Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Part Of History

Back in 1994 as I stood in a debate confronting the Yahweh sacred namers, I looked out at over 300 people in attendance. I was humbled by being there at such a time to defend the name of Jesus. I looked at the crowd who had gathered. The majority of them were members of the Yahweh cult movement. Sprinkled among them were some pastors and ministers who had come for the show. A couple of them came hoping I would make a fool of myself. It is interesting just how evil some people's hate is. They came not to support me but to stand off to the side to catch my every mistake so they could later criticize. I am so sorry I cheated them out of this planned victory. They came to watch and listen to a fool, but when it was all over, they as many others were shocked I had carefully and with skill presented the best defense of the name of Jesus in modern times.

Pastor Don Abernathy came up to me after the debate was over and said he had never in his life heard the name of Jesus defended with that level of knowledge.  Many more from among the Yahweh's came and shook my hand and congratulated me on my presentation. A few other ministers present also came and gave me some compliments.

As I packed my attache case, my overhead projector, and my litigation bag with exhibits and transparencies, I had a sense that something very important had just taken place. This would be repeated several more times through the years as I defended the name of Jesus. I came to the shocking realization that I was a part of history.

God has a way of putting me in the right place at the right time in so many doctrinal areas I am amazed. I always pray before I begin my research and assessments. My ambition is the truth no matter how many traditions I have to challenge. It matters not to me what other so-called scholars say or have said. Or even what they have rendered in their opinions. My search always has been for the truth.

As a writer I prepare myself to make sure I am understood. I make it plain. Yes, I open myself to all sorts of men looking to create a name for themselves trying to take me down. There is a handful of internet rabble out there spouting off. Some baby baptizers, some adulterers, some witches, some trinitarians, a few women preachers, homosexuals, some organizational yap-dogs, and a few wannabe preachers who think by attacking me they will have all these others as instant friends.

On the other hand, the internet is well salted with my efforts on many doctrinal issues. I continue to be a part of Church history of these last days. As such I will continue to publish cutting edge information. And Jesus is helping me more and more.

I am re-editing some of my unpublished studies and making them ready for the internet. However, not everyone will have access. And I will not throw these out like corn to crows.

The Apostolic Theological Bible College continues to reach several nations. Truth is being planted. The courses of this Bible College are absolutely great. All of those who are students or were students can testify to this. They are life changing. And they transfer to another generation the great Apostolic doctrines of the Apostles. This also is history making.

As I relax from my trip to Harrisburg and the funeral of our beloved Pastor James Simmons, I feel again the desire in my soul for the Truth. It is indeed like a fire.

Bishop G. Reckart
Making history one day at a time

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Building On Ruin

Jericho had been destroyed. A curse was placed upon anyone who tried to rebuild it (Joshua 6:26).  But, a man decided he would brave the curse and began rebuilding it.  According to 1Kings 16:34 the builder's two sons died, one when he laid the foundation and the other when he set up the gates. Here is an example of death where a man tried to build on the ruins of what God had cursed.

We can go back to Babel, another place God cursed. And we can read accounts over the centuries of men who tried to rebuild Babylon. How many have been cursed and upon whom there is death because they build again those things cursed.

In my many years of Pastoring I have observed many men who believed themselves somewhat. Who boasted in themselves of their greatness. They never built anything for God and spent their lives building something found upon the ruin of what God has already cursed. And when they add to this man-made religious scam some Babylonian traditions, they are indeed cursed.

We cannot build again the things we destroy unless we build again upon a ruined life we once lived.  Herein is a mystery: why, when people know their past life was a ruined one, do they go back to the beggardly elements of a disaster and try to build upon it again? It does not make sense.

A person who tries to build upon the ruins of another man's failures, his ruined life, is foolish. Any woman, girl, who takes up with a man or a young boy whose life is a train wreck, will never have a happy life. She will try to build her life around a ruin. It will not work. He will destroy her. And in many cases he will kill her. There is no hope in building a life around a person who is ruined.

