Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In Search Of God

My inspiration transfers knowledge and Truth few men can duplicate. I laid the foundation for my blog today when I wrote "In Search Of Jesus." I wanted to bring my friends face to face with the real Jesus and the roots of all the "another Jesus' churches.

As I was driving home today from working at the Church on an addition to the homeless shelter, my mind drifted over the true God and some of the serpent images of ancient religions I had captured from the Internet.  In my mind I briefly recited the words of the serpent spoken to Eve.

1.) "And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?"
2.) "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:"
3.) "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

The devil turned God into "another god" by claiming he was a liar: they would not die! The devil changed God's words. By changing God's words men turn God into "another god" that he is not.

God is not a liar as the devil made him out to be.

I decided I needed to sit down and write some Truth on this event. Truth so far as I know, no man has preached or written about in modern times.

I want to show the nations the real God, the good,  and the false god, the evil.

Sure enough, after they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would know the GOOD and they would know the EVIL.

They would know for all eternity the Good God and for all eternity the Evil serpent.

No man has preached this or wrote it in modern times.

"And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves" (Romans 1:23-24).

Here is proof, God will not allow anyone to make him into a god he is not. To make God into anything other than what he is, is an abomination in his eyes. It is also idolatry. There need not be an image or an idol to be idolatry. Just speaking and making God into something he is not in our minds and in our words, is evil. God will not tolerate this. He has given us ample information to know of him and about him. Any belief or philosophy or claim of what God is, that he is not, is a lie and it will not be accepted.

It is here that the trinity doctrine about God comes into judgment. God NEVER one time said he was a trinity or triad of separate spirit beings, separate persons each a God, or that God himself was anything other than ONE. Anyone who is trinitarian will be lost because they believe in "another god" that is not the true God.  Oneness people need to stop trying to break down the walls of fellowship with trinitarians and bringing them into their churches as if God does not care about this evil and false doctrine of "another god."

It is right here I and some others in fellowship with me stand out above all other ministers in the world. We have an inner relationship with the one true Good God. And we have the spiritual capability to discern every time the Evil serpent opens his mouth to tell his lies. We know the Good from the Evil. We know who the Good is and we know who the Evil is. And we measure not only a man's character and his outward witness, we can judge everything he says. We know when it is from God and we know when it comes from the mouth of the serpent.

The Eden event begins man's knowledge of God as the one and only true God. No trinity of divine person beings here. Just one God, one Spirit, one Divine being, the one Creator, the one undivided and holy Deity.

Here also begins a journey of Adam's race and many of his descendants who will lead generations away from this true God. They will invent "other gods." These gods are not uncreated. And other than lucifer himself, none of them were in the garden of Eden. None!

These apostate men will substitute the true God with their man-made fake gods. They will take the names and titles of the true God and apply them to their idols and fake gods to confuse and deceive the people. They will even try to put the unholy faces, the pagan masks, the ungodly images of their false gods and impose them upon the true God.

Like Aaron was cajoled to say of the calf gods: "these are your gods that brought you up out of Egypt" (Exo 32:4; see also Deu 32:17, 2Kings 22:17, Jer 2:28,  Jer 10:11 God will judge all false gods).

Herein we have "other god" systems in the world. These gods are "another god" whom they had not received but someone deceived them.

Every falsehood, every fake and corrupted theory, every spiritualization, every mystic application, they applied to God will later be applied to Jesus until there is not only many religions of men with "another god" they will also fall prey to the delusions of "another Jesus."

I know it sounds like I am being prideful, boasting, giving myself praise: but can any of you send me proof your Pastor, your religious organization, has ever preached or written about these two systems of abomination?  Few men can preach and write about this because few men are really great men of the Word. Most are surface skaters. They will not get into the deep waters of Truth and swim. They like the ankle-deep water where they are not challenged to be in over their head. So, they never go beyond a few basic doctrines and there they build their short time ministries and then pass on to the grave. These are not real faith builders. They usually do not leave enough behind for the Body of Christ to make one sentence on their tomb stones.  I am not such a man.

The world is now filled with gods and goddesses or all kinds. Men have tried to put all the goodness, holiness, and purity of the true God upon these idols.

Let me say here, I did not learn about the true God from Jews. I did not learn about the true God from the Freemasons or some other cult. I did not learn about God from preachers. I learned about God on my mother's knees. She taught me about God before I heard any man preach. Before I even read the Bible. And I can tell you right now, what my mother put into me about God, no man can take from me. I had a one God mother.

I am proud to say that at the age of 27 I became my mother's Pastor and was so when she died in 1973. The mother who taught me about one God supported my preaching about one God. She was so very happy that her son was a Bible man who declared the true God. I have never failed the God of my mother. I will never see her in the resurrection if I depart from this Hebrew faith and go off into "another god" doctrine or group.

I learned about God, the true God from my mother.

If my mother could see her son today she would rejoice in the Truths I preached and shout all over the Church. She was filled with the Holy Ghost and seven days before she died she was shouting in our Church under the power and glory of God.

One of the last Truths she embraced was the revelation of the Post-Tribulation rapture. While she will never see the tribulation, she encouraged me to preach this Truth, because she believed it was from the one true God.  She is the one I credit with putting into me the mind that "if it is not the Truth, we do not believe it."  It was this rule of divine inspiration that sent this preacher to his knees, to his Bible, and to study to make himself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

As my mind scans the past ages from Adam to Noah I can see two different kinds of people. The ones who believed in the one true God and the others who made God into their own likening. They took from God his righteousness and his holiness and the fact he will judge sin. This was established in Eden. God does judge behavior and disobedience. But the pre-flood generations came to have their own idea about God that they could sin and do evil and God was not so holy he would reject them. This new "another god" they made God into would allow their reprobate ways, their rebellion, their disobedience, and the corruption of their minds until all their thoughts were continually evil.  When the flood came it was decided by God he would not have anyone on the Ark who held this "another god" belief. And because of the difference in the belief of a God of judgment and the "god" who would not judge man harshly for his sins, God decided to destroy the whole human race. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

One man, only one man, lifted God higher than all those in that last generation. That man, Noah was the only one we know of from this history who was a true God-Fearing man. And this one true God, he was his servant. His ONLY servant in that day.  This standing made it possible for Noah's wife, his three sons, and their three wives to escape the deluge that destroyed all those who believed in "another god" that did not exist.

From Noah to Abraham we can trace what became the Hebrew roots of the One God people. We can see they did not worship the sun, the moon (yah), stars, some exalted man or woman, animals, or earth forms (mountains of fire etc.).  We can go back and trace the days when the earth was divided and look across from Ur to Babylon and there the contemporary of Peleg, Nimrod, was building his tower to heaven. And in his day the earth was divided. In his day Babel was judged and the nations divided. And in his day God again judged the world that then was for their apostate creation of "another god" that was not the true God.

I must say something in here about the Jews during the time of Jesus who had control of the Temple. Their god was not the God of the Old Testament. They had invented a god of their own and tried to make God wear the identity they created. They had created their own religion about the god they claimed was the true God. If they had the true God, Jesus said they would know the Father. But they did not know the Father and Jesus said so (John 8:19).  We can only conclude the Jews did not have the Old Testament God among them nor did they worship this God. They had developed from the Scriptures "another god" who was not the true God. And their "another god" did not check them or denounce them for their hate and plan to crucify and kill Jesus. This is not the true God behind these reprobates. Jesus identified them correctly as children of the serpent (John 8:44), the devil as being their father and god. 

I WARN ALL PEOPLE OF ALL NATIONS, DO NOT GO TO JEWS OF THIS TYPE FOR ANYTHING. DO NOT GO TO THEM FOR ANY BIBLE TEACHINGS, ANY NAMES OF GOD, ANY DOCTRINE, THEIR KABBALAH, THEIR BABYLONIAN TALMUD, FOR ANYTHING ABOUT GOD! You will be going to people whose father is the devil. They are not of God. Jesus did not change his mind about this Temple cult and neither should we.

I also want to inform all of you, the Jews of Jesus day DID NOT GIVE US THE OLD TESTAMENT. Not one of those reprobates developed a translation of the Bible or had a hand in copying and transferring the Old Testament Scriptures. The Old Testament we have did not come from these reprobates of "another god." They have no Bible to show the world that the Temple cult at the time of Jesus had created or translated. The true God was not among them and he did not trust them to transfer the Bible to any people of any generation afterward. Beware of these kinds of Jews who claim they gave us the Bible. No they did not!

How will you know a Jew who is of the true God? Apostle John tells us in 1John 4:6:

"We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error."

Any Jew who does not embrace and hold the Gospel which Paul preached is not of God. They do not represent God. This includes all the Messianic Jews who reject the Apostle Paul and do not preach the Gospel he preached. They are all accursed. Again I WARN everyone: do not go to them who have "another god" for anything. Stick to the Apostle's Doctrine. This is the Doctrine of the true God.

From Abraham to Moses the true God manifest himself. And I can tell you right here, no man before the flood nor after the flood up to Moses knew any God named Yahweh, Yahuah, Yah, Jah or Jehovah. I can tell you that no man or woman from Adam to Moses ever said "HALLELUJAH." I can also tell you that from Moses to Jesus there was no true God named Yahweh, Yahuah, Yah, Jah, or Jehovah. I can tell you that no person ever said the word "HALLELUJAH."  No one from 1AD to 100AD ever said the word HALLELUJAH in all the world.

