Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jesus House Prepares For Passover

The Passover of Jesus is just 14 days away. We are preparing here at Jesus House. Here, we set the standard for a great evening of remembering the greatest day of the year.

Below are some pictures of the Temple for Jesus Name.

We here at Jesus House take the Passover of Jesus to our hearts. This is not a ritual. This is the very basis of our salvation faith. To us, it is the history behind Acts 2:38. It is the one celebration that makes us one bread. From the Lord's Table we become one body. We know the early Church celebrated these blessed revelations and tried to transfer them by teaching and preaching.

It is the desire of Bishop Reckart to replace himself with 120 Men of God. Yes, I have a goal to duplicate myself in the hearts of many Men of God. And when I am gone from the scene, there will be many voices to carry on the torch of revelation in the Passover of Jesus.

At Jesus House, we will celebrate a great Passover.

Bishop Reckart wants to pass this blessing on to thousands of others.

Sundown April 7 can be your beginning of a new life of the Cross.

Jesus bless us all,

Bishop Reckart
Created by God, for God

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Calendar Passover 29AD

There is massive distortion about the Passover Jesus observed at which he instituted the Communion or Lord's Supper.

The key to unraveling this confusion is to start with the day of the resurrection and work backward. We know the resurrection occurred on the 3rd day after his burial. There are 16 references that verify the 3rd day resurrection. Acts 10:40 stands out very strong: "Him God raised the third day." With this established we can now move to resolve a lot of the corruption, much of which is on purpose. There is no end of liars and distorter's who pleasure their egos to make Truth into lies. This is why I am posting this on the Internet today.

Taking Sunday as the third day, then what we call Saturday night was the third night. Saturday would be the second day. What we call Friday night would be the second night. The day portion of Friday would be the first day. What we call Thursday night would be the first night. This means Jesus was crucified on Thursday. This also means Passover was from sundown Wednesday until sundown Thursday.

There is a lot of confusion if Jesus observed the annual Passover and did he on that evening then institute the annual memorial of his own death? If Jesus did not observe the Passover on the evening it was required, then he violated Exodus 12:24. A violation would result in being cut off from Israel (Exodus 12:15). If Jesus did not observe the exact evening he sinned.

There are many who take mistranslations and try to build a doctrine out of one scripture. This is not a Biblical way to interpret the Word of God.

Considering the foregoing, the lamb was slain on the afternoon of the 14th of Abib. It was then roasted and the other things made ready for the Passover evening observance. They went behind the blood protected doorway before sundown. At sundown began the 15th of Abib and that is the date of the Passover.

I have pointed out for years that Passover is not when the lamb was slain. Even in Egypt, the Passover was not when the lamb was slain. The Passover was at midnight nearly 9 hours after the lamb was slain. And, it was not on the same day at all.

Many try to claim the lamb was slain on the afternoon of the 13th and then eaten on the evening of the 14th. This is so false and a distortion anyone who has an elementary knowledge of the Scripture knows this is plain out stupid.

Some try to build their case on the lamb slain on the 13th and eaten the night of the 14th based upon the Catholic accusation against the Passover observance of the Asian Quartodecimeans who followed the Apostles Paul and John. Quartodecimean is a way of saying 14th. But anyone who knows Jewish traditions know that Jewish time and Roman time are not counted the same. Jewish time ends at sundown and a new day begins. Roman time begins at midnight and ends at midnight. So the Catholics were using Roman time that counted the day to midnight to accuse the Asian Passover Christian observers. The Roman method the day did not end till midnight. Whereas with Jewish time it ended at sundown. It was Catholic error to assume the day did not end till midnight and thought the 14th lasted until midnight. Anyone who uses these errors for doctrine shows just how unlearned, ignorant, and novice they are.