I have tried repeatedly to educate sinners and backsliders that they cannot build a future life of joy so long as they continue to try and rebuild a life of ruin. The real solution is not to rebuild. It is to bury the old ruin, and be reborn. To get a new life and beginning. To start over on fresh ground. Do not use the elements of a ruined past. Totally discard all the past. Build new. Start over. Remove evil far from yourself. Keep it out of the house. What ever ruined the old house, keep it out of the new house.

This is why the way of the transgressor is hard. They always go back to try and build on the ruins of an old life.  And it is here so many die.

Let me O God build on the solid Rock. For on this Rock there is no ruin.

Bishop Reckart
A Man On The Rock, And Never Ruined

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Holiness is God's art.

It appears in himself, the Master Artist.

It appears in angels.

And it appears in select individuals upon the earth.

Holiness is a work of God's art on infants, children, youth, adults, and seniors: all in a special and beautiful way.

God beautifies the meek with salvation. And this salvation is the essence of holiness. Holiness gives us all that special look, special appearance, in a special way.

I have seen this art of God in many souls.

Recently when I was in Jamaica I saw God's art gallery among some very special holiness people. As I observed some of them sitting in my living room one night after service, I sat in silence as they talked about Scripture. I look about the room from the young men to the young women and there I saw the work of the hand of the Artist. I saw not only the beauty of his expert work, I could not but help to notice God knows how to use colors.

So I reached for my Bible, took out a Church business card, and scribbled on the back:


I know this is true because I said so....

Bishop Reckart
Saying things that are TRUE, because I love saying things that are TRUE!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Famous Antichrist Has Died

Many years ago way back about 1985 I was visiting with my good friend Pastor Ken Kirkland in Valdez, Alaska. I was there on a teaching/preaching trip. At this revival-seminar I was teaching about the Noahide movement that was infiltrating many churches under the disguise of law-keeping and messianic restoration. Pastor Kirkland showed me a book entitled "Will The Real Jesus Please Stand up (Seven Riddles of Israel)."

When I sat down and read this antichrist diatribe I was shocked at the author's open hate and hostility against Jesus.

The more I read the more my spirit was grieved. Here was an ex-Baptist pastor saying the New Testament was anti-Semitic. He was accusing the Apostles of writing deceptive lies and fraud. He talked about his visits to Jewish Rabbis. And he attacked Jesus and Christianity using the old rants of Typho, Celsius, and Porphyry.  But he was special. He was a Noahide. He was a convert to the Jewish religion via the invented salvation plan for Gentiles first found in the writings of Maimonides (1135-1204).

Basically,Gentiles who reject Jesus can turn to the Jewish religion, keep the alleged seven laws of Noah, and they can share in all the future blessings of the Jews. One of those seven laws concerns idolatry. And when I read that worship of Jesus was considered idolatry and the Noahide law required the death penalty: I saw instantly where Vendyl Jones was going. He was out to destroy Christianity in hopes he could save Christians from idolatry and worship of Jesus.

Vendyl totally repudiated the deity of Christ. He mocked it. He made as many slanderous remarks against Jesus as he could. He even claimed Jesus was a bastard child whose father was a Roman soldier. This was his way to attack Mary as a whore and a prostitute. She was no virgin in his opinion.

Little by little Vendyl Jones tore into the New Testament and dismantled in his own mind any of his old beliefs. He, like so many others of the Concision, turned to law-keeping for his justification and salvation. He would keep the law as a Gentile Noahide and by the works thereof he believed God would accept him. Of course his God, or the God he claimed was his God, also hated Jesus Christ as a false prophet and a deceiver.