False names for God were invented by Catholic monks and or adapted from paganism by Jews. The Jews adopted "Yah/Jah" the name of the Egyptian moon god. Abraham never used these false names of "another god" in his mouth. Abraham never knew a god named Yah or Jah. He never knew a tetragrammaton god. His God was Elohim Elshaddai (Elshaddai=God Almighty). That was the name by which Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all Israel knew God up to the burning bush (Exo 3:14 (Ehyeh asher Ehyeh), 6:3 (not Jehovah but Ehyeh): see also Rev 11:17, 15:3, 21:22).

When the true One God servants get before the throne of Jesus they will call him "Lord God Amighty."  They will not have "another god" and they will not believe in "another Jesus." 

Those men who make it their life's career to hate me and attack me, rend me on every little detail of disagreement, will find themselves in hell as I stand before the throne of God singing the song of Moses and the Lamb.  This man of God knows where the battle is at. He knows where the perverters are also. He will reach out to the nations to find men who love the true God and willing to dedicate their lives to this Great and Mighty God. These will turn from all men and churches who try to bring to them "another god" or "another Jesus."

I want to say here, I know I am not alone in the world standing up for Truth and this true God. I know there are men out there who when they read what I have written their hearts are smitten. They are in agreement with my spirit. They know I speak the Truth in love, but also with firmness, not purloining, but showing all good fidelity; and adorning the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.

Did you get that? "ADORNING THE DOCTRINE OF GOD OUR SAVIOR" (Titus 2:10)

I write unto the Brothers and Sisters who want to adorn themselves in the doctrine of God our Savior. I do not write this to the perverters, to the Nimrods of our time, or to the endtime Simon Magnus'.

Let me say here that any man who is not in fellowship with me is against me. I can say it just like Jesus said it. Because men of Truth come together in fellowship. If any man bring you an evil report against me, bring a contrary doctrine, receive not that man, neither anything he says or writes, for he is the same as a Simon Magnus. He will come in like a serpent speaking lies. And when he is finished with his lies he makes them into lost souls.

One of the things that stands out to me from Moses to Jesus are the words of Jeremiah:

"His word was in mine heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones" (Jer 20:9b).

Men of the true God have this same "igniting/fire" experience. It is not just any word someone tries to put into them and get them to believe it or be faithful to it. But it is "his Word." This signifies the Word of the one and only true God. His Word stirs up the soul. It is a fire of inspiration other men cannot and do not have although they will fake it. Yes, many men will claim this special "fire" but they never seem to allow it to purge and burn out all the lies in their doctrine. Nor does it ever purify them and make them great men who adorn the Doctrine of God. It is here I see the beauty of the 12 Apostles and their special selection to know and see Jesus as God. They were so proud of this revelation they would subscrine to Jesus the Old Testament title Lord unto him. And when Thomas cried "My Lord and my God" we understand exactly his revelation. He did not have "another god" and he did not have "another Jesus." He knew who God was and he knew who Jesus was and cried "MY LORD AND MY GOD."

When I read the first chapter of the book of Revelation all this comes together to me. I read this first chapter and right there I can see the true God speaking about himself as the ALMIGHTY. And I see right there who this ALMIGHTY is. I can see Jesus!  I can see my faith pictured. It is with all the love I can put into words and post on this blog: that I can say I have no other God and no other Jesus. I found him. And this man of God will not pervert his name or his glory.

God Jesus, your son has written of you. Bless me now in the presence of mine enemies. Bless them who bless me. And bring upon your sons and your daughters the joy I have in my soul. We your people will have no "other gods" before us. To you our great God we wait. And should you not come in our life-time, we will wait in faith for the resurrection.

"To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen" (Jude 1:25).

Proud of the Men of God who will be the endtime champions of Truth.

I must close with this final warning. When you read attacks against me on the internet, know these people are like Simon Magnus to me. I can tell you they are not of God. If they are of God they will hear the Truth I am preaching and spreading and they will speak well of it. My thanks to all you Brethren who are not ashamed of me. Who know my spirit and my good fidelity. Also, thanks to all of you who send in your tithing and offerings to keep the Truth going out to the nations. If you have not sent an offering do so this week.

Send that million dollar offering :)

Pastor G. Reckart
11731 N 15th Street
Tampa, Florida 33612

Bishop Reckart

Leading great men to an even greater witness of the true God.
I am so very happy my eyes see what most other men do not. I have an understanding about the true God only those who are true One God men appreciate and love. They do not love me because of my name. They love me because I speak the Truth. I am speaking a great Truth when I come against all these "another god" men and churches. It is not just about doctrine on many sundry subjects. Men who love God know I am for real. They can see it in the words I write. They know These things are the Truth. The Holy Spirit quickens them in their heart. What I also see are the perverters. The distorters. Like Nimrod and Simon Magnus, they will pervert Truth because they are inherently evil in their heart. They become my enemies. They fail to realize they are fighting a Man of God and will not win. They cannot and never will defeat me with their "another god" beliefs and doctrines. And I will not fellowship these Nimrods and Simon Magnus men. The Lord Jesus showed me that all these perverters are like Simon Magnus to him. And in his face, Peter, a Man of God, was representative of the true One God in the face of Jesus Christ (2Cor 4:6).  And it is this precious glory we have in earthen vessels my Brethren (2Cor 4:7).

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Search For Jesus

Pastor Reckart ask the question: Who is the real Jesus?

No other Apostolic preacher or writer among the Apostolic Oneness have asked this question in the past 111 years. Since none have asked the question NONE have given an answer! How is it possible that within Apostolic Oneness Christianity the importance of believing in the real Jesus does not matter? Why is it so many believe in a Jesus that is not the Jesus of the Bible? They act as if any face, mask, identity, theory, or belief automatically makes the real Jesus become what they apply to him.  Several Oneness Ministers stamp the name Jesus on Michael the archangel. They will stamp the name Jesus on all kinds of false Jesus'. This has become such a delusion Pastor Reckart has decided to address it. Into which Jesus are they baptizing when they say: in the name of Jesus Christ?" They have all kinds of Jesus' being called Christ.

No other Apostolic Pastor or Minister has cared or attempted to deal with this great apostasy. I am sure when the contents of this blog posting is read, it will be quickly bicycled to Pastors and Ministers to get them to say something even if it is nothing but denouncing me. I have written this posting because I am continuing my attack and refutation of the divine logos flesh doctrine, the doctrine Jesus had celestial logos flesh and it was divine.  Read on and be blessed. Or realize the curse upon you if you are one that believes Jesus was not manifested in human flesh descended from the seed of David. Realize your accursed condition if you do not believe in the dual nature of Jesus as man and God, the son and the Father, Christ the Lord.

There is only one real Jesus of Nazareth. There was only one real Jesus born in Bethlehem. There was only one real Jesus who was born Christ the Lord. There are so many facts about the real Jesus, that I am so glad I know. Because it is this true Jesus in whom I believe.

When I became a Christian by my own faith, I accepted and chose to be a disciple of the Jesus who was born of a virgin, was the son of man, was the begotten Son of God, preached unto the world, was believed upon by many thousands, was crucified, was buried, and resurrected, who founded the New Testament Church, and who was the Savior and Head of this holy nation.

You could not understand my surprise as a young novice to discover that many were preaching "another Jesus" who was not the true Jesus depicted by the Apostles and contained in the Gospels and Epistles. At first these people who preached "another Jesus" did not confront my faith. In fact they have never affected my faith in the true Jesus. It was only after I was called into the Ministry, accepted the calling and responsibility, that I was forced to become an apologist not only for the true Jesus but many other New Testament doctrines.

Yes, I do stand out nearly alone in the world among Apostolic Oneness in the matter of publicly confronting false doctrine and many erroneous beliefs and teachings. This has made me a target for many hateful men and women. When I reject their darkness and refuse to call it Light, they join ranks to attack me, distort what I write, and pervert biblical doctrines for the sake of confusion and leading men and women into error.

My pursuit of the real Jesus has led me to know the real Jesus personally. I believe the real Jesus has spoken to me many times. Guided me many times. And has given me understanding in the Scriptures that most have never experienced. I am a disciple and a Minister under the true Jesus.

I want to introduce you to several religious sects and cults who do not preach or teach the true Jesus of the New Testament. Yes, like all apostates, these will use the very Scriptures we use but they will pervert not only the meaning, they will pervert the doctrine of the Scriptures in such a way they make up another Jesus who is not the Jesus who died on Calvary. They will make use of gnostic speculation which many know as spiritualizing.  There are many of these groups now in the world. And there are multiplied millions in bondage to them. These millions are deceived. They have been tricked. They have had men understanding dark sentences to persuade them in darkness so great, they will never come to know the real Bible Jesus. How great is this darkness? Yes, they will still have the name Jesus around their churches and homes. Yes, they may or may not use the Cross as a symbol they are Christians. Yes, they may claim they are saved. Many claim to be Apostolic Oneness. And yes, they may claim they believe in the true Bible Jesus. But they do not.  I have found them to be liars. I have discovered they believe in "another Jesus." Ask them questions about the Bible Jesus and you will soon see they believe in "another Jesus," one not really the Jesus in the Gospels or the Epistles.

