There is massive distortion about the Passover Jesus observed at which he instituted the Communion or Lord's Supper.
The key to unraveling this confusion is to start with the day of the resurrection and work backward. We know the resurrection occurred on the 3rd day after his burial. There are 16 references that verify the 3rd day resurrection. Acts 10:40 stands out very strong: "Him God raised the third day." With this established we can now move to resolve a lot of the corruption, much of which is on purpose. There is no end of liars and distorter's who pleasure their egos to make Truth into lies. This is why I am posting this on the Internet today.
Taking Sunday as the third day, then what we call Saturday night was the third night. Saturday would be the second day. What we call Friday night would be the second night. The day portion of Friday would be the first day. What we call Thursday night would be the first night. This means Jesus was crucified on Thursday. This also means Passover was from sundown Wednesday until sundown Thursday.
There is a lot of confusion if Jesus observed the annual Passover and did he on that evening then institute the annual memorial of his own death? If Jesus did not observe the Passover on the evening it was required, then he violated Exodus 12:24. A violation would result in being cut off from Israel (Exodus 12:15). If Jesus did not observe the exact evening he sinned.
There are many who take mistranslations and try to build a doctrine out of one scripture. This is not a Biblical way to interpret the Word of God.
Considering the foregoing, the lamb was slain on the afternoon of the 14th of Abib. It was then roasted and the other things made ready for the Passover evening observance. They went behind the blood protected doorway before sundown. At sundown began the 15th of Abib and that is the date of the Passover.
I have pointed out for years that Passover is not when the lamb was slain. Even in Egypt, the Passover was not when the lamb was slain. The Passover was at midnight nearly 9 hours after the lamb was slain. And, it was not on the same day at all.
Many try to claim the lamb was slain on the afternoon of the 13th and then eaten on the evening of the 14th. This is so false and a distortion anyone who has an elementary knowledge of the Scripture knows this is plain out stupid.
Some try to build their case on the lamb slain on the 13th and eaten the night of the 14th based upon the Catholic accusation against the Passover observance of the Asian Quartodecimeans who followed the Apostles Paul and John. Quartodecimean is a way of saying 14th. But anyone who knows Jewish traditions know that Jewish time and Roman time are not counted the same. Jewish time ends at sundown and a new day begins. Roman time begins at midnight and ends at midnight. So the Catholics were using Roman time that counted the day to midnight to accuse the Asian Passover Christian observers. The Roman method the day did not end till midnight. Whereas with Jewish time it ended at sundown. It was Catholic error to assume the day did not end till midnight and thought the 14th lasted until midnight. Anyone who uses these errors for doctrine shows just how unlearned, ignorant, and novice they are.
No where did the Asian Churches use the name Quartodecimean to describe themselves. This was a word invented by Catholics to slander the Asian Churches that continued to follow the Apostolic practice that Jesus instituted. The Nicene Council in 325AD is where Constantine and 318 monks voted the Passover observance illegal and established Easter as the day of the resurrection to have priority and authority over the day Jesus died. But Jesus did not give the Communion as a memorial of his resurrection. And anyone who tries that joke is simply reprobate. My point here is, it is novice and illogical, not even Biblical, to build a doctrine on celebration of Passover at sundown the 13th based upon Catholic falsehood and use of the Roman day.
There is no Apostolic Minister in the United States or the world who has held and observed the Passover of Jesus more years than I. I am the first to write about it. I am the first to restore this beautiful Truth. I am the most widely read writer among Apostolic Ministers and people on this subject. When people first read it they think it interesting. I draw attention to my ministry here only because there are some novices trying to destroy the Truth. And they did not know of the Lord's Passover until about 4 years ago. Then they perverted it and added bapizing babies to it. So do not discount me for boasting a little. It is for the cause of Truth and doctrine that I treasure and hold dearly.
When many see the Truth, they take it into their hearts. They do not try to find one little disagreement and then turn and rend me. The honest in heart will make plans to celebrate the Passover of Jesus regardless of what they think about me.
The distortions are created out of jealousy and to create discord. It is mostly by young novices, trying to interject falsehood to lead people astray. Seasoned men of God do not act this way.
Those who trust in a seasoned Man of God will know what I have written came from God. These novices on the other hand are like those mentioned in Jude 1:13.
One tool you can always use to smoke these perverters out with, is to ask them if they know me, and if they follow my teachings on the Passover. If they say they know me and then say they do not follow my teachings:
YOU JUST SMOKED THEM OUT. You are talking to a distorter.
Ok, this year Passover is sundown April 7th. See that you keep it in all your homes or Churches. You are to do this until Jesus comes (1Cor 11:26).
Now some claim that they can use one verse, and one word in that one verse, to build their doctrine and practice of celebrating the Lord's Supper any time they want. They have been using 1Corinthians 11:26 "often" now for years as the authority of their false interpretation. They know it is not Biblical to use one verse or one word to make a doctrine. But in this case, to avoid and to argue against the annual Lord's Passover, they will violate the Biblical principle of using one verse to make a doctrine. Now if you are one of those people, you are in error and you are using falsehood to protect your Catholic interpretation. It was the Catholic church who first used the interpretation of "often" to mean anytime they wanted. This is why they can have the Eucharist several times a day in a Mass. But, I am here as a witness created by God, to tell you that "often" can and does mean one time a year.
The Passover of Jesus is the most important day of the year for a real Bible believing child of God. I said so. And I speak this from the authority of the revelation of Jesus Christ. As a Bishop I contend and defend this doctrine of the Apostolic Church.
For those good and honest hearts who are reading these words, can I just suggest you ask the Holy Spirit to confirm these things unto you? And when you feel that special tugging, that special warmth of the soul as the words sink way down deep: make a vow to your Savior you will remember the day he died for the world for the rest of your life. Then do it.
Start at sundown April 7th.
Jesus Bless Us All.
Bishop Reckart
Son of the Blood