Tuesday, May 24, 2011


While this subject has no doctrinal relevance that I know of, it is one I have given some thought about over the years.

When I was raised in the UPC church I was told that giants were the result of male angels coming down and having sexual relations with beautiful human women. They pointed to Genesis 6:4.

Well, how was I to know as a novice if this was true or not? I had very little knowledge then of the divine order of things. I assumed it was true because when they showed me the Clarence Larkin charts and stuff, it was all right there. And I thought C. Larkin was some great kinda apostle or something. So why question men who write books and have a well respected and honored name? I could not even write a simple love note to a girl friend and this man was writing leather bound books and had a 20 foot chart that stretched from one side of the church almost to the other.

I do not know the year, but somewhere way back there in the 70s this question came up from some of my Church members. Where did giants come from? Did I believe angels could have sexual relations with human women? And if they could, does it still happen?  And if not, what happened and when did it stop?  How could there be giants after the flood if it all stopped at the time of the flood? Or was the existence of giants after the flood evidence male angels were still messing with human women?

I never could find any Scripture to back up male angels. For that fact I could not find a girl angel any where in the Bible. Were there male and female angels? I had to begin with that. I could find where angels appeared as men, but did they have the equipment of men? Did they have reproductive ability? And if they did not have the same emotional feelings of a human man, what was the purpose of an angel with a woman any way? I was told it was all about lust. Even so, if an angel could lust after a beautiful woman, would that alone mean he was capable of satisfying that lust?

It did not take me long to see that the "sons of God" in Genesis 6 were not angels. I then went to Jesus. While he was a special "son of God" he was still human. And contrary to many cults claiming Jesus is Michael the archangel, he was no angel (Heb 1:5). To cap this off, Jesus said in answer to a question about marriages and eternal relationships, that there was neither male or female "but are as the angels of heaven" (Mark 12:25). I could see right here, God never created angels with sex distinctions much more with the ability to cause conception with a human woman.

Attempts to connect the angels referred to in the book of Job to these pre-flood "sons of God" is unscriptural manipulation. Especially when we learn that Adam was the first son of God (Luke 3:38).  It would be simple to see that a son of God like Adam would himself father other sons of God. Wherein all males who were sons of God via Adam would also be father's of sons of God.  But one thing here must be distinguished. It appears in the Scriptures that only the righteous men were counted sons of God while the ungodly and unrighteous ones were counted as apostates, men who left their divine order of life to become wicked.
My answer then was: no, angels are not the fathers of the giants. It is impossible. God said the kinds would multiply after their kind and humans and angels were not the same kind.
After this, I just dropped the subject. I had no real answers. I believed the "sons of God" were the righteous men before the flood from Adam to Noah.  And the words: "there were giants in the land in those days," did not indicate there were giants among little people in those days. But rather, it was possible everyone in those days were giants of some kind.

I have talked to many preachers over the years about giants. And they shrug it off as a foolish question already decided by men like Clarence Larkin. But, when I hear of bones of giants found somewhere in the world I think about it all over again.

Were Adam and Eve giants?

If the DNA and genes of giants are human, were these in Adam and Eve and passed on down?

If this is possible, would the meaning of cubit be different? Would the cubit of a giant be twice that of a cubit of the little people? If a cubit was 18 inches for a little people, would the cubit of a giant be around 36 inches?  How then would this relate to the ark and its dimensions?  Was Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives some kind of giants? Is there a reason why the stories of the ark are approximately 15 feet apart using the little people cubit? Or if it was double this for a giant, was the stories maybe 30 feet apart? Would this allow more for giant animals say than a 20 foot giraffe having to bend its neck for a whole year or live laying down?

I then wondered about the giants after the flood. And there seems to have been thousands of them. There were whole tribes of them. In fact maybe even whole nations. Nimrod may have been a giant. There appear to have been giants living around Jerusalem. There is a valley of giants there where they once lived. How could there be giants after the flood if the DNA and genes were not passed on down via Noah and his sons? Did angels come down and populate the earth with giants after the flood? Is there Scripture for this theory?

Was Abraham a giant? What of king Saul who was shoulder and head taller than all the Israelites? If the average Israelite was 5 foot ten inches, then add another 18-24 inches for allowance of shoulders and head for Saul.  Saul would have been about 7 feet tall or more. He would have only been about a foot and a half or two less tall than Goliath.

I have observed the images of giants around the world. Some pictures are obviously fake. But some appear to be true. How do we account for these giants if we do not believe fallen angels did it? I find no sin in asking these questions. And I do not consider them foolish. There just may be some truth to the words of Scriptures: "there were giants in the land in those days."

No, I am not a giant. I have the little genes. But I am curious why there were giant animals in those days that no longer exist? And why some animals and plants seem to have shrunk for some reason? Is there a natural answer? Did it all happen at the tower of Babel? Did God change the size of man when he also changed his length of years? Did man decrease in size in proportion to his age? Was there a gradual decreasing progression of size. Was it possible for there to once have been a growing stage comparable to a man's age. Say for instance we now grow to about age 15 or so (with few changes) with a life span of 70 years. What if the grow stage was 30 or 45 years? Would a 6 foot person be able to be 18 feet tall or taller?

While we may never know all the answers, and few care to know them, it is possible that giant DNA still exists. And it has nothing to do with fallen angels. It is also possible with new information discovered we may find that giants have a full bank of human DNA and nothing missing or coming from angelic beings.

Was Noah a giant?
Would this affect his ability to bring in some pretty big brute animals?

Then I had this strange thought about Stonehenge. The more I looked at this system of stones and their graduated heights, it seemed to me this was nothing more than a system to trap different kinds of animals some of which would have been giant sized ones. The layout may provide for a small corridor into the inner circle where people could have lived.  And when they needed they had lots of fresh meat. The stones could have also been a means to keep various sizes of wild animals on the outside of the compound. The fact they were in a circle really adds no mystery in spite of the many cultic theories. But I at least could see that once trapped inside, certain sized animals could not escape or get into other smaller sized areas. I could see that if there were 12-15 foot tall giants living in Stonehenge, setting up these large stones would have been an easy task.  Now I know I am the first to suggest all these stone structures in England were animal traps. This would have nothing to do with if these giants were sun worshiper. Or if they in some way used the stones also as a calendar and so forth.  When I see the moat, the avenue into the place, the hugh slaughter stone, the two mounds where possible bones of animals were stacked up:  I can think of nothing but a huge animal pen and fresh roasted meat for supper every day.  Ok, let me see how this theory will float?

Bishop Reckart
Giants or not, there were giants in the land in those days....

P.S. I think the real giants of faith will be seen on June 12th on the day of Pentecost.  That's when the 12 Apostles became the foundation of the Church. Help us celebrate the birthday of the Church. Pastor Reckart will have birthday presents for everyone in attendance at Jesus House.


  1. Un saludo Pastor

    Siempre es un placer leerle. Su explicacion de este asunto, vuelve a ser acorde a las escrituras y muy cierto. Derribando fabulas basadas unicamente en escritos gnosticos de tradicion judia.

    Jesus Mesias le bendiga

  2. Wow thats all i can say your ahead of your time by far
