Sunday, March 30, 2014

Judas, the spirit of Judas

Judas is part of the Passover of Jesus story.

He is called Judas Iscariot.
He is called a thief.
He is called a traitor.

Traitor: to expose a person treacherously to an enemy; to sell out; an intentional double-cross.

2Timothy 3:4 traitors in the last days. Means men with the spirit of Judas will expose a person treacherously to an enemy; sell them out; intentionally double-cross them.

If you do not know if you are a  Judas, check out if you have double-crossed someone lately, sold them out for fame, attention, self-exaltation, money? Check out if you have joined the ranks of enemies of any friend and treacherously kissed them good bye as you led others to attack and destroy them. This is what Judas did.

But Judas went to hell.

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