Thursday, September 5, 2013

Dr. Friedrich Delitzsch Uncovers Long Covered Up Truth

The discoveries by Dr. Friedrich Delitzsch in his famous investigations into the clay tablets of ancient Assyria continues to invoke great anger and hatred. It all centers now on the origin of the tetragrammaton YHWH. Many are trusting these four letters are the divine and holy name of God. But what if as Dr. Delitzsch claims, this is a god of the ancient Assyrians and never was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Many may not want the answer but it will never change because millions deny it. The truth will always be the truth even if all rabbis and Jews claim it is not. I mean, after 2,000 years the majority still deny Jesus. So denial is not exactly something new to be expected especially when dishonesty and fraud are evident.

Dr. Delitzsch translated some cuneiform Assyrian clay tablets and discovered not only the god the Babylonian Jews had adopted was of pagan origin, but he believed a lot of the actual creation story was also borrowed from the ancient Assyrian religion.

It is indeed a shame which we admit here that Dr. Delitzsch took this to far and developed himself into an antisemite. Few ask why? The fact is he had great honor and respect for the Jews as a people until he discovered the world had been tricked by Babylonian rabbis who re-translated the Bible from Paleo-Hebrew into Aramaic and at which time they totally revised it. They added the name of the Assyrian god Iaaveh (IVH) which later became Yaaveh (YVH), trigrammatons and YHWH, the tetragrammaton. It is believed these rabbis adopted this god as the equivalent of the God El of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Having done so they saw no evil to interpolate the name of this god by cryptic letters IVH or YVH and later YHWH in over 6000 places in the Bible text. Dr. Delitzsch claimed they also borrowed the skeleton of the creation account from the Assyrians and interpolated this into the bible as well.

This is where his faith in the Old Testament the Jews called the Masoretic text fell apart. No one can deny this. He did not just wake up one day and say: "I think I'll start hating Jews today because they dress funny and have a strange religion." He was driven to his antisemitism because of a loss of trust and faith in what the rabbis had created and what subsequent rabbis had passed off as the genuine Word of God inspired in every iota and tittle. He lost faith in this religion and those who perpetuated it. When he presented his discovery, he was shocked he had to face an onslaught of hate and anger from rabbis claiming he was not only nuts, his translations were faulty and without any solid professional accuracy. The open hostility and hate that was unleashed in the media and passed through the channels of academia was unlike any, any prior man of his integrity and learning had ever encountered. This drove him to hate the liars and those who distorted his discoveries.

Dr. Delitzsch without question became a very vocal anti-Jewish educator. He wrote books and other articles questioning the contribution of Jews to religious truth and their involvement in other secular and charitable work. In my opinion he should have never done this. He should have confined himself to his discoveries and just challenge the world to prove him wrong. Prove he translated the tablets wrong. Prove the Jews did not adopt this Assyrian god Iaaveh. Prove the Jews had this god already in its ancient history from the time of Abraham. But alas, he did not. He took the hate against him personal and he unleashed his anger by becoming antisemitic.

In 1924 several professors in Germany were consulted and asked to give their opinion about Dr. Delitzsch. All of them attacked either his antisemitism or his drift into German nationalism. But not a single one, not one, wrote that he was in error on this translation of the clay tablets. Not one proved he was wrong on this god Iaaveh/Yaaveh/YHWH. Not one wrote and proved he was nuts and that the Jews did not borrow from the Assyrian creation accounts and embellish it in their Aramaic translation. Not one. They focused not on the real basis of his discoveries but rather on his own loss of faith in the Jewish Old Testament and the rabbis. 

His loss of faith developed in him the entire antisemitism he later espoused. Was this loss of faith valid? I think it was. Was his loss of faith a legitimate basis for developing anger and hated of Jewish rabbis and those who joined their clamor? I think not. I am not sure how to totally judge this. Jews and rabbis themselves use anger and hatred against Christians claiming they have no faith or trust in their religious opinions. How do we judge one and not the other?

Dr. Delitzsch should have just stopped when the clamor began but he did not. Because of this, the truths he discovered are now rejected by the majority of the world. But not rejected by everyone. We do not think it is fair to throw truth to the gutter because the man carrying it went into a brothel. We would not think to cast down all the opinions of rabbis because we heard one using profanity, saw one drunk on Yom KIpper, or saw one smoking weed and hugging on a prostitute. Truth should be judged on its own merits.

We are now in a spiritual world war over the name of the Jewish god. Those who follow the Aramaic Masoretic text will fight to the death that this god named Iaaveh/Yaaveh/YHWH is the true God. They point to the Aramaic Masoretic text as their sole authority. A text admitted by rabbis to have been created in Babylon between 500-300BC And there are now a growing number of Christians who are standing up and saying: "No more Babylon. No more Aramaic Masoretic text. No more YHWH. No more false gods of the Assyrians. We will judge the Old Testament by the New Testament and worship Jesus Christ only."

I post here the internet attack on Dr. Delitzsch. Read all the clamor. See if any of these scholars proved he translated the tablets wrong. See if any of them prove the Babylonian rabbis did not borrow creation information from the Assyrians and put it into their new Aramaic/Masoretic bibles.

Here you go: Now check this out throughly: then you decide.

Bishop Reckart For some background on Dr. Friedrich Delitzsch read this about his dad who was a famous Hebraist:

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