Monday, February 28, 2011

DNA and Jesus

There are so many passing around false and misleading information about Jesus. There are few valid defenders. And the few who might speak up will likely themselves eventually become perverters. They just cannot leave Truth alone. I will put this out there and see how long it takes for the perverters to go to their damnation.

When God made Adam he had only the "XY" DNA. God took of his bone and his flesh, "XY" DNA and made Eve. But in this making God took away the "Y" and gave Eve an "X". And she became a female. all females after her carry the "XX" DNA.

The creation of Adam was a miracle. The creation of Eve was a miracle. Their DNA was a miracle. Since God created all things (Rev 4:11), there is nothing he did not create. Therefore DNA was a creation of God and the "XY" DNA of Adam was God's stamp on him as a man. When God made Eve and removed the "Y" of Adam's chromosome and replaced it with an "X", it was a divine creative act to create the woman. And Bishop Reckart teaches God upholds all this by the Word of his Power (Heb 1:3).

Few have ever taught about the Virgin Mary and Jesus by comparing the creative work of God between Adam and Eve. The hate against Mary because the Catholics have worshipped her, prayed to her, made idols of her, has blinded them from seeing simple revelations. This is one they could not see and many will refuse to accept it now.

In my picture chart I show Mary with the "XX" DNA and then Jesus with the "XY" DNA. All we have here in the miracle of conception is exactly an opposite of what happened with Adam and Eve. This is not a great revelation. God took from a man and made a woman. And he took from the woman and made a man.

All God did with Mary in the conception was remove the "X" and add back the "Y" and the DNA of Jesus was created

Now I have been accused of teaching false doctrine on this. You decide. How did Jesus get a "Y" chromosome in the conception of the ovum of Mary?

I say and will say so until I die, that Jesus was the ONLY begotten Son of God. The fleshly body he was born with came into existence by a miracle. No man was the father of Jesus, therefore God was his Father. But was Jesus only a man? What was it about Jesus that made him also God manifested in the flesh?

I was told by a certain pervert that Jesus was not the only son of God. Adam was also a son of God. And the Bible mentions other sons of God. This idiot said Jesus was no more a son of God then all the rest. Final assessment: Jesus was only a man.

Well, I did not fall off the turnip wagon last year. Was Adam conceived by a woman? Then he is not like Jesus as a son of God. Was the body of Adam born of a woman? Then he is not like Jesus as a son of God. Were any of the other sons of God mentioned in the Bible conceived and birthed by a virgin? Then none of them are like Jesus as the son of God. And which of all these sons of God mentioned, was God actually the biological Father?

It is vitally important that real Men of God understand what is meant by the words: "only begotten son." It means God had no other biological sons upon the earth ever. Jesus was the first and the last. There will be no more. And the virgin Mary was the mother of the only begotten Son of God. She is the only woman in the world who birth a child whose Father was God.

The miracle of the conception of Jesus is no less or greater a miracle than what God did when he made Eve from Adam's "XY" DNA.

The virgin Mary said: "let it be according to thy word" and instantly in her ovum an "X" was removed and a "Y" created. And Jesus was conceived. The very instant she conceived is the very instant God created the "XY" DNA of the only begotten Son of God.

Bishop Reckart
Putting To Silence The Ideas And Perversions Of Novices

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Virgin Mary

I have been doing some awesome teaching on Mary the mother of Jesus the past three wednesday evenings. The most important woman in the Bible and few ever take the time to look into her history. Some years back when I first began my research, I was told by a Oneness minister I was trying to be Catholic. One idiot said I was a secret Jesuit infiltrator. Another said I was trying to establish worship of Mary. In reality, all of these were speaking out of stupidity and ignorance. They knew little or nothing about this great woman of God. All they knew was she was the mother of Jesus. And one ignorant evangelist made the statement that any virgin in Israel could have been the mother of Jesus.

