Thursday, March 14, 2013

Early Language Of The Earth

Much has been written by scholars and those trying to prove that those from Adam to Noah spoke the Aramaic Assyrian language. They have erroneously called this Aramaic Hebrew. They attempt to make this original language a Semite tongue and then descended by this identity upon the Israelites because their ancestorage is Semite. The information given to us is all wrapped in a bias to get us to believe that God has a sacred holy language upon the earth and it is Hebrew. Then they claim the Aramaic language is this sacred holy tongue. This is where the lies and the perversion begins. I want to lay out before you some historical facts.

First, the Assyrian Aramiac language did not exist before the flood. According to the best information we have, the Aramaic tongue came into existence and use as follows.

The history of Aramaic is broken down into three broad periods:

Old Aramaic (1100 BCE–200 CE), including:
The Biblical Aramaic of the Hebrew Bible.
The Aramaic of Jesus.
Middle Aramaic (200–1200), including:
Literary Syriac.
The Aramaic of the Talmuds, Targumim, and Midrashim.
Modern Aramaic (1200–present), including:
Various modern vernaculars.
This classification is based on that used by Klaus Beyer*.

We can see that this Aramaic which is falsely called Hebrew did not even exist in the days of Abraham. So this alleged false Hebrew was not the tongue of Adam and those to Moses.


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