Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Is Over No Prophet In The UPC Stood Up

Catholic Easter is over. No prophet arose within the UPC or the other Oneness organizations. I am convinced they have none and the ones they have are all false glory seekers. David K. Bernard leads the UPC and he does not possess the Spirit of a Prophet. Something is very wrong here.

The Easter bunny has gone back I presume to the wonderland of Alice. They never did say where she came from or where she goes back to. I mean with Santa Claus they say he comes from the north pole and goes back there. So where do the UPC preachers who celebrated the Easter goddess bunny say this rabbit came from and will go back to? Could it be they never answered this question because all the members are so dumbed down they would never think to ask it? No question asked, no answer need be given.

The UPC along with the PAW are all catholic Pentecostals. They think they are not catholic because of Acts 2:38 and the Oneness doctrine. Well, several years ago I ask a catholic high ranking official if baptism in Jesus name was accepted by the catholic church. He said the Catholic church fathers decided a long time ago to accept baptisms in the name of Jesus providing these baptized and the baptizer did not deny the trinity. Well, with Lord Jesus Christ as the formula name used by the majority of Oneness people, that represents Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the trinity: that is covered. This means all baptisms by Oneness in the name of the "Lord Jesus Christ" to represent the trinity of Matthew 28:19 ARE ACCEPTED BY ROME.

What of the Oneness doctrine?

The official said the UPC and other Oneness groups who deny Jehovah is Father God and who deny Jesus is his Son, are not accepted by Rome. Well, howdy... Now we get to another shocking new reality. The UPC and most Oneness do confess Jehovah as Father God and they do confess Jesus is the Son of Jehovah God. All that is missing is referring to these two as separate persons in the Godhead. Well the UPC does refer to them differently but balks in calling them persons. The UPC will say that Jesus the Son of God is the visible manifestation of Jehovah God. So Jesus is a different person than Jehovah even if the word person is not used. One UPC preacher said there was no Jesus until he was born the Son of God in Bethlehem. And he also said there will come a time when the Son of God will cease to exist. Let me see if I got this right? Jesus did not exist? That means he is not eternal, since being God demands no beginning and no ending. It means God must be everlasting and eternal, time without end. So if there was a time Jesus did not exist, he could not be God. This means Jesus and the Father are separate persons. the Father, Jehovah God is eternal and Jesus the son is created and had a beginning. Only God is uncreated. If Jesus began his existence in Bethlehem, then he is a created person separate and distinct from the Father Jehovah. Because anything not eternal is a part of the creation.

The catholic church will seek ways of common ground with the UPC but via a Pentecostal ecumenicalism which David K. Bernard is now plotting the path for all major groups to come together in unity. What is ecumenicalism? Basically it is unity without doctrinal agreement. It means you agree to disagree for the sake of unity and each will not consider the other unsaved or in heresy or false doctrine. It is the same as compromise but it is called unity and not contending for one's personal view to the disunity of the body. When this mantra is applied within this new developing ecumenical Oneness unity of the major Pentecostal groups, they will make an announcement. They will then plan one gigantic huge he-haw. All the popes and bishops will come into the meeting convention and it will look like Nicaea all over again.

We are now in the midst of an endtime revival of all that is antichrist. We are seeing birthing of every major false doctrine that rose against the first Church. We are seeing men of political and financial power manipulating the minds of the rank and file and brainwashing them. The voice of the prophets have all been silenced. A new Babylonian musical ensemble of the cornet, the flute, the harp, the sackbut, the psaltery, the dulcimer and all kinds of music is working the crowds into a frenzy of emotionalism and they will fall down to this new ecumenical image of United Pentecostalism. What will they name this new beast? What will this new Babylonian baby be called. One thing it cannot be called is the APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Because the true people of God will not accept this theft if it occurs.

Some of you will never participate in the voice against this endtime Mystery of Babylon. You will let the liars deceive you with their lies. You will think everyone who is against unity is of the devil. Well I am for the unity of the faith, the one first delivered, but this monster that has been conceived and soon to be born is not that FAITH or that Church. A gigantic false Pentecostal church is about to be born. Catholic Pentecostalism is the false church. I am demanding all of you to come out of it (oh no, I did the wrong thing there commanding). Well I did that to see whose feathers I could ruffle. I did it to poke at the lurking serpents who will fast forward this comment to the powers of Pentecostal Babylon.

My brothers and sisters, if you have the real Holy Ghost, your spirit will witness to everything I have written. If you do not have the real Holy Ghost your spirit will be provoked and you will get steaming mad and angry. Check your spirit.

Jesus bless us all as we fight the true fight of faith.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings in Jesus name.

    So much truth in this blog I had to amen it for I testify that man hold unto the whore by the tail of traditions. Christ-mass and east-er is worship unto the whore and her god. It likes to look cute and colourful and yet it holds a grin of evil behind a cloak of lies, darkness and murder. Its for the kids ... its for the kids they shout and yes I say the whore is for the kids for she is mystery baby-lon the mother.

    Truth "makes" one free .... truth is my maker and He alone is the only life and light that shines about them that have come out from the whore their death mom to the Son of Life and yes Jesus is His name!
