Friday, September 30, 2011


Holiness is a debated subject these days. Mostly because liberals have long rejected holiness standards in favor of worldly lascivious trends. It is not just their rejection of holiness here, it is their adoption of sensual and sexually sent messages by the new worldly dress code they have adopted. Carnality has attacked holiness as if it was something man invented.

Holiness is certainly not for everyone. But it certainly is for God. Without holiness, God would not even be God.

Holiness defines God.

Holiness speaks of his flawless and impeccable character.

Holiness shows us that God has consecrated himself to be holy.

Speaking from this pure spiritual standard, God then tells us to be holy as he is holy.

Is there no standard of God's holiness?

Is God a liberal? Does he think of his own holiness as legalism or self-imposed bondage?

Is holiness a drag to God? Does this flawless and impeccable standard cause God to feel lonely or unwanted? Or does it elevate God to a place where he would never become a devil?

What will my holiness be?

Look at it like this: whatever has sin attached to it that man invented or man created for his lusts and his own pleasure: that God has shown he does not approve, elevate yourself away from these. Impose upon yourself a standard of holiness that is impeccable. To do this put on God's holiness standard. You can't go wrong here.

Holiness in a nutshell means there are some things God has chosen to stay away from and not be a partaker of. He sets himself aside and apart from all evil. This is why he is a holy God and separate from sinners. This establishes why he is holy and he loves holiness. It is self control and mastery over the flesh and the influences of the world. Holiness is a sign to God of our personal sanctification and that we have made a choice 100% with him in his righteousness. No regrets. No turning back. No going back to the wild olive tree from whence we came. And no more being controlled by worldly fashions, trends, and social rampage in personal levels of comfortable nakedness. Yes, holiness is about wrap up and letting God dress us. Adam and Eve submitted to this, should we not ask God to dress us? This will set us aside as a peculiar people.

Set aside, isn't this the same thing as sanctification?

If God has set himself aside unto holiness, and this is his own sanctification from all evil; would it not be very simple then to see that if we are ever to be holy as he is holy: there must be sanctification in our own heart.

Ok, let's set ourselves apart and aside for the purpose of God. This is sanctification. But, if we do not do this for the purpose of holiness, it is all a joke then to pretend we want holiness. This is why the jokers in the pulpits yelling against holiness standards are such fun. They really think God is impressed with their feigned words. Boy, will they be surprised on the way to the fire.

Holiness is God's will for all of us. It is out of the holiness of God that perfect love came forth for us. And it is only when we ask God with perfect love for the holiness standard he wants us to live, that we can approach God without fear. And without holiness NO MAN SHALL SEE GOD.

Here is what I envision on judgment day.

Many sinners, backsliders, come before the throne of God to be judged and sent to the lake of fire. But when they come they cannot look upon God in their sinful condition. So they will never see God. All they will see is a bright light and hear a voice. About like what that sinner experienced on the road to Damascus.

But for us who love holiness and no standard is to strong, we will see his face. Now that is worth all the holiness standards of the Bible. And so what if some of them are strict? Do you want to stay out of hell?  Do you want to see God's face? Then stop all this nonsense against holiness standards.

Sanctify yourself and set yourself aside and apart to the most pure flawless and impeccable life you can.

Is heaven worth all this?

You bet.

If you cannot say you love holiness, and live it: then do not fake yourself out and think you will see God.  All such jokers will end you with the greatest joker of all. And deserve ever minute of an eternity in the fires of hell torment. I said so!

Bishop Reckart
A Holiness Sanctified Man

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Grape Vines/How To Kill A Church

I observed some things about grape vines recently I believe have spiritual relevance.

When the soil is right and the fertilizer is right, it will grow and bear fruit. But there are dangers to the vine like:

Root issues,
Disease issues,
Insect issues,
Bird and animal issues,
Care-taking issues.

Root Issues
A grape vine must be rooted correctly. Just as a Church must be founded and rooted correctly. Here is my point here: A pastor was trinitarian and was rooted and ordained in that faith and doctrine. He was pastor of a trinitarian pentecostal church. He saw the light on Oneness and baptism in Jesus name. He was rebaptized and began to preach Oneness. But he was not rooted and ordained into the Oneness Apostolic faith. He was trying to slip in and cross over without being properly rooted and ordained and charged with the Apostle's Doctrine. When he was a trinitarian he was not in the Five-Fold-Ministry. No trinitarian is in the Five-Fold-Ministry. Now he was trying to cross over as a Oneness Pastor without proper rooting and ordination and without proper proof of acceptance of "ALL" the Apostle's Doctrine. He switched but this did not of itself mean he was properly rooted in Apostolic doctrine. In fact, his switch did not root him at all. This is the problem the Apostolic ranks has had now for over 80 years. Men switching over who have never been rooted. They remain rooted in all their old doctrines except for Oneness and baptism in Jesus name. These men have been destroyers of the Apostolic faith with their liberalism and trinitarian ways. Yet they call themselves Apostolic. This is really bearing false witness.

I have found in my 40 years of ministry that it is these kind of men who bring in all manner of false doctrines. And because they now claim they are Apostolic then can stamp Apostolic on their false doctrines. No false doctrine will ever be Apostolic because the man preaching it claims he is Apostolic. These men accept all manner of false preachers and false prophets because they had NEVER been rooted in the true Apostle's Doctrine. They in turn began to ordain deacons, elders, pastors, bishops, apostles, prophets, into the doctrines they hold and they NEVER were rooted and ordained themselves into the Apostolic Faith Doctrines of the Apostles. Oneness and baptism in Jesus name is not the totality of Apostolic Doctrine. This is why so many of them are rebellious and refuse correction. Therefore, they were NEVER rooted or grounded. This is why they are a wild vine. This is why all they can produce is wild fruit, wild preachers, novices out of order, and men with evil mouths. His vine cannot produce anything else. What he produces are women preachers in a man's body.

Just because a minister accepts Oneness and is rebaptized in Jesus name does not automatically root them and transfer them over into the Apostolic Five-Fold-Ministry. They must be ordained into the Five-Fold-Ministry. They cannot just choose a title and office and set up shop and have some business cards printed. With root disease from the get-go these self-made ministers and churches can NEVER produce any part of the Bride of Christ as will a true rooted and grounded Apostolic Man of God. A true Apostolic Church will have been rooted and grounded with the Pastor a properly called, prepared, and ordained man. This man is a real "HUSBANDMAN." A real vine care-taker. He will insure the vine of his Church is rooted and grounded in the Apostle's Doctrine.

When Jesus said the Father was the HUSBANDMAN and he was the vine, the people were the branches, he was telling us of his own root system. The branches will only represent the vine and its roots. When I see a church that is not doctrinally sound, the pastor is a nut-case with all kinds of false doctrines, and he allows all manner of falsehood preached unchecked, I know this vine and its root are evil. I know the husbandman of this church is a fake. He can fake his ministry. He can fake his title and office, but he is no HUSBANDMAN. He is not in the Five-Fold-Ministry. He has a ministry and is running in vain, not being properly ordained himself and charged with the Apostolic Doctrines for to keep and hold. When fakes do not have the Apostle's Doctrine they continue to make up doctrine and private interpretations that will conflict with the true Apostle's Doctrine. A true vine has a true Apostolic root. It will have sound doctrine. The Ministry will be ordained, planted, rooted, grounded, and bring forth the fruits thereof. A fake husbandman will only bring forth a vine that is wild. And the little fruit thereof is good for nothing.

It all begins in the roots. If a grape vine is not rooted properly it can die, it can bring forth poor growth, and it can be fruitless. If it bears any fruit at all, it will be very little. There are gardening rules for rooting a grape vine. Rooting and grounding is the natural counterpart of being ordained properly and being rooted and grounded in the Apostolic faith. I can assure all of you who read this, if you are part of a church where the pastor has not been rooted and grounded: the vine is not Apostolic rooted and grounded according to the Apostle's Doctrine; you are in a Church that will NEVER be rapture or resurrection ready. 