Lies that developed the first non-biblical Jesus came from the Temple and the Pharisees and Saducees. All later non-biblical Jesus' either made use of these lies or developed even greater distortions.

JERUSALEM--The Temple Cult (hereinafter TC) denied Jesus was the Messieh Christ. He was not the son of the Blessed. The first non-biblical Jesus was said by the TC to be created. He was totally a man. This was the first Monophysite doctrine concerning Jesus. They denied he was the only begotten son of God.  "God has no begotten sons" was their claim. All human beings after Adam and Eve were begotten by some man. That is, Jesus had an earthly father. The TC claimed he was a created human being by virtue of conception, creation in the womb, and born. They denied Jesus was born of a virgin birth. They rejected he was a descendant of David with heir rights to the throne. The TC also claimed the non-biblical Jesus was not holy or divine: He was a liar, Beelzebub, insane, a false prophet, a deceiver, and a blasphemer. The TC Jesus was not God in any manner. There was a belief among the TC that all humanity was created by God and God could not and never would assume or dwell in human flesh. They perverted the interpretation of the text "God is not a man" (Numbers 23:19). The TC produced the first non-biblical Jesus and this birthed many other non-biblical Jesus theories.

SAMARIA--The conflict between Peter and Simon Magnus in Acts 8 produced what has become the greatest "another Jesus." It was claimed by the pre-Nicene fathers that Simon perverted everything he heard about Jesus and transferred it into a new religion of hidden or secret gnosis (knowledge). Simon was a sorcerer. He was well educated in gnostic mysticism as it was then applied to Jewish and Gentile religious beliefs. It is believed Simon had knowledge of the mysticism of the Jews known as the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism embodying gnostic principles and theories. It is no secret that Philo, a contemporary of Simon had already himself adapted gnosticism to the whole Jewish religion.

Josephus writes of a Simon magician who was a Jew. If Simon Magnus was a Jew, then the origin of all "another Jesus" teachings come from two branches of Judaism which the Apostle John called antichrist. Simon was a master of his craft. He had bewitched many hundreds of people with his tricks and doctrines.
Simon was not converted after his baptism and became angry at Apostolic Christianity (following the Apostles in matters of faith and doctrine). He then decided to alter and pervert everything the Apostles were then preaching about Jesus in their Gospel. He transferred the Jesus the Apostles preached into a new gnostic Jesus. His Jesus had one nature like the Jews but he added a new Monophysite (one body) theory where the flesh of Jesus was absorbed into his being the divine Christ. Jesus was a divine gnostic Christ whether it was his pre-Calvary fleshly body or his post-resurrection spiritual body. This would later birth the Apollinarian heresy which would place more emphasis on the logos body of Christ and Jesus having one nature as divine. It is this doctrine that Teklemariam Gezehagne of Ethiopia would merge with the UPC doctrine on the logos and at last come to embrace Apollinarianism. This has been called the divine flesh doctrine, the celestial flesh doctrine, heavenly logos flesh doctrine, and docetism where the body of Jesus was some kind of non-human physical phantom being.

So far as we know, Simon was the one who created a mystical Jesus derived from his post-resurrection appearances wherein he had a spiritual, ghost, or phantom like body. This post-resurrection Christ was then backward placed as a mask over the pre-resurrection Jesus. The pre-Calvary Jesus was then also a phantom being who appeared to be human but he was not in any way connected to the human race. He was something divine although not believed to be totally God. This enabled his Jesus to appear and disappear and even walk on water during his life.

Who developed Simon's another Jesus into other gnostic interpretations in Egypt, Israel, Syria, and Greece we are not sure. But we know they happened because parts appear in several different Christian sects in the world in the late first century (Egypt (origin of Pachomius monk mystic Plato philosphers), Israel (Philo gnosticism, Simon gnosticism, Ebonites, Nazorians), Syria (what became Nestorianism/Marconianism), and Greece (Nicolatians).  These are the sources of the so-called Gnostic Gospels. Simon's gnostic non-biblical Jesus birthed all other gnostic Jesus'.

At issue here is the dual nature of the real biblical Jesus as testified by the eye-witnesses as compared to those who never saw or met Jesus at all. Did Jesus have only one human nature as the Jews claimed? Did Jesus have a Christ nature before death and another Christ nature after the resurrection? Which was the real Jesus? There were many now. Was he a mystical Christ? Was he the mind part of God, the logos? Was he Christ because he was the logos in some human form?

The fact Jesus was the Messieh king of Israel was no longer important. This means the Kingdom as the Church was no longer important. Greek philosophy would invade this gnosticism so that by 325AD 318 bishops did not even know who the real Jesus was. I want to inject here, that a great reason why the trinity doctrine is false is because Jesus as the second person in a triad of gods is "another Jesus" and not the Jesus of the Bible.

A new another Jesus theory spread that as a Christ, Jesus was a reacurring mystic christ-teacher who had already appeared in other nations and among other religions. The Gnostics came to see their Jesus as the Jewish chance to have a Christ philosopher of mysticism among them. But the Bible Jesus was not a Kabbalist or a Talmudist or a mystic. He was not a sorcerer.

Within gnosticism many theories developed: Jesus become Christ at his birth; he was the Greek logos intermediate deity; no he became Christ and the logos at his baptism; no he became Christ and the logos at his resurrection? The logos Jesus was a new another Jesus. Was he created? Was he begotten? Or was he created and begotten?  We are sure he was begotten because of John 3:16. Jesus was not created. The Creator cannot be created!

It was within all the gnosticisms that philosophers and mystics created that Christ was seen as the logos and mystical separate person who was now one with God. This another Jesus was not God manifest in the flesh but he was considered divine and co-existing with God the Father. This new another Jesus had no earthly fleshly body. He was a special created being made from the logos, the spoken Word of God, or his body proceeded forth out of the logos mind of God. When he was upon the earth he appeared as a man but he was in no way a human being. The new another Jesus had no connection to the human race at all. He was totally and fully divine but he was not the Father. Herein was birthed Arianism of two-gods: one uncreated and one created but both considered divine.  Here began the foundation of the trinity doctrine. Out of all this came another Jesus who had divine flesh and blood. He had one nature with his flesh and being Christ all one divine being. Quite different from the Jesus of the TC who claimed he had one nature as a human being. And neither of these two "another Jesus," false Christs, are the Jesus of the Apostles who had a dual nature of human flesh and God.

MANY ANTICHRIST--John tells us that in his day, nearing the end of the first century, there were many antichrist. By the use of the word "many" we understand not only a great number but also many different kinds.  He gives us the basic identification of them.

1.) Those who deny Jesus is the Messieh of Israel;
2.) Those who deny the Father and the Son (meaning the dual nature of Jesus as the only begotten son incarnated with the Father);
3.) Those who confess not Jesus was come in human flesh.

These three areas when properly explored will kill all "another Jesus" false teachings.

We find also the words of the Apostle Peter who speaks of Paul's writings, which he says are hard for some to understand: and then says they wrest them and other scriptures to their own destruction (2Pet 3:16).  At issue here is "another Jesus." Those who develop these "other" Jesus' and try to make the real Jesus accept the mask they put upon him, will come to destruction. They will be damned. This is what stands behind Paul's great warning:

"For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye had not accepted, ye might well bear [stand up against] with him" (2Cor 11:4).

I am herewith standing up against all who preach another Jesus and thus another false gospel.

Writing about the very same things in opposing the law-keeping Judaizers, Paul told the Galatians these words:

"As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed" (Gal 1:9).

Anyone who preaches Jesus was only a man is accursed; that preaches Jesus was totally divine and had one nature is accursed; that preaches any Gospel that the Apostles did not preach is accursed: all these persons are accursed.

Any person who denies Jesus was God come in human flesh is an antichrist and accursed. Any person who denies Jesus is God is accursed. Anyone who has believed in another Jesus that is not the real Jesus of the Bible is accursed.

Because of gnosticism infiltrating Christianity many now believe Jesus was totally divine and they are all accursed.

Because of this doctrine the early gnostics had to escape Jesus from the Cross because a totally divine person could not die. A totally divine Jesus cannot even submit himself to die because his nature would be eternal. Gnostics invented a Jesus who escaped the Cross and made up the lies that someone else died in his place. They claim the totally divine Christ stood off viewing the scene laughing at the Jews. And many believe all or parts of this "another Jesus" and they are accursed

Make sure you have not been deceived by any person to accept being accursed. Make sure your Jesus is indeed the true Jesus the Apostles preached. Do not accept a Jesus with a mask on him created by reprobate men perverting the Truth. Do not accept any doctrine about Jesus the Apostles did not preach. 

If your Church does not believe in the dual nature of Jesus as God and man, get out of it right now it is accursed. If your Church believes Jesus had only one nature GET OUT OF IT, it is accursed! If your Church believes the flesh of Jesus was divine and was celestial flesh, heavenly logos flesh, GET OUT OF IT, you are in an accursed church!

Do not remain among false churches using the name of Jesus but who preach "another Jesus."

Redeem yourself from the accursed.

In search of the true Jesus. I found him in the Gospel Paul preached. I found he was both God and man and had a dual nature.

I found him. And that is why and how I have great wisdom and understanding in the Truth. I have a great Teacher. He is the true Jesus. He is the true Lord and Savior. He is Christ the Lord.

