1.) I am accused by liars of the UPC that I claim to hold a PhD degree. This is false. Many years ago a man by the name of Chris Goodwin requested to post some of my Bible studies on his web site. I gave him permission. In his comments about me, he mistakenly called me Pastor Gary Reckart, PhD. This was picked up by the search engines and it is now on the internet. Instead of the liars contacting me about this, they demanded I present them my dissertation for the PhD degree. I answered this accusation several times and it still appears in many UPC lies about me.
2) I am accused of making myself a Bishop by UPC liars. As if I needed someone to ordain me into this title and office before I am entitled to use it. I answered this UPC hate rant. First let me say, I was ordained into the office of Bishop by the following Bishops before me: Bishop Joseph Rex Dyson, Bishop Norman Kent, Bishop W.E. Smith, and Bishop Boyd Lawson. Now I asked my UPC accusers who ordained any UPC minister as a Bishop since the UPC does not ordain into that office? How many of these did these UPC liars question who ordained them? Well, I got one UPC liar to admit no one ordained them to this office they just took it and started using it because they believe being a Pastor made them Bishops automatically. I ask this UPC liar, why then he was attacking me for using the title Bishop when I also have been a Pastor since 1972. The UPC liar would not answer. Typical UPC liars do this kind of things. If they can persuade people in their lies it gives them great joy.
3) I was asked if I held a Doctoral degree since I use the title Dr. Gary Reckart. I gave this UPC liar the name and telephone number of Dr. Clinton Willis, Biblical Apostolic University, (479-524-3923). That devious liar then said, he was not going to call because it would be long distance charge to him. Well, let me say this, if he keeps up his lies, he is going to have another long distance charge and it will pay that bill. :)
4). It has been claimed by these UPC liars that I am telling lies about the name Jehovah. That it is the true name of God. No, the name Jehovah has never been the true name of God. It is the UPC and these liars who are telling the lies. The name Jehovah was invented by a Catholic monk in 1260-1270AD. It never existed before this monk created it. I have proved the name Jehovah did not exist in the Aramaic Jewish Bible. It did not exist in the Greek Septuagint Bible. It did not exist in the Latin Vulgate. It did not exist in the Textus Receptus. In fact it did not exist and was not known in all of the Old Testament. It is a lie taught in UPC churches that Abraham said Jehovah-Jireh. Abraham did not know and never spoke the name Jehovah. How could he when it was not invented until 3,200 years after he was dead? It is not me lying it is the whole UPC.
4.) It is claimed by these UPC liars that I am telling lies about the name Yahweh. Now that Pastor David K. Bernard and other UPCers have tossed the name Jehovah into the garbage can, they are spreading this new invented name Yahweh as the name of God. I have proven that this fake name was also invented by another Catholic monk using the Samartian bible and perverting the name Yabe there for God into Yahweh. This name also was never know by anyone in the Old Testament. This name is not found in the Aramaic Jewish Bible. It did not exist in the Greek Septuagint Bible. It did not exist in the Latin Vulgate. It did not exist in the Textus Receptus. It did not exist in the King James Version or in any previous version of the Bible. So, they are now wanting to change out Jehovah in the KJV and replace it with this new monk invention Yahweh. Of course I question the UPC and its leaders making this perversion of God's name. The UPC attacks on me is because I teach the name of Jesus is above all names: above Jehovah and above Yahweh. David K. Bernard's response to me is that if "there is no Yahweh there is no Jesus." I am shocked at this educated stupidity. If this man and all the UPC claims the name of the Father is Jehovah or Yahweh, they are forced to deny Jesus name (which they do), and claim the name of Jesus should be Jehovah or Yahweh if these are the name of the Father and the name of the Father is not Jesus. I will shut the mouths of all these UPC liars.
5.) It is claimed by these UPC liars that they just want to check the credibility of my education to see if I have any right to challenge them. Let me say this: there is no education requirement for any ordained Minister before he has a right to defend the Truth. If there is a UPC rule that if you do not have an approved education by these liars, you have no right to speak, write, preach, or demand the Truth: then these liars need to stand every preacher in the UPC up and demand their education credentials before they can Pastor or speak in a UPC church. This is insanity. But then, these UPC liars, are not known to have much education themselves. And the education they do have is muddled with all these lies and false doctrines of Rome.
6) It is claimed by these UPC liars, that the name of Jesus is not true. That the name of Jesus is really Joshua, Jehoshua, Yahshua, or some other spelling. These liars, including David K. Bernard, claim the name of Jesus is an English name. This is as wrong and insulting as it gets. To accuse me of preaching a false name because they claim it is an English name is stupidity and very wrong. Let me put this to rest easily. The name Jesus is a Hebrew name and it appeared on the Cross in letters of the Greek, Paleo-Hebrew, and Latin alphabets. The name Jesus is the Latin IESVS. It is pronounced Jesus. While there are many who claim there was no letter J and this destroys the name Jesus, let me say these liars are not very clever schemers. The Letter J as we now know it did not exist. But the letter "I" in this name was pronounced with the J letter sound. The J letter sound is very ancient. But for UPC liars to say the name of Jesus is false because there was no letter J to represent the J sound is insanity. I question David K. Bernard and every UPC preacher why they are baptizing in the name of Jesus if it is false? Stop calling me a liar about the name of Jesus being above all names and then baptize saying that name.
There are many more lies of these UPC false accusers. Mainly they do not want their beloved UPC corporation called a Pentecostal Catholic Church. Well my response is then get all the Catholic doctrines and monk names out of all the UPC churches.
Jesus help us all to love the Truth even if you find yourself a member of the United Pentecostal Catholic church.
Bishop Reckart
A man God made