Well, I am not here going to lay out my teaching or the things or points I spoke about. For many it is of no value any way. And to a host more it would only stir up again some accusations of Mary worship. But these lessons were great. No, they were not recorded. I had great enjoyment in these lessons. I think next week will be the last on this subject. Then I will begin my annual Passover lessons. Each year I do four or more. This year will be no exception. The greatness of Passover and what it means is something I really enjoy teaching. Maybe by that time I will have my direct internet feed back up and those who have the code can listen in.

Looks like Jesus House will be establishing a Church in Jamaica. This is now upon the altar here in Tampa. As soon as I get the go from Jesus, there will be for the first time in this nation a post-trib Israel of God congregation. The first Apostolic Messianic Church will come into existence. The New Testament Judaism of Jesus will arrive. And Jamaica will NEVER BE THE SAME.

Pray for Bishop Reckart that he will continue to reach out to the World.

I am very happy that Missionary Hood will assist me in El Salvador in the coming months and help in the establishing of an Apostolic work there. Missionary Hood is a great man of God. He and his wife are real treasures to the Kingdom of God. I am proud of them.

I will soon also be in Phoenix, Arizona for three days. I will see Pastor John Riddle, a long time friend and supporter of JMFI and missions work. I will be visiting some other individuals who want something more than the liberalism another church group now allows. They want real holiness. And Pastor Reckart knows how to teach and preach on this subject. I ask Jesus to open the doors here for his Kingdom in their hearts.

Jesus Bless those who love the truth,

Bishop Reckart

Monday, February 14, 2011


Back in 2005, Rev. Joel Hemphill, a Southern Gospel Singer wrote a book entitled "To God Be The Glory." I was not made aware of it until 2007. When I read the book I was shocked at the claim Jesus was not God but only a man. I did not believe his doctrine would go far and surely the Oneness people would reject it out of hand.  Then in 2008 I talked to Rev. Hemphill personally on the telephone for several hours. I listen to his doctrine. He wanted to convert me so I would take it on the mission field and convert ministers in those nations. I questioned him about several of his statements. He was very slippery in his answers. I ended the conversation by telling him I would never accept his doctrine. I told him his doctrine was not new. It was already preached in centuries past by the Jews, Gnostics, and the Muslims.

I wrote about Hemphillism and exposed his doctrine. So far as I know there has been no other Apostolic in the world who saw the importance of opposing this dangerous false doctrine. I posted something on the internet about it:  I got a few emails thanking me. And I got at least five emails attacking me because I dared to speak against Rev. Hemphill. They accused me of being mean, judging, and being an accuser of the brethren. My response was that as a Bishop I had a responsibility to content for and defend the doctrine of the Apostles. This included my authority to correct and rebuke with all longsuffering. And Rev. Hemphill certainly needed someone to correct and or rebuke him. Claiming Jesus is not God and a new created man-like being that was not human was certainly a doctrine I had to denounce.

Well here it is 2011, and 6 years after his first book. Last year in November he pumped out another one. In this last book he draws a lot on history already presented against trinitarianism by oneness writers. But his attack was to now use those arguments to support his own new doctrine that Jesus was not God.  Trinitarians and Oneness believe Jesus was divine (trinity he is one of 3 divine persons: oneness he is God manifest in human flesh). Rev. Hemphill has set out to bring a new 21st Century Reformation. He will prove Jesus was not God.

It has been now six years since he put this doctrine out. When I talked to him he boasted of several UPC Pastors who believed as he did now. He even claimed a couple district superintendents believe Jesus was not God. I sent some emails to the UPC hierarchy about this and got absolutely no response.  Still, after three years there has been utter silence. In these three years, Rev. Hemphill has been able to make several converts, write a new book, and put out several Cd's to deceive the ignorant and unlearned.  Why are the major Oneness groups not answering his false doctrine?

I think some do not because they do not know what it is. Well here is a simple outline.

