Thursday, August 4, 2011


The doctrine of Immanuel may be one of the most important ones we must accept. Without this doctrine, nothing else about Jesus really matters. This is why this one doctrine seems to be the one that must be destroyed so many other doctrines can replace it.

Immanuel, God with us!

Now that is an awesome declaration.

Jesus is Immanuel, God with us.

His name shall be called Immanuel, God with us.

Jesus name, means Immanuel, God with us.

I said so!

I am very disappointed in so many people who are not only confused, they are absolutely deceived. They have all kinds of strange and weird beliefs about Jesus. None of which have a Bible basis.

Was Jesus Michael the archangel? Was the heavenly name of Jesus really Michael?  Was Jesus really an angel?  An archangel?  Was Jesus really not Immanuel but Immanuangel?

I know for some of you Truth is hard to get your mind around. Your heart is far from God and it is hard for you to grasp the deep things of God.  But in these last days, every false doctrine will be dealt with by the Holy Spirit. The elect will know the Truth and the Truth will make them free. They will come out from among all Babylonian systems and offshoots. They will separate themselves unto holiness. They will submit themselves to Men of God who are indeed true Men of God. And they will be tithe and offering givers into the Kingdom of God. A person's tongue will not be where their heart is not.  For where ever your heart is, that is what your tongue will confess.

Yesterday I received a $200 offering from a Brother. I know where his heart is. He backs up where his heart is with a large offering. He wants to sow faith money into a work of God he respects and knows is doing something positive for the Kingdom. He loves the Truth. His desire is to please the Lord Jesus. When men and women give to support the Truth it shows their love for it. How many there are who take Truth away and never support it. Pastor Reckart stands tall for the doctrine of Immanuel. He is not afraid or ashamed to stand up and speak out about it. He is not a dumb dog that cannot bark. He is not a porch puppy. He is not a novice seeking acceptance and recognition. When he writes he is anointed by the Holy Spirit. And this morning the Holy Spirit is speaking expressly about the doctrine of Immanuel.

Anyone who is not in this doctrine is not in the true doctrine of God.

You see, if Jesus is not Immanuel, then he is nothing!

But, if he is Immanuel, all who reject him are rejecting God.

If someone creates a false doctrine about Immanuel they are bearing false witness. This is why each and every preacher must be checked out and qualified, then ordained by a qualified Man of God. There are men ordaining other men to all kinds of positions from deacon to apostle and these new pedigree ministers could care less about the doctrine of Immanuel. They are yappers wanting to be seen and heard. Most become pig renders because they have no real message from God to preach. They are not and never were ministers of the Immanuel doctrine.

One such man said Jesus did not have a dual nature. He only had a single nature. His single nature was God. He was not a fleshly human nature at all. This man and all like him are not Immanuel doctrine preachers. They are preaching "another Jesus."

If you men out there want a reward for preaching, you better preach the Truth. And if you fall astray into some false doctrine of your own making, or into a false doctrine created by some other idiot, then you will not only not get a reward, you will end up in hell. Govern yourselves accordingly.

Pastor Reckart has been an Immanuel preacher since the date he was ordained on August 25, 1975.  That is more years than many of you are old.  God did a good and right thing in calling, preparing, and ordaining me by the hands of Bishop Norman Kent, Bishop Boyd Lawson, Bishop Joseph Rex Dyson, and Bishop W.E. Smith. I am not sure how many men these laid hands on and ordained who remained true to their charge, but I have. They laid hands on a novice. The novice was transformed into a Man of God. Because I know what I went through as a novice, I know a novice when I see one, hear one, and read what one writes. I also know a real Man of God when I hear one, see one, and read what he writes.

And by the way, all whom I ordain, are charged with the Immanuel doctrine just like I was. I do not do ritual ordinations. And I do not make ordination a tool to capture and keep men in bondage to foolishness. One Pastor ordains just about everything that calls itself a preacher. He said he ordains them to keep them in his church and under him.  This is not Biblical ordination.

Do you need to be ordained? Are you called, prepared, and ready to be sent? Have you served faithfully? Are you qualified? Do you love the Truth above all? Is Jesus name the name above all others to you?

Then you need ordination into the Immanuel doctrine. Come sit under Bishop Reckart and be ordained.

Bishop Reckart
A Man Immanuel Loves

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