Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Grape Vines/How To Kill A Church

I observed some things about grape vines recently I believe have spiritual relevance.

When the soil is right and the fertilizer is right, it will grow and bear fruit. But there are dangers to the vine like:

Root issues,
Disease issues,
Insect issues,
Bird and animal issues,
Care-taking issues.

Root Issues
A grape vine must be rooted correctly. Just as a Church must be founded and rooted correctly. Here is my point here: A pastor was trinitarian and was rooted and ordained in that faith and doctrine. He was pastor of a trinitarian pentecostal church. He saw the light on Oneness and baptism in Jesus name. He was rebaptized and began to preach Oneness. But he was not rooted and ordained into the Oneness Apostolic faith. He was trying to slip in and cross over without being properly rooted and ordained and charged with the Apostle's Doctrine. When he was a trinitarian he was not in the Five-Fold-Ministry. No trinitarian is in the Five-Fold-Ministry. Now he was trying to cross over as a Oneness Pastor without proper rooting and ordination and without proper proof of acceptance of "ALL" the Apostle's Doctrine. He switched but this did not of itself mean he was properly rooted in Apostolic doctrine. In fact, his switch did not root him at all. This is the problem the Apostolic ranks has had now for over 80 years. Men switching over who have never been rooted. They remain rooted in all their old doctrines except for Oneness and baptism in Jesus name. These men have been destroyers of the Apostolic faith with their liberalism and trinitarian ways. Yet they call themselves Apostolic. This is really bearing false witness.

I have found in my 40 years of ministry that it is these kind of men who bring in all manner of false doctrines. And because they now claim they are Apostolic then can stamp Apostolic on their false doctrines. No false doctrine will ever be Apostolic because the man preaching it claims he is Apostolic. These men accept all manner of false preachers and false prophets because they had NEVER been rooted in the true Apostle's Doctrine. They in turn began to ordain deacons, elders, pastors, bishops, apostles, prophets, into the doctrines they hold and they NEVER were rooted and ordained themselves into the Apostolic Faith Doctrines of the Apostles. Oneness and baptism in Jesus name is not the totality of Apostolic Doctrine. This is why so many of them are rebellious and refuse correction. Therefore, they were NEVER rooted or grounded. This is why they are a wild vine. This is why all they can produce is wild fruit, wild preachers, novices out of order, and men with evil mouths. His vine cannot produce anything else. What he produces are women preachers in a man's body.

Just because a minister accepts Oneness and is rebaptized in Jesus name does not automatically root them and transfer them over into the Apostolic Five-Fold-Ministry. They must be ordained into the Five-Fold-Ministry. They cannot just choose a title and office and set up shop and have some business cards printed. With root disease from the get-go these self-made ministers and churches can NEVER produce any part of the Bride of Christ as will a true rooted and grounded Apostolic Man of God. A true Apostolic Church will have been rooted and grounded with the Pastor a properly called, prepared, and ordained man. This man is a real "HUSBANDMAN." A real vine care-taker. He will insure the vine of his Church is rooted and grounded in the Apostle's Doctrine.

When Jesus said the Father was the HUSBANDMAN and he was the vine, the people were the branches, he was telling us of his own root system. The branches will only represent the vine and its roots. When I see a church that is not doctrinally sound, the pastor is a nut-case with all kinds of false doctrines, and he allows all manner of falsehood preached unchecked, I know this vine and its root are evil. I know the husbandman of this church is a fake. He can fake his ministry. He can fake his title and office, but he is no HUSBANDMAN. He is not in the Five-Fold-Ministry. He has a ministry and is running in vain, not being properly ordained himself and charged with the Apostolic Doctrines for to keep and hold. When fakes do not have the Apostle's Doctrine they continue to make up doctrine and private interpretations that will conflict with the true Apostle's Doctrine. A true vine has a true Apostolic root. It will have sound doctrine. The Ministry will be ordained, planted, rooted, grounded, and bring forth the fruits thereof. A fake husbandman will only bring forth a vine that is wild. And the little fruit thereof is good for nothing.

