Friday, June 17, 2011

Discovering The Roots Of The Hebrew Language

My introduction to Hebrew was via Strong's Exhaustive Concordance on my birthday in 1973. This book was given to me by my friend John Leavens and my sister Regina Curby. I was at that time broadening my understanding in Greek and Hebrew words and they wanted me to have this reference book.

It was in this book I took refuge to find word meanings in the original languages. It did not take many years to learn that a lot of what Mr. Strong wrote was his opinion and not really fact. One of those things was his constant reference to a word having a Chaldean root. I soon questioned some of this. This would mean such words could not be in the Bible before the Babylonian captivity and would have been placed in the text by men during or after the captivity. Such words in any text written prior to the captivity would certainly have had to be interpolated or exchanged for some other word or words. So what would have been the original words? Was there a way to find out? There were no manuscripts so far as we know that existed to show us. So over the years I continued to search for answers.

What struck me along the way was English words that seemed to have connection to the ancient Egyptian language known as hieroglyphics.  At the same time I found a lot of scholars who said such words came to us from ancient Hebrew. How could this be true. Or was it true? Did the words actually come from ancient Egyptian and ancient Hebrew?

I was at an old book shop in a closed down school in Elmo, Texas back in 1979 and found a book entitled One World One Language. My eyes came open a little peek. I began to see that all human words began with single syllables. And by adding these together compound words were formed that could contain a whole sentence.  I saw this in Hebrew words. I saw also where for instance in the Egyptian hieroglyphics nearly all cartouche contained three distinct images for ideas or sounds.  When a cartouche had only one or two images they added to form the idea or sound intended. If it already had three images they added nothing. I saw the same thing in the Hebrew language.

I have been doing a study of a most excellent work by Dr. John Lamb entitled "Hebrew Characters derived from Hieroglyphics"; Cambridge, 1835. This book settled my suspicions that Hebrew was not a sacred language from God but was nothing more than an alteration of the hieroglyphics including their meanings into a different image form. The only thing that seems to have occurred is that the new images written first in the Sinai script form and later into what is called Hebrew, were pronounced in a mixture of the Egyptian and the Phoenician tongue. Hebrew is then not a sacred language at all. God did not give it to Adam unless the Egyptian hieroglyphics are the sacred tongue. And any ideas or theories of Hebrew magic associated with Hebrew letters or supposed spiritual powers in numerology, gematria, or other mystic concoctions, are purely man made perversions.

I post this today because I plan to finalize my research into many Hebrew words and show as Dr. Lamb did that all Hebrew letters have an Egyptian beginning and meaning. By putting these Egyptian ideas together we can better understand the true meaning of a lot of words.

One thing I have learned in all of this, is that if people think God obligated himself to keep a perfect Bible in order to be considered a perfect God, they are woefully ignorant.

One woman preacher emailed me that if God could not keep a perfect Bible he could not be a perfect God. My response to her was:

I guess if God could not keep a perfect man he was not a perfect God?

I will be posting in some weeks to come a study on some of these important discoveries. I will use some presented by Dr. Lamb and other scholars. Then I will strike out on the true meaning of YHWH and YHVH and hallelujah.

This will be one of the greatest studies I have ever written. Of course it will be provided ONLY to the household of faith. I am not trying to educate the world. I am sending this information to the Body of Christ. And out of it, the greatest people of the world will come forth to praise the name of Jesus above all names. I have no other purpose or intention.

To the people of God, wait for it. You will like it. Complete with images and documentations.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made

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