Sunday, April 14, 2013

Yahveh Traced To Babylon By Clay Tablets

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Evidence mounts. Before Abraham. Before Isaac. Before Jacob. Before Israel existed. There was a Babylonian God named Ia, Ya, Ja, which is an abreviation of the god named Yahve (Yahveh). According to Exodus 6:3 God told Moses that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob only knew him as El-Shaddai (God Almighty). These patriarchs of Israel did not know and did not worship a Babylonian God named Ia, Ya, Ja or Yahve(h). It is this god that Dr. Friedrich Delitzsch informs us is the same as Yah and Jah. This is the god of hallelu-jah. We know this cuts hard across the traditions of men, be they the traditions of the Jews or the traditions of the Gentiles. But the true God is not Jehovah or Yahweh or Jahveh. The name of the true God is Jesus Christ. And I confess right here that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. Will you?

Sources for Further Reading
Robert WRogers, The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, Eaton and MainsN. Y., 1908.

Ed., Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testament, Eaton and MainsN. Y., 1912.
Morris JastrowCivilization of Babylonia and Assyria, J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1915.
Id., The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, Ginn and Co., Boston, 1898.
J. BPritchard, Editor, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old
Testament. Princeton University Press, 1950. -- An excellent translation of well selected material illustrating every phase of Babylonian sacred literature. Covers much the same ground as Rogers, Cuneiform Parallels, but enjoys the advantage of forty additional years of archaeological and scholarly investigation.
Sacred Books and Literature of the East, Vol. I.

1 comment:

  1. No comments. Where is that Clark guy? Where is that Charlie guy? Pastor Reckart You have exposed them for their pride and hatred. Why do they hate you so bad and all you are doing is lifting up the name of Jesus above all names? When I heard you in your seminar lifting up the name of Jesus and exposing the false names, I could see in you a true servant of Christ. No other name, no other praise for any name, and I admire that. Say brother Reckart, let the heathen rage and the people imagine vain things. Keep up this great work of God. It is right on the cutting edge of the endtime. Your friend of the Post-Tribulation rapture.
