Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Divine Order

Passover is coming sundown April 7th. Are you in the Divine Order Jesus gave on the night before his death? Will you walk in the steps of Jesus on this night or walk in the steps of some man or organizational tradition? Have you ever celebrated the Passover of Jesus according to the Divine Order as he gave it? Any Communion, Lord's Supper, or Passover observance that is not according to the steps of Jesus is out of Divine Order. This year, purpose to do it right even if you must do it at home by yourself and with your family.

Anything out of order means it is not according to that set forth by Jesus Messieh. Order as opposed to chaos is the second work of creation. The earth was without form and void. The earth was in chaos. The six days of creation are six steps of chaos to order. At last, when the order was complete and ready for the arrival of man, we can see that all things were by Divine order for the well being of Adam. When Adam arrived he would live and walk in the existence of the Divine order already established. He was not created in the midst of chaos and then expected to evolve into a being of order. Adam came into a perfect world. There was no sin, no evil, no wickedness, nothing to destroy him: Adam was in a perfected state. All he had to do was maintain this spiritual condition.

We are given a clear picture of God's will for Adam. As God took him throughout the garden and gave him knowledge and instructions, it became clear even if Adam did not know it, that his footsteps were now being ordered by God.

When I say ordered, I mean both that his steps were established and that he was commanded in them. To step out of the ordered walk and path was to apostate from God. So the steps ordered gave man no freedom to choose his own steps. Every step he made, he walked in that ordered of God. It came to be, when men multiplied upon the earth that they would seek God for the ordered steps. They would not walk where God did not approve. They would not walk in their own ways. This is very powerful because it separates the Godly from the ungodly. The Godly are so because they choose God's way. The ungodly are so because they have chosen to walk in their own lusts and wickedness. One is pleasing to the Lord God. By pleasing I mean, God finds pleasure and joy in them. But the ungodly are not so. God has no joy or pleasure in the wicked or their lives. He abhors them. He does not like them. Especially when their wicked ways turn to idols and false gods. And then this turns them into all manner of evil practices and customs. These are not those whose steps follow the way of God.

It is a great thing to cause God to have joy and pleasure in us. It is a wonderful thing to do those things that are holy and righteous, to abstain from evil and wickedness. Because God's steps which we are to mimic and duplicate are holy and righteous altogether. We know this by observing the life of Jesus. Every step he made was righteous. Each step was ordered by the Lord. No step was from the flesh for the pleasures of sin. All who follow the pleasures of sin and not walking in the holy steps they have been ordered to walk in will go to hell unless they turn from their evil ways. This is why there is so much attention on the words REPENT and REPENTANCE. Each of them imply that the person so involved confess they have not been walking in the steps ordered by the Lord. Repentance is the turn around. It is the moment of face to face reality that we have gone from the steps of the Lord and we will perish if we do not turn back to God. This is where conviction comes in. When the heart is convicted and the sorrow of sins comes upon us, it leads us to repentance. And in this act of worship we turn back to God to submit to his ordered steps.

Who will do it?

Who will look at where they are, the place their steps have brought them, see their sinful and lost condition, and feel ashamed? I say, not many. Not many any more. So many are so cemented to their evil life there is no turning to God. So they try to make their backslid life acceptable to God. And although God will not have it because it is not one ordered by him, they will justify themselves with the theory God will still be merciful and save them although they openly reject that ordered by the Lord. Herein, the backsliders justify themselves. No man can turn them back to the Divine Order. They are to rebellious to heed the call. They are in their sins and they laugh at Men of God who preach with passion for them to repent. They claim they need no repentance. But their very lives are wrecked by sin and evil. There is nothing greater than this delusional mind so many have.

I have reviewed my own walk with God. Passover is coming up on the evening of April 7th. Many perverters will try to alter this date. Their steps are not ordered by God. But those who observe the true Passover will seek to return to the steps ordered by the Lord. They will submit. They will humble to the Divine Order. And these are the true people of God. The others, the perverters, those who are not walking in the steps of the Lord, these will be the endtime apostates. These will be among the great falling away. Well, Bishop Reckart will not be among these. He will have no fellowship with them. I urge all of you to remember this and do likewise. Follow my example. Have your steps ordered by the Lord.

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way" (Psa 37:23).

Delight here can also be translated "pleasure."  God has pleasure and delights in the ways of a good man whose steps he has ordered and the man walks in them. The value of Divine Order must be respected.

I said so!

If you are in false doctrine, following the cunning craftiness of false teachers, YOU ARE NOT IN DIVINE ORDER. If your pastor, prophet, or apostle is not a real Man of God and in the Divine Order you will be lost. You cannot follow men or women who are in a spiritual ditch. You cannot follow blind leaders. They may have some Truth and hold it in unrighteousness, but you cannot remain under them. You must make sure your steps are those ordered by the Lord.

Have your steps been ordered by the Lord? Have you even cared? Have you been walking in your own steps or those of some carnal and lost man or woman? If so, you will be lost. I can say this clearly, no religious organization in the world is ordered of the Lord. Not one of them. You need to come out from all these organizations. You must know and follow the Divine Order.

Are you walking in steps ordered by the Lord? Do not fake it. Be sure.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Delights In

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