Monday, March 19, 2012

Passover of Christ Facts

Jesus House Passover Table
Let me talk a little about the Passover of Jesus. Paul said in 1Cor 5:7 that Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.

He was not our New Year's eve black-eye pea good-luck sacrifice. He was not our Sunday or first Sunday sacrifice. He was not our revival sacrifice.

He was our Passover sacrifice.

Now Passover designates a certain Jewish month, day, and time. And as all of you know, Exodus 12:14, 17, 23-24 says the Israelites were to observe the Passover FOREVER.

Passover was protection from the destroyer. They observed it behind blood protected doorways. Once inside they were not to go out of the house (Ex 12:22). Once behind the blood protected doorway they were exempt from the death angel.

This has great application to Paul's statement of Christ being our Passover. Only an idiot would deny Christ observed the old Passover. And only an idiot would deny he instituted his own Passover observance on that same night. We do not need lots of scripture here to prove we should observe the Lord's Supper on the Jewish Passover evening. It is right there in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Four different Apostolic witnesses recorded the Passover of Christ evening and at different years. While it was one historical event they recorded it individually so there would be no dispute about when to observe it. This does signify there were four witnesses to the fact Passover was the evening Jesus gave the Lord's Supper Communion for an annual memorial. That is settled. I said so!

And it is also settled that the Asian Churches held the annual Passover of Christ all the way up to the Nicene Council. It was at the Nicene Council that Easter was voted in by the monks and the Passover of Christ on the Jewish Passover was made illegal.

Representing 33 1/2 years of holiness
Now what I want to speak about right here is the fact of the holiness and kindness of Christ. All of the holiness and kindness of Jesus is represented in the Communion Cup. The Communion Cup is a sacred memorial to the holy shed blood of Jesus. His blood was shed on Passover. That is why Paul could say Christ was our Passover sacrifice. He said this 30+ years after Jesus instituted the fulfillment replacement Passover. So, in effect, Jews who continued to observe the Passover of Jesus on Passover are keeping the Exodus "forever" commandment. As the Israel of God, we know what night to observe the Lord's Supper. The blood shed on Passover is the reason we observe the Communion Cup. We are not ignorant here. We know the blood of Jesus stops the destroyer. We know the blood of Jesus exempts us from all future wrath of God for past sins. We know Jesus is the door and the blood on his head, his hands, and his feet are what we hide behind in the house of God. And we will never leave the house of God until the morning comes when Jesus shall exodus us out of the world and up to meet him in the clouds. And it will happen after tribulation. After the antichrist which Pharaoh typifies. After the plagues which are a type of the plagues of the seals, trumpets, and vials. All after the antichrist of the nations persecute the endtime people of God, just as the Israelites were fleeing the antisemitism of Pharaoh and his armies. As the Jews are reminded of antisemitism on Passover, we are reminded of antichristism on our Passover of Christ evening. But like the Jews, we refuse to be victims when we can flee and escape. Passover to the Jews is a reminder of antisemitism and its ugly hate. And the Passover of Christ is a reminder to us of the antichrist and their ugly hate against Jesus and the persecution of the members of the first Church.

When we take the Cup to our lips we are supposed to be sealing our faith to be in agreement with Jesus and willing to share in the antisemitism and antichristism he suffered. We also put the Cup to our lips to testify of the kindness of God we have received by the remission of our sins. When we drink, we seal to our faith the very atonement that gives us holiness. And that holiness came to us on a specific month and a specific day, PASSOVER. I said so!

The Cup is also the New Testament in his blood (Matthew 26:28). There is NO OLD TESTAMENT IN THIS CUP. So those of you trying to bring people and the Church back under the Law are in violation of the Lord's Supper. You are eating and drinking unworthy. So just stop it. If you do not, many of you will become sickly and die lost. Just stop it. Get a revelation of GRACE, and understand holiness in its proper place in the blood of Jesus, water baptism, and inward and outward manifestations.

In addition, no one can find in the Bible the observance of Communion on Christmas, New Year's Eve, St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's day, Easter morning, at a wedding, or at a revival service. No one will find a Catholic mass in the Bible. You cannot find the Lord's Supper celebrated on a Sunday morning or a Sunday night. Jesus simply did not set that pattern. And he did not set an "any time" you want pattern.

Why are all these days and evenings practiced and yet they refuse to observe it on the very night Jesus instituted it?

Jewish Christian Holiness
When I first started writing about restoring the Passover of Jesus back in the early 80s, I knew of no one who held the annual evening according to the Jewish calendar. After it was revealed to me, I restored it to my own Church. And since then, I am the only Apostolic writer in over 30 years to expound on the beauty and the truths surrounding the Passover of Christ annual celebration. Now there are hundreds around the world, perhaps even a few thousand who celebrate the annual Passover of Christ in their homes and in their Churches. But, this has not been without hate, enemies, and gainsayers trying to protect their "oft" unscriptural days.

This year, many souls around the world will gather after sundown April 7th and the Passover of Christ will receive great honor and respect.

You can honor your own birthday on the right day and month, but you cannot honor the sacrifice of Christ on the right day and month? You can hold your Christmas on a specific evening; You can celebrate New Year's eve; You can celebrate St.Valentine's Day and St.Patrick's Day; You can dress up in pomp and fashion for Easter Sunday; and then tell me YOU DO NOT OBSERVE MONTHS, DAYS, MOONS, and so forth. Some of you are so filled with hate against the Lord's Passover, you will accept your own delusions and your own lies and replace reality with fiction.  There is something wrong with that picture.

For all you great people of God will will observe the Passover of Christ, God bless you. You have the revelation. It will be beautiful to you. You will see it. Your spirit will agree with my spirit, that the Passover of Jesus is a wonderful evening of holiness and great joy. You will not be driven from the Lord's Table by accusers of the Brethren, some temple or church cult opposing you, or by the Judas ones.

This year set the Passover Table. Prepare the unleavened bread and the wine. Place the Word of God ON YOUR PLATE. Open it to the New Testament page. Let's have Passover. And then let us complete the Feast with footwashing where we bless each other to follow and walk in the footsteps of our Shepherd.

The rest, well, get mad if you want, spout off your anger at us, but you will not change us back to your black-eye pea night, your guess days and nights, or your unscriptural whim days: ...even by using "oft".

Christ Our Passover Is Sacrificed For US and we LOVE HIM!
PS Is it biblical to build a doctrine out of one word in one scripture? Isn't that what the "oft" anytime doctrine is all about?
For those who ask: yes, if you just show up at the Passover without first contacting Pastor Reckart you will not be allowed into the service.

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