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70AD Temple Destruction in Jerusalem |
The Talmud (and also Karaite mss.) states that a standard copy of the Hebrew Bible was kept in the court of the Temple in Jerusalem [ibid].
There are questions that beg to be asked, but no one is asking them.
It is a fact, which the Jews confess, that the Christians were using the Greek Septuagint Bible to spread their teachings about Jesus being the Messieh and also the Savior.
It is also a fact which the Jews confess that they did not like this.
It also a fact which the Jews confess that they no longer loved the Greek Septuagint which they had in all their synagogues. They had the Geek Bible in their places of worship for over a hundred years. According to Jewish sources, there was ONLY ONE COPY OF THE HEBREW BIBLE AND IT WAS KEPT IN THE TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM. This is a confession right there that there was no Hebrew Bible used in any synagogue.
Now here we have a problem. The liars claim Jesus and the Apostles used the Hebrew bible. Where did they get it if there was one Hebrew Bible and it was under lock and key hidden in the temple?
The liars claim this Hebrew bible was the only perfect preserved Word of God.
We do not know who all saw this one Bible.
We do not know where it was kept in the temple.
We do not know if Jesus himself or the Apostles ever saw this one copy. Or even read it. Of course this information demands we ask a lot of questions. And I am just the one to challenge the world with such hard questions.
Okay is it true that there was one copy of the original Hebrew Bible in the temple? And is it also true the Jews venerated this Hebrew Bible and placed it as being more important than the Greek Bible used in the synagogues?
If so, how come it was not used in the Jerusalem temple? Why was it hidden away? And more importantly, how come when the Christians used the Greek Septuagint Bible to preach about Jesus, did they not go and parade it out and show the nation and the world that the Christians were not preaching and teaching according to the Hebrew Bible? Would the Jews miss such a chance if it existed? And if it did exist how come they did not use it?
Right here we must ask a difficult question?
The Jews confess they were angered at the Christians.
They became so angry they invented a benediction at the end of the synagogue service that cursed the Christians to be blotted out and the Jesus Kingdom they called "arrogant government" be uprooted in their days:
"For the apostates [Christians] let there be no hope. And let the arrogant government [kingdom] be speedily uprooted in our days. Let the noẓerim and the minim be destroyed in a moment. And let them be blotted out of the Book of Life and not be inscribed together with the righteous [Jews]. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who humblest the arrogant" (Schechter)(emphasis [Christian] [kingdom] [Jews] added)."
You can Google this curse. It is worded differently by different writers. They were so angry that the Christians had taken and used their Geek Bible, that they held a special conclave council in 90AD at Jabneh. At this special council the issue came up about the Christians using their Greek Bible. They had no permission and no right. That was the attitude.
Remember, this Greek Bible was used by the Jews since 280BC. So it really did belong to them. It belonged to the temple religious leaders. They used it. They would parade the scrolls around upon their shoulders and give them great honor and respect. They called this Greek Bible the Scriptures.
And then Jesus came.
As Jesus began quoting the Greek Scriptures, he spoke the names of Old Testament people as found spelled in the Greek Scriptures. This slowly stirred up hatred from the temple cult toward the disciples of Jesus. It would be asked by the temple cult: "who has taught them letters?" The letters here are not Aramaic or Hebrew. They would most likely know these letters from childhood. But who taught them the Greek letters used in the Bible scrolls in the synagogue? When Christians began acquiring and using the Greek Scriptures, because Jesus had done so: the temple cult did not appreciate it. It took away from them they exclusive claim to have the only interpretation and understanding. Now the Holy Spirit would guide the Christians in proper interpretation and understanding. And the temple cult did not like this.
But here is an important question? How come the Jews did not just let the Christians have that Greek Bible and go get the Hebrew one in the temple and use that one?
How come they did not create a massive scriptorium in Jerusalem and mass produce this Hebrew Bible?
How come they did not challenge the Christians using this one Hebrew Bible? And now for the really big question?
In 90AD when they were in council and trying to plot a way to destroy Christianity and cast doubt and suspicion on the Greek Septuagint, did they not go get that one Hebrew Bible and show the Christians they were wrong?
Well we are told that the one Hebrew Bible that existed in the temple was destroyed in the 70AD destruction. So they did not have it any more. Can I ask a question here, an honest question?
God is looking down on Jerusalem.
God approved Titus to come there and set the place on fire from hell and to tear down stone upon stone.