You have every right to question your pastor to find out who ordained him? Who rooted and grounded him in the Apostle's Doctrine. Contrary to the thinking of some, deacons and elders cannot root a man in the Apostolic Doctrine. And they certainly cannot ordain a person into the Five-Fold-Ministry. Ask to see your pastor's ordination certificate. If he has none and he is just a switch over, and all his doctrines are things he made up along the way, or took in from some false prophet: he has not been properly rooted and ordained and charged. He is not in the Five-Fold-Ministry. Do not trust your soul under this kind of a man. If he cannot tell you how and who rooted him and the date he was ordained and by whom, and this was a Godly man with prior proper ordination himself ordaining him: DO NOT GO THERE.  If you are in such a church, GET OUT! Why go to a church where the preacher is not in the Five-Fold-Ministry and he is just faking it? He claims one of the titles and an office by usurping it having never been qualified and ordained. He just chose a title and an office and now trying to get fools to get in and up under him. Such a man can fake his way through but all he will produce is a wild vine. All he will collect around him are fakes like himself. This man's root system is not Apostolic and he will NEVER produce a real Apostolic Church.

Disease issues
Grape vines are susceptible to many kinds of diseases (bacterial, fungal, parasites, and virus'). The husbandman, and that is what a vine keeper is called, must always tend to his vine. The first sight of stress and or something wrong, he will begin his investigation and search for the cause. He will quickly do whatever it takes to save the vine. If he has to kill some parasites he will just dispatch them on to their death. He will do his best to kill any fungal disease. Bacterial infections must be dealt with quickly. In many cases there are no cures for the virus' that may attack. The husbandman will bring in professionals who know how to help in times like this. The spiritual counterpart is the other members of the Five-Fold-Ministry. At no time will any part of the Five-Fold-Ministry work to kill the vine. Many men who kill the vines are deacons, elders, bishops, teachers, evangelists, false prophets, false pastors, false apostles, who NEVER were in the Five-Fold-Ministry. Any pastor who allows these kinds of men to have any doctrinal authority in his church is a fool. Deacons making doctrine is stupid. Elders making doctrine is stupid. Deacons and Elders are NEVER equal to a real Pastor Man of God: NEVER! This is why many Pastors have a closed pulpit. It is closed to fools. It is open to real men of God. These men know how to qualify who preaches in their pulpits. What is he doing here? He is making sure that any spiritual disease of his members, visitors, backsliders, are taken care of by professional men of God. Men who will not kill the vine for the fun of it. Men who will not abuse the vine for the fun of it. The husbandman must look after the Church as a husbandman looks after his vine. If he does not he will KILL IT. The problem I see is that many of these cross-over men are women preachers in a man's body. You cannot teach and correct them. They are unteachable. All the men under them are unteachable. And this vine will die of all manner of spiritual diseases that will be allowed in to attack at the vine. But this ignorant husbandman thinks he is producing a great vine for God, when all along it is cursed with all manner of spiritual disease. If this church is ever saved it will be by the careful work of a skilled man of God who is in the Five-Fold-Ministry. I learned that care-takers can actually kill a grape vine by improper care.

Insect issues
There are many insects that attack a grape vine (climbing cutworms, leafhoppers, aphids, berry moth, cane gallmaker, cane girdler, tumid gallmaker, and mites). Here is where the husbandman gets right to work. He will waste no time. These insects are not friends even when they like to hang around the vine. They are not there to help bring forth the fruit. No, they are there to make sure there is little or no fruit at all.

Take that nasty cutworm, nice dressed little creature. It will eat at new growth and cut right through a fresh green shoot. He will lop it off with his mouth. He will use his mouth to kill a part of the vine. Nice dressed little preachers are just like this cut worm. Can't wait to craw into the pulpit and start cutting people up and cutting them off. How many mouths do we have in the church and in the pulpit cutting away at fresh new converts? They will cut to the quick of the new convert and do not care if they kill him/her and the potential fruit they could bear later on. So, the cutworm must be squashed. Spiritually speaking these cutworms need to be stepped on and removed from the Church injured and if need be left to die. And if a man of God must turn these worms over to the devil, so be it. They can join those where the worm dieth not. The husbandman must care for the vine of God which is his Church. Likewise with these other insects. None of them are good for the vine. How many insects are there hanging around the church being a pest. Everything they do is negative to the vine. The Church is not better because they are members. Instead they are curses to the vine. Their very presence is always a present danger which the Pastor must always be on guard against. He never knows when their mouth will be at work behind his back. The most precious church members are those who do not have cutworm mouths. They know how to keep their mouths shut and not devour one another. They know how to be gentle, kind, loving, and compassionate. They are not bold, brashy, and rebellious. Their mouth is never out of order. They are always respectful and under the control of the Holy Ghost. But not the spiritual insects, not the cutworms. They are never under the control of the Holy Ghost. The husbandman must get rid of these spiritual insects or they will kill his church.

Bird and animal issues
A grape vine husbandman must always be ready now for the birds. They will come in and eat the fruit. He has labored to take care of the root conditions, diseases, and insects. Now the birds. These are robbers. They never labored for this fruit but they want it. These birds want for themselves. On the spiritual counterpart, Paul mentioned it like this: "Also of your ownselves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them" (Acts 20:30). I liken these to birds. They do not labor for the fruit but they want it for themselves. These are church robbers. They come in, they visit, the minister or neighbor pastor sees some fruit he would like to have, and he makes careful plans when the husbandman cannot see him, to get that fruit. We call them sheep stealers. They are thieves. They want something they could not produce themselves. So they go from church to church to steal the fruit of another man's vine. I have seen it over the years. Other pastors who coveted some of my members. They plotted and schemed. They did many things to cause distractions so they could have an excuse to take members away and not consider their conduct sheep stealing. But they were still wild birds. No real Apostolic man of God will take in members from another Church without proper release from the prior pastor. Any pastor who takes in members from another Church and these were not properly released is a sheep stealer. I do not care if the person seeking to transfer has a personal gripe. Ethics are ETHICS. Sheep stealing or taking in a runaway sheep will never be justified regardless of the excuse given. One pastor took in some of my runaways. He justified it because he said they just showed up at his place and ask him if they could go there and he be their pastor. Since they asked he said yes. He never contacted me. When I learned of it, I prophesied, he will NEVER KEEP THEM EITHER. Sooner or later they will leave him also. And sure enough they did. Sometimes it will take awhile but rebellious sheep not only will never stick anywhere, they will end up lost as they become professional church hoppers. What is seen here is birds at work to rob the husbandman of his fruit.  I have NEVER taken in a person who did not have a release from a prior pastor. I will not take another man's fruit, and think I had a right to rob him. Pastor Reckart is not a dirty bird. You want to come to Pastor Reckart's Church? Get a letter of release from your Pastor or do not show up at the door asking to come in for the service. I will send you back home. Now if your pastor told you to get out, you do not need a letter of transfer.

Care-taking issues
Once the husbandman has trained himself to care for his vine, he will develop an Apostolic legacy in spite of all the reprobates he has had to contend with to keep his vine. He will prune it when it is time to prune it. He will remove the dead branches. He will train his vine how to grow properly. This is the great work of a skilled husbandman. If he does not take care of his husband work, does not allow novices to take over out of control, he will be a great man of God. But if he does not work his vine according to Apostolic protocol, he will kill his church. All who follow him will end up lost.

Pastor Reckart will post pictures of picking grapes this year for the Passover of Jesus wine next year.  Also pictures of him planting grape vines at the Church were in future years we will have our own grape vines for our Passover wine.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Loves

Monday, September 26, 2011


The church was beautiful and well built. The church family worked hard on it. They spent a lot of hours, weeks, months, and years to lay the foundation and slowly build it room by room all the way to the roof. They worked on the inside until it was all completed. The day the church family moved in was a celebration. Everything they had worked for, had hoped for was here in this building. Their achievement was a crown to the talents, skills, and creativity they all put into it. Friends admired the final product. There was joy and music that brought dancing. All was well, very well. Several years went past. Summer months passed into winter months. The cold months slipped into spring. Many times the south warm air pushed the cold air back north. As the days got longer they got warmer. The grey skies changed to beautiful crisp blue skies. And the spring flowers bloomed. Everyone in the church family was so proud of their church home.