It all begins in the roots. If a grape vine is not rooted properly it can die, it can bring forth poor growth, and it can be fruitless. If it bears any fruit at all, it will be very little. There are gardening rules for rooting a grape vine. Rooting and grounding is the natural counterpart of being ordained properly and being rooted and grounded in the Apostolic faith. I can assure all of you who read this, if you are part of a church where the pastor has not been rooted and grounded: the vine is not Apostolic rooted and grounded according to the Apostle's Doctrine; you are in a Church that will NEVER be rapture or resurrection ready. 

You have every right to question your pastor to find out who ordained him? Who rooted and grounded him in the Apostle's Doctrine. Contrary to the thinking of some, deacons and elders cannot root a man in the Apostolic Doctrine. And they certainly cannot ordain a person into the Five-Fold-Ministry. Ask to see your pastor's ordination certificate. If he has none and he is just a switch over, and all his doctrines are things he made up along the way, or took in from some false prophet: he has not been properly rooted and ordained and charged. He is not in the Five-Fold-Ministry. Do not trust your soul under this kind of a man. If he cannot tell you how and who rooted him and the date he was ordained and by whom, and this was a Godly man with prior proper ordination himself ordaining him: DO NOT GO THERE.  If you are in such a church, GET OUT! Why go to a church where the preacher is not in the Five-Fold-Ministry and he is just faking it? He claims one of the titles and an office by usurping it having never been qualified and ordained. He just chose a title and an office and now trying to get fools to get in and up under him. Such a man can fake his way through but all he will produce is a wild vine. All he will collect around him are fakes like himself. This man's root system is not Apostolic and he will NEVER produce a real Apostolic Church.

Disease issues
Grape vines are susceptible to many kinds of diseases (bacterial, fungal, parasites, and virus'). The husbandman, and that is what a vine keeper is called, must always tend to his vine. The first sight of stress and or something wrong, he will begin his investigation and search for the cause. He will quickly do whatever it takes to save the vine. If he has to kill some parasites he will just dispatch them on to their death. He will do his best to kill any fungal disease. Bacterial infections must be dealt with quickly. In many cases there are no cures for the virus' that may attack. The husbandman will bring in professionals who know how to help in times like this. The spiritual counterpart is the other members of the Five-Fold-Ministry. At no time will any part of the Five-Fold-Ministry work to kill the vine. Many men who kill the vines are deacons, elders, bishops, teachers, evangelists, false prophets, false pastors, false apostles, who NEVER were in the Five-Fold-Ministry. Any pastor who allows these kinds of men to have any doctrinal authority in his church is a fool. Deacons making doctrine is stupid. Elders making doctrine is stupid. Deacons and Elders are NEVER equal to a real Pastor Man of God: NEVER! This is why many Pastors have a closed pulpit. It is closed to fools. It is open to real men of God. These men know how to qualify who preaches in their pulpits. What is he doing here? He is making sure that any spiritual disease of his members, visitors, backsliders, are taken care of by professional men of God. Men who will not kill the vine for the fun of it. Men who will not abuse the vine for the fun of it. The husbandman must look after the Church as a husbandman looks after his vine. If he does not he will KILL IT. The problem I see is that many of these cross-over men are women preachers in a man's body. You cannot teach and correct them. They are unteachable. All the men under them are unteachable. And this vine will die of all manner of spiritual diseases that will be allowed in to attack at the vine. But this ignorant husbandman thinks he is producing a great vine for God, when all along it is cursed with all manner of spiritual disease. If this church is ever saved it will be by the careful work of a skilled man of God who is in the Five-Fold-Ministry. I learned that care-takers can actually kill a grape vine by improper care.

Insect issues
There are many insects that attack a grape vine (climbing cutworms, leafhoppers, aphids, berry moth, cane gallmaker, cane girdler, tumid gallmaker, and mites). Here is where the husbandman gets right to work. He will waste no time. These insects are not friends even when they like to hang around the vine. They are not there to help bring forth the fruit. No, they are there to make sure there is little or no fruit at all.

