Remember Lot's wife (Luke 17:32).
This warning followed the warning in verse 31.
What are we to remember?
We are to remember her. But what about her that caused God to kill her?
Yes, God killed her. He cursed her to be turned into a pillar of salt.
What is about her conduct we are to remember?
She looked back at the city of Sodom. Why did she do this?
You will remember Abraham bargained with God from finding 50 righteous to finding 10. And at last Abraham stopped Jewing God down at the number 10. Why did he focus on the number 10?
Here is the breakdown as I saw it many years ago:
Lot's wife
Lot's two young virgin daughters at home.
Total 4
Lot went out in the night to visit his married daughters and their husbands (Genesis 19:12; 19:14).
3 married daughters
3 sons in law
Total 6
As you survey this situation, you can see Lot's wife was leaving behind three daughters who would not leave the city. The sons in law would not leave. The Scriptures say that they mocked Lot. Ridiculed him. Laughed at him. Disrespected him. Would not listen to his begging. So, he went back home alone to leave them to the destroying fire of God when the sun rose that next morning.
As angels were dragging Lot, his wife, and his daughters out of Sodom, fire from heaven started falling on the city. We do not know how far from the city they were. We do not know if they could hear the screams of the people. I was once in South Africa on a highway about five miles from a little town and they were screaming and carrying on with music and demonic stuff. The little village was in a valley and I was up on the ridge that would descend into the little place. But I could hear the music and screaming as they were making a celebration. So, it is possible as the fire of God fell and people began screaming, that Lot's wife turned and looked back.
There is no doubt she had her three lost daughters on her mind. There was nothing back there in that hell hole but these daughters. She had nothing else to look back for. In her heart she was no doubt troubled and sorrowful. She may have even been crying. He body was out of the danger zone but her heart and soul were not. Her heart was still there in Sodom. She had two beautiful virgin daughters before her. She could have fastened her eyes upon them because they were being obedient and were being led by the two angels. But she looked back. Did she want to go back? And what if she wanted to go back but an angel kept pulling her out farther and farther from the city? We do know one thing. In her heart she wanted to go back and if not to live among he wicked at least to try and be with her three lost daughters.
The situation is being repeated today in many homes. When children backslide and go to the devil, mom and dad slowly accept their sinful and wicked lives. Once acceptance sets in, mom and dad change their own standard of holiness and living for God. Compromise moves into the home and then into the Church. What is so shocking about Sodom at this time was that there was no Prophet of God among them. Lot did not have a Prophet of God in his life. He was not a Prophet. He was a nothing. He did not have enough spiritual intelligence to build an altar in Sodom and reach out to God. The Sodom generation will have no altars in the church. All they will have is a stage. There the actors put on a religious show. And some of them really jam it up. They know how to move the people to jump, run, and dance but cannot move them to repentance and living holy and separate from the world. What cursed Lot's wife?
Lot cursed her. He should have never taken his family into this homosexual and wicked place. Even though Lot was vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked, he was not vexed enough to get up and move out.
This warning followed the warning in verse 31.
What are we to remember?
We are to remember her. But what about her that caused God to kill her?
Yes, God killed her. He cursed her to be turned into a pillar of salt.
What is about her conduct we are to remember?
She looked back at the city of Sodom. Why did she do this?
You will remember Abraham bargained with God from finding 50 righteous to finding 10. And at last Abraham stopped Jewing God down at the number 10. Why did he focus on the number 10?
Here is the breakdown as I saw it many years ago:
Lot's wife
Lot's two young virgin daughters at home.
Total 4
Lot went out in the night to visit his married daughters and their husbands (Genesis 19:12; 19:14).
3 married daughters
3 sons in law
Total 6
As you survey this situation, you can see Lot's wife was leaving behind three daughters who would not leave the city. The sons in law would not leave. The Scriptures say that they mocked Lot. Ridiculed him. Laughed at him. Disrespected him. Would not listen to his begging. So, he went back home alone to leave them to the destroying fire of God when the sun rose that next morning.
As angels were dragging Lot, his wife, and his daughters out of Sodom, fire from heaven started falling on the city. We do not know how far from the city they were. We do not know if they could hear the screams of the people. I was once in South Africa on a highway about five miles from a little town and they were screaming and carrying on with music and demonic stuff. The little village was in a valley and I was up on the ridge that would descend into the little place. But I could hear the music and screaming as they were making a celebration. So, it is possible as the fire of God fell and people began screaming, that Lot's wife turned and looked back.
There is no doubt she had her three lost daughters on her mind. There was nothing back there in that hell hole but these daughters. She had nothing else to look back for. In her heart she was no doubt troubled and sorrowful. She may have even been crying. He body was out of the danger zone but her heart and soul were not. Her heart was still there in Sodom. She had two beautiful virgin daughters before her. She could have fastened her eyes upon them because they were being obedient and were being led by the two angels. But she looked back. Did she want to go back? And what if she wanted to go back but an angel kept pulling her out farther and farther from the city? We do know one thing. In her heart she wanted to go back and if not to live among he wicked at least to try and be with her three lost daughters.
The situation is being repeated today in many homes. When children backslide and go to the devil, mom and dad slowly accept their sinful and wicked lives. Once acceptance sets in, mom and dad change their own standard of holiness and living for God. Compromise moves into the home and then into the Church. What is so shocking about Sodom at this time was that there was no Prophet of God among them. Lot did not have a Prophet of God in his life. He was not a Prophet. He was a nothing. He did not have enough spiritual intelligence to build an altar in Sodom and reach out to God. The Sodom generation will have no altars in the church. All they will have is a stage. There the actors put on a religious show. And some of them really jam it up. They know how to move the people to jump, run, and dance but cannot move them to repentance and living holy and separate from the world. What cursed Lot's wife?
Lot cursed her. He should have never taken his family into this homosexual and wicked place. Even though Lot was vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked, he was not vexed enough to get up and move out.