Soft warm revival air blew and the church family opened the door to the church and there was no guard. Soon it was filled with people. First one preacher and then another came blowing through. A spiritual storm caused by the blowing doctrines of these men swept through the house. A violent storm erupted on the outside and on the inside. Some of the outer doctrinal protection of the church was blown away. The winds blew and the pastor did nothing as doctrine after doctrine was destroyed. The doctrinal pillars were one by one removed. The winds blew more and more and more of the doctrine of the house was torn away. Some people who saw the danger quickly escaped. The pastor and those remaining tried to save the house but it was to late, the winds of false doctrine had already done their damage. Then came the flood. The swirling waters of all manner of sin filled the church. From the pastor to the deacons sin was accepted. The waters of sin brough much damage. The remaining members were now trapped. The pastor had deceived them and told them things would get better. There was now no escape. There was no one to help. All the false prophets and false teachers had long gone. At last the waters of sin attacked the house foundation that was built upon the sand. Those angry flood waters of sin which no man can control tested the house at its very foundation. At last, with remaining fearful souls still in it with the pastor promising them victory, it crashed and was swept away. And great was the fall of it.

Across from this valley of sand upon higher ground was a pastor building a Church on the rock. It was also beautiful. The members worked hard on it. At last it was completed and it was dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ with vows that it would be a place of Truth, Salvation, and Hope. The Apostle's Doctrine was established. All doctrine would be tested against the original faith of the early Church. All who ministered here would be preachers of Truth who passed rigid qualifications. No winds of doctrines would be allowed. False prophets and false teachers would not be allowed and if a man erred and refused correction he would be cast out. There would be high standards of holiness. This would be a sanctuary for souls. Days, weeks, months, and years passed. From time to time there were accusations hurled at this Church from those over at the church built on the sand. False prophets and false teachers with their winds of doctrine spewed out their rage and hate against the Church on the Rock. But the winds never affected it. And when the flood of the waters of sin came and the house on the sand was violently swept away, the Church on the rock stood firm.

Bishop Reckart
Rock Church of Tampa

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bearing False Witness

Of course I am a target for many novices, Reckart haters, and generally many who reject sound doctrine.  It was brought to my attention that Minister Kendrick Clark who serves as an Elder under Pastor R.L. Randolph at the Outreach Church of Jesus in Kissimmee, Florida, has slandered me by name.  His entire rant has to do with "hallelujah" and he feels by attacking me he can make this word holy and Biblical.  I believe he thinks he can elevate his pastor, himself, and his church by rending me. More than one man has tried to circle in my enemies by attacking me. This church is trying to build a body of Christ out of Reckart haters. Good luck!

I do not know this young man having met him perhaps less than five times. And during these times spent very little time with him. His gripe with me has all to do with trying to destroy my name and reputation all because he disagrees with me about the word "hallelujah." Obviously he visits my blog frequently and what he reads causes him anxiety, frustration, and anger. He got bristled and infuriated to the point he believed he should openly attack me. I do not mind men disagreeing with me. Many do. But do not disagree with me and then use lies to back up the hate in a public rant. Here is a lie he posted on his blog last year:

"I personally have some insight on the origin of this bold and looming topic. Several years ago a young minister (who will remain anonymous) attended Pastor Reckar’s church, and during the young man’s stay he was the first to preach that “Yah” in Hallelujah was connected to the moon God. Since then Pastor Reckart, took the words of this young minister (who wasn’t even ordained at the time) and has unleashed a campaign to destroy the practice of the word “Hallelujah”.

All of this is lies. He wants to protect the name of the liar, now that is integrity. His liar can be none other than one of two men. The first man is Jermaine Canty, and the second is Artie Rosebury. When I see them next I will confront them both personally to see if they told this lie to Minister Kendrick or if he just made it up all on his own.

(Special Note: Minister Rosebury came by today (11/2/2011) to inform me he did not say to Minister Clark that I got the hallelujah doctrine from him. This could have been avoided if Minister Clark had been ethical and wrote the name of the alleged secret minister. That he threw Minister Rosebury under the buss and did not exclude him as a possible candidate for this lie, is unacceptable behavior. I talked with Minister Rosebury for quite sometime. He repeated over and over that he did not tell Minister Clark what he is reporting. This now leaves the one who told Minister Clark this lie to be Minister Jermaine Canty. I will be seeing him soon I believe.)

Here are the facts.
Date of my Book
I used hallelujah all my life until I debated the Yahwehs on March 6, 1993. My book was printed on March 5, 1993 to be passed out at the debate the next day. The book was actually written in 1992 but not published until 1993. It was in that year and specifically at that debate in Conyers, Georgia on March 6th, that I wrote in my book PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, that hallelujah was false and hallelujeh was correct. In my debate with the Yahweh's I proved that the names Jehovah and Yahweh were both invented by Catholic monks. I also challenged the use of "yah" in any guess name. I do not know where Minister Kendrick Clark was in 1993 and do not care. But he was not in Conyers, Georgia. Neither were Jermaine Canty or Artie Rosebury. These men were not even saved and in Church then. Ministers Canty and Rosebury attended my Church from 2003 to end of March in 2005. I had to throw out Minister Canty for several reasons including drinking wine, lying, insubordination, doing things without permission (usurping my authority), and causing discord in the Church. Minister Rosebury was sent out of the Church because he refused to stand by ethics and truth and had joined in with Minister Canty. Both of these men instantly became members of Outreach Church where Minister Clark attends and Pastor R.L. Randolph became their pastor. It was this transfer of Ministers Canty and Rosebury that initiated many lies and perversions from this church. Within a few months Pastor Randolph had to disfellowship Minister Canty over insubordination, rebellion, and disrespect.

Part of page 19 of the book
I took Minister Canty on a missions trip to the Philippines and to South Africa in January 2004. It was during this trip to the Philippines he heard the people say "hallelu-yeh." And he heard them teaching against "yah." I had already taught on this in my home Church in Tampa, but many were still clutching to the habit of saying "hallelujah." I was not overbearing on saying "hallelu-yeh" or even "hallelu-Jesus" although I tried to teach this as the highest praise while Ministers Canty and Rosebury were members. For years, even before I came out against "hallelujah" I preached that "praise Jesus" was the highest praise because Jesus was the highest name. During those years in the Tampa Church I did not use "yah" and "hallelujah." Only newer members who came in used them. They were not brow beat to say Hallelu-Jesus or even Praise Jesus. During the ten years before Ministers Canty and Rosebury showed up, there were many lessons on the tetragrammaton and all the false names and parts thereof. In those ten years I taught Jesus name above all names and that "praise Jesus" was the highest praise. Here is my point.

On page 19 of the book
 The Philippine Churches can bear witness that I taught them against "Yah" and "hallelujah" beginning in 1998. It was Pastor Zalde Aban who first began to teach this in the Philippines in that year. Where did he get it from? Pastor Aban received a copy of my book PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST that was taken to the Philippines in December 1993 by Missionary Pastor C.E. George. Ten copies that he took there passed around for five years through many hands until 1998 when Pastor Aban received a copy. From that event, JMFI was born in the Philippines. I made my first trip there in March 2003 after five years of evangelism by email and regular mail.

I mention all these details because it is an absolute lie that Ministers Canty and Rosebury, one or the other, was the originator of my preaching against "Yah" and "hallelujah."

Additional note: In 1998 in response to the Philippine request for more information on the sacred name issue, I collected a lot of my notes and wrote my "Ehjeh asher Ehjeh". Check the date I copyrighted this. Also check out one of my other studies here and notice the 2000 year date of the copyright. 1998 was five years before Jermaine Canty and Artie Rosebury were in my Church. 2000 was three years before they were in my Church. I just checked by old message boards and also my emails. I have emails back to 1993 on this subject. They started pouring in just after my debate in Conyers. Over the years I have had hundreds of emails about hallelujah and yah. Emails that Minister Clark and his cohorts will have a hard time proving did not exist before his phantom year he claims I learned all this. For these men to say I got my inspiration from one or the other of these men is stupidity. Pastor Randolph needs to put a stop to these young novices destroying the credibility of his church. He has allowed them to invent and control doctrine there far to long. Maybe this shows his own inability to establish doctrine or he never did know the true Apostolic doctrine to allow all these departures and heresies.

