Saturday, July 20, 2013

Trust The Scriptures As Quoted By Jesus And The Apostles

Obviously Jesus and the Apostles DID NOT quote from the Aramaic Babylon translation. What they quoted, the spelling of names they used, is not from the Aramaic (Hebrew) Babylon bible.

Okay, they say we do not have a real Greek Septuagint, that the last ones to ever see one was in the days of the Apostles. After this they claim it disappeared. Then they claim it magically reappeared in the hands of Origin and he included it in his Hexpla. Some say it was not there but that Origin had created his own Greek text and this is what many now call the Septuagint (liars make up lies).

Well, in the Origin Hexpla, there is the Aquila version. And there are the two versions of Symmachus (Ebionite Samaritan) and Theodotion (claimed to be a Greek scholar, made a Greek translation of the Aramaic text). Then we have what they call the Hebrew text which is really not Hebrew at all but the Aramaic Babylon text.  Then Origin had the Septuagint. But many claim the Septuagint here is not the one many called the LXX (translated by 70 rabbis in Alexandria around 280BC).

First I want to say that if Origin believed the "Hebrew" had been carefully and perfectly copied and it had no errors or omissions: that he could have just thrown away the other five and made a new Greek Bible. So, why didn't he? The other Greek bibles would matter nothing if the Hebrew one was perfectly kept. No where does Origin claim the Hebrew was perfectly kept. So what will be the text to measure the other versions? Or will Origin just compare them to see which one reads the best or which one follows the Hebrew the best. Could Origin even read and translate the Aramaic text to even compare the others to it? And if he could, why is it he could not easily determine which Greek text was the best?

The fact is, he saw many errors and many differences between the Greek text and some of this was so bad he wanted to correct them. How come he did not rather go back to the Aramaic text and simply re-translate and be done with it? He did not because he did not consider the Aramaic text any more perfect that the Greek ones he had. His goal was to take all of them and produce a bible that was as near the original as possible. He never completed his goal. We do not have the copies he had and was working with. The Aramaic version he had has disappeared. All the Greek versions he had have disappeared. How come he did not choose to look at the old Latin version of the second century? Why did he ignore that one. Cannot say "Catholic" because there was no Catholic at that time.

My point is, we do not need the whole Septuagint that Jesus and Paul had to say they quoted from it. We know they did not quote from the Aramaic text and that is all we care.

So, what Greek Version did they have in the days of Jesus and Paul? They did not have any Origin alleged Greek text. They did not have the Aquila invented text. They did not have any Symmachus or Theodotion Greek text. So these are ruled out. So what Greek Bible did Jesus and the Apostles have?

What Greek text was in the Jewish synagogues?

Let the Jews answer this, and they will say it was the Greek Septuagint.

Do they care if there are no modern witnesses who claim they saw it? No. Do they care if someone says it did not exist? No. They know according to their own history that at the Council of Jamnia in 90AD the Sanhedrin gathered to re-establish Judaism after the destruction of the temple in 70AD. At this council they voted to reject the Greek Septuagint which the Christians had been using to preach Jesus Christ. They voted to have a new Greek translation made. Rabbi Samuel ha-Ḳaṭan composed a prayer against the Christians and their kingdom and cursed them (Known as Birkat HaMinim asks God to destroy those in heretical sects (Christians/Minuth), who slander Jews and who act as informers against Jews). The new Greek bible they authorized was translated by Aquila, an apostate who had before been a Christian. It was this Greek version of Aquila that was used by Origin to compare the original Septuagint he had and also the Aramaic (Hebrew).

If the Aquila re-translation was so accurate, we ask again how come Origin did not just throw all the others away and he would have remaining the perfectly kept Aramaic/Hebrew and the perfectly translated new Greek by Aquila?

Why would a real God use a reprobate Jesus rejecting Gnostic named Aquila to translate anything holy?  Yet many think this gnostic into mysticism and secret wisdon was used by God to create a Bible more perfect that the Septuagint used by Jesus and the Apostles.

The fact is, in New Testament history, that Jesus and the Apostles quoted from a Greek translated Bible. The Jews say it was the Septuagint. The liars now among the King James Only club claim this Septuagint never existed. But they do not tell us what Greek Bible Jesus and the Apostles quoted from. They do not tell us which one the Jews wanted replaced.

Even if there is no existing complete pre-200AD Greek Septuagint we can presently lay our hands on. We can lay our hands on the New Testament and it has Old Testament scripture from a Greek Bible. We believe the Jews are correct here, that this was the LXX. And we also believe the fact they hired Aquila to make another Greek bible after the 90AD Council of Jamnia, that this proves the existence of a superior Greek Text to that of the Aramaic (Hebrew) which Jesus and the Apostles never used.

We do however believe the LXX Septuagint for the most part was preserved by the eastern Greek orthodox catholic church. We do not claim it is perfect in all its existing original translation. But we do believe the one Jesus and the Apostles had was as perfect a Bible as the world would know. And we believe the Scriptures as they were quoted by Jesus and the Apostles are perfectly from the original Greek Bible they held in their hands.

Trust in the Scriptures as Jesus and the Apostles quoted them. Do not trust in any bible or translation that renders a text or a verse different that that quoted by Jesus and the Apostles.

The New Testament is our authority.

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