Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wolves Among The Sheep

Rabbis among the sheep. They do not come into the churches and preach. So they send books. Books supposedly written by scholars but whom the rabbis taught. So people become led by books but not by the old bible book Jesus and the Apostles used. This also was not good, so the rabbis said: we must give them new bible books that have in them what is in our Babylonian Talmud, our Mishnah, our Zohar, our Kabbalah, our Aramaic alphabet mysticism. And so it was done: they made new bible books and changed the wording, adding secret codes. Ahaa they laughed, we must call these the unadulterated Word of God so they will believe our words we put in them.

But ye wolves were discovered by checking older bibles. By comparing older bibles it was seen where the rabbis changed the wording. And when this was noised abroad, the preachers whom the rabbis taught began to cry and yell that there were devils among them checking old bibles and this thing should not be, it is prohibited by the rabbis. The people shall not check old bibles. So destroy them all so they cannot compare. They shall not compare wording. These who check old bibles shall not be trusted.  They must be ridiculed. So the sheep will not follow their example and check the wording.

And so the rabbis sat down to drink beer, laugh and joked about Jesus dying on the Cross as they smoked their cigarettes, stroking their beards and playing with the spit curls dangling by their ears.

Said one rabbi to another: we must finish these Christians off. We must destroy them. But how, asked rabbi Silvertongue shall we accomplish this great work? I have a plan said rabbi Wolverhampton, we will tell them our God YHWH is also Allah and they will believe us and everything we rabbis say in our books. They will eagerly accept it. Soon they will be saying Allah more than they say Jesus. 

Good plot there rabbi Wolverhampton, only remember to cross your fingers when you tell that lie so you will not be guilty of lying.

They each gulped the remaining beer and sucked in their last drag, at last crushing there cig butts and tossing them into their empty beer glass. They hug one another and say "shalom" and depart.

And it was done.

And today, many years later it is seen throughout the land that Christians are saying Allah getting it from Stong's Exhaustive Concordance of Chaldee/Aramaic/Hebrew dictionary. Allah he is Eloalah. He is God. And it is accomplished, that these no longer saying the name of Jesus. Allah is now a holy name and the name of Jesus is cursed and called an evil name Jeshu(a) (may his name and memory be blotted out).

In a little underground church group hidden from the world it is heard: "I sing praises to your name Jesus, praises to your name O Lord: for your name is great and greatly to be praised." And they cried and wept as the Holy Spirit came and filled them with peace and joy.

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