I held a prophecy conference at my Church here in Tampa on December 12 & 13, 2002 at which Minister Gary Mink and Pastor Bob Jones attended. Brother Mink did an excellent job teaching against Yahweh. I taught against Yah and hallelujah. Pastor Bob Jones preached on the Kingdom of God. It was at this meeting Ministers Canty and Rosebury first visited my Church. They were brought by Minister Washington. They heard all the teachings. If they forgot it all that is not my fault. But one thing for sure, they heard it. And neither of these young novices had any knowledge of Yah and hallelujah at that time. Minister Clark has used a lie to make his use and his Pastors use of hallelujah ok. Well, that lie will not walk!

This is the kind of hate that has come out of Pastor Randolph's church now ever since 2005 when he took in men I threw out. Ministers Clark, Kipp, and Nevarez, the trinity of elders who run this church, have been perverting doctrine ever since 2005 when these men joined them. One of the first things they came out with was baby baptisms. I refused to ordain Ministers Canty and Rosebury to any New Testament office because they did not qualify in ethics and ministerial humbleness. Within weeks of them being under Pastor Randolph he ordained them to satisfy their demands to hold a ministerial office. Minister Canty rejected his ordination because it was going to be as an evangelist whereas Minister Rosebury was being ordained as pastor and a bishop. Minister Canty then jealous of minister Rosebury his friend, said he would not allow Pastor Randolph to ordain his dog and left the church. There have been sharp words attacking each other between them since around the fall of 2005.
I have no purpose in this response to Minister Clark except to challenge his lies. He should have called me or emailed me before he posted his rant. He can be a "hallelujah" worshiper, I do not care. But if he wants to use this moon-god praise and to do so, he feels he needs to attack me publicly, he needs to tell the truth.  I am shocked his pastor has allowed him to launch this public attack. But seeing how unethically (when he was supposedly a pastoral friend), he quickly took in men I disfellowshipped: I can understand his shame and reasons for silence.

Another witness to my coming out against Yahweh, Jehovah, and hallelujah is Pastor Kenneth Kirkland of Valdez, Alaska. He was there with me in 1993 when I debated the Yahwehs. In fact, he drove me from Tampa to Conyers. He knows as do all others who had a copy of my book that I dealt with the word "hallelujah." I may not have been as detailed then as I later learned more, but I did come out against use of "yah" and this word back in 1993, many years before Ministers Clark, Canty, and Rosebury were even saved.

I want to assure all of you my friends, that when men must post lies in their rants against me, I will answer their challenge. I will not let my good be evil spoken of. Especially by a yah moon worshipper.

Hallelujah is still a praise to the moon-god no matter how angry Minister Clark and his Pastor are against me.

I am right. I have proven I am right.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Loves

Friday, September 23, 2011

Church of God

The Church of God is mentioned in Acts 20:28.

"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood."

Spoken to the Elders of the Church in Ephesus which Paul sent to meet him in Miletus (Acts 20:17-18). Paul was the Founder, Pastor, and Apostle of this Church. He could summon the Elders since it was he who ordained them in their position.

The word Church:

Greek: "ekklesia" (Strongs 1577-- a calling out, congregation, synagogue, assembly).
Hebrew: "qahal" (Strongs #6951-- assembly, company, congregation, multitude); "edah" (Strongs #5712--assembly, congregation, crowd, multitude, swarm of people).

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said he would build (establish) his Church.

Church as Jesus used it was a contrast replacement to the Temple and those who assembled there. As the Jews assembled in a congregation at the Temple and their many synagogues, the followers of Jesus would assemble in congregations where ever two or three or more gathered in his name. It is the name of Jesus that makes this assembly a congregation to be recognized as a Church. If the name of Jesus is rejected by one or all of the three or more, it is not a New Testament recognized Church assembly. In a real Church the name of Jesus is ABOVE ALL NAMES. We are not to use any other name for God in our Churches.

Moses was "in" the Church in the wilderness (see Acts 7:38). The word Church here is "ekklesia" and refers to the Tabernacle. We are sure that Stephen in his preaching was not speaking Greek. He was speaking Hebrew or Aramaic. He would have used one of the Hebrew words "qahal" or "edah." We believe Jesus used the same Hebrew words in Matthew 16:18 and was not speaking Greek.

It is true that both Qahal and Edah refer to an assembly of people and a congregation of Israelites and not a building. But it is also true, that just as Tabernacle means a place of rest, sleep, and even a house, tent, and home (also applied to the body); even so Church as a replacement of all that the Tabernacle was, is appropriate.  Where the people assembled for praise and worship was then the Tabernacle and Stephen called it a Church. Since he made the connection and gave us the revelation, we will abide it without question and debate.

The Tabernacle was a fixture, a building, and the place the people assembled into a congregation.  Where the people assembled into a congregation as the Qahal or Edah, that place was called the Church in Acts 7:38. In Acts 7:44 it is called: "the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness." This is Stephen looking back past the day of Pentecost when the New Testament Church was established into the olden days with a revelation of the Church.

The Church in the wilderness was then an assembly of people into a congregation who attended the Tabernacle where they became witnesses of God's power, blessings, and salvation.  This assembly of people became the congregation who worshipped God at the Tabernacle Church. For this reason and very revelation, many Pastors have named their Church "Tabernacle" such as First Pentecostal Tabernacle or such like. While others use Church these Pastors used Tabernacle. In practice and reality they are saying by use of either name that this is a place where members assemble and God is present to meet all their material and spiritual needs.

Church--an assembly of people in congregation at a specific place of worship. The meeting place of the congregation where the people assemble to seek God's many blessings. Only when they assembled into a congregation are the members collectively called the Church. Each person is only a part of the assembly and congregation. No person can claim "I am the Church." Because no individual person constitutes an assembly or congregation. 

The Church is a religious group since it is a congregation that assembles for the purpose of worship. No Church is a political group. The Church is not a body politic.

It should never be a place of voting on people for any office or position. The officers of the Church (the five-fold-ministry, Bishops, Elders, and Deacons) are not voted in. They are qualified and are ordained in without a vote. Therefore all political voting religious organizations calling themselves a church are invalid. They bear the name Church in contradiction to every verse of the Bible. Only a group of people assembled in a congregation are a Church.

Even as the Israelites after they came out of Egypt, were sanctified, and blood sacrifice was offered for their sins gathered at the Tabernacle; even so, until a person has come under all this spiritual protection and personal salvation can they be part of what constitutes a Church. The place these holy people assemble can be called the Church just as the Tabernacle was called a Church for the holy Israelites to gather. Any collection of people into a group, an assembly, a congregation that does not meet the New Testament standard and requirements are not a Church.

We know that the collection of people into a group, an assembly, a congregation around the altars of idols at a pagan temple could NEVER BE CALLED THE TABERNACLE. To do so would instantly identify it as false. Even so, there are many false churches today who use the name "church" when all they are is a collection of people into an assembly of pagans and heathens who are not born again. They have not forsaken the world or the lusts and idols thereof. No qualified and ordained man is the Minister there. They must comply with Acts 2:38 to transfer over from that which is false to that which is True. And this also depending on the church using Acts 2:38 not holding false doctrines that are not of the Apostle's Doctrine.

The first Church is the pattern.

Mark 9:1, the Kingdom was to come with power;
Acts 1:8, the power was to come with the Holy Ghost;
Acts 2:4, the Holy Ghost came on the day of Pentecost.

Therefore, the Church and Kingdom to which Peter was given the keys in Matthew 16:18-19, was established on the day of Pentecost.

The 120 were assembled in a congregation at a place, the Upper Room. There were chairs or benches or something there to sit upon because the text says they were "sitting."

The Ministry was present, all 12 of the current Apostles were in the first Church service.

They had been meeting here for at least ten days in worship. We know they held one business meeting when the Apostle Matthias was chosen by lot (not voting).  We know someone numbered who was present "about 120." Could be some came and went and the number changed from time to time.

The purpose of the people to assemble in a congregation was to wait for the promise of the Holy Ghost. They were not there for any other purpose than to receive the Holy Ghost. All things being prepared by each of them to receive the Holy Ghost was already accomplished.