I write this in honor of my Shepherd, my Bishop, my Apostle: JESUS!

Bishop Reckart
Send your tithes and offerings to help defend the Truth and the true Jesus.....
email me: acts0412@jmfi.org

Celebrate the day of Pentecost June 12, 2011, the birthday of the Church. Pastor Reckart will give a Church birthday present to all in attendance at Jesus House in Tampa.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


While this subject has no doctrinal relevance that I know of, it is one I have given some thought about over the years.

When I was raised in the UPC church I was told that giants were the result of male angels coming down and having sexual relations with beautiful human women. They pointed to Genesis 6:4.

Well, how was I to know as a novice if this was true or not? I had very little knowledge then of the divine order of things. I assumed it was true because when they showed me the Clarence Larkin charts and stuff, it was all right there. And I thought C. Larkin was some great kinda apostle or something. So why question men who write books and have a well respected and honored name? I could not even write a simple love note to a girl friend and this man was writing leather bound books and had a 20 foot chart that stretched from one side of the church almost to the other.

I do not know the year, but somewhere way back there in the 70s this question came up from some of my Church members. Where did giants come from? Did I believe angels could have sexual relations with human women? And if they could, does it still happen?  And if not, what happened and when did it stop?  How could there be giants after the flood if it all stopped at the time of the flood? Or was the existence of giants after the flood evidence male angels were still messing with human women?

I never could find any Scripture to back up male angels. For that fact I could not find a girl angel any where in the Bible. Were there male and female angels? I had to begin with that. I could find where angels appeared as men, but did they have the equipment of men? Did they have reproductive ability? And if they did not have the same emotional feelings of a human man, what was the purpose of an angel with a woman any way? I was told it was all about lust. Even so, if an angel could lust after a beautiful woman, would that alone mean he was capable of satisfying that lust?

It did not take me long to see that the "sons of God" in Genesis 6 were not angels. I then went to Jesus. While he was a special "son of God" he was still human. And contrary to many cults claiming Jesus is Michael the archangel, he was no angel (Heb 1:5). To cap this off, Jesus said in answer to a question about marriages and eternal relationships, that there was neither male or female "but are as the angels of heaven" (Mark 12:25). I could see right here, God never created angels with sex distinctions much more with the ability to cause conception with a human woman.

Attempts to connect the angels referred to in the book of Job to these pre-flood "sons of God" is unscriptural manipulation. Especially when we learn that Adam was the first son of God (Luke 3:38).  It would be simple to see that a son of God like Adam would himself father other sons of God. Wherein all males who were sons of God via Adam would also be father's of sons of God.  But one thing here must be distinguished. It appears in the Scriptures that only the righteous men were counted sons of God while the ungodly and unrighteous ones were counted as apostates, men who left their divine order of life to become wicked.
My answer then was: no, angels are not the fathers of the giants. It is impossible. God said the kinds would multiply after their kind and humans and angels were not the same kind.
After this, I just dropped the subject. I had no real answers. I believed the "sons of God" were the righteous men before the flood from Adam to Noah.  And the words: "there were giants in the land in those days," did not indicate there were giants among little people in those days. But rather, it was possible everyone in those days were giants of some kind.

I have talked to many preachers over the years about giants. And they shrug it off as a foolish question already decided by men like Clarence Larkin. But, when I hear of bones of giants found somewhere in the world I think about it all over again.

Were Adam and Eve giants?

If the DNA and genes of giants are human, were these in Adam and Eve and passed on down?

If this is possible, would the meaning of cubit be different? Would the cubit of a giant be twice that of a cubit of the little people? If a cubit was 18 inches for a little people, would the cubit of a giant be around 36 inches?  How then would this relate to the ark and its dimensions?  Was Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives some kind of giants? Is there a reason why the stories of the ark are approximately 15 feet apart using the little people cubit? Or if it was double this for a giant, was the stories maybe 30 feet apart? Would this allow more for giant animals say than a 20 foot giraffe having to bend its neck for a whole year or live laying down?

I then wondered about the giants after the flood. And there seems to have been thousands of them. There were whole tribes of them. In fact maybe even whole nations. Nimrod may have been a giant. There appear to have been giants living around Jerusalem. There is a valley of giants there where they once lived. How could there be giants after the flood if the DNA and genes were not passed on down via Noah and his sons? Did angels come down and populate the earth with giants after the flood? Is there Scripture for this theory?

Was Abraham a giant? What of king Saul who was shoulder and head taller than all the Israelites? If the average Israelite was 5 foot ten inches, then add another 18-24 inches for allowance of shoulders and head for Saul.  Saul would have been about 7 feet tall or more. He would have only been about a foot and a half or two less tall than Goliath.

I have observed the images of giants around the world. Some pictures are obviously fake. But some appear to be true. How do we account for these giants if we do not believe fallen angels did it? I find no sin in asking these questions. And I do not consider them foolish. There just may be some truth to the words of Scriptures: "there were giants in the land in those days."

No, I am not a giant. I have the little genes. But I am curious why there were giant animals in those days that no longer exist? And why some animals and plants seem to have shrunk for some reason? Is there a natural answer? Did it all happen at the tower of Babel? Did God change the size of man when he also changed his length of years? Did man decrease in size in proportion to his age? Was there a gradual decreasing progression of size. Was it possible for there to once have been a growing stage comparable to a man's age. Say for instance we now grow to about age 15 or so (with few changes) with a life span of 70 years. What if the grow stage was 30 or 45 years? Would a 6 foot person be able to be 18 feet tall or taller?

While we may never know all the answers, and few care to know them, it is possible that giant DNA still exists. And it has nothing to do with fallen angels. It is also possible with new information discovered we may find that giants have a full bank of human DNA and nothing missing or coming from angelic beings.

Was Noah a giant?
Would this affect his ability to bring in some pretty big brute animals?

Then I had this strange thought about Stonehenge. The more I looked at this system of stones and their graduated heights, it seemed to me this was nothing more than a system to trap different kinds of animals some of which would have been giant sized ones. The layout may provide for a small corridor into the inner circle where people could have lived.  And when they needed they had lots of fresh meat. The stones could have also been a means to keep various sizes of wild animals on the outside of the compound. The fact they were in a circle really adds no mystery in spite of the many cultic theories. But I at least could see that once trapped inside, certain sized animals could not escape or get into other smaller sized areas. I could see that if there were 12-15 foot tall giants living in Stonehenge, setting up these large stones would have been an easy task.  Now I know I am the first to suggest all these stone structures in England were animal traps. This would have nothing to do with if these giants were sun worshiper. Or if they in some way used the stones also as a calendar and so forth.  When I see the moat, the avenue into the place, the hugh slaughter stone, the two mounds where possible bones of animals were stacked up:  I can think of nothing but a huge animal pen and fresh roasted meat for supper every day.  Ok, let me see how this theory will float?

Bishop Reckart
Giants or not, there were giants in the land in those days....

P.S. I think the real giants of faith will be seen on June 12th on the day of Pentecost.  That's when the 12 Apostles became the foundation of the Church. Help us celebrate the birthday of the Church. Pastor Reckart will have birthday presents for everyone in attendance at Jesus House.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Light To The Nations

Many years ago when I was led by Jesus to take the true Apostolic Messianic Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations, I wanted a name to describe my work. I had already seen that Truth was the true Light. I discovered this back in 1968. Since that time I was devoted to the Truth. I examined the teachings of all the denominations. I studied paganism, philosophy, and Gnosticism to see where a lot of their beliefs came from. I was confronted with darkness so dark I could not believe it. A darkness so powerful that any light that went into it could never escape. All that came out of the darkness was perversion. Truth falsified. And the birth of different aspects of Mystery Babylon. It was then I grasped the meaning of the words: "the dark ages."

I was drawn to the words of Jesus in a special way. I read his words in the Gospels over and over and over. I wanted every word to be inside my soul. I saw the dichotomy between light and darkness as Jesus taught it. And when he said the words he was the Light of the world, I got it. I did not just learn of a historical Jesus. Jesus became very real and personal to me. So real, I chose to be a disciple. And when I started my first Church so many years ago, the name was "Endtime Disciples of Jesus Christ."

I could see as a disciple we were followers of the Light. We had found something so very precious. So valuable men and women would sell all, forsake all, to receive it. Then live in it. Walk in it. And our walk with God was without any desire for anything dark. We saw everything as black and white. We were not ashamed. We knew that darkness and light did not mix. And we did not want to take part in anything that contained darkness. And if this led us out of a church where the pastor allowed sin and darkness, we would seek until we found one better. We became a people of Light.

I also learned something in those days. Not all preachers were men of Light. Nearly all whom I met were men who mixed worldliness with Godliness. They compromised on just about everything. I would hear them speak about things in the gray area, that was not totally dark and not totally light, as if this mixture was OK. And soon they allowed personal convictions to take over themselves and the members. And the whole church in time became totally dark.

As a young novice I was hungry for God. I prayed and fasted. I begged God to not allow me to be deceived. I desired Truth. Yes, my search led me out of all the Oneness organizations. They no longer desired all the Truth. They came so far, stopped, and built their organizations around what they got, and remained in paganism and darkness on all other spiritual matters. I had to come out from among. I stopped giving my tithes and offerings into them. I found a man of God who stood up for the Truth and there I gave them. I wanted to support the Light.