No where did the Asian Churches use the name Quartodecimean to describe themselves. This was a word invented by Catholics to slander the Asian Churches that continued to follow the Apostolic practice that Jesus instituted. The Nicene Council in 325AD is where Constantine and 318 monks voted the Passover observance illegal and established Easter as the day of the resurrection to have priority and authority over the day Jesus died. But Jesus did not give the Communion as a memorial of his resurrection. And anyone who tries that joke is simply reprobate. My point here is, it is novice and illogical, not even Biblical, to build a doctrine on celebration of Passover at sundown the 13th based upon Catholic falsehood and use of the Roman day.

There is no Apostolic Minister in the United States or the world who has held and observed the Passover of Jesus more years than I.  I am the first to write about it. I am the first to restore this beautiful Truth. I am the most widely read writer among Apostolic Ministers and people on this subject. When people first read it they think it interesting. I draw attention to my ministry here only because there are some novices trying to destroy the Truth. And they did not know of the Lord's Passover until about 4 years ago. Then they perverted it and added bapizing babies to it. So do not discount me for boasting a little. It is for the cause of Truth and doctrine that I treasure and hold dearly.

When many see the Truth, they take it into their hearts. They do not try to find one little disagreement and then turn and rend me. The honest in heart will make plans to celebrate the Passover of Jesus regardless of what they think about me.

The distortions are created out of jealousy and to create discord. It is mostly by young novices, trying to interject falsehood to lead people astray. Seasoned men of God do not act this way.

Those who trust in a seasoned Man of God will know what I have written came from God. These novices on the other hand are like those mentioned in Jude 1:13.

One tool you can always use to smoke these perverters out with, is to ask them if they know me, and if they follow my teachings on the Passover. If they say they know me and then say they do not follow my teachings: YOU JUST SMOKED THEM OUT. You are talking to a distorter.

Ok, this year Passover is sundown April 7th. See that you keep it in all your homes or Churches. You are to do this until Jesus comes (1Cor 11:26).

Now some claim that they can use one verse, and one word in that one verse, to build their doctrine and practice of celebrating the Lord's Supper any time they want. They have been using 1Corinthians 11:26 "often" now for years as the authority of their false interpretation. They know it is not Biblical to use one verse or one word to make a doctrine. But in this case, to avoid and to argue against the annual Lord's Passover, they will violate the Biblical principle of using one verse to make a doctrine. Now if you are one of those people, you are in error and you are using falsehood to protect your Catholic interpretation. It was the Catholic church who first used the interpretation of "often" to mean anytime they wanted. This is why they can have the Eucharist several times a day in a Mass.  But, I am here as a witness created by God, to tell you that "often" can and does mean one time a year.

The Passover of Jesus is the most important day of the year for a real Bible believing child of God. I said so. And I speak this from the authority of the revelation of Jesus Christ. As a Bishop I contend and defend this doctrine of the Apostolic Church.

For those good and honest hearts who are reading these words, can I just suggest you ask the Holy Spirit to confirm these things unto you? And when you feel that special tugging, that special warmth of the soul as the words sink way down deep: make a vow to your Savior you will remember the day he died for the world for the rest of your life. Then do it.

Start at sundown April 7th.

Jesus Bless Us All.

Bishop Reckart
Son of the Blood


Monday, March 19, 2012

Passover of Christ Facts

Jesus House Passover Table
Let me talk a little about the Passover of Jesus. Paul said in 1Cor 5:7 that Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.

He was not our New Year's eve black-eye pea good-luck sacrifice. He was not our Sunday or first Sunday sacrifice. He was not our revival sacrifice.

He was our Passover sacrifice.

Now Passover designates a certain Jewish month, day, and time. And as all of you know, Exodus 12:14, 17, 23-24 says the Israelites were to observe the Passover FOREVER.

Passover was protection from the destroyer. They observed it behind blood protected doorways. Once inside they were not to go out of the house (Ex 12:22). Once behind the blood protected doorway they were exempt from the death angel.

