All Christians should leave the Arab Muslim countries. They must not go back to take any possessions. They must leave as soon as possible. Take only food for the journey. Do not travel on Muslim sabbath day. They must seek Jesus where to go. This is great tribulation for them. It will soon spread to all the world. Christians who want to whoop it up, play stupid, and dance every sunday night while the devil moves in to entrap them: are not wise. There is no spiritual requirement to whoop it up every sunday night. The night comes when no man may work and that includes Sunday whoop night. :)
We are under attack by forces and secret orders we know nothing about. They want money, power, government control, and everyone to become slaves. The new world order seems to be Islamic and Obama and others seem to be part of the movement it annihilate Christians regardless of their pedigree. The focus will switch to what they call radical Christians. And with out consent they will wipe them out while the terrorist continue to come here on student visas.
I am deeply concerned at how many are now switching from God to Allah, from hallelujah to Allahu. We are slowly being changed by the change agents. We are told to give up traditions and the past and embrace a new forward move of the Holy Ghost. But yet the Holy Ghost has not spoken this to the Churches in their midst. The message for change is coming from one man (Pastor David Bernard). I want to know exactly what traditions and what past he is saying we need to give up. Are we not told the same thing by Muslim missionaries? But they do not think of Holy Ghost or the Paraclete like we do. They say the Paraclete is Mohammad. Are we being deceived here or what?
I know many hate me and wish I was dead. I know they still rant and make videos filled with nonsense. But I am still on the wall and I am not coming down. I will warn of the coming great tribulation. If many of you do not prepare you will not be spared. I cannot make people prepare. I cannot put into their minds how important it is to make their calling and election sure. I have not grown weary telling people to get out of the major Oneness organizations or be changed by the change agents. I warn all of you that your family: husband, wife, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, moms, dads, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends: may betray you unto death.
Many in ancient times would betray their own kin, their own blood, their brothers and sisters in the Lord: if they would not let them come and abide with the righteous as they prepared places of hiding and refuge. When you shut out people who are not godly they will betray you to death. It is coming. Jesus predicted it. Why is it none of the major Oneness organizational leaders are sounding the alarm? How come they continue on pushing whoop night and do not preach the truth that the Church will go through the tribulation?
I am afraid of many of you. Not because you are a threat to me over my reputation or my character: no way; I am afraid of you that you will turn into betrayers and using justified hate to cause the deaths of many.
Brothers and Sisters, I warn you all: know them who labor among you. If you do not use spiritual discernment and are led about with slick tongues, liars, deceivers, slanderers, novice gainsayers, and those off in vain jangling: you will become a danger to yourself and all whom you are friends.
Let us pray for Christians who are in Muslim nations that they can escape. Let us pray the enemy will let them get out of their Islamic State. And let us pray they can be welcomed into other surrounding countries as refugees. Let us pray for all Jews to escape and depart from all Muslim nations and areas where the Muslims claim they will establish an Islamic State. If that is what they want, let Christians and Jews depart and let them have it.
As a Christian, I have no fight with any religion. I can disagree on doctrine and believe many false doctrines are salvational, but this does not mean I want anyone dead just because they are in false doctrines. I do not want any Jews dead even if they hate Jesus and Christians. I pray for the peace of all souls. I pray for Muslims that they will learn what love is and means. I pray for Muslims to get a vision or dream of Jesus. Seems this has a great affect on those Muslims who have these spiritual visitations.
Jesus, be with those who flee.
Your Son