I remember as a young minister, I was told by some older Elders to just hold on, soon God would shake all the Oneness groups and the Bride would come forth. I was told basically to wait on the rise of prophets who would cry out. I waited.
I looked for a prophet from among the UPCI, none arose.
I looked for a prophet among the PAW, none arose.
I looked for a prophet among the AMF, now the ACI, none arose.
I looked for a prophet among the COOLJC, none arose.
I looked for a prophet among the ALJC, none arose.
I looked for a prophet among the PAJC, none arose.
I looked for a prophet among the WPF recently created, none arose.
I looked for a prophet among the Oneness homosexual churches, none arose.
I looked for the leaders of these groups to prophesy and none did.
I was told not to cry out because I would be rejected by all of them.
My old mentor Pastor Murray Burr once told me: there has no prophet risen from among them. And if one did they would scandalize his name and deny him. His friends would walk away from him because he would shame their backslidings. Ministers and pastors would say he was demon possessed (Beelzebub); crazy, and deceiving the people (same ploys used against Jesus).
I waited, with baited breath at conventions to hear a message that would start a spiritual revolution. But all I head was fancy text and motivational sermons. I observed more and more theater and entertainment. Big TV screens moved into the churches. And the services were more designed for hoot night than a dedication to the old paths. Yes, many were filled with the Holy Ghost and even baptized in Jesus name: but they were never perfected in Truth, Faith, Doctrine, Practice, Conduct, and Order. In fact when was the last time you hard those words from the pulpit?
So, I decided let me try the spirits. I began to write and publish the Truth on a variety of subjects. And sure to the words of Pastor Burr I was viciously attacked. And what shocked me was I had less than 10 preachers who came to my defense. Less than 10 out of the estimated 50,000 Oneness preachers now in pulpits around the world.
If you are waiting on some group to root out the evils of their backslidings, you will die and never see it. Why? Because Rome and all of her daughters are cursed with a curse. They cannot perfect themselves when they are filled with false doctrines, catholic traditions, Jewish fables, and their own man-made deceptions. If you die in these churches chances are you will be lost.
When UPCI churches allow Freemasons on their staffs, boards, and in their pulpits, you know something is not rotten in Denmark, it is rotten right where you give your tithes. But why should you care? You find it more necessary to hate those who speak out because they are strange words to your ears. You love the platitudes and the sermons. You see backsliding all around you. Even your children drifting away into worldliness, and you do not speak up. If you will not cry out for your own soul,doubtless you will cry out to save others.
I have a mission. It has cost me lots of friends. I did not choose this ministry. I was created, trained, and sent out to accomplish it. I am not a Pentecostal catholic. That troubles the most of you. I do not preach the party-line. I do not have your pedigree card. I am not subject to any of your hierarchies, I have rejected your mantras and little ecumenical oaths (not to contend etc., etc.,).
I realize I am not the smartest man on the block. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and sometimes I am short a happy meal by one french fry. BUT I AM NOT LOST. I AM NOT A PENTECOSTAL CATHOLIC.
I am the voice I longed to hear.
And when I stepped out into the howling winds of false doctrine: the only voice I heard was my own.
Yes, some of you agree with me on some things. But you are not ready to come clean and become a voice with me. You hide behind clever words. No one really knows all that much about what you stand for or believe because YOU NEVER PUT IT IN PRINT.
The world is waiting on the manifestation of the Sons of God.
Are you one of them? Do you even care if you are? Will you submit yourself to Christ and really ask him to make you more and more like him? If you do not, enjoy your religion.
Bishop Reckart
A man God made