Thursday, May 19, 2011

Light To The Nations

Many years ago when I was led by Jesus to take the true Apostolic Messianic Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations, I wanted a name to describe my work. I had already seen that Truth was the true Light. I discovered this back in 1968. Since that time I was devoted to the Truth. I examined the teachings of all the denominations. I studied paganism, philosophy, and Gnosticism to see where a lot of their beliefs came from. I was confronted with darkness so dark I could not believe it. A darkness so powerful that any light that went into it could never escape. All that came out of the darkness was perversion. Truth falsified. And the birth of different aspects of Mystery Babylon. It was then I grasped the meaning of the words: "the dark ages."

I was drawn to the words of Jesus in a special way. I read his words in the Gospels over and over and over. I wanted every word to be inside my soul. I saw the dichotomy between light and darkness as Jesus taught it. And when he said the words he was the Light of the world, I got it. I did not just learn of a historical Jesus. Jesus became very real and personal to me. So real, I chose to be a disciple. And when I started my first Church so many years ago, the name was "Endtime Disciples of Jesus Christ."

I could see as a disciple we were followers of the Light. We had found something so very precious. So valuable men and women would sell all, forsake all, to receive it. Then live in it. Walk in it. And our walk with God was without any desire for anything dark. We saw everything as black and white. We were not ashamed. We knew that darkness and light did not mix. And we did not want to take part in anything that contained darkness. And if this led us out of a church where the pastor allowed sin and darkness, we would seek until we found one better. We became a people of Light.

I also learned something in those days. Not all preachers were men of Light. Nearly all whom I met were men who mixed worldliness with Godliness. They compromised on just about everything. I would hear them speak about things in the gray area, that was not totally dark and not totally light, as if this mixture was OK. And soon they allowed personal convictions to take over themselves and the members. And the whole church in time became totally dark.

As a young novice I was hungry for God. I prayed and fasted. I begged God to not allow me to be deceived. I desired Truth. Yes, my search led me out of all the Oneness organizations. They no longer desired all the Truth. They came so far, stopped, and built their organizations around what they got, and remained in paganism and darkness on all other spiritual matters. I had to come out from among. I stopped giving my tithes and offerings into them. I found a man of God who stood up for the Truth and there I gave them. I wanted to support the Light.

As I began to mature in the Word of God and was transformed from a novice into a Man of God, something became very real to me. I could see so many in darkness. So many living in sin, rebellion, worldliness, and just plain out backslid yet claiming to be saved. Many pastors became haters of Truth. This is proven when you mention pagan holidays. They tell you to leave and never come back. Many ministers have blasphemed against the Truth. And many church members could care less what their spiritual condition was or that of the congregation where they assembled. For me I needed a point of light. I needed this more than anything. And it was then I came upon the name "Light To The Nations."

A point of Light would be necessary to bring to pass the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations. Men and women would be attracted to this point of Light. While many came to hate me because I refused to give their darkness any respect or honor, they were somehow drawn to me day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. What were they seeking? Was it some new doctrine? Something they could pervert and try to make themselves look great? While all this and more has happened, they realize Bishop Reckart is a man with a point of Light. Otherwise why do they come to this blog every day or regular?

Now that I have this point of light in a dark world and among a people in darkness, I can walk with Jesus as he is the Light. It is not just his person. It is the Truth he has given to me which on my inside is the candle of the Lord. I have the point of Light within. And it is this Light I am ordained to bring as Light To The Nations.

When I am among the nations, the Light shines out. And I bring them NO DARKNESS!

Bishop Reckart
A point of Light in the darkness of eternity......

Celebrate the day of Pentecost on June 12th. It is the birthday of the Church.


  1. Thank You ....

    I so much feel not alone after I read this for lately I felt like a prisoner in Rome.

  2. Brother, if you will continue in the way of Truth, you also will become a point of Light for many people. Remember, to pervert is to take into darkness. Keep the Truth pure. Avoid perverters. Avoid novices making themselves into prophets and apostles. Follow men of Truth and know them before accepting anything they say or write. Truth is the Light all else is darkness. I am proud of the work you recently did in Kenya. Especially the rebaptisms of those who were previously baptized by a traitor acting like Apostolic when he was a trinitarian. Thanks Sir.

    Jesus bless you more,

    Bishop Reckart
