Below is a partial list of those who hate Pastor Reckart:
Preachers living in adultery in remarriages with no biblical right to have their second wife;
Women living in adultery in remarriages with no biblical right to have their second husband;
Baby baptizers;
Double veil contenders;
Pre-trib dispensationalist;
Law Keepers;
Those who hate altars being in the Church;
Reprobate novices;
Pernicious men;
Women preachers;
Women apostles;
Women pastors;
Those who do not believe in faith tithing;
The hallelujah people;
The alleluia people;
The anytime Lord Supper people;
The liberal oneness Pentecostals;
The ecumenical oneness Pentecostals;
Anti-missionary cry babies;
Oneness who fellowship trinitarians;
Worshipers of Jehovah name;
Worshipers of Yahweh name;
Worshippers of Yahshua name;
Tetragrammaton worshipers;
Those who believe in bodiless soul rapture at death;
Those who believe paradise is in the heart of the earth;
Those who believe in the 70AD coming of Jesus;
The partial preterist;
Those who believe we go straight to heaven when we die;
Those who deny Acts 2:38 is the plan of grace and faith salvation;
Those who deny outward holiness and standards;
Those who believe it is OK to attend professional sports;
Those who have television in their homes;
Those who work for the television industry;
Those men who believe it is OK to drink beer and wine in moderation;
Those who observe and celebrate pagan holidays;
Those who hate the Lord's Supper being observed on Passover;
Those who believe the Lord's Supper is only an ordinance and has no salvation grace;
Those who hate the use of fermented new wine for Passover;
Those who hate the use of unleavened bread for Passover;
Those who do not believe foot washing is essential to the Lord's Supper;
Those who believe it is OK to mix swim and bathe with the opposite sex;
Those who believe it is OK for men to wear earrings;
Those who believe it is OK to have tattoos;
Those who reject speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of being filled with the Holy Ghost;
Those men who wear shorts and claim it is OK;
Those women who wear shorts and claim it is OK;
Those men who have long hair;
Those women and girls who cut their hair;
Those who reject that women have power upon their head because of their long hair;
Those who believe Black women cannot have long hair like other women, therefore they must wear a head covering to give them the same glory a woman with long hair would have;
Novices who are ogres and smart mouth;
Pastors who hate Jesus House in Tampa because it is a temple to the name of Jesus;
Pastors who hate Tampa Angels for feeding the poor, homeless, and hungry;
Those men who are perverters of Truth, perverters of Pastor Reckart's words;
Pastors who are jealous of Pastor Reckart's missionary work;
Pastors who are jealous of Pastor Reckart's new Church;
Novices and pernicious men who are jealous of Pastor Reckart's new Church;
Those who believe the Church is a Gentile bride;
Those who reject the Messianic Judaism of Jesus;
Those who reject the Church is the Israel of God;
Those who reject the Church is the Kingdom of God;
Demon possessed people who cannot keep from slander of Pastor Reckart's name to elevate themselves;
Men who are sexual perverts and you know who you are;
Men who are abusers of women;
Black racist who hate Pastor Reckart's doctrine that the original Hebrew were NOT BLACK;
White racist who hate Pastor Reckart because he allows and permits black men to marry white women and white men to marry black women;
KKK hates Pastor Reckart;
Child abusers hate Pastor Reckart;
Drug users and pushers hate Pastor Reckart;
The New World Order and its members hate Pastor Reckart;
The Talmudic Jews hate Pastor Reckart;
The trinitarian messianics hate Pastor Reckart;
The Branhamites hate Pastor Reckart;
Women trying to usurp authority over the Church hate Pastor Reckart;
Organizational die-hards of the mystery Babylon political systems hate Pastor Reckart;
Vulgar mouth preachers who tell dirty jokes hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who bring santa claus and the easter bunny into the church hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who sing xmas songs hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who belong to sororities hate Pastor Reckart;
Scholars who support the false names Yahweh and Jehovah hate Pastor Reckart;
Cigarette smokers hate Pastor Reckart;
Lesbians hate Pastor Reckart;
Fornicators hate Pastor Reckart;
Apostolic and Oneness men who have raped children and need to confess and go to jail hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who observe the sabbath hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who do not believe in the third day resurrection hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who claim the Kingdom was delayed or postponed until the millennial hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who claim the Church age ended in 70AD hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who spiritualize the millennial and claim it began in 70AD hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who hate the futurist doctrine of the great tribulation hate Pastor Reckart;
Men and women who do not have the real Holy Ghost hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who believe once saved always saved hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who are Calvinist hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who believe in unconditional predestination hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who believe it is OK to wear jewelry hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who believe it is a sin to go to the doctor or take medicine hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who believe Branham was a prophet hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who believe Branham was Christ manifest again hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who use the hex (six-pointed star) as a religious symbol hate Pastor Reckart;
Those who believe we must love the devil hate Pastor Reckart;
et al
et al
et al
et to Brutus
Now if someone sent you to this blog to stir you up to hate Pastor Reckart, just get in line. You have a lot of company. And if some demon thinks he can manipulate your mind to hate Pastor Reckart based upon his own concealed hate, you are a fool.
I am set for the defense of the true Apostolic Gospel. I am not seeking any man's approval. And it is OK if you disagree with me. That does not make me wrong and it does not make you right.
When Reckart haters gather on a blog or message board, they usually pat each other on the back for being brave. I mean it is a really great brave act to come out of the closet and tell everyone you hate Pastor Reckart. Now some of the demons are more slick they will say they love me while they trick others to stab me in the back. This is real love, real Philadelphia love.
If you disagree with me, it is OK. And even if you want to hate me it is OK. You can join the many in the list and post your hate on the internet. It is OK. I will get over it.
You know many of my enemies are dead or dieing. Some have cancer of the prostrate and will die in their hate and bitterness. Some have cancer else where and they will die in their hate and bitterness. And some other young men will die and be cut off like an unfruitful branch on a vine. And some are yet to die of other causes. When many of my enemies are dead, the work I am doing among the nations will live on. Many have gone to their grave in their hate. Some have died an accuser of the brethren. I do not judge them. I pity them. To spend all their time hating a man who has done more than most men to reach the lost with the Truth. Now that is brave hate. To hate and bring a railing accusation against the Missionary work of Light To The Nations I am doing. Real courage I'd say for those soon to face eternity.
I pray for all my enemies. If you are in Tampa come on by and let me buy your supper. Come on by for a short tour of Jesus House. No, I will not invite you to the mission field. That will take men of God whom I have confidence in.
Pastor Reckart
A Man Much Hated, But A Man Also Much Loved