Monday, September 29, 2014

Replacement theology all around us

The name of God was replace and forgotten by the tetragrammaton which the rabbis called Baal or LORD (see Jeremias 23:27). When Jesus came the rabbis were followers and defenders of their god YHWH, the tetragrammaton. Behind the crucifixion of Jesus is this Babylonian Babel tetragrammaton god.

We are now in a world-wide war concerning the name of Jesus. Millions now hate it who claim they are Christians. They claim if the Hebrew name of Jesus does not contain YHWH and backed up by the tetragrammaton, that it is false. Since they cannot get YHWH in the name of Jesus, they now want to respell the name of Jesus so it contains the tetragrammaton. In this manner, just as the rabbis replaced the name of God in over 6,000 places in the Old Testament, these now have bibles they have put out changing the name of Jesus to these tetragrammaton guess names.

How many will remain faithful to the name of Jesus Christ?

How many will accept these invented tetragrammaton guess names for Jesus?

I am fearful of many who are so fickle. Many who are so deviously deceptive, claiming they believe in the name of Jesus but also the tetragrammaton god. Many liars in the pulpits today. And while they speak in tongues, dance, shout, and scream halleluyah, they are casting down the name of Jesus Christ by the thousands.

I say, all their dancing, shouting, speaking in tongues is false. I say, they are deceptive endtime false teachers and false prophets. I say they are antichrist.

The name of Jesus Christ is the name of my King and Shepherd. Do not speak against it. You will be cursed by such stupidity. If you are friends with a tetragrammaton antichrist, why? How come you cannot come out from among them? How come many of you look for ways to attack me because I will not change to a tetragrammaton guess name?

I am so very proud of those men and women who boldly stand for the name of Jesus Christ. I am proud of those who have not taken the 666 dead end road.

Help us Jesus,

Pastor Reckart

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