As I began to mature in the Word of God and was transformed from a novice into a Man of God, something became very real to me. I could see so many in darkness. So many living in sin, rebellion, worldliness, and just plain out backslid yet claiming to be saved. Many pastors became haters of Truth. This is proven when you mention pagan holidays. They tell you to leave and never come back. Many ministers have blasphemed against the Truth. And many church members could care less what their spiritual condition was or that of the congregation where they assembled. For me I needed a point of light. I needed this more than anything. And it was then I came upon the name "Light To The Nations."

A point of Light would be necessary to bring to pass the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations. Men and women would be attracted to this point of Light. While many came to hate me because I refused to give their darkness any respect or honor, they were somehow drawn to me day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. What were they seeking? Was it some new doctrine? Something they could pervert and try to make themselves look great? While all this and more has happened, they realize Bishop Reckart is a man with a point of Light. Otherwise why do they come to this blog every day or regular?

Now that I have this point of light in a dark world and among a people in darkness, I can walk with Jesus as he is the Light. It is not just his person. It is the Truth he has given to me which on my inside is the candle of the Lord. I have the point of Light within. And it is this Light I am ordained to bring as Light To The Nations.

When I am among the nations, the Light shines out. And I bring them NO DARKNESS!

Bishop Reckart
A point of Light in the darkness of eternity......

Celebrate the day of Pentecost on June 12th. It is the birthday of the Church.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I thought of so many people who do not have a religion that leads them to live 100% for God. I observed this today as I was on the freeway going through Sacramento, California. Tens of thousands of people on the move.

What good is religion if it does not make us 100% for God in our lives?

What does 100% mean?

It means we totally live the holiness God life he wants us to live.
This means separation from worldly life-styles, anything that is sinful, and subjection to all the Commandments of God given to the Apostles by Jesus.
The 100% life includes our fellowship with other believers and attending Church regular where we worship and are led in the Truth of God.
Being devoted to the 100% life, we will financially support the Church and its work with our tithes and offerings.
We will participate in loving and caring for our Brothers and Sisters in other nations.
As we live out this great life of faith and grace, we receive and carry the burden for lost souls. We want them to live the 100% life.

Jesus lived the 100% life. The Apostles lived the 100% life. The first Christians lived the 100% life. They gave up all to follow Jesus. They valued their salvation more than they valued their family connections. When family rejected Jesus or the 100% life, they did not allow family to turn them back to going to hell.

Yes, those who choose the 100% life will face many struggles. There will be times of sorrow, times when it seems they cannot continue, and times when the attacks by the devil are almost impossible to overcome. But, we know, day by day and hour by hour we are made overcomers.

Living the 100% life we can overcome the impossible. We can endure persecution and tribulations. We can count our blessings one by one and give God the praise.

There are many earthly benefits to living the 100% life. And at last, we get to go to heaven.

Those who reject this 100% life, who do their own thing, go their own way, provide for the flesh and the sins thereof, who compromise with all manner of ungodliness, will be shocked to learn they are not going to heaven. This requires the 100% life and nothing less.

Have you forsaken all to follow Jesus? Or are you like the tens of thousands I observed all on the move, but they have not made any moves to live a Godly life and be 100% for God?

I know what it means to say: "As for me and my house, we will served the Lord."

And it will be the 100% life of God.

Bishop Reckart

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saul of Tarsus Greatest of All Pharisee Rabbis

I recently received one of the most bigoted, hate-filled, and vitriolic attacks on the Apostle Paul I have ever read.

The Jewish rabbi who wrote to me was from New York City. You know the kind, they wear a black hat, have spit curls, stand on street corners mumbling and rocking, wearing fringes, and appear outwardly to be one of the most holy men to walk the earth.

His first email said all Christians were apes and pigs. I know where he got this. He got it from Muslims who say Jews are descended from apes and pigs. He just could not contain his bigotry against Christians.

I reminded him it was Christian America and Christian soldiers who came to Germany to defeat Hitler and save Jews from continued holocaust. I also informed him it was Jews like him who cause many Christians to hate Jews.  I also told him, that if and when Muslims begin their annihilation of Jews world-wide, If he and Jewish haters like himself do not seek Christians to help them, many thousands will perish.  Did it change his attitude? No.

His next few emails were very hateful attacks on the Apostle Paul. Some of the most vile and filthy-mouthed language I have ever heard come from any Jew I have ever met. I will not even print his words because I do not want to give other Jews and rabbis like him a reason to laugh and rejoice among themselves that one of their own would be so brave and proud.

I of course responded to his rants only to receive about 20 more emails in succession calling Jesus a bastard, calling him a false prophet, and even more blasphemous words and accusations.  I shook my head. And this rabbi thinks by this kind of filthy mouth he will make Christians love him and other Jews?  He is the kind of Jew who makes other good Jews not only look bad, he endangers their lives. He gives reason to radical Muslims to want Palestine free from the river to the sea.  If Jews do not stop this kind of filthy mouth and this kind of hate-mongering, none of them will be safe in America from the coming holocaust. I warn all Jews to stop these diseased minded rabbis from spreading this hate. Stop using your synagogues to rant this hate against Christians, Jesus, Mary his mother, the Apostles, and Churches.  This kind of hate may make many Jews grin and be happy, but in the end it will not bring good results.

Saul of Tarsus was the greatest of all Pharisee rabbis ever produced in Israel.

The reprobate Jew who emailed me made the statement that if it was not for the antichrist Paul, there would be no Christianity. He claims Jesus was a Pharisee and kept all the traditions of the Elders and the laws of Moses.  Well now, and then prior called him a bastard and a false prophet?  Paul the founder of Christianity and nearly 1.8 billion people? And Jews with less than 13.3 million world wide? Well now, just the mere numbers tell me Paul was greater than ALL THE RABBIS the Jews ever produced from 30AD to the present. Now that is a compliment. Was Paul the founder of Christianity? No, that is a naked lie Jewish rabbis need to stop putting into the young minds of their rockers.

Paul, formerly known by his Jewish name Saul, was a Jew, born in Tarsus in the region of Cilicia (Acts 21:39). From his own testimony his father was a Pharisee and he lived the most strict of religious life of any Jew. He was from the tribe of Benjamin (Romans 11:1).  His father sent him to Jerusalem as a young man to be educated and taught by Pharisee rabbis. For several years as he grew from a child into manhood, he sat at the feet of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). Gamaliel was the rabbi who instructed the Sanhedrin court to stop their hatred and persecution of Christians (Acts 5:34).  Now Gamaliel was a doctor of the law. His best student was Saul of Tarsus. While Paul did not use the title "doctor" he did use the term "teacher" (1Tim 2:7; 2Tim 1:11) which in Greek is "didaskalos" [Strongs #1320]. The word doctor is Greek "nomo-didaskalos" [Strongs #3547, from #1320 and #3551].  Paul was a doctor of the law. He was greater than his teacher Gamaliel. Gamaliel never produced any man in all his years of schooling that equaled Saul of Tarsus. In fact, who did Gamaliel produce other than Saul who is well known in history?

Saul had congenital hate in him as a Pharisee toward other Jews. That was the character of Pharisees. They were intolerant, judgmental, hypocrites, full of poison in their mouths like serpents, false accusers, false witnesses, and believed they could sin righteously if they were defending their traditions. They could even kill with impunity believing they were doing God a service. The virulent hate of Saul against Christians reached its peak when he stood with other Jews from Cilicia and disputed against Stephen (Acts 7:58). He was there to speak his rancor, to incite hate and anger against Stephen. And when the hate reached the peak of murder, he stood there as his rabbi friends took off their tallits and clothes with fringes and laid them at his feet. This one incident shows us Saul was a very powerful rabbi in Jerusalem. He could create hate so vicious men would kill to appease it. He stood and did nothing but watched as stone after stone crashed into the face and head of Stephen. He watched as blood came from his wounds, until he at last staggered and fell to the ground. He was standing there happy as he heard Stephen praying to a God he believed would never hear him.

As I read Acts 9:5 and the word "pricks" I could see Saul was a man whose mind had been brought under conviction and condemnation. This is what "pricks" are. They are times when God quickens to our mind we are wrong. That what we have said or done is sin, vile, or wicked. Sometimes God pricks us to show us what we think and believe is false. I went back and read Stephen's preaching as Saul and his rabbi friends stood off smirking and mocking.

But in Stephen, Saul saw something. He had knowledge but Stephen had wisdom and could speak with eloquent words (Acts 6:10). Here is where many clashes between men arise and lead to spiritual murders. Men who claim to have great knowledge and not men with wisdom and eloquent words. Stephen put Saul to shame that day in his ability to speak the Truth. I have had the good pleasure on many occasions to put men to shame by my ability to speak the Truth. I know the hate Stephen got because I know the hate I get from hypocrites.

I read Stephen's great message. It was here in this message I counted what I believed were at least 30 times and places Saul's mind and heart were pricked. Pricks that although he was stubborn and refused to acknowledge his own stupidity, still troubled his mind. The pricks would not allow him to be at peace within himself. His mind and spirit were afterward troubled. Men and women who are pricked like this will not get rest until they get right with God and those they have spread hate against.  Saul was now kicking against these pricks of his conscience. Truth is like this. It cannot be defeated. And those who fight it will get prick after prick. And if some day they do not repent and get right, they will die a reprobate.

