Saturday, June 21, 2014

Holy Pole Religions Of Ancient Civilizations

Ever since Charles Taze Russell took off his Masonic apron and decided he would make a new religion based upon the cult name Jehova and the central use of a holy pole or poles (columns), many have been led to accept the monk invented name Jehova(h) and turn to hate the use of the Roman cross to represent Christianity or the death of Jesus.

Russell initiated a hateful attack against the use of the cross claiming it was used by ancient pagan religions and had no place in Christianity. He then claimed by misused of the Greek word "stauros" that Jesus was crucified on a pole, a stake, a holy pole. Since 1830 until now, there have been many who have accepted both the name Jehovah and this holy pole doctrine. If you are not aware of the two holy poles or columns in a masonic lodge, or not aware of the use of these two holy poles in cult orders: it is time you learn. But you must do some study and research on your own. I am giving you enough information to begin.

What has amazed me in all this manufactured hate of the cross, is the anger people use against you if you disagree with them. One man threatened he would take me down. Have at it. So far after contacting nearly all of my friends on Facebook, and spreading the JW doctrine against the emblem of the cross, he has been successful. I have lost a lot of friends just over the Cross of Christ. But take me down? No one will take me down. Jesus has me secure. I have no worry in that area.

I have decided it is time to deal with this holy pole doctrine. No one else in the world has, or I doubt will: unless they take from what I will present and try to make some bold revelation to make a name for themselves. But, that is ok with me. I just want people to know that the holy pole was used more in ancient pagan religions than they ever used the emblem of the cross or figures similar to it. What I have observed is that no one as of yet to my knowledge has ever produced any proof of worship of a cross emblem nor have they attempted to tell us what that cross emblem represented. Oh, there is one case where they claim along with Alexander Hislop that the cross in the form of a T was used to represent Tammuz. But did they worship this letter "T" as they claim?  I decided over 35 years ago to go back to the alphabet of the Babylonians in the time Tammuz would have lived, and there is no symbol "T" in that alphabet. Go check it for yourself. So who is making up these crafty lies? Hislop, others? Even if you check out the "tau" of these ancient alphabets, said to be the first letter of the name of Tammuz, you will see they are not in the form of the Christian cross. Was Tammuz even spelled in those days with a letter "T"? The answer is no. But if the JWs say the cross represents Tammuz, people go nuts to cast down all use of the Cross.

I want to show you many images of use of the ancient holy pole. It was transferred to columns, pedestals, and other uses. You will understand as you view them. Why would a person hate the cross as a pagan emblem (so they say), and then replace it with a holy pole emblem? I did not put them in any particular order.

Here goes:

There are other uses of the holy pole. There are magic rods used by witches, warlocks, magicians, and even modern Pentecostal rod dancers.

So many uses of the holy poles.

Let me say this, if you do not worship a cross, if you use it only for a emblem representing the death of Jesus Christ, you have not committed any sin. Do not allow the Jehovah Witness doctrine of Charles Russell cause you to hate the Cross of Christ. If you want to spread that Jehovah Witness false doctrine that Jesus was crucified on a holy pole, you do it, I am not.

Hate me if you want. Destroy all my friends, I do not care. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I have taken up my cross to follow him.

If you want to kill me, aim for the Cross on my back.

Bishop Reckart
A Man With A Cross On His Back

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