John prophesied that he baptized with water but Jesus would baptize with the Holy Ghost. We will assume here that only those who had been baptized by faith and waiting on the Holy Ghost were in the Upper Room Church service.

Yes, the meeting of the assembly was a Church service. Before the Holy Ghost came they were like Baptist or some other group of people without the Holy Ghost. But when the Holy Ghost came they became the Holy Ghost Church. Because of this great spiritual blessing we refer to those on the day of Pentecost as the first Holy Ghost Pentecostals. Before this, they were all Jews and Israelites still lost and going to hell. They were not born again as Jesus spoke in John 3:3-5. They needed the Holy Ghost to be born again. Church is then the place to be born again. This happened in Jerusalem among an assembly of people in a congregation. Jesus started his Church after this fashion and it is the pattern for all Churches until Jesus comes.

Are you a member of a real Church?

Or are you a member of a false church?

Or are you a member of a backslid church?

Or are you an on-fire Holy Ghost filled person under the Apostle's Doctrine?

The first Church was completely under the Apostle's Doctrine. There were no false doctrines in the Upper Room Church. They were no false apostles, false prophets, women preachers, Jezebels, homosexual and lesbian evangelists, teachers, and so forth.

The people of the endtime Church will come out from among all that mess. They will restore the Church to the Body of Christ and they will know this assembly of people are a holiness congregation. Indeed sinners and backsliders are welcome to come among us and find salvation. But they are not welcome among us to evangelize our members to accept and do evil. Therefore, in a real Apostolic Church there will be holiness standards that determine conduct, order, and practice. By these we will maintain ourselves as people saved from our sins and who are indeed born again. The Church is not a place for evil people to gather as tares among the wheat who have no intention of becoming saved and joining our holiness congregation as a member of the real Church.

The last day Church will be a restoration of the First Church.

All falsehood will be rejected from false apostles, false prophets, false evangelist, false pastors, false teachers, false bishops, false elders, and false deacons. All these pigs in the pulpit rendering will be rejected. All those novices out of order will be rejected. All those haughty and high-minded individuals who reject the Truth and become railers will be rejected. They can increase in numbers but this does not mean they have the right Spirit or doctrine.  When God has his Church back and the sanctuary has been cleansed, and the body is fitly joined together, each part humbled to its place, the first Church will be the last Church.




Why do some of you come to this blog day after day and you hate me?
Why do you come here to take gold nuggets away from this blog then get into your pulpits and call me all kinds of names?
Why do you anger yourself by even coming here?
Why, do you think I am going to post your nonsense?

Please save yourself the time and do not even try to post if it is not something edifying and uplifting. Save your rants and hate they just give me a good laugh. Seeing many in derision because of their own stupidity is often gratifying. I share with God that those who are rebellious deserve to be deceived by their own deceptions.

I know some of you are eager to take me down. You would love to debate and challenge me, but you do not have the courage or the capability. I know this must gripe you very deeply.

Why not take a chill pill, buzz off, and just stay away from this blog. Save yourself the daily fits of anger. Your phone bill might even be less when you do not have to make several long-distance calls to tell them what you just read. Why not just go somewhere else where you can fellowship nonsense and be happy?

For those of you who love the Truth, you will find it here. I am not a novice and as you read you will know it. I am a well educated and well trained Bishop in the Apostolic Oneness doctrine. When you come here your spirit can receive a blessing. Truth can feed your soul. You can get some daily bread here. And you can come back and eat at the table many times, again and again. Somethings here get better and better the more times you read them. Enjoy!

I have told some of you before, I am not looking for approval or acceptance. What I write is not to obtain anyone's permission. And I certainly do not care what many of you rebels think. I, like Paul am set for the defense of the Gospel as it was delivered. I do not need to make up a private revelation just to have one. And I do not need the title to an office just to claim I am in the Ministry. Any title to an office should tell correctly what a man is. The title does not make a man anything. He is the one who gives his title the respect of its name. The Apostles were not just holding the title to a position. They had the position and nothing but the name Apostle could describe it. To be sent, meant the man was authorized, ordained, and given the authority of his office. Apostle means sent with a specific doctrine, message, and purpose to lay a foundation that no other men or man can lay. Sent is found 166 times in the New Testament and it does not mean in all cases the one sent is an Apostle. No man can usurp any New Testament office title to himself. Yes, some man can place you in the body where you belong.

Why are men seeking titles to which they do not qualify?
It is all pride, fluff, and conceit.

Minister Barrett has written a beautiful study on the Five Fold Ministry. Go click on Jesus Son and read it. Not many men in the Apostolic ranks could have written this like he did. In fact, not many men could write it because they are in false doctrine. My appreciation to this great young man of God. He has suffered much for the Truth. Why does he stand for the Truth? Because he knows he will go to hell if he does not.

Some of you are preaching false doctrines and I promise you, you will go to hell. You can boast, you can be an accuser of the Brethren, and you can send out your hate. But you will not shake us. You can judge us but you cannot condemn us.

Why not just believe the Truth?

Why not join the Truth?

The love of the Truth is here. You can read it.

Jesus bless us all more and more,

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Loves

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trinity Is Three Gods

Trinitarians claim they are forbidden by the Nicene Creed to say there is or they believe in three Gods. Yet, when their doctrine is explained, they DO NOT BELIEVE IN ONE GOD.  They believe in three gods. Here is one of my charts to explain this contradiction.

Click the image for the larger view

I was contacted by Steve Rudd some years back about the trinity. He has a big trinity web site based in Canada ( He really hates Oneness people. He has all sorts of lies on his web site about us. I challenged him about his false doctrine. He told me he believed the word "God" only describes the nature of the Divine Being. To him God meant only Deity. He claimed the Father was Deity, the Son was Deity, and the Holy Ghost was Deity, but they were all one God. I told him he was lying to the people. By saying one God he was implying one Being.  When he said one God he was saying one essence or one nature. He sent me the little human example similar to the one you see above. In it he makes human kind the same as God kind. As all persons are a separate human, so all persons in the trinity are a separate God. I challenged him that if that is the case, then he believed in three separate Beings, three separate Spirits, and three separate bodies. To my shock and surprise, he wrote back that he did. It was easy then for me to see that trinitarians believe in three separate Gods, each has his own body, his own Spirit, and was a separate being from the other two.

Trinitarians do not want us Oneness people to zero in on there being more than one Spirit and more than one Body. They want us to ignore this. When I first began using it back in the late 80s, I was shocked at how many trinitarians when I examined them, were really oneness. They just held to the trinitarian doctrine. When I asked one Minister if he was trinity or oneness he said trinity. I asked him if he believed there was more than one Spirit that was God. He said no, he believe in one Spirit. I asked him if he believed each person in the trinity has his own separate body, so that when we get to heaven we will see three of them. He was puzzled at first and said yes. When I said that means you believe in three gods then. He replied he believed God had one body and when we get to heaven we will see one God who is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I then told him, you are not trinity, you are Oneness. He told me, if being oneness means when I get to heaven I will not see three separate Gods, then I am oneness then.

I was surprised how easy it was for him to switch his identity with just a few simple questions.

Many of us make it to hard for simple minded people to understand. We go on the attack rather than be a teacher by asking good simple questions.

Is God one Spirit or three?
Does God have one body or are there three separate bodies in heaven as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?
Is God one Being or three separate Beings?
When we get to heaven will we see three separate Gods?
Explaining the Oneness of God always gets confusing when talking about the Father, the Son of God, and the Holy Ghost. Many Oneness and Trinitarians are both guilty of spreading lies and confusion on this subject. Having studied the Godhead for over 40 years, I can say without any equivocation there is One God and One Spirit and He has one Body. Man was made in the image and likeness of that one Body.

We believe God has always been Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. We can translate that into Deity, Body, and Spirit whether it is in heaven or upon earth. If it is so on earth is so in heaven.

God is not Father and Deity only.
God is not Father and Spirit only.
God is also Father and Son.

Understanding God is the greatest revelation of the Bible. When we understand God we can understand Jesus.

If we are false on God we will be false on Jesus.

When Jesus said: "I and my Father are one", he was not talking about unity. He was saying they were one person, and he was the visible image of the invisible God (Father).