Now God is not stupid or dumb. You cannot trick him. You cannot control him or manipulate him.
Now think for a minute. God would know that in that temple there was preserved the one last Hebrew Bible. He would know that if he allowed that one Hebrew Bible to be destroyed that he was destroying his own Word Book. If God knew this one Hebrew Bible was in that temple, and if God honored and respected that book, I can promise you that he would not have allowed Titus to get any where near Jerusalem until that book was safe far away. And I can promise you that heaven and earth would pass away before one iota and one tittle of the Law would perish in that one last Hebrew Bible. But since it was destroyed in the fire, apparently God did not care. Let someone fight that fact.
But, did God preserve that one last Hebrew Bible?
Why? If God knew it was the most perfect translated Bible in the world?
Why? If God knew if it was destroyed that the Jews would have to collect scraps and fragments and quotes from Jewish writers to try and reconstruct that book? Why did he allow that one copy to perish in the fires of hell that consumed the temple?
Ok, now we can get back to that council meeting in 90AD. Now we know why they could not drag out the one last Hebrew Bible. We know they could not because it was burned up in 70AD. So now what will they do? The Christians had taken their Greek Bible and they did not like that Bible any more. What will they do?
They decided to make a new Greek Bible. That is what they voted to do. So they hired a reprobate former Christian named Aquila to make a new Greek Bible (Aquila's translation although said to be literal, was a crude novice poorly translated book). They would remove all the LXX Greek Septuagint Bibles from the synagogues. They would put this new Greek Aquila Bible in them (which they did and was used up to about 1000AD). And thus, the Christians would have the older Greek Bible and they would have the new invented one. Did I say invented one? Yes I did. Now why did I say this? I say this because Aquila, in spite of all the lies how he could read Aramaic/Hebrew would never translate a single jot or tittle from the Hebrew because it was burned up. There was none for him to sit down and translate from. So what would he do? He would take the LXX Greek Septuagint and just edit it and make changes in the wording and spellings. And that is just what he did. But the liars will tell us he translated from a burned up book?
Now we are told that by the time of Origin there was a Hebrew Old Testament but we do not know where it came from. We do not know if it was a backward translation from Greek to Aramaic/Hebrew? We just do not know. Now if the Jews in 90AD had that Bible, they would not need to be making a Greek new one. More importantly here, why being Jews would they want a Greek tongue Bible any way? Why not just use the Hebrew Bible if one existed? After all we are told the lies how they highly treasured and loved the Hebrew language and considered all other tongues profane. Why would they want to use a Greek profane tongue Bible if they could have a holy Hebrew one?
We have been fed a slop bucket full of lies, distortions, fables, traditions, and perversions. We have the lies and contradictions of hundreds of rabbis who just about cannot agree on anything. The Mishnah is evidence of this fact. The Talmud is also witness. And herein is the expose of this evil Babylonian Talmud. It is not the Hebrew Scriptures. It will never become the Hebrew Scriptures no matter how many Jews and Gentiles venerate and idolize this book. The Talmud is nothing more than a cheap Babylonian substitution of the original Hebrew Bible. We look upon Babylon as evil and the Jews look upon Babylon as the second most holy city after Jerusalem.
Now what of this Masoretic bible that Ben Ezra and his club supposedly recreated from fragments and translations from the Greek back into Aramaic/Hebrew? We can see that this book, is not an original copy of the one Hebrew bible destroyed in the 70AD destruction. No one can prove that it is. At best they can say it might be similar or the closest. But who will ever be able to validate this, the original is gone, and God burned it up?
For we Christians, we do not need a Hebrew Bible. Jesus and the first Christians did not need one. No Christian needed one. Jesus saw fit we would have a New Testament that would triumph over the Hebrew Bible. And on the pages of this New Testament, all the words of God needed for salvation is complete. Other than using the Old Testament as a schoolmaster, it has no value to salvation. Salvation is found only in the New Testament in Acts 2:38.
We have a Bible and it is the New Testament.
We now want to make sure the corrupters do not alter this Bible like the Jews altered the Old Testament. And if we find any corruptions we will repair them.
To Jesus, the only Wise God, be honor, majesty, power, and glory for ever and ever.
Jesus, name above all names.
This is so powerful. Bishop you are called by God. The more you write and explain the new testament the more I can see the truth. Thank you for all you do for the Apostolic people.
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