He teaches there is one God, God the Father.
He teaches Jesus is not God because there cannot be two Gods, therefore if God the Father is God, Jesus is not God.
He teaches Jesus was a new man created in Mary by a blood cell or blood clot. This Jesus does not have any of the DNA of Adam. So he is not human. He is a man but he is not human of Adam's race. He is some kind of a physical phantom since he had nothing in his body that came from earth substances.
He teaches this new man Jesus had to be a new man so he could have sinless blood to shed on Calvary.
He teaches Jesus is the only begotten son of God and as such, he is not God.
He teaches Jesus has no DNA connection to the human race at all. He is the second Adam.
He teaches any worship of Jesus is idolatry.
He teaches all glory belongs to God the Father and Jesus wants us all to know his Father as the one and only true God.
He teaches that eternal life (plan of salvation) is to believe in God the Father and Jesus whom the Father sent.
He teaches Jesus as a man only, a new created being, could not and did not sin therefore his blood was sinless for the sacrifice on Calvary.
He teaches Jesus was not conceived in Mary from her ovum but she was only an incubator. A new DNA blood cell or clot was placed in Mary and she birthed the new second Adam.
There are more aspects of his false doctrine.
The claim Jesus was only a man comes from the Jews and Islam. Joel Hemphill and those who embrace his new "oneness doctrine" are teaching the ancient heresy of dynamic monarchism.

We now turn our attention to the sufferings of Jesus. If he was not a real man. If he had no DNA connection to the human race. If his body was totally different than our own. Then how could he suffer as mankind suffers? He could not. He would not have the ability to know the true sufferings of mankind. He could not be touched by our infirmities except in some manner of compassion. The whole theory of this non-human Jesus is based upon the total depravity of the seed of man. His flesh is totally depraved and his blood is totally defiled. Everything about the seed of Adam was totally defiled. The new man Jesus could not and did not bear the sufferings of humanity. While there may be scriptures that indicate Jesus did suffer, remember this Jesus was of the human DNA race of Adam. It is wrong to take these verses and make them apply to this new Hemphill Jesus who was not a human being at all.

I would not even give this false doctrine my time except for many are being deceived by this new Hemphillism.  I am writing against it so I can be on record opposing it. I do not want any soul in all the world snared into this new cult.

I urge all Apostolic men of God to preach openly that Jesus is God and then give scripture to prove it. We must not allow this Hemphillism false doctrine to come into our Churches and we were not prepared for it.

We Apostolics believe in the one true God, God the Father. And we believe in the one true only begotten Son of God Jesus. We believe in the Father and the Son. We confess the Father and the Son. We believe the Father was in the Son, God in Christ, redeeming the world unto himself. We believe God is Father in creation, Son in Redemption, and the Holy Ghost in the regeneration. We believe Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. We believe in Jesus there is a dual nature of God and man. We believe God, the Word, was made flesh and dwelt among us. We believe his name is Emmanuel, God with us. We believe Jesus is both Father and Son, Divine and Flesh, Lord and Christ. And we believe when everyone gets to heaven they will see the image of Jesus upon the throne manifesting the glory of the Father just as HE DID ON THE EARTH. Jesus is the glory of the Father in human form. The glory of the Father is his very presence and Jesus was the glory of the Father. To see the glory of the Father is to see and know who Jesus is. This is the glory the Father gave the Son, his very own self (glorify me with thyself). This is why the Son has all power and glory of the Father because it pleased the Father to dwell in the Son and manifest his power and glory to the world. To take the glory of the Father from the Son and make him only a man can only result over the years to lead souls to join Islam and or the Jewish religion.

Hemphillism may appeal to a large number of so called oneness people, but it will be so because either they never understood oneness or they never believed it.  When I say "Glory to God in the highest" I am speaking directly to Jesus who is both Father and Son sitting on one throne. I am worshipping the one true Alpha (God the Father) and Omega (the Son), the Beginning (the Creator) and the Ending (the Judge), the First (Lord-Divine)and the Last (Lord-God in flesh), the Lord God Almighty (Adonai Elshadai). And his name is JESUS....