If you are trinitarian and was baptized in the titles Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: you need to be rebaptized according to Acts 2:38, in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the name above all names.

If you do not know anyone to baptize you, then fly, drive, hitch-hike, or walk to Tampa, Florida to Jesus House.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Loves


The above chart illustrating Truth is one of several hundred that Pastor Reckart has made over the years. No other Apostolic Oneness Pastor in the world has drawn and illustrated more Truth. I have placed many of them on the internet on my web pages. Many, many have not been. I use them in seminars as well as my own ministry here at Jesus House. Sometime in the future I plan to organize them by subject and put them into a notebook style Bible College Course. Because I am particular who has them, I will be very select in who receives a copy. I am interested only in passing on to another generation of great men, many great usable charts for lots of Apostolic Bible studies. Please do not flood my mail box asking for a copy. When I have this project completed I will at that time decide who will receive the information. Many men hang around for a little while and then go off the deep end with some crazy revelation. I do not want my materials in the hands of these novice heretics. No trinitarian need even ask. And my enemies, forget about it. You hate them anyway :). But for the great men of God, just wait. All good things come to those who wait.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ask The Chickens

It was in 1780 that smoke from a massive fire in Canada drifted across part of the eastern United States. About 9am in the morning it began. It lasted all that day. According to the poet Whittier, darkness came upon the land. Cows came to the barn and chickens went to their roost.  Who was to believe that out of this event on May 19, 1780 a new revelation would be born?

Most of us have known that Jesus was not crucified on Friday and the resurrection on Sunday. We know this does not agree with the testimony of the eye witnesses. They said, even Jesus, he arose on the 3rd day. We assume they meant normal days. But in 1780 a new revelation would challenge this. From what I hear it was a Catholic priest who came up with the revelation. He wanted some way to prove there was three days and three nights between Friday and Easter Sunday morning.

Here is what he invented.

On May 19, 1780 he witnessed the chickens go to roost when the sun turned to darkness about 9am. This awakened in him a theory. He would often say to those who ask about the three days to go and ask the chickens. He would then tell the story like this.

On Friday morning Jesus was on the Cross at 9am. At noon darkness came upon the world and the chickens went to the roost. At 3pm the darkness went away, day returned, and the chickens came off the roost. Then at 6pm the sun went down and the chickens went back to the roost. They stayed on the roost that night and  the next morning at sunrise came off the roost. They remained off the roost until 6pm Saturday night and went back on the roost. They stayed on the roost until Sunday morning and then came off.

So from 9am to noon on Friday is the first day. From noon to 3pm on Friday is first night. From 3pm to 6pm on Friday is the second day. And from 6pm to Saturday sunrise was second night. From 6am to 6pm on Saturday was the second day. From 6pm on Saturday to 6am on Sunday is the third night. And at 6am on Sunday and Easter is the third day.

When I first heard this chicken house revelation I laughed and laughed. It was really funny. What was even more funny was to get this story in the mail from a bishop. He sent it out as good doctrine on how to explain the death and resurrection of Jesus from Friday to Easter Sunday morning. See not all bishops are equal :).

So, Brothers and Sisters, if you want to know about Jesus in the grave and his resurrection, go ask the chickens!

Wait, you know I'm kidding right?

As Jonah "was" (a condition) in the whale's belly three days and three nights. I wonder how the chickens went to roost and got off the roost during his time in hell? Anyone got any ideas?

The chicken house revelation also reminds me of a story I heard of a woman praying one night at her bed for God to send her a husband. As she was asking God for a husband an owl flew in the tree outside her house and it said "hoo, hoo." Making the natural owl sound. She mistook this for God speaking to her and asking her who did she want for a husband: when she heard the owl, she was quick to answer God:  "ANYONE LORD, ANYONE WILL DO."

So many revelations today coming from recliners, and beds, and none from the altar. One church told me, they do not believe in altars. Well, no wonder all their revelations come from recliners and beds.

Abraham got a revelation at his altar.

I could talk about that for awhile.

Back to the altar preachers. Back to the altar saints.

Chicken house and recliner revelations will not do in this hour.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Loves

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Doctrine Of Pastor Kendrick Murray

Pastor Kendrick Murray
The Doctrine Of Pastor Kendrick Murray

I was sent an email asking me three questions:

1.) Is Pastor Kendrick Murray Oneness?

2.) Does Pastor Kendrick Murray preach two Gods?

3.) Is Pastor Kendrick Murray Apostolic?

The answer to these questions can be found below. I have examined Pastor Murray's statement of Doctrine and also viewed a couple of his videos on the Oneness of God. My comments are from these sources. Links are provided so you can hear his words for yourself.

The Godhead statement of faith of Pastor Kendrick Murray is as follows:


There is only one God.
Jesus is presently the Son of God in heaven.
Jesus (son of God) came down from heaven as the Word.
The word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
The word that came down from heaven inherited the same name as the father which is Jesus.
Jesus was put to death in the flesh and that same Jesus (flesh and bone) was resurrected and went back to heaven and is on the right hand of God and lives by the power of God.
That same Jesus is coming back for the church.
That same Jesus will reign until the last enemy is destroyed which is death.

This was copied on 9-16-2011 and found at the following internet URL:

His oneness video is here:
Additional video here: (In this video, it appears Pastor R. L. Randolph and the members of the Outreach Church of Jesus in Kissimmee, Florida have committed to defend Murray's doctrines).
And here: (The glorified body of Jesus was not God).

From Pastor Murray's statement of faith and his videos we can glean the following:

1.) There is one God and one Son of God, two distinct spirit beings. He made it clear in answer to a question about Jesus and God in heaven: that there is one God in heaven and there is also one Lord Jesus Christ. By this he meant there were two in heaven and one of them was not God differentiating between God and Jesus.

2.) Jesus is not God in heaven right now, he is only the Son of God in heaven right now. Who is God right now then? As we follow Pastor Murray in his doctrine, we only have to look to the left of the Son of God and see God the Father sitting there as God. Do we have one God here now or two? And if only one God, then Jesus as the Son of God is not God? And if Jesus as the Son of God is God, then there is two Gods here in Pastor Murray's "Son of God in heaven now" doctrine.

3.) According to Pastor Murray, Jesus is not the Father, therefore Jesus and the Father cannot be the same God or person. He says: "they are one but not the same one."

4.) The Word (son of God), came down from heaven as the pre-existing Jesus. Jesus was then the Word incarnated. God the Father was not incarnated in Jesus. Pastor Murray teaches the distinction between God the Father and Jesus the Word, making two distinct and separate persons in his Godhead.

5.) Jesus as the Word is a separate person from God the Father according to trinitarians and Pastor Murray. In his treatment of John 1:1, he refused to confess the Word that is God was also the Father.

6.) According to Pastor Murray, the Father and the Word are not the same person. This can only mean there are two distinct persons in the Godhead, the Father and the Word, which he makes the pre-existing Son of God. I listened carefully to catch if he believed the Word was the only begotten Son of God. He did say the Word was the Son of God. He never explained how the Word became the begotten Son of God. I think his answer is that God created the Word. But we will have to wait and see him explain how the Word came into existence as the Son of God.

Ok, I think I found it. He had his reader to fetch up Isaiah 43:10. He inferred that the God created here was the Word. And there will be no other God created. "Before me (the Word) there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me."  This can mean nothing then but that the Father created the Word as a separate God, making two gods.

7.) In his video on the Oneness of God, Pastor Murray uses his wife and his son as examples of he and they being separate persons, yet he said they were one. He did not mean they were one person because he clearly said they were two distinct persons. He said they were one but one in unity. To prove this unity he used scripture how a husband and wife were called one flesh by marriage. But he never said: "his wife was the express image of himself." And he did not say: "when you have seen my wife you have seen me, or when you have seen me you have seen my wife." He faked the comparison of he and his wife with the words of Jesus that when Philip saw him, he saw the Father. Pastor Murray's analogy makes the words of Jesus a lie. Jesus did not show Philip the Father separate from himself as Pastor Murray demonstrated between he and his wife and he and his son. Jesus should have told Philip when he saw him he saw the Son of God and not the Father if Pastor Murray's doctrine was true. Pastor Murray copied the husband and wife fairy tale from Trinitarians and used it show how Jesus and the Father are one. What Pastor Murray accomplished in his examples is to prove that the Godhead is like he and his separate wife and he and his separate son: as they are distinct separate beings and spirits so is Jesus and God the Father. This is not Oneness or Apostolic doctrine.

