Tuesday, March 18, 2014

From Empire Building To Kingdom Building

Many years ago, it became very obvious to me that there is a difference between empire building and Kingdom building.

When my children were in their early teens I was temporarily attending a church and the Pastor asked me to organize the youth. So, I prayed about it and decided I would take the task on. Not many youth in that little church, I think about 15-20. But enough to do a lot. So, I checked out the church and its past youth group attempts and there was little I found. It had not had a youth group in over ten years. So, I opened my Bible to get some direction and I found Matthew 24:14, the Gospel of the Kingdom would be preached among all nations and THEN shall the end come.

So, from this, I created the name for the youth group: KINGDOM BUILDERS.

Well, this did not set to well in the long run with the pastor. He wanted his youth more in line with his religious organization name. I came to see a conflict. I am not sure how it came to me, but I could see he wanted empire building and I wanted Kingdom building. Empire building was religious organization with its leaders and ultimate head president who for all practical purposes filled the chair of a Pentecostal pope. Not for me. I was not called to be an empire builder for a religious organization. I was not about to add one soul to that empire. So, in a little while I did the right and noble thing, I resigned. Another young man was put in the position who was very eager for the promotion and the the high mindedness that came with having this position. He fell in line with the empire building program.

I know many are sick of reading what I write. I would give them medicine if they would email me and tell me what kind of sickness comes upon them. I cannot send medicine for mental breakdowns, rants, emotional fits, and screaming tantrums. You have to see a medical doctor for these kinds of trauma. Please, if you are having serious mental issues from reading here, call 911 and ask to be taken to the emergency room. You will get faster attention if when they wheel you into the emergency room if you will wail and gnash your teeth, and scream help, help, he's trying to change me. Yeah..... like that.....

Well, all kidding aside, it gets down to if you are an empire builder or a Kingdom builder. Are you one of those who has been convinced that if you do not help your denomination you will go to hell? Are you among those who scare you with threats of going to hell if you leave that church? Are you being held in your present church because the pastor has you believing he is the only one who can take you to heaven in his Johnny row your boat ashore? If you are in an empire building church, you will hear over and over like a mantra UPC, UPC, UPC, UPC, or maybe PAW, PAW, PAW, PAW, or maybe ALJC, ALJC, ALJC, ALJC, or could it be you hear COOLJC, COOLJC, COOLJC, COOLJC; or WPF, WPF, WPF, WPF? You could hear the mantra of another religious empire being spouted off nearly more times than the name of Jesus is praised these days. Are you a part of the empire building modern tower of Babel organizations who are using the name of Jesus but no longer believe it is really Jesus but Joshua and the name of God is really Joshua?

I made my break with empire building many years ago. I wanted no part dark (Luke 11:36). I wanted nothing Catholic or monk or papacy invented. I saw in mama Rome an empire structure. Yes, remember the Roman Empire, that merged into and became the Catholic church? Do you know an empire changed its identity and called itself a church? How many more of these mega religious empires have given themselves the name church? People believe if these empires are called a church, well bless God, they are a church. Hummm........  Have you noticed these empire religious organizations nearly pattern Rome? Some even have the audacity to wear catholic robes, hats, turned around collars, and call their regions a diocese. Come on people: if you cannot see empire building in all that, even if they claim baptism into the trinity with Lord Jesus Christ formula; where is your head?

I know this will cause many of you to go stark raving mad. But you really need to leave all those religious empires and come on over to the Kingdom of God. Become a Kingdom Builder. A real builder in partnership and association with Jesus Christ our King. His Kingdom there shall be no end. All the religious empires that have mystery Babylon structure will come crashing down. But the Kingdom will be for ever. All the pagan practices and traditions with a connection to empire building will be condemned and judged. In the last days, we who are Kingdom Builders, just as Noah was an Ark builder, shall condemn and judge the last generation.

When the religious empires of men keep backsliding more and more and going more and more into sin and wickedness, it is time to wake up, pack up, and leave empire building and come on over to the Kingdom builders.

Indeed the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached among all nations and then shall the end come.

Kingdom Builders wanted. All others need not apply.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made

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