Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Beware Of The Luciferians

I considered the sins of lucifer. I did this because I believe lucifer makes devils out of otherwise good people to their ignorance. So here goes:

The first sin in the mind and heart of lucifer was pride. He though of himself more important than he was.

The second sin in the mind and heart of lucifer was disrespect for God.
The third sin in the mind and heart of lucifer was rebellion.
The fourth sin in the mind and heart of lucifer was murder (he wanted God dead).
The fifth sin in the mind and heart of lucifer was to deceive angels he was the good guy and God was the evil one.
This led lucifer to accuse God of inconsistency, of being wrong, of being a tyrant, and of imposing laws on his angels that were unfair, harsh, and had penalties which he did not like.
Lucifer is the first being in creation to establish the democratic system of voting and choosing, opposing the theocratic sovereign sole Kingship rule of God.

What did lucifer use to deceive other angels to follow him?
That he would make them free. That if they joined him, they would escape the rule of God and no longer need to respect him or give him honor.

When a person rises against a righteous man or woman they will follow one or more of these practices. As with lucifer, they will claim they are doing all this to question the person's faithfulness: just as lucifer challenged and attacked the faithfulness of God.

In these days, there are many traitors. A traitor is exactly what lucifer became. He turned on God with viciousness. He became an accuser of God. He is still an accuser of God. He has not stopped.

One thing lucifer does upon the earth is he changes the Word of God into a lie. He opposes the Truth and creates falsehoods. He attempts to replace God by substitution of himself as the wise one, the intelligent one, the one with the answers.

This is the exact procedure with which he approached Eve.

Today, we will see a rise of the sins of lucifer.

Many will become heady, highminded, disrespectful to God's dignities, and fall into the reproach of the devil.

I would urge everyone to check their spirit. And if you see the devil trying to make a  devil out of you, resist him and he will flee from you.

Do not become a devil through pride, disrespect, and rebellion. The fool you may think to attack may be a righteous person and you will become the fool instead just like lucifer.

Learn the character of Jesus and thereby escape becoming a lucifer. Give honor to whom honor is due. For there will be many luciferians in the last days and they will not be among the Rothchilds or the Builderburgers or the Bohemian Club. They will be on facebook and other places to lead astray those who do not want to be under the holy and righteous rule and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you understand this not, I would advise you to seek God.

Bishop Reckart
A man who will not honor lucifer no matter who shows his spirit

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