Thursday, May 5, 2011

True Hebrew Roots/Messianic Judaism

Messianic Judaism
(The Greatest Story Ever Told)
By Pastor G. Reckart
May 6, 2011
Copyright All Rights Reserved

If we look into the Scriptures with an honest heart, open eyes, and free of antisemitism, we will recognize in Genesis 3:15 the Messianic hope.

A seed from the woman would crush the head of the serpent.

While the relationship of God with man was limited because of sin, God still gave mankind hope. We are not sure how individual people visualized this promise of God to be fulfilled. We are sure that the word "seed" describes a human born person.  This person when he arrived on earth through birth by some woman, would in the fullness of time take on the task of crushing the serpent's head with a death stroke, thus bringing an end to his lying and deceiving mouth.

Attacking the head and mouth of the serpent would be his Messianic work. This is the one and only test that would be applied to the coming savior; the coming deliverer, the coming conqueror, and the coming great champion. He would crush the serpent's head and cause his lies to cease beguiling the human race of Adam. To retaliate against this act of revenge on behalf of man, the serpent would bruise the heels of the champion (this speaks directly to the nails in the feet of Jesus).

I have studied extensively the ancient records of past civilizations. Observing the coming forth in different times of great men of renown. One thing stood out to me.  There were many men in their times who were looked upon as a savior, a deliverer, a conqueror, and a champion.  I am convinced after viewing nearly 4,000 years of human history before Jesus, that during the times of each of these great men, people still had in their minds the "promised one" who would revenge Adam's race and conquer the serpent and his evil mouth. But something vital was missing. There is rarely any evidence these men had a quest to conquer the mouth of the serpent and his lies. There was no man of Truth among them. So while they may have been mighty men of war and conquered many people and nations they were not the "the promised one." They never took on the lies of the devil and established a people of righteousness.

Sometimes I read the opinions of men on ancient archaeological images and shake my head in disbelief at their interpretations. How they can come up with some of the opinions they put forth is amazing. They see an image of a man with his foot on a serpent's head and they give crazy interpretations. When I look at them, I see in image form the hope of Genesis 3:15 pictured. And if the man could be identified in the image, we would at least conclude someone knew the ancient promise of God and that the person in the image either claimed or was looked upon as the seed of the woman to crush the serpent's head.

I have seen many examples of Genesis 3:15 in images. So I know that while there were no written books like Genesis for them to refer back to, they had in their memory a Messieh, a Savior, a Deliverer, a Conqueror, a Champion, a man of TRUTH!

I can trace the hope and memory of a man of Truth all the way from Adam to Noah. And from Noah to Abraham. Then from Abraham to Moses. And at last from Moses to Jesus.

Now I know all the antisemites will come out against me, they will blast me with their firery tounges, and roar as ravening lions when they read the next paragraph. But let me say here, my words are better than their words; my writing more skillful than theirs; my understanding greater than theirs; and my interpretations have a Truth grade level above all their lies, speculations, fantasies, spiritualizings, distortions, and perversions. I am seeking no man's approval or permission to write the next paragraph that you will read.

The seed of the woman coming to crush the head of the serpent was to be a HEBREW MESSIEH!  Not an Egyptian. Not a Greek. Not a Latin. Not a Chaldean. Not an Arab. Not any Gentile. Yes, right here is the true HEBREW roots movement. The "promised one" will be a Hebrew and a Jew. This Hebrew Roots has NOTHING to do with law-keeping. Nothing to do with the tetragrammaton. Nothing to do with the food you eat; If you are circumcised; what days you celebrate as holy; or what other law-keeping practices you may observe.  If anyone denies the HEBREW roots of the hope of the coming "promised one." If they deny Jesus was a Hebrew. If they deny Jesus was a Jew. If they deny he was the only champion of Truth to ever walk the earth in conflict with the serpent; that person has serious mental issues.

The Hebrew belief and faith in the coming Messieh seed can be ignored. It can even be denied and ridiculed. Gentiles can attempt to usurp from the Jews this divine right and promise. Many have and will continue to pervert the true Hebrew Roots of the "promised one." But it will NEVER be destroyed. God will always have a witness and I am one of them. You would not be reading this if I were not. And if God had no witness, he will witness himself because this was a unilateral promise to Abraham and it cannot be changed or God will become a devil.