8.) In the above statement of faith Pastor Murray says Jesus as the Word came down from heaven. In his video on the Oneness of God, he made the statement that the Oneness and Apostolic doctrine of God being Father in creation and Son in redemption was false. He said it was a lie. What he is doing is confessing he does not believe in sequential Modalism or simultaneous Modalism. He is not a Monarchian Modalist at all. He is not a Monarchian Patripassian at all. He is not of the doctrine of Noetus, Praxeas, or Sabellius. And he is not of the doctrine of Jesus or the Apostles. According to Pastor Murray, Jesus was a pre-existing God the Word separate from God the Father who was manifested in the flesh. He had his reader to read John 1:1 and said the Word was “with” God and put emphasis on “with” to mean there were two of them in eternity. This can mean nothing but two Gods since he went on to say the Word was God, meaning Jesus was God, then denying Jesus was the Father. He refused to say the Word was the Father or in any way of the Father's person or Spirit. There can be no other conclusion here but that Pastor Murray is preaching two Gods.

9.) Once he separates Jesus as the pre-existing Word from the Father, and makes each of them a separate God, he then says it was the Word who was the Son of God that came down and was made flesh and dwelt among us. So, Jesus was not the Father at all manifested in the flesh, it was Pastor Murray's second God the Word who was manifested in the flesh. There can be no other conclusion here but that there are two sons of God now. The eternal Son of God, Jesus the pre-existing Word, and the human son of God Jesus. According to his doctrine, the Word became the fleshly body and therefore Jesus the Word came to earth. Jesus is then both Divine in his God-Spirit being the Word and his flesh is God-flesh, the Word made flesh. This forces the doctrine of divine flesh upon Jesus and removes him from being the son of David according to the flesh. Pastor Murray now has a Divine Son of God, the Word, and the Divine Son of God, the flesh or the Word made flesh, and this makes for another God or person in the existing Godhead of the Father and the Son. There is the Father, the Word, and the human Son of God. Pastor Murray now has two sons of God, one which is a Spirit and the second which is flesh, bone, and blood. This can only be explained by claiming Jesus the son of man was a sequential modalistic form of God the Son, the eternal Word. So far as I know this modalistic doctrine has never been preached before in the history of the Church. It is indeed another gnostic doctrine with an Arian basis. This is not Oneness or Apostolic doctrine. It is Pastor Murray's doctrine. This is a modified form of Gnosticism, Monophysitism, and Arianism. It has pre-natal trinitarianism stamped all over it.

10.) He says the Word came down from heaven and inherited the name of the Father. This again proves his doctrine of two separate God persons. The Father had the name Jesus and now the Word will take on the Father’s name in Bethlehem as his own. He does not give the Word the name Jesus while this divine God was with the Father. It is only when the Word becomes flesh Pastor Murray says he inherited the Father’s name Jesus. So there are now two Jesus’. The first Jesus is the Father and the second Jesus is the Word made flesh. There are then two Jesus’ in the Godhead. This means there are two Lords in the Godhead. It means there are two Spirits in the Godhead. And it means there are two distinct separate bodies in the Godhead. When you pray to Jesus you must distinguish Father Jesus from the Son Jesus. This is not in keeping with Ephesians 4:4. It would certainly be idolatry to worship Jesus if he was not God. His teachings are not Oneness or Apostolic doctrine. This is modern Gnosticism invented by Pastor Murray.  We will see who all flocks to him and accepts his apostasy and heresies.

11.) Pastor Murray turns to Jesus, and says he was put to death in the flesh. What he is saying here is that the Divine Word was put to death, since he made the Divine Word the human flesh. So the Word part that was with God was put to death when the Word came to the earth as the Son of God. How is it that something God can die? If Pastor Murray's Jesus has divine flesh, how can it die? It is impossible for God to even choose to die. How can he say the flesh of Jesus was not God when he said the flesh body was the Word made flesh? He has greatly contradicted himself. This is not Oneness or Apostolic doctrine. This is nonsense. He is preaching another Jesus and another gospel. He is not really a true Bible Christian. Pastor Murray says the Word was God and became flesh (quoting John 1:1 and John 1:14). But now he claims the flesh was not God and could die. Now he says the Word is not God while it was flesh. Additionally he said Jesus was the Word come to the earth as flesh and then when the Word flesh went back to heaven it was not God any more. Did the Word lose being God while in the flesh and now for all eternity is no longer God? Is this why the Word gone back to heaven can only live by the power of God? He clearly said when Jesus went back to heaven as the Word that he was not God. He goes further to say the Word which was God in flesh, that flesh that was glorified was not God ( Over the 33-1/2 years of Jesus life, when did the Word that became flesh cease to be God? Now if Pastor Murray is saying the Divine Word, Son of God was not put to death, and only the Divine Word flesh was put to death, then he needs to explain how anything that is God can die. And did the Word that was with God die. It is he who has made the flesh of Jesus a Divine being by saying the flesh was the incarnation of the Word that was with God. I am not at all confused by his Monophysitism, Gnosticism, and Arian doctrines. I am not at all misunderstanding him either. I am not misrepresenting him. When he makes a statement we have every right to expect the meaning to carry with it all of its implications. To say the Son of God was put to death in the flesh can mean only one of two things: first the Word was put to death in the flesh, and if so the eternal Son of God was put to death; and second, or the human Jesus was put to death in whom the Divine Word was incarnated. In this theory, Jesus was at no time the Father and the Son. And the Father was not in the world reconciling the world unto himself. Pastor Murray forces us to reinterpret the name "GOD" in each passage to see if it applies to the Father or to Jesus as the pre-existing Word. In Pastor Murray's confusing doctrine, it was not then the Divine Word that died on the Cross but merely the body in which the Divine Word dwelt. In this case, the Father is no where around and so Pastor Murray is not Patripassian at all. He does not follow the doctrine of the Apostles, or the other champions such as Noetus, Praxeas, or Sabellius. A great error of Pastor Murray is his doctrine on two sons of God. He has the Word that was with God as the Son of God. And he has the fleshly body Mary birthed as the Son of God. So what do we have here? We have one eternal unbegotten Son of God, the Word, and one temporal begotten Son of God, Jesus. Or, does Pastor Murray teach both Sons of God are begotten and there is no such thing as one only begotten Son?

12.) He then claims this Jesus of flesh and bone went back to heaven and sits on the right hand of God and lives by the power of God. This Jesus does not live of himself being the Word, his very life after Calvary depends on God his Father for all eternity. This proves again either two persons here or two gods. Pastor Murray says Jesus is in heaven as flesh and bone? So, Jesus has a flesh and bone body now in heaven? This is unscriptural and has no Apostolic support. This again shows us that in Pastor Murray's doctrine, the Father has no flesh and bone body and is Spirit. But the Word now has a flesh and bone body and it is not Spirit. Two persons here: one which is Spirit and one which is flesh and bone. This is not Oneness or Apostolic doctrine. To have a flesh and bone Jesus sitting next to an invisible Spirit God whom he said is the Father, shows us he does believe in two persons and two gods. If he claims Jesus here is not God sitting on the right hand of the Father, he must then deny he was the Word. If he claims Jesus sitting next to the Father is not two distinct Gods, then he needs to clearly say he does not believe Jesus is God and that it was only a man who sits on the right hand of God. Pastor Murray cannot have one God sitting next to another God and there not be two Gods. In which case he is not Oneness at all and he is not Apostolic. We can identify him with second century Gnostics who at that time still held to many Apostolic doctrines and claiming to be Apostolic. Pastor Murray is Binitarain. He is not Oneness and no true Oneness would accept his doctrine.

13.) Pastor Murray claims the same Jesus which was flesh and bone in heaven is coming back for the Church. It is simple here, he believes one God will be in heaven while the second God of rank comes back for the Church. This is two Gods no matter how much he or his disciples will deny it.