Saul of Tarsus became a Christian on the road to Damascus the capitol of Syria. The famous incident is recorded. After his conversion to the best Judaism ever produced in Israel, he went to Mount Horeb in Arabia. There in the vicinity of the Mount of the Lord, Saul was taught by revelation the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was not taught it of man but by the Lord Jesus himself (Gal 1:12). For three years he went through a transformation from a hateful Pharisee to a loving Christian. Those whom he hated he now loved. And the Gospel he once persecuted unto death he now preached (Gal 1:23).

I have met so-called Christian law-keepers who have gone back to viral Jews like this rabbi and picked up hate for Paul. Their hate is vicious. Having had these men not only to spit in my face and one said he would kill me if he could get away with it, I know what Paul faced. I know why the rabbi who emailed me had such hate. They do not really hate Paul. No, they hate the GOSPEL he preached. They hate the fact this GOSPEL has no need of law-keeping for sanctification, justification, salvation, blessings, or mercy. In preaching Jesus and him crucified, buried, resurrected, and the establishment of the Church, Old Testament Judaism and the temple are as valuable and relevant as a museum of dinosaur bones.  Paul made all this clear in his epistle to the Hebrews. One law-keeper had torn all 14 of Paul's epistles from his New Testament. When he opened up his Bible there was a big hole between Acts and James. Tell me that is not an example of Pharisee transferred hate?  His Bible contained 13 books and even these he could not justify his law-keeping after the Acts 15 decision.

It is pretty well accepted by those who have minds not diseased by Phariseeism or modern rabbi hate, that Paul was the Apostle sent by Jesus to the Gentile nations. The Apostles accepted and recognized this in the book of Acts. Naturally Paul would then preach the Gospel as he was sent by Jesus to preach it. And he did. It was said of he and his companion ministers that they had turned the world up-side down (Acts 17:6). Actually they were turning it right side up. It had been turned on its head by reprobate Gentiles and Jews. And it would take the preaching of the Gospel to put the world back in its proper order. What is strange here, is that many like living a pagan life on their heads and the way they think up-side down. Paul was a man sent to help the Gentile nations get their minds oriented right. And he did a great job. Something no Jew after him has equaled.

I will say this in closing, it is hard to tell the KKK and the neo-Nazis' that all Jews are nice and loving people and should not be discriminated against, when Jews like the rabbi who sent me his puke, purposely go on the Internet and seek email addresses of Ministers to send their vile and filthy language. While I do not agree with or support the KKK or the neo-Nazis in any way, I have a message to Jews all over the world: stop your rabbis from their own KKK hate against Christians, Jesus, and Paul. If you do not stop, blame yourself when few care to help Jews in the next holocaust.  Do not damn your people to death just to settle an old Pharisee score for a destroyed Jerusalem and temple. Blame God before you blame a single Christian or Jesus.

Pastor G. Reckart
Gospel to the Jew first even if they hate it....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Honesty Leads To Truth

Every lie is a dishonest representation of the truth.

When I first discovered this rule of hermeneutics within months after I was saved back in the late 60s, I realized the Bible I held in my hands was read and interpreted differently because of dishonesty.

I could not believe men would purposely pervert the interpretation of the Scriptures.

This is where I discovered something else.

When the Apostles quoted an Old Testament passage I paid close attention to the words they said was in the Scriptures as they knew them. I saw there were many differences between the words they used and the words of the Scriptures when I now referenced back. Did they misquote? Did they add words or take away words from the Scriptures? Did they change the Scriptures so they could make the reference to back up what they were saying? Were the New Testament writers dishonest? Or are many words in the Old Testament now altered or changed (viz Matt 12:18-21; 13:35; 15:8-9; 21:13; 27:46; Luke 1:17; 4:18-19; Acts 3:22-23; 7:42-43: and many others)?

As I studied this problem I learned that the Jews hired a man named Aquila to retranslate the Hebrew Bible into Greek and change the Scriptures in those places the Apostles and Christians used them to authenticate Jesus was the Messieh. It soon became evident the Jewish rabbis who hire him and Aquila were very dishonest men. And this is why Christians contemporary to him referred to him as Aquila the Apostate. It became obvious the Hebrew Scriptures given to him to translate had also been tampered with. And this showed up when I cross referenced the quotes of the New Testament writers with what now appears in the Hebrew Scriptures.

This became more explained to me when I studied Origen and his Hexpla. Where he collected six different Bible translations written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek for the purpose to see if he could restore the Scriptures to their most holy form.  Why would he do this if the Hebrew Scriptures had not been tampered with? He could just take out the old Hebrew scrolls and there would be the complete unadulterated and infallible Word of God. He would not need the other five translations for anything.  Something did not appear honest in the claim the Jews had kept the Scriptures pure down to the very jot and tittle.  While they claim they had meticulous methods of copying these seem all made up stories to support that the changes made were the original and not a change or interpolation.

I can now say with certainty there is not one Bible in all the world that has the first pure unadulterated Scriptures. The issue is not if God could and did keep a pure collection of these books as a test of his being God: but rather why did Jews and Gentiles both pervert the Scriptures in key places to deceive and lead others to trust in and believe lies by their dishonesty?


The dishonesty continues right now.  Not only dishonesty in interpretation of the Scriptures, but plain out lying and changing the wording. Why are there so many translations into the English language with wording that in thousands of places contradicts each other? And why the many different Hebrew versions with the same problem? Why not just take the so-called original and make verifiable copies in English that are 100% accurate?  It cannot be done any more because all of the copies of the Hebrew, Latin, and Greek manuscripts have already been corrupted.

This is where it takes the Holy Spirit to lead and guide into all Truth and Righteousness.

When I discovered the dishonesty by thousands of men, and the most of these novices even if they had a college degree and well respected, I realized the value of Honesty.

If honesty was a virtue to Jews they would not reject Jesus.
If honesty was a virtue the law-keepers would accept salvation in Christ alone, by faith alone, and by grace alone.
If honesty was a virtue there would be no gnostic mystic interpretations of the Scriptures.
If honesty was a virtue there would be only one Gospel, the one Paul preached.
If honesty was a virtue the New Covenant would stand as the last given Commandments of God and of Christ.
If honesty was a virtue the plan of salvation in Acts 2:38 would remain the substance of all preaching of the Gospel.
If honesty was a virtue all men would believe in one God and Jesus was God manifest in the flesh. There would be no trinity doctrine.
If honesty was a virtue there would be one Church that did not have man-made traditions of post-apostolic monks, priests, and popes.
If honesty was a virtue there would be Holiness within and without of all men and women.
If honestly was a virtue every church would be like the first Church on the day of Pentecost.
If honesty was a virtue men would not continue to spread lies and dishonest interpretation of the Scriptures.

I had to come to grips with all of this. And this is why I could not remain among the Oneness organizations. Organization by its nature allows, condones, permits, and compromises with all manner of dishonesty in matters of the Word of God.

I also had to come out from among, even from among many who walked disorderly, who were perverters and who would distort the Word of God just to make sure others did not accept the Truth. Their dishonesty is already judged. They are apostates. Paul said they went out from us that it might be made manifest they NEVER were of us. It is here that men of all ages have a choice: accept and follow dishonesty that leads to lies, or accept and follow honesty that leads to the Truth.

Truth is right there in the Scriptures. It takes a skillful and different way to think about them. And that is where the discovery comes in. We do not turn to Jews or Gentiles for an opinion based upon their own already dishonesty. We hold the Bible in our hands and allow the Holy Spirit to be the Guide. It is just so simple even a fool if he would just submit and not have a perverted spirit, could understand the Truth.

This I have found, that a dishonest person who makes the Truth into a lie, is following he who is the father of all lies: the father of dishonesty.  These are not men of God no matter who ordains them or awards them with a ministerial office.

I have found that honesty leads to Truth.

This is the key to why Pastor Reckart is looked up to as a man of God who has been blessed with wisdom and understanding. He is honest. And what he speaks and writes can lead others to the Truth. He does not pervert the Truth. Men of Truth value his leadership and friendship.

All you have to do is pick up your Bible, stop following the dishonest perverters, and allow the Holy Spirit to show you the Truth.

Know, no lie is of the Truth, because no dishonesty can ever be honesty.

Bishop Reckart
Honest and given to the Truth

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Seeing the future and coming back to the present to change your life.

Sinner: Pastor I know I need to get right with God. I have been very evil and I have done many wicked things. I want to repent, get baptized, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. I want God to fix me.

Pastor Reckart: So, are you telling me you are ready to live a fixed up life or are you going to go back to your evil and wicked life?  If you are ready to live the fixed-up life I am here to help you reach that life.

Sinner: You mean if God fixes me up that I must live a fixed up life?

Pastor: Yes, that is what I am saying.

Sinner: Well, don't I at lease get a chance to ask questions and see if I want to live like you people live?

Pastor: Why of course, but ask them and choose before you tell God you want a fixed up life.

Sinner: I think I will wait. I don't know if I am ready to live a fixed up life.

Pastor: So, you want God to fix all your problems, forgive you of your sins, and you do not want to live a fixed up life?

