Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Two Tables Of Stone

Having studied the travels of Moses and the Israelite exodus, it seems very possible the route given in the back of our bibles is not correct. The traditional Sinai appears false. It is not located in Arabia. Why is this important? Because Paul says Mt. Sinai was in Arabia. He would know. Arabia would not include the land now called Sinai. So where was the true Arabia and Mt. Sinai?

It appears the true Mt. Horeb (Horeb is the original Paleo-Hebrew and Sinai is Aramaic); is a black mountain along the eastern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba. It is called Jebel al-Lawz. You can Google it.

Many of the supporters of the Catholic church deny this location and try to invent several confusing locations. But the fact is, all of the historical locations mentioned in the Exodus is found at Jebel al-Lawz.

Here is something I want you to consider: Moses went up into the mountain to meet with God and get the Ten Commandments. He got them. It appears God took stone from Mount Horeb and wrote on the two tablets the Commandments. We normally see a single white piece of stone that has two curved tops and on these are the Ten Commandments written in what is called Hebrew. But upon investigation, the letters are not Hebrew at all they are Babylonian Aramaic. This is an impossibility. The Israelites not only did not know how to read and speak Aramaic at the time of the Exodus, they would not learn it for another 1000 years (1400BC-600BC). Why is this lie of using Aramaic on the Ten Commandments never objected to? I am the first person in modern history to object to this. I have written about this before but no one cares to take notice and agree with me. I will go another step here now.

The Ten Commandments were not written on white stone. The stone from the true mountain of Jebel al-Lawz is black. It would seem obvious to me, that if the stone on this Mount of God was black because it was on a fire and burned, then the stone for the Commandments was not white as pictured in every single image of them.

I will go another step here and say the Ten Commandments were said to be written on tablets of stone. Tablets here seems to indicate "slabs". Two separate slabs of black stone. Moses broke the original tablets of stone. He was required to make two replacements like the ones he broke. What do you think he did? He went back up to the mountain top and there got two more slabs of black stone and on them he wrote the Ten Commandments. He put these into the Ark of the Covenant. What he did with the broken set written by God that he broke we do not know.

Why is this important? It is important because it uncovers several lies that have been preached and told for many years. It is important because we should not be preaching and telling lies. If nothing more, we should at least try to get to the Truth of all matters. And this is the reason for my post today.

I would love to visit this mountain. And some day I will if it is the will of God. It will not hold any special salvation power for me, but just to be able to stand in the area where Moses talked to God would be awesome. If I am blessed to make this journey I will also visit the place where Jesus was baptized along the Jordan River. After this, I would love to visit the true Garden of Eden. But right now it is not safe for an American, a Christian, and a Jewish Israel of God person to go there.

Jesus help us all to see the truth and also stand for it.

Bishop Reckart

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