Jesus is God
Bishop Reckart said so!
Passover Questions Answered

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Some years ago I met a Minister who had spent several years under his Pastor doing everything from washing his car, cutting his grass, bringing him breakfast every Sunday morning to his Church office, cleaning the Church, organizing services and special events, ministering to the youth, teaching home Bible studies, doing hospital visitations, doing repairs around the Church, teaching the adult Sunday school class, ministering when the Pastor was gone on trips or conventions, and more importantly: he was trained in doctrine, practice, and order.

I listened to the Pastor tell me of his love for his Pastor. Telling me how he felt bad if he did not take out the trash after a Church event and saw the Pastor doing it.  How he could not honor any man above his Pastor and respected him highly. Here I sat listening to the Minister tell me of his life for over 20 years. I asked him if he had any complaints against his Pastor? He replied that if he did he did not remember. And then he said:

"Pastor Reckart, I was a proper son to my father in the Gospel. Even as a natural son to his father, my Pastor was my spiritual father. If he made any mistakes I did not look for them. I was a proper son. My Pastor fathered me."

Much has been written about Ministers being fathered. And much has been written about men who go out to be a Minister who were never fathered. They were never a son under any spiritual father. The most of them are bastard sons who have no idea who their spiritual father is. They cannot say this or that man of God was my spiritual father. Ask them who their spiritual father is and they have none. Ask where their home church is and they have none. Ask which spiritual father to contact for a fathered reference and they have none to give. In fact, most I have met claim they have never submitted to a spiritual father to correct or teach them. The many Pastors they have had were never a spiritual father to them. If you contact any or all of the former pastors of these men none of them would be able to give a good report. They are without discipline, self called, self ordained, self sent, haughty, smart-mouthed, and usually messed up in all manner of false doctrine. They are train wrecks. They ordain themselves prophets, pastors, evangelists, bishops, and apostles. They go out into the world to make a name for themselves not knowing that all that they will accomplish will be for nothing having run in vain.  It has been my practice as a Pastor not to preach men who have not been fathered. I have tried to father some men who were not mine, in a step-father position and have found that many of these men have a bad seed in them. In time the most of them turn out tares among the wheat and they destroy souls when you have to pluck them up and cast them out.

To be fathered gives a man his spiritual pedigree. He has a foundation. He is a proper and respectful son. He will labor with the Pastor as a son with his father. He will be trained up in the way he should go. And he will not go until he has been properly trained and sent with blessings. He will bring respect to his father and not shame him or being on him a reproach. He will not bring an evil report against his father. And he will not destroy his father's Church to have one of his own (this is spiritual incest). He will not rob from his spiritual father any tithing or offerings. He will abide in his fellowship all the days of his life. Nothing will come between a son and his spiritual father, NOTHING!

Being fathered gives a man his spiritual foundation. As he matures in the Gospel he will learn why his father did not allow him to do everything he wanted. Why he was not allowed to go here or there. Why he was taught doctrine and the importance in continuing therein without wavering and going astray. And at last he will thank God for his spiritual father even if when he looks back some things were strict, stern, tight, and rigid. But in it all he learned his own spiritual man was fathered by a great man of God. And now he can look about him at the ruined heap of other ministers who never would submit to a spiritual father and saw the ways of fools.

Spiritual fathers never claimed to be perfect, they only claimed God put them over the lives of some people to save their souls and train them how to live for God respectfully. Show me a smart-mouthed preacher and I show you a man who was not fathered. Show me a preacher who makes his boast no man is over him and I will show you a fool. Show me a preacher who has not been a son to a spiritual father for several years and I will show you a spiritual rebel acting like a teenage run-away. Yes, there are many preachers today who think themselves somewhat but they are not sons of any spiritual father. I have seen so many of these young men come and go seeking their own welfare and glory and never submitted to any real man of God.