This has great application to Paul's statement of Christ being our Passover. Only an idiot would deny Christ observed the old Passover. And only an idiot would deny he instituted his own Passover observance on that same night. We do not need lots of scripture here to prove we should observe the Lord's Supper on the Jewish Passover evening. It is right there in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Four different Apostolic witnesses recorded the Passover of Christ evening and at different years. While it was one historical event they recorded it individually so there would be no dispute about when to observe it. This does signify there were four witnesses to the fact Passover was the evening Jesus gave the Lord's Supper Communion for an annual memorial. That is settled. I said so!

And it is also settled that the Asian Churches held the annual Passover of Christ all the way up to the Nicene Council. It was at the Nicene Council that Easter was voted in by the monks and the Passover of Christ on the Jewish Passover was made illegal.

Representing 33 1/2 years of holiness
Now what I want to speak about right here is the fact of the holiness and kindness of Christ. All of the holiness and kindness of Jesus is represented in the Communion Cup. The Communion Cup is a sacred memorial to the holy shed blood of Jesus. His blood was shed on Passover. That is why Paul could say Christ was our Passover sacrifice. He said this 30+ years after Jesus instituted the fulfillment replacement Passover. So, in effect, Jews who continued to observe the Passover of Jesus on Passover are keeping the Exodus "forever" commandment. As the Israel of God, we know what night to observe the Lord's Supper. The blood shed on Passover is the reason we observe the Communion Cup. We are not ignorant here. We know the blood of Jesus stops the destroyer. We know the blood of Jesus exempts us from all future wrath of God for past sins. We know Jesus is the door and the blood on his head, his hands, and his feet are what we hide behind in the house of God. And we will never leave the house of God until the morning comes when Jesus shall exodus us out of the world and up to meet him in the clouds. And it will happen after tribulation. After the antichrist which Pharaoh typifies. After the plagues which are a type of the plagues of the seals, trumpets, and vials. All after the antichrist of the nations persecute the endtime people of God, just as the Israelites were fleeing the antisemitism of Pharaoh and his armies. As the Jews are reminded of antisemitism on Passover, we are reminded of antichristism on our Passover of Christ evening. But like the Jews, we refuse to be victims when we can flee and escape. Passover to the Jews is a reminder of antisemitism and its ugly hate. And the Passover of Christ is a reminder to us of the antichrist and their ugly hate against Jesus and the persecution of the members of the first Church.

When we take the Cup to our lips we are supposed to be sealing our faith to be in agreement with Jesus and willing to share in the antisemitism and antichristism he suffered. We also put the Cup to our lips to testify of the kindness of God we have received by the remission of our sins. When we drink, we seal to our faith the very atonement that gives us holiness. And that holiness came to us on a specific month and a specific day, PASSOVER. I said so!

The Cup is also the New Testament in his blood (Matthew 26:28). There is NO OLD TESTAMENT IN THIS CUP. So those of you trying to bring people and the Church back under the Law are in violation of the Lord's Supper. You are eating and drinking unworthy. So just stop it. If you do not, many of you will become sickly and die lost. Just stop it. Get a revelation of GRACE, and understand holiness in its proper place in the blood of Jesus, water baptism, and inward and outward manifestations.

In addition, no one can find in the Bible the observance of Communion on Christmas, New Year's Eve, St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's day, Easter morning, at a wedding, or at a revival service. No one will find a Catholic mass in the Bible. You cannot find the Lord's Supper celebrated on a Sunday morning or a Sunday night. Jesus simply did not set that pattern. And he did not set an "any time" you want pattern.

Why are all these days and evenings practiced and yet they refuse to observe it on the very night Jesus instituted it?

Jewish Christian Holiness
When I first started writing about restoring the Passover of Jesus back in the early 80s, I knew of no one who held the annual evening according to the Jewish calendar. After it was revealed to me, I restored it to my own Church. And since then, I am the only Apostolic writer in over 30 years to expound on the beauty and the truths surrounding the Passover of Christ annual celebration. Now there are hundreds around the world, perhaps even a few thousand who celebrate the annual Passover of Christ in their homes and in their Churches. But, this has not been without hate, enemies, and gainsayers trying to protect their "oft" unscriptural days.