14.) He confuses the one God even additionally by pointing to a time when one God will give to another God all that he possessed as the Son of God. This again is two Gods.

Pastor Murray is not preaching Oneness or Apostolic doctrine. What he is doing is preaching the Binitarian doctrine of Arianism and mixing in Gnosticism, Monophysitism, Dynamic Monotheism, and Nestorian philosphies. He is very close to the doctrine of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. He straight out denies the Father was manifested in the Son. And he certainly denies Jesus as Immanuel as being the one and only God with us. He has Jesus as the second God of rank, the Word who was with God the Father, as the Immanuel.  He clearly says Jesus and the Father are not the same God. He continually yelled that Jesus and the Father were "one" but he said they were "NOT THE SAME ONE." Therefore he claims there are two. He can deny he is teaching two Gods but his speech doth betray him.

Is Pastor Kendrick Murray a true Oneness or Apostolic?
No, he is Binitarian and some form of Gnostic Arian while holding on to some of our other Apostolic doctrines. He actually mocks and ridicules Oneness Apostolic people.
Is he a Patripassian Modalist? No!
Is he two God? Yes!

Now if my addressing this false doctrine of two gods leads anyone to join Pastor Kendrick Murray, they never were Oneness or Apostolic in the first place.

Special note: it was this very Son of God in heaven doctrine that Bishop S. C. Johnson opposed. When you look at the second image above you can see what Bishop Johnson was opposing among the trinitarians. His "no son of God" in heaven now, was against the theory that Jesus was the eternal second person in the trinity, the Word. And he opposed the theory that when Jesus went to heaven he returned to being the eternal second person, the Word. Bishop Johnson did not deal with Pastor Murray's private interpretation that Jesus was never the Father only the Son of God.
Pastor Murray is teaching the Catholic doctrine of the trinity that the Son of God is not the Father. Here Pastor Murray teaches the flesh body sonship of Jesus and also the second person sonship of the Word. By this, Pastor Murray denies Jesus ever was the Father.
Bishop Johnson opposed the theory Jesus needed his earthly body of flesh and bones in heaven. He taught the image of this body by which it was made, is what Jesus went back to heaven in and remains. He taught the Son of God body does not exist any more. What exist is the eternal form of God back into which Jesus returned as Almighty God. He believed Jesus had the power to take up the body and lay it down (John 10:18). According to him, God took up the body for 33 and 1/2 years which he did not need in the spiritual realm as Almighty God, and he laid it back down the moment Jesus disappeared into heaven. Bishop Johnson equated the Son of God to the fleshly body of Jesus just as Pastor Murray does. But Pastor Murray denies Jesus was the Father and the Son in the one body. Bishop Johnson did not hold this Catholic doctrine. For this reason, I question if Pastor Murray ever was a true Apostolic Oneness. If he was he departed from it when he took up the Catholic doctrine of the Father separate and distinct from the Son.
Bishop Reckart
Jesus And God The Father Are One God, Isaiah 9:6



And not only so, but we glory in tribulation also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
And patience, experience; and experience, hope.

Experience:--test, by implication trustiness, experience, proof, trial.

For my post today I take experience to be something learned through the preceding patience. And this patience has to do with tribulation and all the spiritual trials and testing it brings.

All of us will have different experiences. For the most part they will be carnal and have little to do with the spiritual. It is the spiritual experience Paul is addressing by mention of tribulation and patience.

The word is not used that many times in the Bible. The first is with Laban and Jacob.

"And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, if I have found favor in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that the Lord hath blessed me for thy sake" (Gen 30:27).

Experience here is learning something by observation. Laban learned that God was with Jacob and God was working it so Laban prospered so Jacob would prosper. Laban saw this. The experience he had was personal and he used what he learned to keep himself out of trouble with God and with Jacob. Laban is now seeking Jacob to recognize him and give him favor. That is, show him kindness. Experience here humbled Laban. He who had the blessings of God was to be honored and Laban was no fool. If God honored a man he would not dishonor he whom God honored. Laban learned by experience both his place and also his source of blessing. If Jacob had not come into his life, he would have remained a poor herdsman with a meager existence. Experience taught him to honor whom God had blessed. Laban would not rip off Jacob. His experience taught him Jacob's God would not allow this.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

That was A Good One God

That was a good one God.

10 plagues and each of them good.

7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 vials: all 21 good.

Even God's judgments are good and righteous altogether.

I said so.

(Boy, I am having such great fun saying "I said so.") It brings out the devil in so many people. When I read: "let the redeemed of the Lord say so" I decided to "say so." And wow, the devils are howling. I really like it.

When I think of each of God's 21 coming judgments, I say to Jesus about each of them: "that is a good one."

Imagine the Israelites huddled in their tents in Egypt as the first plague hit. They say to one another: "that was a good one." "Wonder which of the gods can undo this?"

God against the gods of Egypt (Exo 12:12).

Water turned into blood (that was a good one God).
Frogs (that was a good one God).
Gnats/lice (that was a good one God).
Flies (that was a good one God).
Cattle disease (that was a good one God).
Boils (that was a good one God).
Hail (that was a good one God).
Locusts (that was a good one God).
Thick darkness (that was a good one God).
Death of the firstborn (that was a good one God).

As each of these came upon Egypt, I visualize the Israelites rejoicing what their God was doing. Why be fearful in the day of God's wrath when it is for us he is doing it all?

Then, in the coming tribulation, God Jesus will be against all the rulers of the world and their gods: chief in that day will be the Jewish antichrist in Jerusalem. All the judgment and wrath are Jesus God against the antichrist who makes himself a god. Yes, he sits in the temple saying he is god but in the Revelation God calls him a beast. In that day the people of God Jesus will witness God's wrath and clap their hands and say: "that was a good one Jesus." We will watch as the world reels like a drunkard. We will clap our hands and tell Jesus God he is awesome. I view the coming tribulation as a time of great rejoicing of the saints while the world screams and cries. As they run to the rocks and the mountains, we the people of God will rejoice and lift up our eyes toward heaven.

The endtimes will give all the world religions a time to trot out their gods, cry to their gods, to undo the wrath, to stop it, and these idols will stand there speechless and powerless. We will see all this and clap our hands and tell Jesus God, that was a good one. To see all the gods of the world shown for the fakeness they are will be a great day for we believers in Jesus God the Lamb. We who will clap our hands, who will praise him for all these good works of wrath: are the CALLED, the CHOSEN, and the FAITHFUL.

Oh yes, I know who the people of Jesus God are.

See, we Jesus God people who are alive know these judgments are to show the world that the antichrist who makes himself a god will be powerless against God Jesus. And all these judgments are to show who is God. In that day let the people of God clap their hands and rejoice. Join me to applaud Jesus God as the wrath comes upon the world. Let us rejoice. Our God is showing his power against men and their gods.

What will the Chinese do when their Buddha god does nothing?
What will the Muslims do when their god Allah can do nothing?
What will the god of America do? The god of America is not Jesus. The American government has never said who its god is. And never gives the name of the god in whom they trust. America's god is not Jesus.
What will the god of NATO nations do? Jesus is not the god of the NATO nations.
What will the gods of India do?
What will the gods of the Oriental nations do?
What will the horned god of Wicca do?
What will the devil himself do?

No god formed by man will do anything because they are all fake. At the battle of Armageddon, the nations of these gods will gather to make war against Jesus God. And there, he will show them at last, their gods cannot deliver them out of his hand. There, he will destroy those who destroyed the earth. And he will destroy those nations who refused salvation according to Acts 2:38.  When we see the nations gather in the valley of Armageddon we will know the coming of Jesus is soon. Let us clap our hands and rejoice. Let us tell Jesus God to do his last and mighty act on the antichrist and his false prophet and cast them down into the lake of fire. Then as we go sweeping up to meet him in the air, let us all scream: "that was a good one Jesus."

Jesus God, you are so wise to test all these idol gods and the antichrist god and show they and he are no god at all.

And I will say to Jesus God one by one as the seven seals are opened, the seven trumpets sound, and the seven vials are poured out: "that was a good one God Jesus."

Bishop Reckart
A man God Jesus loves