I wrote about Vendyl here:

I was the ONLY man among the Apostolic Oneness ranks to write against this antichrist openly. I do not know of another man among us save for Pastor Kirkland who took a public stand against this desert rat. We mentioned him in nearly all of our prophecy seminars. Or at least the ones I had anything to do with. This man was a snake in a man's body. He was demon possessed. The devil talked to him on a regular basis. He was so evil he became abusive to his first wife. He divorced her and married several times. He was looking for a soul-mate who would recant Jesus like he did.

Along the way he decided he wanted to destroy Christianity with one fell swoop. It came into his mind that if the Ark of the Covenant could be found, could be sanctified by the ashes of a red heifer, and a cadre of Levite Priest could cleanse themselves to officiate before it: that God would return to Israel in great glory. This he believed would show that Christianity was a great fraud, a great usurper.

A side note: It was years later that I heard about a Georga Oneness pastor who was raising red cows in hopes of birthing a red heifter just in case the Jews needed one if the Ark was found. The red heifer craze swept America with many hundreds of thousands of dollars being donated by Oneness Pentecostals to help raise these holy cows and pray a perfect red heifer was birthed. The red heifer craze continues among men like Irwin Baxter who continues to pump up excitement the Ark will soon be found and a red heifer has been born and certified.

Vendyl Jones joined the Masonic lodge before he left the Baptist church. It is here he learned of the LW and believed he had discovered a destiny for himself. He would find the LA and make himself the greatest Freemason in the world. By finding the Lost Ark, he could add to the Masonic Temple dream, the cap-stone of the pyramidal mystic religion. He believed the GAOTU would favor his goal and he became the Raider Of The Lost Ark.

He begged all over America for supporters to fund his trips to Israel where he would search in the desert for the LA.  He created such a dream world, many other Gentile Noahidites joined him. They went to Israel several times to search and dig, and search and dig. His team partners were as anti-christ as he was. Together they believed they had the final solution to destroy Christians from the earth. They would no longer need to wail and cry that the name Jesus means "pig god." Why when they found the Ark, the name of Jesus would instantly be thrown down as a name of wickedness and shame.

I followed him in the news and in his mail-outs over the years. He made some discoveries of some incense and some kind of alleged ointment residue. But as much as he dug up Israel, the God he said he now served refused to show him where the Ark was located. Vendyl thought he had it all figured out with the wording on the copper scroll found in the Dead Sea Caves. But alas, he was deceived by his own antichrist ambitions again. In the meantime, the Jewish Rabbis continued to heap on him praise and special recognition.

I have sent Mr. Jones several emails over the years, none of which he answered. I knew he got them because one of his baby rats emailed me with threats. I told him "sue me." which he never did.

The last chapter of Vendyl Jones is over. The end came for him on December 27, 2010. He died.

Mr. Jones is the typical law-keeper. They think they can go back to Law-Keeping and come to God without going through Jesus Christ.  Some Law-Keepers are not that stupid. They will claim Jesus as their Savior but he could not save them alone. These believe if they do not keep the Law, Jesus cannot save them.  They do not believe in salvation by Christ alone without the deeds of the Law (Rom 3:28). These will go back to sabbath keeping, dietary laws, keeping feast days, and embrace the tetragrammaton above the name of Jesus. Then they will adopt the false names Yahweh and Yahshua and claim they are the elect of God. They are Noahides, just as Vendyl was.  They will hate people like myself because I am a strict follower of the Pauline Gospel.

The famous antichrist is dead. He did not find the LA. He died without Christ. He died a blasphemer. He died trusting in his Noahide salvation which he believed God had given to the Gentiles.  He died rejecting Calvary, the burial, and the resurrection of Christ. He denied Jesus was the Christ already come in the flesh (1John 4:2-3). He died believing Jesus was a false prophet, a deceiver, and a bastard.

We will now see at the judgment what God thinks of Vendyl Jones.

Pastor Reckart

My sympathies to his family members whom I talked to in years past. Who although they were estranged, loved him, but would not allow his crazy beliefs to turn them away from their faith Jesus was the Christ who had the words of eternal life.