This year, many souls around the world will gather after sundown April 7th and the Passover of Christ will receive great honor and respect.

You can honor your own birthday on the right day and month, but you cannot honor the sacrifice of Christ on the right day and month? You can hold your Christmas on a specific evening; You can celebrate New Year's eve; You can celebrate St.Valentine's Day and St.Patrick's Day; You can dress up in pomp and fashion for Easter Sunday; and then tell me YOU DO NOT OBSERVE MONTHS, DAYS, MOONS, and so forth. Some of you are so filled with hate against the Lord's Passover, you will accept your own delusions and your own lies and replace reality with fiction.  There is something wrong with that picture.

For all you great people of God will will observe the Passover of Christ, God bless you. You have the revelation. It will be beautiful to you. You will see it. Your spirit will agree with my spirit, that the Passover of Jesus is a wonderful evening of holiness and great joy. You will not be driven from the Lord's Table by accusers of the Brethren, some temple or church cult opposing you, or by the Judas ones.

This year set the Passover Table. Prepare the unleavened bread and the wine. Place the Word of God ON YOUR PLATE. Open it to the New Testament page. Let's have Passover. And then let us complete the Feast with footwashing where we bless each other to follow and walk in the footsteps of our Shepherd.

The rest, well, get mad if you want, spout off your anger at us, but you will not change us back to your black-eye pea night, your guess days and nights, or your unscriptural whim days: ...even by using "oft".

Christ Our Passover Is Sacrificed For US and we LOVE HIM!
PS Is it biblical to build a doctrine out of one word in one scripture? Isn't that what the "oft" anytime doctrine is all about?
For those who ask: yes, if you just show up at the Passover without first contacting Pastor Reckart you will not be allowed into the service.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Passover of Jesus 2012

The annual celebration of the Passover of Jesus will begin at sundown on April 7th.

From sundown Friday until sundown Saturday will be Abib 14. On Saturday Abib 14 the lamb was killed and all things were made ready for the passover at midnight when the angel flew over the homes of the Israelites. It was after sundown the Israelites ate the Passover. This means they ate it on the evening of the 15th. On this night the unleavened bread was served. And on this night began the seven (7) days of unleavened bread.

Now there are two calendars: the Jewish one and the Catholic Gregorian monk one. Do not confuse use of the Gregorian calendar. Do not think April is the same as the month of Abib. The Jewish month does not begin with the first day of April. Many are confusing these. Abib is the first month of the Jewish year. April is the fourth month of the Gregorian Catholic year.

I have given the true date above.

Many are perverting the evening of the Passover and changing the date. Do not follow these perverters.

Passover begins at sundown in Jerusalem on April 7th. From there it circles the globe to the west hour by hour and until it is over 24 hours away.  All nations west of the International Date Line, the Passover is April 8th.

Passover April 7, 2012 at sundown.

Bishop Reckart
Made by God, for God

Special Note

Do not follow the calendars created by the tetragrammaton cult groups. You will know them by use of Yahweh or Yahuwah or some such like.

Do not follow the calendars created by the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Catholic church.

These will confuse you because they either do not use Jerusalem time or their calculations of the time the new moon and the full moon is counted is false.

Some Jews have false information on the correct evening to observe the Passover. Some begin at sundown the 13th of Abib/Nisan. This is false, the lamb must be slain on the 14th not the 13th. Anyone who has any date for the Passover that does not agree it begins after sundown on April 7, 2012 is false.

Passover begins in Jerusalem. No one can correctly observe Passover until after it is correctly observed on the correct night in Jerusalem.

Correct month (Abib)
Correct evening (14th after sundown)
Correct time of the day (evening after sundown)
On the full moon (moon must be full on Passover evening)
On the 15th day of Abib which began at sundown.
On the first day of the seven days of unleavened bread
Everyone west of 180 degree longitude to Jerusalem will observe Passover one day later on the Gregorian calendar, but it will still be Abib 15 and Passover according to the Biblical calendar.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Snakes In The House

Jacob prophesied of his son Dan, that he would be like a serpent. Indeed, later on the whole tribe of Dan departed from God and worshipped calf gods. This tribe became like a serpent in the house of Israel. And this tribe is missing from the number of the tribes in the book of Revelation.

