Saturday, March 29, 2014

Passover Of Jesus 2014

Passover always falls on a full moon.
Passover should always be calculated according to the Jewish calendar.
Passover begins in Jerusalem and then goes around the world as it turns for the next 24 hours. Each country, each city, each village, each church, and sometimes each family will wait until sundown to celebrate the most important day in human history. It is the night Jesus ate his last supper. So far as we know he never ate another meal on earth before his death. The Lord's Supper was his death supper.
Jesus observed the old Passover according to the law. He had to do this or he would have sinned. After this supper, he instituted his own Passover memorial. He used the unleavened bread and the Passover cup of wine to represent his flesh and his blood. He told them this was his body and the blood of the New Testament. He showed them he was the true Passover lamb of which the old lamb was just a type and shadow.
After the supper he washed their feet. We believe this was the second time feet were washed that night. It was the custom for feet washing when guest entered into a home and especially if they had been invited for supper. This feet washing was not to show humility but rather shalom, or peace, meaning if you come under my roof there will never be any danger or hurt come to you. Therefore peace. Jesus instituted another washing of feet after his Passover supper. This one was for humility but also for shalom, peace, with the same meaning applied.
This year the full moon and Passover fall on April 14th and the celebration begins after sundown. Before sundown is Abib 14. After sundown is Abib 15. Jesus was crucified on Abib 15. Counting the day beginning at sundown, and ending the next evening at sundown, Passover falls between the evenings. Jesus would be crucified on Abib 15 the next daylight portion of that day.
If we use April 14th after sundown as Abib 15 according to the Jewish calendar, we can then calculate when Jesus was put into the tomb and the day of his resurrection on the third day afterward. Let's do it.
Abib 15 crucified before sundown.
Sundown begins Abib 16 and first night in the tomb.
Sunrise the next morning of Abib 15 and ending at sundown is the first day in the tomb.
Sundown begins Abib 17 and is the second night in the tomb.
Sunrise the next morning of Abib 17 and ending at sundown is the second day.
Sundown begins Abib 18 and is the third night in the tomb.
Sunrise the next morning of Abib 18 is the third day.
It was just before this sunrise the women went to the tomb. It was on our calendar a sunday morning, of the first day of the week. According to the testimony of Jesus after his resurrection in Luke 24:46 he was resurrected on the third day. Many like to make it 72 hours and after the third day because or erroneous interpretation of three days and three nights.
Let's put this on our calendar this year 2014.
Abib 15 begins sundown Monday April 14th.
Sunrise Tuesday April 15th ending that evening is the first day.
Sunset Tuesday April 15th until sunrise April 16th is the first night.
Sunrise Wednesday until sunset April 16th is the first day.
Sunset Wednesday April 16th to sunrise April 17th is the second night.
Sunrise Thursday unto sunset April 17th is the second day.
Sunset Thursday April 17th to sunrise April 18th is the third night.
Sunrise Friday April 18th, is the morning of the resurrection.
We can see that according to the Jewish calendar, Jesus is resurrected on Friday morning April 18th.
Here comes Rome. No, Jesus is not crucified yet. This is good Friday and Jesus will be crucified today. How many days has Rome changed the day of the crucifixion?
Rome then says from sundown Friday to sunrise Sunday is three days and three nights. And Easter will be observed based upon this lie.
It was Rome who decided that Easter would always fall on a Sunday. It was Rome who would decide the day Jesus was crucified even if it was a lie. All those who observe Easter are observing a catholic lie. Add to this the easter paganism and the whole day is lies right out of hell.
Ok, do not try to destroy any of this by illogical and misinterpreted scripture. Jesus was crucified on Passover or he is not our Passover Lamb. Do not mess with this. Leave it alone. Just prepare yourself to celebrate the death supper of Jesus and join him in his Kingdom and in his true Church.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made

Warning, Warning...

The so called blood moon eclipse that will happen on April 15th, will not be visible from Jerusalem or Israel. Do not fall for this hoax. If there is a prophetic blood moon it will be visible in Jerusalem and in Israel. 

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