Saturday, April 16, 2016

Churches with a whip.

Have the Pentecostal people become institutionalized by the effects of the large mega churches?
Is it possible these will never grow any more spiritually than the institution church allows? Once they are institutionalized, they become brainwashed there is no life or chance to go to heaven unless they stay in that particular church.
Then, to make them even stronger institutionalized, the pastor tells them if they leave the compound they can never be saved. He tells them there are only two ways out of the church. Either die out or backslide out. And if they leave seeking more spiritually or truth they are ostracized by the pastor. He tells other members to shun them or have nothing to do with them because they are not subject to leadership or authority.
There it is, the whip. How to keep those hungry in the compound and place over them this evil accusation when all these souls want is a closer walk with God in Truth.
Organized religion with its massive psychological power with each pastor using the whip, once a person has come into the compound they can never leave.
The fearful never depart, those who have no vision never see, and only the brave are here.
Pastor Reckart

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