Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Only Light Can Remove Darkness

I made this image because so many think that darkness can be defeated without Jesus.

As I study the three YHWH religions, Judaism, Catholicism *, and Islam: it became clear to me that since each of these are in an abyss of their own darkness, neither can save the other two. How can darkness save darkness?

Religion has a way of capturing people into darkness while telling the members they are in the light. This happened in Israel with the Pharisees and Sadducee, freshly back from Babylon. Babylon? How much darker can it get? This darkness had control of Israel and the temple. But a great light came and they did not like it because their religion was now exposed as darkness.
The Light continued in the days of the Apostles. It was in the second century after the Apostles had died that men arose who were from the darkness. They were mystics, philosophers, mathematicians, astrologers, gnostics, priests, kabbalists, talmudist: all bringing their influence upon the Christian Church. With no Apostolic authority to stop them, they took over and at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD the biggest usurpation and theft of the Christian Church took place. What followed is called the dark ages. This darkness controlled by the two Catholic churches (East & West), enforced the new doctrines and practices upon threat of death.

While the Jewish religion of the Pharisees was nearly all but dead after they lost the temple in 70AD, they reorganized in 90AD at the Council of Jamnia also called the Council of Javne. It appears from the writings of the scribes that the Council had several purposes among which are: 1) A new Greek translation of the Old Testament because the Christians were using the Septuagint and they did not like it any more after 370 years. They wanted a new Greek bible to say what they wanted in it. So they hired Aquila an apostate from Christianity to make their new bible; 2) They created 18 benedictions among which was a curse upon the Minim (Christian Jews and Gentiles); 3) How to practice Judaism without the temple in Jerusalem; 4) How to keep Jews from assimilating and or becoming converts to Christianity. At this time it appears several anti Jesus stories were written and distributed. The most famous was Toldoth Jesu. At the same time, several rabbis began writing vile accusations about Mary, Jesus, and Christians in special code. These made their way into what became the Mishnah and eventually into the Talmud. Nothing about Jesus could have been in any Talmud that was finished before the advent of Mary, Jesus, and Christians. This shows us the Talmud was an invention after the Council of Jamnia because they did not use it there.  The succeeding generations of Jews would attack Christians and the Catholic churches would attack back. Two systems of darkness fighting each other. This continued all the way to the time of Mohammed.

Around 610 Mohammed is claimed to have his first visitation from the angel Gabriel. He came from a pagan family. How soon the Jews took notice of him and began a relationship we do not know. But we do know there must have been extensive discussions for him to know so much about the Old Testament from the Aramaic bible. At that time the Christians and the Catholic churches used only the Greek Old Testament. Mohammed learned from the Aramaic and so his beliefs were established on that Babylonian language. In this Aramaic bible YHWH and Allah of the Mecca pantheon were the same god. How this god became the god of the father of Mohammed we do not know. But we do know that Mohammed configured his own religion from what appears to be Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity. The emblems of Islam seem to come from Hinduism. There are old stories of a Hindu king who came to Arabia and set up a kingdom there and may be the source of he Cabba stone mystery. Mohammed turned against the Jews, the people of the book, the book he learned about the Old Testament from: and he killed many of them. He took a little Jewish girl named Aisha for his child bride. He killed so many people and spread his religion through bloodshed and terror. It is said he killed over 900 Jews in one day. It is also said that a Jewish woman who prepared his meal after one of his killing sprees, had poisoned the meat. He ate some before he could tell the taste was not right. But to late. He became sick. One of his associates died there on the spot. The cook was called and asked why she did this? And she replied she did it to see if he was a true prophet. And if he was he would know not to eat it. He had her head cut off. The poison continued to work in his body and three years later he died from it. From that time, all Jews were afterward called apes and monkies, became the target of all Muslim fighters. Each relishing that he become like Mohammed and kill his Jew. The darkness of this religion is so great, the mind and heart are totally without any light. When any religion loses compassion and love, and uses fear, torture, bloodshed, and execution, to enforce converts, there is no light in it at all.

There is now in the world three great kingdoms of darkness: they are Judaism, Catholic Christianity *, and Islam. These three religions have caused more bloodshed and deaths than any pagan religion preceding them. The blood shed is not over. Islam makes its boast it will destroy Jews and Christians and take over the world. According to them, there will be no Jew or Christian left alive when they are finished. The only Jews or Gentiles who will be allowed to escape are those who take the mark of Islam, Allah and Mohammed. For many, this means it must be worn as describe for the mark of the beast in or upon the forehead and hand or arm.

Darkness has been prophesied. Gross darkness is prophesied. A time when no man can work. A time that will come upon the whole world. This did not have to happen. But the deeds of the Jews, the Catholics, and Muslims will make it take place. In the midst of this darkness there shall be Light. In the evening time there shall be Light.

There is a way to fight darkness but it is not with sword or bombs. Not even with guns and other weapons. The only way to fight ignorance is with education. The way to fight darkness is with Light.

Not many are called to this endtime work. Because so many are slaves to one of the three systems of darkness.

Only Light Can Overcome Darkness.

Bishop Reckart
DNA especially made by God

* By Catholic I mean all Protestant and daughter churches and or cult groups. This includes all who call themselves Christians but who accept YHWH and Allah as their god.

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