Take that nasty cutworm, nice dressed little creature. It will eat at new growth and cut right through a fresh green shoot. He will lop it off with his mouth. He will use his mouth to kill a part of the vine. Nice dressed little preachers are just like this cut worm. Can't wait to craw into the pulpit and start cutting people up and cutting them off. How many mouths do we have in the church and in the pulpit cutting away at fresh new converts? They will cut to the quick of the new convert and do not care if they kill him/her and the potential fruit they could bear later on. So, the cutworm must be squashed. Spiritually speaking these cutworms need to be stepped on and removed from the Church injured and if need be left to die. And if a man of God must turn these worms over to the devil, so be it. They can join those where the worm dieth not. The husbandman must care for the vine of God which is his Church. Likewise with these other insects. None of them are good for the vine. How many insects are there hanging around the church being a pest. Everything they do is negative to the vine. The Church is not better because they are members. Instead they are curses to the vine. Their very presence is always a present danger which the Pastor must always be on guard against. He never knows when their mouth will be at work behind his back. The most precious church members are those who do not have cutworm mouths. They know how to keep their mouths shut and not devour one another. They know how to be gentle, kind, loving, and compassionate. They are not bold, brashy, and rebellious. Their mouth is never out of order. They are always respectful and under the control of the Holy Ghost. But not the spiritual insects, not the cutworms. They are never under the control of the Holy Ghost. The husbandman must get rid of these spiritual insects or they will kill his church.

Bird and animal issues
A grape vine husbandman must always be ready now for the birds. They will come in and eat the fruit. He has labored to take care of the root conditions, diseases, and insects. Now the birds. These are robbers. They never labored for this fruit but they want it. These birds want for themselves. On the spiritual counterpart, Paul mentioned it like this: "Also of your ownselves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them" (Acts 20:30). I liken these to birds. They do not labor for the fruit but they want it for themselves. These are church robbers. They come in, they visit, the minister or neighbor pastor sees some fruit he would like to have, and he makes careful plans when the husbandman cannot see him, to get that fruit. We call them sheep stealers. They are thieves. They want something they could not produce themselves. So they go from church to church to steal the fruit of another man's vine. I have seen it over the years. Other pastors who coveted some of my members. They plotted and schemed. They did many things to cause distractions so they could have an excuse to take members away and not consider their conduct sheep stealing. But they were still wild birds. No real Apostolic man of God will take in members from another Church without proper release from the prior pastor. Any pastor who takes in members from another Church and these were not properly released is a sheep stealer. I do not care if the person seeking to transfer has a personal gripe. Ethics are ETHICS. Sheep stealing or taking in a runaway sheep will never be justified regardless of the excuse given. One pastor took in some of my runaways. He justified it because he said they just showed up at his place and ask him if they could go there and he be their pastor. Since they asked he said yes. He never contacted me. When I learned of it, I prophesied, he will NEVER KEEP THEM EITHER. Sooner or later they will leave him also. And sure enough they did. Sometimes it will take awhile but rebellious sheep not only will never stick anywhere, they will end up lost as they become professional church hoppers. What is seen here is birds at work to rob the husbandman of his fruit.  I have NEVER taken in a person who did not have a release from a prior pastor. I will not take another man's fruit, and think I had a right to rob him. Pastor Reckart is not a dirty bird. You want to come to Pastor Reckart's Church? Get a letter of release from your Pastor or do not show up at the door asking to come in for the service. I will send you back home. Now if your pastor told you to get out, you do not need a letter of transfer.

Care-taking issues
Once the husbandman has trained himself to care for his vine, he will develop an Apostolic legacy in spite of all the reprobates he has had to contend with to keep his vine. He will prune it when it is time to prune it. He will remove the dead branches. He will train his vine how to grow properly. This is the great work of a skilled husbandman. If he does not take care of his husband work, does not allow novices to take over out of control, he will be a great man of God. But if he does not work his vine according to Apostolic protocol, he will kill his church. All who follow him will end up lost.

Pastor Reckart will post pictures of picking grapes this year for the Passover of Jesus wine next year.  Also pictures of him planting grape vines at the Church were in future years we will have our own grape vines for our Passover wine.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Loves

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