Myself, I was fathered by a great Pastor. He gave me my foundation. Yes, I cut his grass, washed his car, cleaned the Church, taught Sunday school, taught the adult class, ministered when the Pastor went to conventions or vacations. I was a proper son. That is why God has blessed me with so many revelations and enlightenment. I have been a faithful son. O yes, I saw my Pastor do things or say things I questioned: but I never allowed them to get to the level it gave me an excuse to run off and do my own thing, or I now had proof he was not a great man of God, or I could now condemn him and refuse him to rule over me.  And when he died, I went under another man of God and submitted myself to be trained even more. And from this submission I was fathered in the Gospel and remain a man of God properly raised in the Apostolic faith.  I am a proper son, and I know other proper sons when I see them.

Some cannot go back and be fathered by previous pastors. They never submitted to any man. They have already ruined themselves being victims of their own lusts and desire to be self-made great. These can only corect themselves by going to some man of God and sitting down until they are fathered. If they do not, they run in vain and accomplish nothing that will last. When it all crashes about them and they see they have nothing holy to present to the Lord, then the fool that they are will realize his wasted life. He has run in vain.  A true fathered son will not waste or lose time being fathered. He will redeem to himself time by the experience he will learn. And when at last he goes forth it will be with a blessing. This cannot be replaced.  Sure, many of these fatherless men can join in renegade fellowships but all of them together are not equal to a fathered son.

If you are a young man seeking the will of God, I advise you to find a spiritual father and submit yourself. Prepare to spend many years as as son. In the natural we do not release sons from the family as mature until after they have reached their 18th year. A real spiritual son will remain with his spiritual father for many years. He will work and labor with his father in the Gospel as a son. As a son with his father he will not miss any blessing of God nor will be lose any opportunity to use his gifts and talents. If you are a minister who has not been fathered and do not know where to do this, and you do not know who to submit to, maybe Tampa Florida is a place to consider. This is one father in the Gospel who will not disgrace his sons and has never disgraced any minister who has ever been under him. Sure, I am strict, stern at times, rigid, and even lording at times over my sons. But then I am a father to my house. And since I know how to rule my house I can apply proper rules in the house of God.

Bishop Reckart
A Father In The Gospel
I promise to be there for my sons in the Gospel

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Revelation of Spiritual things

True, there is no new revelations being given by God to the world. They were all finalized by Jesus and his Apostles. But there is revelation of spiritual things that were finalized.

When the Apostles went into the world to preach the original Gospel to the nations, they had perfect knowledge and understanding of the revelations of God for the Church age. What they did not have was later revealed by the Holy Spirit.  Jesus did predict the Holy Spirit would lead and guide them into all truth and righteousness.

Even before the deaths of the Apostles there arose false teachers, false prophets, and false apostles. They brought into the world damnable heresies and false interpretations. This led to division and disunity among the early Christians. This was the intent and purpose of these false brethren. They wanted to lead people away from the Apostle's doctrine. And so the beginning of spiritual darkness descended upon the world. Those who continued in the original doctrine of the Apostles had the true light. The others went into spiritual darkness. Out of the darkness was born several sects. The one that rose to take control of the world was the Catholic church. This group has perverted more doctrine, faith, practice, conduct, and order than any other religion except Islam and Judaism. The knowledge of Truth has been hidden because of traditions and false doctrine for centuries.

Since it is the work of the Holy Ghost to lead into Truth, we can expect when someone comes out of darkness their eyes will be opened. They will begin to have things revealed to them. Little by little they will get more and more revelation. The revelation of spiritual things will begin.

The problem with this revival of personal revelation is the quick spiritual attack that comes to lead such persons aside into vain jangling and then chasing after alleged revelations until they are snared, captured, and taken into some cult or apostate group. While they have escaped one darkness they soon enter into another one. And as soon as they enter, they shut themselves off to any additional revelations of true Spiritual things.