Men can pervert their minds, invent stupidity, be carried away with their own speculations, and may even succeed in deceiving millions of people: but they will die fools.  The promised Messieh will come. And he will be a Hebrew. This is my Hebrew roots. This is my Messianic Judaism.  All of you can now tell the world: Pastor Reckart is into Hebrew Roots and his name is Jesus. You can attack the Messianic Judaism of Jesus any way you please but you will die a fool.

The Hebrew Messianic seed was a promise of God to Adam and Eve. It is the messianic seed and the lineage of this seed who are Hebrew. It is this one hope that stands behind the whole name HEBREW. Take the promised redemption of the promised seed out from this people and those men and women cannot claim to be a true Hebrew.  This is not about race: white, black, or brown. People promoting black racism as Hebrewism are in a delusion.

All you antisemites can quit reading.
All you law-keepers can stop reading right here.
All you Jew haters can quit reading right now.
All you who hate the Messianic Judaism of Jesus will die lost if you do not accept the Truth.

What follows is for those who believe in the Hebrew Jesus and the true Hebrew roots.

As I observe the faith and activity of these ancient Hebrew patriarchs of the seed, their wives and children, I sit in awe. What great people. What magnificent souls. People I want to be like. People in whom I see an example and a pattern for my life. To me they are the perfection of godliness. In them I see pure holiness. I see a religious people who had no shame or fear when they died. They had developed a relationship with God that would go with them into the grave. And should they not see the seed of the woman to crush the head of the serpent, they would encourage their children to look for him and never give up hope.

Something else stood out to me as beautiful. When it first came into my heart as I was thinking upon the great things of God, I was in awe again. I sat in appreciation and in great admiration of so many men of the Hebrew roots seed. From Adam to Jesus I could see them reaching out after God. Whereas the Gentiles were followers of the serpent. Yes, I observed many Israelites and Jews apostated and went among the serpent's worshippers and joined them. But I saw also something very powerful. I saw the remnant doctrine. The remnant Seed of the Hebrews. And from this olive tree the "promised one" would come forth.

In the days of Peleg, the son of Eber (Ibriy), the earth was divided and it remains divided between the Ibriy/Hebrews and Gentiles. The house of Israel and the vagabonds of the earth remain divided. God chose to bring the champion through the house of Israel into the world. A Hebrew woman would birth a Hebrew son. And this Hebrew boy would conquer the serpent. Truth would prevail. The vagabond Gentiles can only hope and pray they love this Truth more than their paganism and join the champion in his Kingdom.

Something needs to be said here of Israel and the Gentile nations in regard to this serpent. While the Hebrews looked for a Savior to bruise the head of the serpent, the Gentiles, led by perverted men who were keen on inventing perversion began to worship the serpent and its image. The thing they were to oppose they accepted. Philosophies were invented in which cults arose where the serpent was looked upon as the giver of wisdom and knowledge. No one need wait on the "promised one." The one who promised man he could be like God had already come. And he was the serpent. He was the one to liberate man, liberate him from God the tyrant, the demiurge. The serpent became the good god. Temples were built to house this mystical religion. Priests were ordained to officiate the rituals therein. Behind all these pagan temples and their gods was the serpent. These ancient people lost all record and knowledge of the champion who would come and crush the head of their god. And none of them claimed they were descended from the Ibriy or Hebrew messianic seed.

Among the Hebrews there was one God and one Lord. The Shamah celebrates this fact.  No serpent or image of a snake is found in the tabernacle worship of the Israelites. The Tabernacle has no place for such a god. In fact, other than in the blanket identity of idolatry, other gods, images, likenesses, we have no mention of serpent worship. The serpent is not identified in any way with tabernacle worship, rites, ceremonies, or rituals. Yet everything about it was to put a fence around Israel to keep all serpent religions out. Jews who were faithful would never depart from the true Hebrew faith and turn to bow down and worship the image of a serpent.  Even in the case of the brazen serpent, all they had to do was looked upon it. They could see what was killing them. And if they trusted God to overcome the bites of these snakes, they would be healed. There is nothing in this serpent on a pole that speaks to there being any power from the serpent to the people. And when some idiot novices set up the brazen serpent and had people offering incense to it, this Nehushtan was destroyed.