Sinner: Yes, I want God to forgive me. But I want him to understand I am not ready to live the fixed up life yet.

This man does not want fixed up, he wants to stay MESSED UP!

Bishop Reckart

Thursday, May 5, 2011

True Hebrew Roots/Messianic Judaism

Messianic Judaism
(The Greatest Story Ever Told)
By Pastor G. Reckart
May 6, 2011
Copyright All Rights Reserved

If we look into the Scriptures with an honest heart, open eyes, and free of antisemitism, we will recognize in Genesis 3:15 the Messianic hope.

A seed from the woman would crush the head of the serpent.

While the relationship of God with man was limited because of sin, God still gave mankind hope. We are not sure how individual people visualized this promise of God to be fulfilled. We are sure that the word "seed" describes a human born person.  This person when he arrived on earth through birth by some woman, would in the fullness of time take on the task of crushing the serpent's head with a death stroke, thus bringing an end to his lying and deceiving mouth.

Attacking the head and mouth of the serpent would be his Messianic work. This is the one and only test that would be applied to the coming savior; the coming deliverer, the coming conqueror, and the coming great champion. He would crush the serpent's head and cause his lies to cease beguiling the human race of Adam. To retaliate against this act of revenge on behalf of man, the serpent would bruise the heels of the champion (this speaks directly to the nails in the feet of Jesus).

I have studied extensively the ancient records of past civilizations. Observing the coming forth in different times of great men of renown. One thing stood out to me.  There were many men in their times who were looked upon as a savior, a deliverer, a conqueror, and a champion.  I am convinced after viewing nearly 4,000 years of human history before Jesus, that during the times of each of these great men, people still had in their minds the "promised one" who would revenge Adam's race and conquer the serpent and his evil mouth. But something vital was missing. There is rarely any evidence these men had a quest to conquer the mouth of the serpent and his lies. There was no man of Truth among them. So while they may have been mighty men of war and conquered many people and nations they were not the "the promised one." They never took on the lies of the devil and established a people of righteousness.

Sometimes I read the opinions of men on ancient archaeological images and shake my head in disbelief at their interpretations. How they can come up with some of the opinions they put forth is amazing. They see an image of a man with his foot on a serpent's head and they give crazy interpretations. When I look at them, I see in image form the hope of Genesis 3:15 pictured. And if the man could be identified in the image, we would at least conclude someone knew the ancient promise of God and that the person in the image either claimed or was looked upon as the seed of the woman to crush the serpent's head.

I have seen many examples of Genesis 3:15 in images. So I know that while there were no written books like Genesis for them to refer back to, they had in their memory a Messieh, a Savior, a Deliverer, a Conqueror, a Champion, a man of TRUTH!

I can trace the hope and memory of a man of Truth all the way from Adam to Noah. And from Noah to Abraham. Then from Abraham to Moses. And at last from Moses to Jesus.

Now I know all the antisemites will come out against me, they will blast me with their firery tounges, and roar as ravening lions when they read the next paragraph. But let me say here, my words are better than their words; my writing more skillful than theirs; my understanding greater than theirs; and my interpretations have a Truth grade level above all their lies, speculations, fantasies, spiritualizings, distortions, and perversions. I am seeking no man's approval or permission to write the next paragraph that you will read.

The seed of the woman coming to crush the head of the serpent was to be a HEBREW MESSIEH!  Not an Egyptian. Not a Greek. Not a Latin. Not a Chaldean. Not an Arab. Not any Gentile. Yes, right here is the true HEBREW roots movement. The "promised one" will be a Hebrew and a Jew. This Hebrew Roots has NOTHING to do with law-keeping. Nothing to do with the tetragrammaton. Nothing to do with the food you eat; If you are circumcised; what days you celebrate as holy; or what other law-keeping practices you may observe.  If anyone denies the HEBREW roots of the hope of the coming "promised one." If they deny Jesus was a Hebrew. If they deny Jesus was a Jew. If they deny he was the only champion of Truth to ever walk the earth in conflict with the serpent; that person has serious mental issues.

The Hebrew belief and faith in the coming Messieh seed can be ignored. It can even be denied and ridiculed. Gentiles can attempt to usurp from the Jews this divine right and promise. Many have and will continue to pervert the true Hebrew Roots of the "promised one." But it will NEVER be destroyed. God will always have a witness and I am one of them. You would not be reading this if I were not. And if God had no witness, he will witness himself because this was a unilateral promise to Abraham and it cannot be changed or God will become a devil.

Men can pervert their minds, invent stupidity, be carried away with their own speculations, and may even succeed in deceiving millions of people: but they will die fools.  The promised Messieh will come. And he will be a Hebrew. This is my Hebrew roots. This is my Messianic Judaism.  All of you can now tell the world: Pastor Reckart is into Hebrew Roots and his name is Jesus. You can attack the Messianic Judaism of Jesus any way you please but you will die a fool.

The Hebrew Messianic seed was a promise of God to Adam and Eve. It is the messianic seed and the lineage of this seed who are Hebrew. It is this one hope that stands behind the whole name HEBREW. Take the promised redemption of the promised seed out from this people and those men and women cannot claim to be a true Hebrew.  This is not about race: white, black, or brown. People promoting black racism as Hebrewism are in a delusion.

All you antisemites can quit reading.
All you law-keepers can stop reading right here.
All you Jew haters can quit reading right now.
All you who hate the Messianic Judaism of Jesus will die lost if you do not accept the Truth.

What follows is for those who believe in the Hebrew Jesus and the true Hebrew roots.

As I observe the faith and activity of these ancient Hebrew patriarchs of the seed, their wives and children, I sit in awe. What great people. What magnificent souls. People I want to be like. People in whom I see an example and a pattern for my life. To me they are the perfection of godliness. In them I see pure holiness. I see a religious people who had no shame or fear when they died. They had developed a relationship with God that would go with them into the grave. And should they not see the seed of the woman to crush the head of the serpent, they would encourage their children to look for him and never give up hope.

Something else stood out to me as beautiful. When it first came into my heart as I was thinking upon the great things of God, I was in awe again. I sat in appreciation and in great admiration of so many men of the Hebrew roots seed. From Adam to Jesus I could see them reaching out after God. Whereas the Gentiles were followers of the serpent. Yes, I observed many Israelites and Jews apostated and went among the serpent's worshippers and joined them. But I saw also something very powerful. I saw the remnant doctrine. The remnant Seed of the Hebrews. And from this olive tree the "promised one" would come forth.

In the days of Peleg, the son of Eber (Ibriy), the earth was divided and it remains divided between the Ibriy/Hebrews and Gentiles. The house of Israel and the vagabonds of the earth remain divided. God chose to bring the champion through the house of Israel into the world. A Hebrew woman would birth a Hebrew son. And this Hebrew boy would conquer the serpent. Truth would prevail. The vagabond Gentiles can only hope and pray they love this Truth more than their paganism and join the champion in his Kingdom.

Something needs to be said here of Israel and the Gentile nations in regard to this serpent. While the Hebrews looked for a Savior to bruise the head of the serpent, the Gentiles, led by perverted men who were keen on inventing perversion began to worship the serpent and its image. The thing they were to oppose they accepted. Philosophies were invented in which cults arose where the serpent was looked upon as the giver of wisdom and knowledge. No one need wait on the "promised one." The one who promised man he could be like God had already come. And he was the serpent. He was the one to liberate man, liberate him from God the tyrant, the demiurge. The serpent became the good god. Temples were built to house this mystical religion. Priests were ordained to officiate the rituals therein. Behind all these pagan temples and their gods was the serpent. These ancient people lost all record and knowledge of the champion who would come and crush the head of their god. And none of them claimed they were descended from the Ibriy or Hebrew messianic seed.

Among the Hebrews there was one God and one Lord. The Shamah celebrates this fact.  No serpent or image of a snake is found in the tabernacle worship of the Israelites. The Tabernacle has no place for such a god. In fact, other than in the blanket identity of idolatry, other gods, images, likenesses, we have no mention of serpent worship. The serpent is not identified in any way with tabernacle worship, rites, ceremonies, or rituals. Yet everything about it was to put a fence around Israel to keep all serpent religions out. Jews who were faithful would never depart from the true Hebrew faith and turn to bow down and worship the image of a serpent.  Even in the case of the brazen serpent, all they had to do was looked upon it. They could see what was killing them. And if they trusted God to overcome the bites of these snakes, they would be healed. There is nothing in this serpent on a pole that speaks to there being any power from the serpent to the people. And when some idiot novices set up the brazen serpent and had people offering incense to it, this Nehushtan was destroyed.

The Gentile world sought and followed many champions, conquerors, and deliverers but they had no connection to the Hebrew Messianic promise. These Gentile people did not retain any of this ancient hope. It was lost. It was replaced by perversions made by man. These nations developed into evil and wicked people. People who many times hated the Jews for no reason other than their religion and way of life.

From among these Gentiles, many kings and great men came forth to rule tribes, people, nations, and kingdoms. But they were godless. They were so filled with evil that almost everything they did was sin and wickedness. It was here I saw that the perversions of man's religions took them away from the Messianic hope. They looked for and wanted saviors, deliverers, champion war lords, but not the Hebrew Messieh, not the "promised one" to bruise the serpent's head. The hope of the faith of Hebrews was long lost.  And the Hebrew God would have nothing to do with the Gentiles after the days of Peleg. He would rather have no people than a pagan and heathen people given to sin, evil, wickedness and worship of the serpent. The serpent became their lord and master.

