Friday, August 12, 2011

How Long Can Old Fashion Pentecost Survive?

Many of the old-timers who preached holiness or hell, Oneness or hell, and being baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost or hell, are now dead and forgotten. Most of the pastors filling the Pentecostal pulpits have come from some liberal or very loose Bible college. Many of these also came out from under already backslid or liberal pastors. They are the most evil and hateful men against holiness standards I have ever seen. They have raised a group of reprobate novices who are attacking holiness standards for men and women. They are so reprobate they even proudly refer to themselves as "greasy grace" preachers. They are third and fourth generation Pentecostals who have never been under a real holiness Man of God. They are so detached from old fashion Pentecost that if you should meet one in the public you would not be able to distinguish them from the world. I refer to them as novices because they are not and never will be true mature men of God.

Most of the Pentecostal churches today have fallen into the Charismatic Trinitarian ditch. They can now spout off "don't judge me" better than the best Southern Baptist. And loose? I am sure there must be a better word, maybe like BACKSLID.  But to say these whose women have bobbed hair, dress in slacks, wear earrings, sport colorful tattoos, and who speak in some tongue and dance shouting hallelujah, are not saved; will bring a hailstorm of hate, screams, and cries from the pulpits of Laodicea.

Look at our Pentecostal churches which are no longer a real place of salvation. They are so filled with easy-believism, that people can claim to have the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues and they have spoken nothing more than "cha, cha, cha, ta, ta, ta, ti, ti, cha, ta, tie, cemi tie, cemi tie, cemi tie" and such like. This is not the real Holy Ghost. And then we have the holy laughter mixed in here from one side of the church to the other. But where are the holiness folks. Where are the men and women, boys and girls, who are real people of God? They are in the midst. They are brainwashed to take part. They are told they must be in unity and under subjection to authority. Which means what ever the Pastor does it is OK, he gets a free pass on worldliness and bringing in all manner of backsliding.

The Pentecostal churches are now heavily into being movie theaters. Almost all of them have one or more big screens on which they keep a flashing picture of the pulpit, a camera that pans the audience so the attenders can see their face up before the worshippers. And seems now each congregation looks for their own golden calf. A man or woman who will lead them in magic worship with dancing, use of rods, strobe lights, laser beams of different colors, while a drum beat begins the work up to cause them all eventually to bow down at the shout of hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

I have been in these modern worship centers. They are impressive with their high majestic and cathedral ceilings. TV cameras are perched around like buzzards taking in the view of a fresh kill.  Men with cameras on their shoulders moving around to get those exciting shots of the Pastor putting a little body movement into his dead preaching to make it seem he is being moved by the Spirit.  All this fake body movement stuff is just as fake as the body movements of the dancers. It is learned behavior now because the real Holy Ghost has long departed from these Ichabod sanctuaries.

I began to see the Pentecostal backsliding back in the 80s. It got worse in the 90s. And even more worse when 2000 came. It was like then the lights went out and darkness swept over most of the Pentecostal churches. You go into them and they even turn the lights way down low. Is this a sign darkness has taken over the people and gross darkness their hearts and they do not even know it? How is it possible a people who claim to be holiness can look about them and know they are not in a holiness Church any more, but they stay right there glued to the big screens, as the program director and his choreographed actors put on the show of the night?

I know there are many wonderful men and women who really love God. And they are sick of it. Yes, I said they are sick of it. They know their church is gone, off the chain, and they are sick of it. They are slowly beginning to see their hopes that the pastor will turn the church around is all in vain. They waited in vain. They prayed in vain. They continued to give their tithes and offerings and they were cursed. No blessing came. And they have become so discouraged they almost want to quit Church altogether.

All around us old fashion Pentecost is almost gone. The liberal movers and shakers out of Louisiana, Missouri, and Texas have gutted Pentecost of its heritage of holiness glory. Here and there scattered about America some old timers hold on. But within another 10-20 years they will be gone and Pentecost as we once knew it will be no more. Philadelphia at last was replaced by Laodicea, a Christless religious sham where the door is shut and no one on the inside can hear the knock at the door. We have this prophecy but we cannot see it fulfilled before our very eyes. We do not want to see it.

Around the United States and the world there are still a few really good Churches who have great Pastors who preach the Truth and hold the doctrine of holiness and standards. All they need is a little perfection in some doctrinal areas. If they will not backslide with the host of Laodicea they will come to these important Truths. But I predict as long as they stay affiliated with backslid organizations where their mouths are gagged, they will not be brave enough to accept full restoration of all the Apostolic Truth.

Many of the present day Pentecostal churches have no future but hell.  Each time I get an email from these backslid Pentecostals telling me not to judge them, I shake my head in disbelief. Those who go to these places of backsliding will be lost. Neither these churches or the members who remain there will survive unto eternal rewards of the righteous. They are part of the great falling away and will be damned. They really do not care anyway or they would stop their hate talk about holiness standards. They would stop all their hate talk against men of God who stand up and sound the trumpet. It is the hate among them against the old paths that will damn them and send them to hell. They are very bold against the old paths. They are even very openly telling us they are change agents.

I am a Man God made for this hour. I was prepared, ordained, and sent to proclaim the everlasting Gospel. And that Gospel is holiness from its plan of salvation all the way to the resurrection.

No backslid Pentecostal will EVER prove this false.

I said so!

Having seen the coming demise of old fashion Pentecost, and knowing the drastic measures that many must take to escape: I can now understand why the Laodicea church and those within it are beyond correction and redemption. They will not be corrected and like the demonic who screamed "let us alone (Mark 1:24)," these do not want to accept that they are not the people of God.

There is just one thing left for the real people of God remaining within this growing endtime Christless Laodicea church: and that is TO COME OUT FROM AMONG AND BE YE SEPARATE.

I said so!

Either COME OUT or die lost in Pentecostal Laodicea.

If you have no where to turn, consider moving to Tampa, Florida and supporting a Church where old fashion Pentecost is still a way of life.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made For His Glory


  1. Apreciado pastor.

    Su blog es como un refugio para mi. Cada vez que veo la desolación y abuso en las iglesias. Se que aun puedo refugiarme en su mensaje de pentecostes.

    A lo dicho por usted, tan solo decir que en castellano, hay una frase:

    "Se puede decir mas alto, pero no mas claro". Amen, hno.

  2. Gracias a mi hermano. Muchos conocen la verdad. Y en todos los países estos se separan y el pueblo de Dios. No aceptarán a retroceder lejos de la santidad y unir al mundo. Partiremos del pentecostalismo y convertirse en apostólica. Es verdad apostólica. Jesús te bendiga más y más en la Verdad.

    Hermano Reckart

  3. The truth is the truth. I saw it every day on Facebook, people arguing, to the point where they now actually think the doctrine of their organization is more important than the doctrines of the word of God! How far have people gone from God!?! Those who once preached and taught the truth about holiness have even stopped, to be in "unity" with others. Ecumenicalism for ecumencalism's sake is not what being of one faith is about. The doctrines of the apostles, the word of God do not change, people do. I am very blessed to have you as a pastor and leader, for there are few men of God out there who will stand for truth no matter what.

    A man of God who will stand for truth no matter what!
    Bro Greg
