Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trinity Is Three Gods

Trinitarians claim they are forbidden by the Nicene Creed to say there is or they believe in three Gods. Yet, when their doctrine is explained, they DO NOT BELIEVE IN ONE GOD.  They believe in three gods. Here is one of my charts to explain this contradiction.

Click the image for the larger view

I was contacted by Steve Rudd some years back about the trinity. He has a big trinity web site based in Canada ( He really hates Oneness people. He has all sorts of lies on his web site about us. I challenged him about his false doctrine. He told me he believed the word "God" only describes the nature of the Divine Being. To him God meant only Deity. He claimed the Father was Deity, the Son was Deity, and the Holy Ghost was Deity, but they were all one God. I told him he was lying to the people. By saying one God he was implying one Being.  When he said one God he was saying one essence or one nature. He sent me the little human example similar to the one you see above. In it he makes human kind the same as God kind. As all persons are a separate human, so all persons in the trinity are a separate God. I challenged him that if that is the case, then he believed in three separate Beings, three separate Spirits, and three separate bodies. To my shock and surprise, he wrote back that he did. It was easy then for me to see that trinitarians believe in three separate Gods, each has his own body, his own Spirit, and was a separate being from the other two.

Trinitarians do not want us Oneness people to zero in on there being more than one Spirit and more than one Body. They want us to ignore this. When I first began using it back in the late 80s, I was shocked at how many trinitarians when I examined them, were really oneness. They just held to the trinitarian doctrine. When I asked one Minister if he was trinity or oneness he said trinity. I asked him if he believed there was more than one Spirit that was God. He said no, he believe in one Spirit. I asked him if he believed each person in the trinity has his own separate body, so that when we get to heaven we will see three of them. He was puzzled at first and said yes. When I said that means you believe in three gods then. He replied he believed God had one body and when we get to heaven we will see one God who is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I then told him, you are not trinity, you are Oneness. He told me, if being oneness means when I get to heaven I will not see three separate Gods, then I am oneness then.

I was surprised how easy it was for him to switch his identity with just a few simple questions.

Many of us make it to hard for simple minded people to understand. We go on the attack rather than be a teacher by asking good simple questions.

Is God one Spirit or three?
Does God have one body or are there three separate bodies in heaven as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?
Is God one Being or three separate Beings?
When we get to heaven will we see three separate Gods?
Explaining the Oneness of God always gets confusing when talking about the Father, the Son of God, and the Holy Ghost. Many Oneness and Trinitarians are both guilty of spreading lies and confusion on this subject. Having studied the Godhead for over 40 years, I can say without any equivocation there is One God and One Spirit and He has one Body. Man was made in the image and likeness of that one Body.

We believe God has always been Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. We can translate that into Deity, Body, and Spirit whether it is in heaven or upon earth. If it is so on earth is so in heaven.

God is not Father and Deity only.
God is not Father and Spirit only.
God is also Father and Son.

Understanding God is the greatest revelation of the Bible. When we understand God we can understand Jesus.

If we are false on God we will be false on Jesus.

When Jesus said: "I and my Father are one", he was not talking about unity. He was saying they were one person, and he was the visible image of the invisible God (Father).

If you are trinitarian and was baptized in the titles Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: you need to be rebaptized according to Acts 2:38, in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the name above all names.

If you do not know anyone to baptize you, then fly, drive, hitch-hike, or walk to Tampa, Florida to Jesus House.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Loves


The above chart illustrating Truth is one of several hundred that Pastor Reckart has made over the years. No other Apostolic Oneness Pastor in the world has drawn and illustrated more Truth. I have placed many of them on the internet on my web pages. Many, many have not been. I use them in seminars as well as my own ministry here at Jesus House. Sometime in the future I plan to organize them by subject and put them into a notebook style Bible College Course. Because I am particular who has them, I will be very select in who receives a copy. I am interested only in passing on to another generation of great men, many great usable charts for lots of Apostolic Bible studies. Please do not flood my mail box asking for a copy. When I have this project completed I will at that time decide who will receive the information. Many men hang around for a little while and then go off the deep end with some crazy revelation. I do not want my materials in the hands of these novice heretics. No trinitarian need even ask. And my enemies, forget about it. You hate them anyway :). But for the great men of God, just wait. All good things come to those who wait.

1 comment:

  1. Most die hard trinitarian theologians are true tri-theists when they describe their doctrine. Most church goers, when they see God, can be considered Oneness if God would but do a work on the wording they use, and we be humble enough to help them with the revelation. Another good article.