I knew a brother who came out of darkness. Was born again the Acts 2:38 way. The Holy Ghost began to reveal things to him. Some were personal, some were doctrinal, and some were Church related. He had great joy in his revelations. Excited, he would often call me and tell me what God had revealed to him. I was amazed he was learning so rapidly. Then one night he did not show up for Church. He had slipped off to visit another one. At this meeting the Pastor told him he did not need to be under me, he had his own calling and he could go out and do what ever he wanted. This little lie caused his feet to slip.  He was never faithful after that. Then about two months later he slipped off with a woman preacher and went with her to her brother's church up in Panama City, Florida. There he was ordained.  See, I would not ordain him because he was not spiritually ready. But he wanted so bad to be equal to me and be ordained. As if a piece of paper or some other renegade minister can give him something.  Well, the spiritual revelations ceased. He started getting all these alleged revelations about bondage and legalism. That holiness was bondage and legalism. He allowed his wife to cut her hair and put on pants. He started running around in shorts. They dressed their little girl in pants. Of course by this time he had long quit my Church.  But the day he took advice from a lying preacher was the day his spiritual revelations died.

I have seen other men and women who have remained humble. They have not let blind leaders lead them into the ditch. They have kept themselves from evil and trying to become famous by trying to destroy other ministers. And these have matured into great men of God. Many of the others have gone off into all manner of falsehoods from baptizing babies, to circumcision of males, to law-keeping, to joining trinity churches, to utter and apostate backsliding. Some of these I pray for and others I have no prayer to offer.

Last night I had a vision of a former member who went astray many years ago. Claimed to be an evangelist. Today he is a trinitarian. He totally apostated on everything Apostolic he ever learned or knew. In my vision he was sitting on the outside of my Church door looking in. His heart was so broken like he wanted to go inside. But he would not make the move. I approached him in the vision. I said to him: "Brother ____" won't you come inside? He looked at me and said: "Brother Reckart I once loved you but I do not any more." In my vision I cried for him. I tried to love him. I tried to talk to him. But he walked away. My heart went after him in my vision but it was like I was frozen. I could not chase after him. He walked away and into the darkness and was gone.

There are some who come here from time to time just like this man. They look in but won't come in. They want what is on the inside but will not come in. They come here and to my other web pages to check in from time to time. But at last they turn and walk into the darkness. I hope that darkness he walked into was not death. I hope it did not mean he had sealed his eternal fate. But this I know, he walked away from the Truth. He walked away from the light of the revelations of spiritual things.

From my early days as an infant born again believer I have been attacked by the devil to lead me astray. I have defeated this enemy every time he has tried to sweep me away with his flood of lies, deceit, false doctrines, false interpretations, and even false revelations.

A few years back I had another young man in Church. He ate the Word of God like a little bird with open mouth. One day he asked me how I could get such revelation of the Word? I told him it was by my faithfulness and the Holy Spirit guiding me. He then said he had the Holy Spirit and wanted to know why he could not get out of the Scriptures what I did?  I told him it came with faithfulness and maturity. Well he was not satisfied that he was not getting any special revelations. Next thing I knew he had some revelation that Adam was a god, that we are all gods. His theory went like this: The Word was God. The earth was made by the Word therefore the world was a part of God. Adam was made from the earth which was by the Word, therefore Adam was made from the Word and he was then a God. When I heard this nonsense I told him it was not a revelation from God but a delusion. I explained how many who have delusions call them revelations and this is the root of all false doctrine. But he would not take my counsel. He soon left to go off into other vain janglings of his own making.  When men will not follow the true revelation of spiritual things they curse themselves into being deceived and accepting delusions. They make these delusions into doctrine and then claim by teaching them they are trying to bring unity to the body of Christ?  Unity? Even thieves join together but this is not true unity. Neither will any collection of false teachers who rally around their delusions which they call their spiritual revelations.

In these last days, it is important that we do not follow cunningly devised delusions. And it is important we follow men who are solid in doctrine. If we do not, then the Catholic church is just as good as all these other delusion groups now spreading abroad upon the face of the earth.

The revelation of spiritual things is not given to every man. But they to whom they are given are men of mature minds and who have a legacy of faithfulness.

Bishop Reckart
A Man Who Has The Revelation Of Spiritual Things