their minds to be manipulated and contaminated with this kind of viral hate. God did speak at the baptism of Jesus. No one will ever be able to change what has already happened.
7.) Did Jesus do miracles by the power of God? Yes. The Jews even admitted that no man could do these miracles unless God was with him (see John 3:2 where Nicodemus speaks for the whole Sanhedrin).
8.) Was Jesus resurrected from the grave on the third day? Yes. The eyewitnesses were many. The New Testament bears witness to the resurrection. Not only these, but the prophecy of Jesus that the Holy Spirit cannot come until he goes away, shows us when the Holy Spirit came, Jesus had gone to heaven 10 days prior. While the Jews continue to say Jesus died and someone stole his body, they have never produced the body to prove their claims. All they have produced is congenital clones of themselves mouthing all the familiar antichrist claims.
9.) Was Jesus seen after his resurrection? Yes, by over 500 people. These remain committed Christian believers after Jesus ascended. The Jews could not get them to deny what they saw with their eyes.
10.) Did Jesus ascend to heaven from the Mt of Olives? Yes. It is here we have the testimony of two more angels. And these tell the Apostles and those gathered that Jesus would come again as he went away. It is in these words of angels we have the hope of the future rapture at the coming of Jesus. Where will Jesus come back to earth? At the Mt. of Olives.

Faith in Jesus as the Messieh and believing he was God manifest in the flesh cannot be denied. Anyone who denies Jesus is the Messieh is an antichrist (1John 2:22). Anyone who denies Jesus came in the flesh, John said they were antichrist (2John 1:7). Anyone who denies the Father and the Son, John said are antichrist (1John 2:22). It is right here, these Jews are three-fold antichrist and no one can redeem them from this satanic identity. These same Jews desire to make antichrist out of every person they can convince Jesus was a false Messieh. At the same time, these Kabbalist Jews want their converts to believe in their god YHWH who has been identified by scholars to be Yahweh a pagan idol god. The Amorites had a god name Yahwe. And there are many other idol gods of the Canaanites who were “yah” gods. We now know that Yah is the Egyptian moon god. And we also now know from Jews and Muslims that Allah and Yahweh YHWH are the same god. Scholars believe Allah is the moon god and that is why the crescent moon on an Asherah pole is the symbol of Allah. If Allah is the moon god and YHWH is the same god as Allah, then YHWH is again proven to be the name of the moon god. We know that the first letters YH they say is Yah. We know the moon god is "yah" and so the whole name YHWH has to do with the moon god.

As Apostolics we are dedicated to the name of JESUS. Our baptism is in his name. He is our Savior. And he is our Messieh. He is our Lord. He is our LORD JESUS CHRIST. And we know perfectly what LORD JESUS CHRIST means.

There are now many thousands of Jews who are no longer held in mental captivity by the lies of rabbis who hate Jesus and Christians. They have escaped. They have come out of darkness to the LIGHT. They no longer want to be associated with a religion that is antichrist through and through. They refuse to call angels liars. Who claim God did not speak from heaven at the baptism of Jesus and call him his Son. They want no part with those who deny Jesus qualified to be the Messieh. Some of these Messianic Jews are beginning to fulfill the endtime prophecies of the 144,000 remnant. And these are GRACE Jews not law-keeping/sabbath-keeping/dietary/holding to circumcision Jews. We are seeing the final gathering of the 144,000 and they are so identified when they come to Acts 2:38 salvation.

This is the GREATER faith. If it is GREAT faith for Jews it is GREAT faith for Gentiles.

A reminder: Because the Jews rejected Jesus they turned God against them. If God allowed the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, WHY? Jews know why. They just do not want to admit it was the judgment of God for the death of Jesus and the death of his half brother James whom they threw down from the Temple wall. And 40 years after they had Jesus crucified by their plots and screaming "away with him" Jerusalem was destroyed. It was like God saying ok: "away with Jerusalem and away with your profane Temple." The Temple was burned down because God did not honor or want it. It was to him like an idol to be destroyed. And from that time till now the judgments of God against Jerusalem and the Temple mount have not been lifted. And to think, this was the HQ of the YHWH shrine. And to think also, those who convert to this Judaism are placing themselves under those God hates. When it comes to YHWH or JESUS, God already make his choice, and the shrine to the name YHWH went up in smoke. If YHWH emblazoned in this profance Temple could not save it, putting these letters in any other temple, synagogue, shrine, church, will not save them. These Jews do not like notice that God is against them. And God is against everyone who joins with these Jews.

When Jesus comes, he comes in flaming fire to execute judgment on those who know not God and who obeyed not the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (2Thes 1:8). Let all of us do as the Apostles and other Jewish Christians, and depart from those who deny Jesus was the Messieh.

Peter, looking over this great war between the Temple cult and the followers made this observation:

"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God" (1Peter 4:17).

The house of God here is reference to the Temple in Jerusalem. And the word "us" is in reference to Jews. Peter wrote this less than five years before the fires of hell devoured Jerusalem and the Temple.

In my conclusion: Jesus was the Messieh. He was the son of David. He qualified. Those who denied it were destroyed. Those who confessed it did not come nigh the judgments of God. Even as the Christians saw Titus coming and escaped, even so, we who know the times will escape from Jews, other cults, the coming antichrist, and all others who have and will cause judgment to come upon the world.

These are times for us to be on guard not only with Jews who hate Jesus, but with other cults who also in one way or another deny he was the Messieh. I urge all who read this, make sure you are in the present Truth and Holy Ghost filled according to Acts 2:1-4. And make sure you are in a Church that believes in the Jesus of Nazareth who was and is the Messieh of Israel. Make sure you are in a Church where YHWH and Yahweh are not accepted as the name of God. Do not remain in a church that yells, screams, hollars, or shouts "halleluyah." Go to a Church like Jesus House where JESUS name is the name above all names. And make sure you are not in a Jehovah church that follows the Masonic lodge god like Charles Taze Russell did.

It is this greater faith in the name of JESUS I bring to the nations. This greater faith is in he who is the true Lord. He is LORD of lords. He is KING of kings. He was God manifested in the flesh. He was called Immanuel!

And his name is JESUS. The name ABOVE all names.

Bishop Reckart
In the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Judaism of Jesus

Include us in your will. Send that million dollar gift of love to:

Pastor Gary Reckart
Jesus House
11731 N. 15th Street
Tampa, Florida

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