Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I Stand With God's True Israel

Thanks Missionary Hood for this great image.

The Aramaic Babel Tongue Is Not Hebrew

So many are falling prey to the Jewish deception that the Babel tongue of Babylon they adopted when taken there as captives has become a special holy tongue above all others in the world.

I realize it has been nearly 2,618 years since the Jews were taken captive from Jerusalem to Babylon. Yes, it has been 26 centuries and 104 generations. We do not know why the captives chose to replace their more ancient language of Paleo Hebrew with this new Babel tongue. But they did.

I personally believe they adopted it because in Babylon there existed a highly secret mysticism of satanism which was called secret knowledge. This was later identified as gnosticism. Within this secrety mystery religion the alphabet was turned into a special means of secret communication. Letters took on numerical value and numerology was born. Together these letters and numerology codes were used to hide special mystic meanings. The entire religious system had masters. These masters were called rabbis. A Babylonian rabbi was a master within the secret religious system. They were educated in all the knowledge of the Babel cults.

Why many Jews adopted this mystery system and the Babel tongue we do not know. We do know that in the time of Daniel there were only three others with him who refused to bow and to partake of the Babel system. There may have been others but we cannot tell. We do know that every single aspect of the mysteries of Babylon were transferred over into the Jewish religion. The Jewish religion was totally mysticised with all these new discoveries. It is here that Jewish mysticism was born and later brought to Israel by the Pharisees. They are the ones who brought back the title "rabbi" or master. You will no find this title in the Old Testament any where. It came from Babylon.

This gets us to why the Aramaic language holds such high value to the mystic Jews and has impregnated all Jewish religious beliefs with black witchcraft influence. From this the Kabbalah was born. From this several different philosophies came into the religious system born at Babel. There are several books like the Zoar, the Mishnah, the Babylonian Talmud, and other secret writings that contain the total of the mysticism of Babel. It is vital to this Babel system to use the Aramaic language and alphabet. And it is vital for those Jews who follow this pagan religious system to tell the world how accurately they transcribed each letter of this Babel language. How careful they were to make sure this Chaldee tongue was copied by strict rules of conduct. They do this to swoon the minds of those Gentiles who question if this Babel tongue language and the scrolls written in them are from God. They make sure they use numerology at its best to convince Gentiles this new Aramaic Babel bible is holy and infallible, the unadulterated Word of God. And many millions buy this falsehood.

I want all of you to to be on full alert not to accept any doctrine that comes from this Aramaic Babel tongue. Do not try to learn this tongue. Do not sing in it. Do not learn scriptures taken from it. I also caution you not to accept any names for Jesus invented from this Babel tongue. I say this because the Apostles did not use Yeshua or such invented Aramaic names. We have no idea when this Aramaic name was invented. The Apostles did not use it and I shall not. Aramaic is not Hebrew it is a pagan Babel language.

When you check words in Strongs pay attention to the Chald entry showing this word and meaning came from Babylon. Be careful how you apply this information. We do not know the Paleo Hebrew words or meanings. We can only guess from the internal content of the Scriptures. Also, when someone comes saying Jesus is a fake name and they offer a Babel Aramaic one, do not accept it.

And do not accept YHWH which came into the Jewish scrolls in Babylon and is surrounded with mysticism, numerology, and gematria. Pay attemtion that this YHWH god is a bisexual god. We know the religious rituals of Babylon were sexual and bisexual in nature. We know also, the true God of Abraham was not YHWH and he was not a bisexual god. Any name guessed from YHWH is a devil name. This includes Jehovah and Yahweh.

I say in closing that many of the devil name people say Greek is an evil language and Jesus name in it as IESOUS is of the devil. They attack Jesus name as the name of a pagan god. These do not know that Greek is closer related to Paleo Hebrew than Aramaic. In fact, Greek and Paleo Hebrew share the same root language of Phoenician. So, do not let these Babel tongue people deceive you that Jesus name is false because it is not a Chaldee name from the Babel tongue.

Jesus name is as close in English and we can get it. Do not let law keeping wannabe Babel Israelites deceive you to recant the name of Jesus. If you do this you will go straight to hell. You need to read Hebrews 6:4-6. If you deny the name of Jesus fire awaits you.