Moses made an image of a serpent and put it upon a pole and everyone who had been bitten by the fiery serpents in the wilderness could look thereon and be healed. Later on, several Israelites departed from the true God and began to worship the serpent as a god. They worshipped these serpent gods in the houses of their worship in the high places. Snake worship in the high places was part of the Baal worship.

Solomon said: a serpent will bite without enchantment and a babbler is no better. A babbler is a serpent in the house. The effect of a babbler is that his/her words are like poison. They can be deadly. When there is a babbler in the house, there is a snake in the house.

It is a fact that in the winter time most snakes will get cold and stiff, frozen like. If you take one of these snakes that look like they are dead into your house: as soon as they warm up they are trouble. Any time a person becomes trouble in a church, you can be sure there is a snake in the house that thawed out. What is worse, is when other ministers involve themselves with snake members of other churches and thaw them out.

When Jesus came to Jerusalem he found snakes in the temple. He found serpents in the house of God. Even John the Baptist prophesied of these serpents and generation of vipers. They had control of the temple. It had become a den of serpents. And it was from within this snake den that the prophecy of Genesis 3:15 took place. Out of this den of snakes would come the attack to bruise the heels of Jesus on the Cross. When the temple cult of snakes cried "away with him, crucify him" it was the hissing of the serpents at work.

Then we find in Revelation 12 the serpent chasing the woman who birthed the man-child. He chases her out of her home into the wilderness. But he never did get this fangs on her. He never caught her. She escaped from him. While the serpent hunted for her to kill her, she escaped.

Is it any wonder the serpent is bound for 1,000 years as Jesus comes to the earth and sets up his house for the millennial? What better way to keep the serpent, the devil, from Jerusalem at last: but to throw him in a bottomless pit and there seal him for 1,000 years. For 1,000 years the serpent will not be in Israel, will not be in Jerusalem, will not be any where in the world. And with the serpent out of the house there is peace. Perfect peace.

When there is a snake in the house, it is best to isolate the rascal. Get that varmint away from people. And if the serpent does not flee when you open the door, go get a garden hoe and take off its head.

Do not let a snake in your house.

Keep demons out of your house.
Keep demons out of your body.

If you are troubled by the devil, learn how to put the snake out of your house.

There will be no peace until the serpent is gone.

Even as Jesus will have perfect peace for 1,000 years with the devil gone: you can have perfect peace if you will cast the devil out of the house.


oh by the way,

when you allow anyone to bring a snake into the house, be it a preacher, a friend, or a family member: it is time to reconsider who you allow in your house. They tell me that snakes live where they can feed. The devil feeds on people. Have you been devil's food? How else does the devil devour us? Snakes go where a habitat is made for them. To get rid of snakes do away with the habitat that invited them. Or they tell me that the product of hell, sulphur, if spread around makes snakes flee. Maybe the fact snakes do not like sulphur is an indication the devil does not like the lake of fire. Snakes do not like fire period. So, stay on fire for God and there will be no snakes around. And if one shows up, put the fire of the Holy Ghost on that snake and it will flee. This is one of the keys of pastorialship. When a snake is in the congregation, all he has to do is get the fire of the Holy Ghost moving and the snakes will hit the door. :)

Bishop Reckart
Made by God, for God

Friday, March 9, 2012

Baptism for the dead

The Mormon baptisms for the dead is one of the biggest religious hoaxes ever pulled on people.

Some years ago while doing genealogy research on my own family I ran across a Mormon baptism for a dead person.

