Thursday, July 29, 2010

Soul Rapture At Death or Soul Sleep?

Greetings Everyone:

I have just completed the captioned Bible Study. Those of you on my email list will already have a draft pdf copy in your email box. The full Bible study will be available soon in booklet form.

Why I changed my mind and completed this Study? Some of you wrote and asked me to please finish it. So after considering these requests, I decided I would do so. But, instead of placing it on the internet, I would send it out to my friends and interested parties.

If you read the study and would like to comment, scroll down to the comment line and enter your comments. I will have to approve them before they appear.

Jesus bless all of you who love the Truth. This Bible Study is for the true elect.

Pastor Reckart
Doing What A Bishop Is Supposed To Do

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One God vs Modernism

God has a lot of enemies in the world. There are many more enemies of God within religious groups than among atheist. Atheist are upfront about their anti-god beliefs. Religious enemies of God are more subtle. The devil himself is not a atheist. While he may use these non-religious bigots for his purpose, he himself is not an atheist. The devil is a religious being. He is the greatest religious sham of all. He knows exactly how to develop religious shams. He knows exactly how to manipulate the minds of millions. And he is great at invention of religions that believe in God but then do not follow the ways of God. He is just perfect in making reprobate religions. He knows, since he is the biggest reprobate religious maker of all.

The devil is a perverter, distorter, and changes Truth into a lie. He knows how to twist the Truth to make it a falsehood. He knows how to make his lies believable. He is the king of reprobate novices. He is their lord. He does not care how much a person reads the Bible, so long as he is able to pervert their minds about what they read. In fact, the devil loves people to read the Bible and guides them in perversion of interpretations.  He knows just how to make people believe they have discovered a revelation of God, when all along it is nothing but a perversion. From this kind of demonic influence the devil has been successful in developing Catholicism, Protestantism, false Judaism and other religions.  In stead of men and women going back to discover Apostolic doctrine in its purity, they search for a modern interpretation of the New Testament. And if they cannot find what they want, they invent their own. It is this modernism I see as the beginning of the antichrist spirit. In this modernism Truth has little value and personal opinion has all the value. Modernism is liberalism. Liberalism is a religion of God without the holiness and righteousness of God within it.  Modernism is a religion of God that rejects Apostolic doctrine of the Apostles as being out-dated, no longer valid and needs revised, and contains social customs no longer necessary for a modern generation.

God will have the last say in all of this. Few men and women care. Some who boast in themselves as the perfection of Christ, are themselves in the gall of bitterness hating the Truth when they read it. They grit their teeth to read things they are incapable of writing or have no talent to address. These think themselves somewhat. But in works they are nothing. They cannot produce what God wants. They are not really his servants at all. They are serving themselves with their titles and offices. They are ordaining themselves in their modernism religious carnivals.  The jokers get laughs. The reprobates go after the money or the praise of the people. And while their churches may get larger, they are nothing but devil religions that believe in God.

What is so shocking, is how those people that believe in God cry their eyes out, but they are no more ready to obey God than those who cried "crucify him, crucify him."

The Jewish religion in the time of Jesus believed in God. But they had false teachings, traditions of men, that together set at naught the very Truths of God. Their temple became a den of thieves and the devil was a regularr accepted guest.  The place became such an abomination because of the overspreading of evil, it was determined for destruction. So many, like these Jews, think just because they build a church, just because they come there and pray and jump around, that it does not matter what is preached or believed. They think they can somehow force God to accept them or he will rob himself of some worshippers. As if God is so lacking true worshippers he needs to settle for religious hypocrites.

Religious hypocrites believe in God, but they are like the devil in that they will not be a doer of the Word.  This is the sin of moderism. They are not doers of the Word. They opt out and claim they are saved by faith alone and anything more than this is religious bondage.

Yes, there are many called but few will be chosen. If you find yourself wrapped up in hate of this Man of God. You relish and have joy in perverting what this Man of God writes. You seek ways to distort what this Man of God gives to the nations.  You are a part of a large network of witchcraft workers, you just do not know what manner of spirit you are of.  When the devil tried to destroy the Apostle's Doctrine by several reprobate men, he did not try to remove God from their distortions. He only wanted the Truth changed into a lie, so the world would be deceived.

Yes, deceivers will increase for the same purpose in these endtimes. But the elect will not be led astray by them.

The one God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: the God of Truth, will keep his people from the errors of modernism. And they will know the devil in the midst of the fall away generation. They will not follow ungodly men or perversions.

Give your tithes and offerings and support the Truth. Do not give tithes and offerings in false churches. I do not believe in anyone giving tithes and offerings in false churches even if they have a God believing religion. Know where your tithes and offerings are going. Know exactly what they support. If I was attending a false church I wouldn;t want to give tithes either. I might even be like others and invent a false doctrine against it.  All this is nothing but self confession where they attend and the man they are under is not worthy as a Man of God, like Melchizdec to receive tithes. Well, I am greater than Melchizedec. Give your tithing. Be blessed. Let me pray a prayer of blessing upon you.

If you are a part of modernism, you will not give tithes. You will believe in God, but you will not be a doer of the Word. Those who are true worshippers of God, you know who you are. You put God first. He is your Lord. And you will never be a part of ecumenical modernism.

Pastor Reckart
A Man Greater Than Melchizedec

Monday, July 5, 2010

Tithes & Offerings

Greetings Everyone:

I have been asked if I receive tithes and offerings at Jesus House? The answer is YES!

If you are a faith tithe giver and want to give to the JESUS HOUSE ministry, you can do so. Many of you have not given tithing in a long time. If you want the blessings of God give your faith tithing. God will honor your faith. He will add blessings to your blessings. He will increase your finances. He will bless your whole house.

Our faith tithing and offerings blesses so many people every month. Not only can we have a nice Church building (Jesus House), to worship in; we have our weekly feed ministry to the homeless, hungry, and those who are poor. We serve every Saturday from noon to 1PM and sometimes a little after. We serve also on Sunday night from 6pm to 7 pm. Our members are dedicated to the love of Jesus Messieh. They are working on feeding their 3,000. Yes, I have a program called FEED YOUR THREE THOUSAND. Basically it works like this: it takes about $1.00 per meal to feed those who are hungry, homeless, and poor. You make plans to feed your 3,000 by giving $1 for each person you want to feed. Say you want to feed 300 for July, you send in $300. You now have fed your 300 and you have 2,700 remaining. When you have fed your 3,000 we will send you a very nice plaque for this accomplishment of faith. You can designate if this is to go to JESUS TABLE at JESUS HOUSE or if it is to go to feed the hungry in other nations. Or you can divide it between them. Right now we sponsor here in the USA and also in the Philippines.

Try God and see. He will bless all those who bless this Ministry.

Yes, some of your tithing will come to me. About 10-20% comes to me. I use it for my ministry to souls all over the world. Because of my plan for tithing and offerings God blesses me. And God blesses those who give.

If your Church does not believe in tithing, send them in here to me. If your Church does not accept offerings, send them in here to me. You can get your blessings even if your Church does not allow you to be blessed by giving.

Send them to:

Jesus House
Pastor G. Reckart
11731 N. 15th Street
Tampa, Florida 33612

If you owe God, made a vow to God and did not keep it, now is the day to pay your vow. Restore your blessings.

I love you, in Jesus Name we will move forward.

Pastor Reckart
A Man Who Loves God And People

PS The new book on Prophecy "COME LORD JESUS" is nearing completion. Comments of those who have read the draft copies are all positive. This work will not be posted on the internet. It must be requested: Name, Address, Telephone number, Name of Church Attended, Name of Pastor. No exceptions except for my very close friends.