Saturday, April 23, 2016

So What?

You gave up Easter bunny, eggs: SO WHAT?
You want to expose all the pagan holidays, all the idols, pick on Mary like she knowingly allowed the Catholic church to exploit her, and you want those nasty Zionist Jews to fall into the hands of ISIS and other Muslims. That would settle the score for them crucifying Jesus and the Israeli state. You want so bad to undo the words of Jesus: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
But, you have not come to the Truth on the annual Passover day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You still practice the pagan Catholic holiday of New Year's Eve. That is when you observe your Pentecostal Catholic Mass you call Communion.
I know this makes you cringe. I know it angers you. I know your heart of animosity will lash out and back. You want a victim for your many different feelings of bitterness. It was the same way at the Cross. The High Priest, Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Herodians, Sicaria, and the temple Zealots: all had some bitterness to settle with Jesus. They would even the score and scream "away with him."
Sometimes exposing all the lies, errors, and deceptions, becomes and obsession and the love of souls and people dies. Little is obtained by witch hunting anyone who has even one tiny little different religious belief or practice. But, they must die. They must suffer. They must be destroyed. Their reputation must be tarnished. Everything they have accomplished must be destroyed.
So that you can be exalted.
I know, I got it all wrong. Right?
I do not see in many of you the conduct of the Apostles in whom you trust but do not follow their example.
You call yourself Apostolic. But are you really?
Go back to square one.
Go back to Passover night and get a revelation.
Get an inspiration that will change an ear chopper into a mighty man of valor.
Yep, you have no idea what you are doing. And you have even a lessor idea of what you could become.
Just saying......
Pastor Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made

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