Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Babel, gate to god but which god?

The tower was built out of mud bricks because in the area there was no stone. So they had brick in the place of stone and slime for mortar.

The purpose of Babel according to the Bible was for the top to reach "into" heaven.

The designer and archetict was Nimrod.

Now we now know about the the name Nimrod than those knew a couple hundred years ago. Languages have been understood more and in some cases understood for the first time in thousands of years. These break throughs give us an opportunity to review and correct some of the errors we have been told.

It appears at the present that Nimrod consist of Nim=son and rod which seems to be a misspelling. In the Septuagint it is spelled "Nebrod." We know that the Septuagint was translated in Egypt and there "Neb" in the hieroglyphics meant "lord or master." Later, neb/lord would become associated with Baal which also means lord and master. The last part of his name if taken to be interpreted in Genesis 10:9 would mean hunter. For his name as a son of Cush given in verse 8 is so explained.

Scholars have informed us that the first god of ancient Babylon is the moon god "Sin." He is then the first of the gods. He is then "aah" as "aah" signifies the first letter of the alphabet as well as standing for the numeral "1" which of course means first.

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