Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Repented NOT!

I was on my way to the airport when I heard of the Japanese earthquake as a special news bulletin. When I heard the magnitude I knew there would be great devastation. When I arrived at the airport and got checked in, the TV monitors were all broadcasting the news. A few pictures were being shown. By the time I landed in Phoenix, the monitors were showing all kinds of destruction. The news of the tidal wave was now the focus with reported destruction and many thousands missing. Then I heard them say the tidal wave would spread throughout the entire Pacific and reach the US, South America, and also Hawaii. As I met with the families I had come to meet, they talked about the earthquake and the suffering of so many thousands.

I saw lots of crying, heard screaming, people holding each other, as the destruction mounted.  Then I thought of the 100 years many missionaries have tried to bring the Gospel to Japan. But they repented not. They did not give God the glory. They continued to pray to and worship idols. They did not improve their morality. Evil multiplied. While this wicked nation is not any more wicked than many other nations, it is a picture of how people repent not and turn to God when disaster like this strikes.

It is now the mind set of the atheist, agnostics, the Christ-haters, and even illogical and ignorant Christians: that to say this all happened because of Divine retribution for being wicked, is a sin and being uncaring.  Sorry, but we care for souls before disaster strikes by preparing them for salvation and to give God the glory and praise when destruction like this comes. We do not wait until death is every where to show love, and then only compassion for the natural loss, while not caring how many souls died lost.

This is an example of the attitude of people in Revelation 16:9.

As I observe the disaster unfolding I waited to see people praying. To see multitudes crying out to God. Now it remains, will there be a great revival after this? Will many souls come to Christ? Will the Acts 2:38 gospel go forth? This nation needs the true Light. Other nations need the true Light. Before judgment comes upon them in a moment they think not. Judgment is coming. Many more millions will die. Will we be able to turn souls to salvation before the great and terrible day of the Lord?

Bishop Reckart
Developing E238

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