The Gentile world sought and followed many champions, conquerors, and deliverers but they had no connection to the Hebrew Messianic promise. These Gentile people did not retain any of this ancient hope. It was lost. It was replaced by perversions made by man. These nations developed into evil and wicked people. People who many times hated the Jews for no reason other than their religion and way of life.

From among these Gentiles, many kings and great men came forth to rule tribes, people, nations, and kingdoms. But they were godless. They were so filled with evil that almost everything they did was sin and wickedness. It was here I saw that the perversions of man's religions took them away from the Messianic hope. They looked for and wanted saviors, deliverers, champion war lords, but not the Hebrew Messieh, not the "promised one" to bruise the serpent's head. The hope of the faith of Hebrews was long lost.  And the Hebrew God would have nothing to do with the Gentiles after the days of Peleg. He would rather have no people than a pagan and heathen people given to sin, evil, wickedness and worship of the serpent. The serpent became their lord and master.

The patriarchs of the Hebrew faith offered up animal sacrifices. There was a reason for this. They remembered that Adam and Eve were cursed. Then the promised seed was prophesied. Then God slew animals and shed their blood to make them coats of skin (this is not talking about flesh for their bodies). It is right here animal sacrifices became a part of man's way of praying and asking God for mercy and any other divine blessing he may need.  Each sacrifice was by faith a re-enactment of the sacrifice God made of animals to give Adam and Eve a covering of mercy. Outer garments thence a reminder of that mercy. Animal sacrifices became man's way to get God's attention and make contact.

But not so among the Gentiles. They had all manner of animal sacrifices to which they subscribed many different purposes and supposed outcomes. But they had completely lost and had soon forgotten the original purpose of animal sacrifices in asking God for mercy.  Their animal sacrifices were offered to the serpent, to other idols and gods. Only among those of the Hebrew faith did animal sacrifices retain their original purpose and intent.

Here is where the greatest story ever told has its origin and its beginning. And few men are ordained to see it and tell it. Few love it. And here the serpent men will stand up and oppose Messianic Judaism. They will become perverters and change the story. They will send many millions to hell by attacking the messenger and the message. They are serpent men who will themselves die lost.

In Genesis 3:15 the promise of God for a coming seed was given.
In Genesis 3:21 God made Adam and Eve coats of skin to cover their nakedness.

Something happened that day. Something that still amazes my mind. The wisdom of God is clearly seen. And here I see the love of God in a great way.

While God cannot lie. He cannot say to Adam and Eve if they ate of the tree they would surely die, and then they not die if they ate. God would keep his word. Adam and Eve would die. And from Adam death has passed upon all the human race.  But how they die is now the focus.  And in Genesis 3:21 there is a hidden beautiful message of love from God. A message so simple it could only be missed by blindness or being a fool.

They would die but they would die FORGIVEN.

Recently I have seen the power of forgiveness. Forgiveness is indeed a treasured gift.  Forgiveness is so great it can silence the past. It can end wrongs that are real or perceived. Maybe I will write about this in another post. I saw the love of forgiveness when God made coats of skin for his first man and woman. These outer clothing garments would be the external witness to all who would come afterward, that God was a merciful God. Wearing the outer garment was not just to cover one's nakedness. It was a symbol of forgiveness and the mercy of God. From this garment made by the shedding of blood, the origin of all future spiritual covering by the shedding of blood has its origin. From this event the outer garments of the priest had their symbolism. These garments of necessity must be beautiful since they represent the beauty of God's mercy and forgiveness. External holiness and how we dress is directly tied to how we view our spiritual covering by the blood of Jesus.

After the curse in Genesis 3:15, six verses later in 3:21 mercy was given. I can say with David, his mercy endureth for ever. And it is this mercy within the Hebrew people that made them the head and not the tail. That made them God's choice people, his beloved, his witnesses to all nations. And in return, they would have no other God. He would be their Lord and none other. This is being a Hebrew. This is the pedigree and legacy of Jesus.