Now Mormon baptisms for the dead is supposed to save that person from the fires of hell and from eternal punishment. This Mormon hoax out does the Catholic hoax of burning candles for the poor lost souls in purgatory who are suffering in the fires of hell. But, people who cannot bear to accept some relative or friend will be eternally lost, will accept these hoaxes and believe them. This is not just a small isolated hoax. Mormons are doing this all over the world. There have been millions and millions of these hoax baptisms.

One thing that cannot be found in the New Testament is any baptisms for dead lost sinners. It is simply missing. Where then did the Mormons come up with this hoax?

It is a perverted interpretation of 1Cor 15:28-29:

"And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.
Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?"

The danger here of the Mormons is building a doctrine on one verse. And then building a doctrine on a perverted interpretation of that verse.

Being baptized for the dead has nothing to do with dead loved ones or friends. Being baptized for the dead has to do with Jesus himself. It is into his death, burial, and resurrection we are baptized. This is the one and only baptism for the dead. And if Christ be not raised from the dead, then our faith and baptisms are all in vain. Why then if they are vain would baptisms into Jesus death (his being dead), have any value or worth?

And that all things are put under him, means all our sins are put under the love of Jesus, and under the shedding of his blood. And all sins put under him are also considered under him because it was God who planned for all sins to be put under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is only when our sins are put under him that we can have a reunion and fellowship with God. And it is only when this has taken place that God may be all in all. There is no God complete in all, unless all sins of these people are put under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. This makes our baptism into the death of Jesus our salvation (Acts 2:38 is not a ritual, you need to understand this people).

So, there is no baptism for dead unsaved people and for criminals as the Mormon hoax promises.

Now, the person who I found that the Mormons saved was ADOLPH HITLER.

Is this a joke? Hitler saved from the fires of hell because of some Mormon in London, England appearing at a Mormon temple saying he is Adolph and has come for baptism! This is a charade and a hoax.

And the Mormon person who was baptized for Hitler, filled all the documents with Salt Lake City and they recorded them. Adolph Hitler is now a Mormon priest of Melchizedek. He is now saved and a member of the Mormon LDS church. Adolph is now a holy and saved Latter Day Saint.

Get a load of that.

Jews should be outraged. I am outraged with religious shams like this.

Mormons can be baptized for all the world's criminals and try to empty hell, but it is all a hoax.

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved (Mark 16:16).

No one can believe and be baptized after they are dead.

And, a person must be saved before they die.

And if they are not saved before they die, it is prima facia evidence the person did not believe and was not baptized according to Acts 2:38.

Now, all these Mormon hoax baptisms are additionally fake and false because the proxy baptizee is baptized with the words Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  They are not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ per Acts 2:38. Even if they chose to start using Acts 2:38 they would have to make all the prior baptisms in the titles invalid. And to do this and require all baptisms to be done over, would cause the ruin of the Mormon church. There is no way they can do it.

I can tell all of you this: not a single person in hell fire as been released from that torment because of any Mormon hoax baptism. And no Mormon can prove a single soul has been pulled from hell fire because of their sham baptisms.

My advice is for everyone to stay away from the Mormon hoax religion.

Bishop Reckart
Made by God, for God

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jesus Bible School Philippines

Jesus Bible School will be located in Omod, Bayawan, Negros Oriental, Philippines.

Our first Apostolic Bible School for JMFI was under the direction and leadership of President and Pastor Randy Dela Rita. It was located in Cagayan de Oro.  The first class began in 2009 and graduated in 2010.

Our second Apostolic Bible School is located in Masbate Island under the direction and leadership of President and Pastor Eleaquim Bohol. The class of 2011 is now in progress and will graduate in May. This is the Class of 2012.

Lord willing, our 2012 class will begin in May and graduate in 2013.
We will now have a JMFI National Bible School as depicted on the web page.

Jesus is blessing all that we put our hand to do.

We are now raising the budget of $5000 for building the dormitories for the students and also a house for the incoming Pastor of the headquarters Church.  Please send a donation to help prepare these young men and women to reach a heathen and pagan nation.

Bishop Reckart
Made by God, for God