Saturday, March 1, 2014

Unraveling Lies About The Name Of Jesus

The confusion comes in when they say YHWH is the divine name of God. Then Jehovah invented from it becomes divine. Then Yahweh invented from it becomes divine. This is a form of Kabbalistic interpretation where any word that has for its root (or claimed root), any part of YHWH becomes holy, sacred, and a part of the divine powers in YHWH. But look at what they do with the name of Jesus. They try to respell it so it has YHWH in it and this is supposed to make the name of Jesus into YHSHWH converted to YAHshWAH. Here you can see they have YHWH now placed in the name of Jesus which they claim is Hebrew but it is really Aramaic. Only thing is, the Apostles in writing the New Testament never used a tetragrammaton name for Jesus. By inventing a new name and placing YHWH into it, many think they have now given Jesus a divine name all because YHWH is now embedded in it.

But the question must come up, was the name of Jesus an earthly name or the divine name of God in all eternity? Was the name of Jesus only an earthly name that originally came from Joshua as they claim? Is the real name of Jesus Joshua? If Jesus came in his Father's name, is the name of the Father Joshua? These are legitimate questions. If every knee will bow to the name of Jesus will they be bowing to the name Joshua?

According to the YHWH cults and their writers, the name of Jesus means Jehovah saves. Translate this backward and they are saying the name of Jesus means YHWH saves, because according to them, the name Jehovah comes from YHWH. So, in reality the name of Jesus itself does not save anyone, because it is Jehovah and by that name who does the saving. I am sure many will not get this. But many will. Is the name of God really Jehovah? A name invented by a catholic monk around 1260AD? And if this name did not exist in the days of Jesus, how can his name mean Jehovah saves? They will convert it to YHWH saves I am sure to avoid this contradiction. Who who is this YHWH god who came from Babylon back to Israel? This was not the God of Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob. They never knew God by this name. They only knew God by the name of Elshaddai (God Almighty).

Here we have the UPCI and its leader, Pastor Bernard preaching the name of Jesus but then denying it is the true eternal divine name of God. I have listened to Pastor Bernard on many occasions. Not once did I ever hear him say the name of Jesus was eternal and a divine name. Not once. I am sure, like some UPCI nonsense preachers, they will say, "Oh it was in the mind of God for a future time, and when God came to earth it was taken out of his mind and then given to the body in which he would dwell." That poses a problem with Joshua! If it was in the mind of God and concealed there, how could Joshua have a secret name that was in the mind of God, and the name of Jesus derived from Joshua?

I am presenting all of this because Pastor Bernard has a duty to correct his own errors and then correct the whole UPCI. Will he do it? Will he die and let the whole UPCI teach another Jesus. Will they use the name of Jesus to do miracles, to cast out devils, to raise the dead, to baptize in, and still not be preaching the truth about the name of Jesus? Are they just using the name of Jesus to build a religion or do they intend to preach the true revelation of the greatest name of God ever to be upon the earth? Greater than YHWH?

We will see.

As for me, I lift up the name of Jesus above all names, even the name Joshua. Joshua is a name that came from the earth. The name of Jesus came from heaven.

I also intend by this, to inspire reasonable minded men and women to believe in the Bible Jesus correctly. Do not pervert anything I have said. Do not run off and try to bring in information that is confusing and form YHWH sources.

Let us work together for the name of Jesus.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made

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