Revelation 12 shows us Mary and the serpent ready to devour her Hebrew seed, the manchild, as soon as he was born. But this Jewish manchild will rule all nations with a rod of iron. And he it is who will crush the serpent's head, stop his lies, and at last cast him into the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet are. Jesus will bring vengeance upon the serpent for those of Adam's race who are of the Hebrew faith.  You do not like Messianic Judaism? Your future is not going to be good. No one can fight this and win. No one can oppose this and be welcome in heaven. Coming against this Hebrew Roots doctrine will make a man a liar. And all liars will share the eternal fate of the serpent.

Jesus was a Hebrew. He was the "promised one." And he conquered the serpent.  Not only did he tell us about having power over serpents, he said we could tread on them. As soon as Jesus came up out of the water and went into the Arabian desert for 40 days, there the serpent came unto him. And there the devil attempted to persuade Jesus to bow to him and worship. Worship a snake? What Hebrew would do this? What Hebrew would bow and worship any being other than the Lord God himself? For the next 3 1/2 years the serpent would make war against Jesus and from right out of the temple itself.

I know when I speak of the Messianic Judaism of Jesus it causes the antisemites to go mad. They hate Jews and they hate the words Messianic and Judaism. They refuse to see that Messianic only refers to the "promised one." And Judaism only refers to a Jewish religion. Jesus started a Jewish religion no matter how many men deny it. Christianity was started by Jesus. Christianity is the same as Messiehanity and this is as Jewish as it gets. It is then Messianic Judaism. It is the religion of the "promised one." He who conquered the serpent's lies with Truth.  In whom there is no lie. With whom there is only the way of Truth. And this Truth is the only light of man. Behind this for its authentication, stands the Hebrew roots that brought forth the promised "seed."

Let me say a word here about the Law-keeping Hebrew Roots movement. I am not a part of that and do not support it in any way. It is a false Hebrew Roots movement. The false HR factions are all about law-keeping. They deny salvation is in Jesus alone, by faith alone, and by grace alone. They deny that in him alone Truth can be found. Jesus alone cannot save us they claim. It takes Jesus crucified on Calvary plus law-keeping.

Generally these false HR churches start with sabbath keeping. And let me say right here that no man alive keeps the sabbath law. NONE! The Sabbath law is not just setting aside one day, it also has for a penalty of death to all who break it. No one keeps the sabbath law.  Until they put to death all who break it, they are not keepers of the sabbath law. So they are hypocrites who claim they are better saved by keeping the sabbath day.

From sabbath keeping men go to wearing the kippa. Then they put a talit around their necks as a sign they now have the yoke of the law upon them. Then they put on tzitzits on four of their belt loops and walk like a woman to make them swish. They will start wearing knotted fringes on their garments claiming they are fulfilling the law to wear fringes. They will make women start wearing a head covering and she cannot pray without one on. And if she does not have one on and a man nearby hears her praying he is to stick his fingers in his ears so he cannot hear an unholy woman crying out to the Lord. Then they go off into the dietary laws. Then the feast days. Then men grow beards. And they take up changing the Bible and try praying and singing in Hebrew. They will buy shofar horns to act real Jewish. They adopt the Jewish circle dance. Some where along the way they will begin blaspheming against the name of Jesus. They will start worshipping the tetragrammaton YHWH god and invent guess names. And soon they start chanting the name Yahweh or Yahuah or Yahshua, yelling out hallelujah to some unknown god. And at last they will call the Apostle Paul a reprobate. These are not people of Truth. This is not the true Hebrew Roots of the Apostles. They cannot prove the Apostles did this. And they cannot get this mess into the New Testament with a crowbar and a ballpeen hammer. This is as false to the New Testament Church as Phariseeism was false to the religion of Moses.

There are now many in the HR movement who claim to be Messianic. But when we check them out, they are Pharisee Messianic. They are law-keeping and Kabbalistic Messianic. They are into numerology and other mysticism. Their Messianic religions have little connection to New Testament Judaism. Remove the little about Jesus they do include and they are nothing but Pharisees and very irrational in-your-face bullies. Anyone who does not practice the law like they do is going to hell.

True Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Judaism of Jesus has no connection to these people. We confess very clearly in salvation by grace through faith and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God.

I confess I am part of a Hebrew Church, a Jewish Church.

Jesus a Hebrew? Now that even sounds cool...

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