The patriarchs of the Hebrew faith offered up animal sacrifices. There was a reason for this. They remembered that Adam and Eve were cursed. Then the promised seed was prophesied. Then God slew animals and shed their blood to make them coats of skin (this is not talking about flesh for their bodies). It is right here animal sacrifices became a part of man's way of praying and asking God for mercy and any other divine blessing he may need.  Each sacrifice was by faith a re-enactment of the sacrifice God made of animals to give Adam and Eve a covering of mercy. Outer garments thence a reminder of that mercy. Animal sacrifices became man's way to get God's attention and make contact.

But not so among the Gentiles. They had all manner of animal sacrifices to which they subscribed many different purposes and supposed outcomes. But they had completely lost and had soon forgotten the original purpose of animal sacrifices in asking God for mercy.  Their animal sacrifices were offered to the serpent, to other idols and gods. Only among those of the Hebrew faith did animal sacrifices retain their original purpose and intent.

Here is where the greatest story ever told has its origin and its beginning. And few men are ordained to see it and tell it. Few love it. And here the serpent men will stand up and oppose Messianic Judaism. They will become perverters and change the story. They will send many millions to hell by attacking the messenger and the message. They are serpent men who will themselves die lost.

In Genesis 3:15 the promise of God for a coming seed was given.
In Genesis 3:21 God made Adam and Eve coats of skin to cover their nakedness.

Something happened that day. Something that still amazes my mind. The wisdom of God is clearly seen. And here I see the love of God in a great way.

While God cannot lie. He cannot say to Adam and Eve if they ate of the tree they would surely die, and then they not die if they ate. God would keep his word. Adam and Eve would die. And from Adam death has passed upon all the human race.  But how they die is now the focus.  And in Genesis 3:21 there is a hidden beautiful message of love from God. A message so simple it could only be missed by blindness or being a fool.

They would die but they would die FORGIVEN.

Recently I have seen the power of forgiveness. Forgiveness is indeed a treasured gift.  Forgiveness is so great it can silence the past. It can end wrongs that are real or perceived. Maybe I will write about this in another post. I saw the love of forgiveness when God made coats of skin for his first man and woman. These outer clothing garments would be the external witness to all who would come afterward, that God was a merciful God. Wearing the outer garment was not just to cover one's nakedness. It was a symbol of forgiveness and the mercy of God. From this garment made by the shedding of blood, the origin of all future spiritual covering by the shedding of blood has its origin. From this event the outer garments of the priest had their symbolism. These garments of necessity must be beautiful since they represent the beauty of God's mercy and forgiveness. External holiness and how we dress is directly tied to how we view our spiritual covering by the blood of Jesus.

After the curse in Genesis 3:15, six verses later in 3:21 mercy was given. I can say with David, his mercy endureth for ever. And it is this mercy within the Hebrew people that made them the head and not the tail. That made them God's choice people, his beloved, his witnesses to all nations. And in return, they would have no other God. He would be their Lord and none other. This is being a Hebrew. This is the pedigree and legacy of Jesus.

Revelation 12 shows us Mary and the serpent ready to devour her Hebrew seed, the manchild, as soon as he was born. But this Jewish manchild will rule all nations with a rod of iron. And he it is who will crush the serpent's head, stop his lies, and at last cast him into the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet are. Jesus will bring vengeance upon the serpent for those of Adam's race who are of the Hebrew faith.  You do not like Messianic Judaism? Your future is not going to be good. No one can fight this and win. No one can oppose this and be welcome in heaven. Coming against this Hebrew Roots doctrine will make a man a liar. And all liars will share the eternal fate of the serpent.

Jesus was a Hebrew. He was the "promised one." And he conquered the serpent.  Not only did he tell us about having power over serpents, he said we could tread on them. As soon as Jesus came up out of the water and went into the Arabian desert for 40 days, there the serpent came unto him. And there the devil attempted to persuade Jesus to bow to him and worship. Worship a snake? What Hebrew would do this? What Hebrew would bow and worship any being other than the Lord God himself? For the next 3 1/2 years the serpent would make war against Jesus and from right out of the temple itself.

I know when I speak of the Messianic Judaism of Jesus it causes the antisemites to go mad. They hate Jews and they hate the words Messianic and Judaism. They refuse to see that Messianic only refers to the "promised one." And Judaism only refers to a Jewish religion. Jesus started a Jewish religion no matter how many men deny it. Christianity was started by Jesus. Christianity is the same as Messiehanity and this is as Jewish as it gets. It is then Messianic Judaism. It is the religion of the "promised one." He who conquered the serpent's lies with Truth.  In whom there is no lie. With whom there is only the way of Truth. And this Truth is the only light of man. Behind this for its authentication, stands the Hebrew roots that brought forth the promised "seed."

Let me say a word here about the Law-keeping Hebrew Roots movement. I am not a part of that and do not support it in any way. It is a false Hebrew Roots movement. The false HR factions are all about law-keeping. They deny salvation is in Jesus alone, by faith alone, and by grace alone. They deny that in him alone Truth can be found. Jesus alone cannot save us they claim. It takes Jesus crucified on Calvary plus law-keeping.

Generally these false HR churches start with sabbath keeping. And let me say right here that no man alive keeps the sabbath law. NONE! The Sabbath law is not just setting aside one day, it also has for a penalty of death to all who break it. No one keeps the sabbath law.  Until they put to death all who break it, they are not keepers of the sabbath law. So they are hypocrites who claim they are better saved by keeping the sabbath day.

From sabbath keeping men go to wearing the kippa. Then they put a talit around their necks as a sign they now have the yoke of the law upon them. Then they put on tzitzits on four of their belt loops and walk like a woman to make them swish. They will start wearing knotted fringes on their garments claiming they are fulfilling the law to wear fringes. They will make women start wearing a head covering and she cannot pray without one on. And if she does not have one on and a man nearby hears her praying he is to stick his fingers in his ears so he cannot hear an unholy woman crying out to the Lord. Then they go off into the dietary laws. Then the feast days. Then men grow beards. And they take up changing the Bible and try praying and singing in Hebrew. They will buy shofar horns to act real Jewish. They adopt the Jewish circle dance. Some where along the way they will begin blaspheming against the name of Jesus. They will start worshipping the tetragrammaton YHWH god and invent guess names. And soon they start chanting the name Yahweh or Yahuah or Yahshua, yelling out hallelujah to some unknown god. And at last they will call the Apostle Paul a reprobate. These are not people of Truth. This is not the true Hebrew Roots of the Apostles. They cannot prove the Apostles did this. And they cannot get this mess into the New Testament with a crowbar and a ballpeen hammer. This is as false to the New Testament Church as Phariseeism was false to the religion of Moses.

There are now many in the HR movement who claim to be Messianic. But when we check them out, they are Pharisee Messianic. They are law-keeping and Kabbalistic Messianic. They are into numerology and other mysticism. Their Messianic religions have little connection to New Testament Judaism. Remove the little about Jesus they do include and they are nothing but Pharisees and very irrational in-your-face bullies. Anyone who does not practice the law like they do is going to hell.

True Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Judaism of Jesus has no connection to these people. We confess very clearly in salvation by grace through faith and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God.

I confess I am part of a Hebrew Church, a Jewish Church.

Jesus a Hebrew? Now that even sounds cool...

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Place of Worship Needed

Our Church family in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines must now find a new meeting place. For five years the Church family had an agreement with a property owner for use of a small house for Church. A large loan to the property owners was made in exchange for the use. Payment was made in many thousands of pesos. The five years ended on April 1st. I was contacted because the property owner could not repay the loan. The house was put up as collateral which means if she did not pay she would lose it. Because of my goodness of heart and promise of the lady who was the record owner to allow our church to continue to worship there, I forgave and canceled the debt.  The lady promised the Church could continue to be there. A month later, this past week, her evil son appeared and began to cause trouble. The Church family cannot meet there any more.

I need your help for this Apostolic family.

The Pastor has found a lot where a Church can be built. The cost of the lot is 40,000 pesos or about $1,000 when fees are added.

We must build there a modest Church with a bathroom and a couple rooms for private use of the members. I am asking for donations to raise $3,000 for this project.

This will cover all cost of an engineer and other professionals needed to get the project approved, inspected, and finaled.

If you can please send an offering at this time it would be greatly appreciated. Any one who desires can visit this Church any time in the future. If you donate, your name will be placed on a plaque to be installed at the Church.

Help us build a Jesus House where the foundation will have the names of the Apostles, please send $500 for this and you will be given name credit.

Help us put up the concrete block walls and install the cornerstone with the name of Jesus in it ($800).

Help us put in the concrete floor/slab where we will put the names of the books of the Bible $500.

Help us build an altar in which the name of Jesus will also be inscribed $250.

Help us put the roof on $500.

Help us build the bathrooms $150.

Help us put in electric and some small rooms $550.

Please, I ask all of you to contribute. This is a work of God.  You will get pictures as the work begins and is completed. All of you will be invited to come and be at the dedication.

Please, in Jesus name I ask.

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There is a place for you to leave a comment.

Thank all of you so very much.

Bishop Reckart