Monday, July 15, 2013

Billions Lost And Still Worshiping Idols

On the airplane I sat next to a Hindu man and his wife. I ask him about his religion. He pulled out a little book. In it was prayers he recited. The pages were stained from years of use. Some songs in it he could sing. Pictures of Hindu gods he could look at. He explained the many gods. For healing one god. For financial blessings another god. Prayers against enemies another god. A god with an elephant head. A god with all kinds of arms. A god with three heads. A flute playing dancing god.

I asked him about where he lived was there any other Hindus? He said no. He and his wife were the only ones in their area. How long have you lived in your place I asked? He said over 30 years. He married his wife and stayed there with her. She converted to being Hindu. Yep, she had a dot. I wondered how many Christians would live alone like this and be faithful with just a little book.

As I listen to him tell different stories how his gods blessed him and protected him, I could see why so many heathens are trapped. They love these gods. There is nothing in their religion that says there is only one God. It's okay to have a different god for different things. According to him his gods did not judge him. They did not condemn him. There was no guilt for sin, just personal shame if he did not do as he believed the gods would want him to do.

I ask him about Jesus. He replied Jesus was one of his gods. Jesus was a teacher god. How to love, forgive, not judge, and do good works. This was his Jesus. No Cross. No dying for sins. No resurrection. No holiness life. No heaven or hell.

I thought, oh my, many who claim to be Christian have no more Christ in their life than this Hindu man.

I ask him if he read the Bible? No he never read it. He never read a New Testament. His guru taught him about Jesus. And I could see then that the source from which a person gets their information can steer them straight to hell by the lies and unbelief put into their minds.

What about sin I asked? To him the word sin did not mean anything. There was just karma. He explained there is no good or bad karma. Just karma. There is paap and punja. And to achieve the supreme union with the gods before him these must be surpassed.

Then he said reincarnation was the procedure for each person to eventually achieve the supreme nirvana when each becomes a god.

So I asked: so your whole religion is about you some day becoming a god?

Yes he replied. And all the gods and teachers will guide me and help me achieve to become a god.

I witness about Jesus, the true Jesus being God. And he did not need or use all those gods or any teachings from gurus. That he did not teach about reincarnation. It was like he had spirits controlling him when I talked to him and nothing I said registered. He closed his little book, closed his eyes, and fell silent.

We did not talk any more on the long flight. He went to sleep and would go to hell deceived by his traditions. 

As I sat there, I prayed: Jesus please call some young men and girls to be missionaries. So many still in darkness. So many still bound by lies and false gods. But to my sadness, I knew there would not be many who would choose this life. Here I was alone on a trip that would take me over 20,000 mikes in 30 days. With a burden to take Light to the nations. The true Light.

I got my note pad out to write down notes.

So many lost, so few missionaries. And the missionaries there are have such a hard time raising money to bring the message of salvation.

The fields are white unto harvest and still the laborers are few.

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