Monday, December 14, 2009

The Jewish Jesus

The Jewish Jesus

A Jesus who is not Jewish is a false christ.
A Jesus who is not of the tribe of Judah is a false christ.
A Jesus who is not born in Bethlehem is a false christ.
A Jesus who was not born during the 65th week of Daniel's 70 weeks is a false christ.
A Jesus who was not the suffering servant of Isaiah 53:1-5 is a false christ.

No man since 30AD can come forth and claim he is the Jewish Jesus.

The Jewish Jesus was taken up into heaven approximately 40 days after his resurrection. Any Jesus who does not come down from heaven is a false christ.

More facts about the Jewish Jesus:

His mother and father descended from the tribe of Judah. He was born in Bethlehem, Israel. He was circumcized on the eighth day. He had a Jewish name that means "salvation." He observed the Laws of Moses. At the age of 12 he appears to have celebrated his bar-mitzvah in Jerusalem. At the age of 30 he became a Prophet in Israel. The same year he began to teach Scripture and the true interpretaton of God's word. He was the most intelligent man living in Israel from 26-30AD. His wisdom was greater than that of Solomon.

Born of the seedline of ancient king David, he was recognized as the promised Messieh of Israel. For three and one half years he proved to the nation his holiness. He was a righteous man in whom no one has found sin. His magnificant spirit of compassion made him a man greatly loved by the humble and poor. His method of making disciples crossed the religious system in control of the Temple. From the time of his manifestation to Israel until his acension into heaven, Jesus was the greatest figure of Jewish history. He was even greater than Moses. Moses prophesied of him.

The first Christians were Jewish followers. Many thousands gathered in multitudes and listened to him teach God's love and righteousness. He was God's example of the perfect man. Because of his great influence upon so many Jews he was alleged to be a possible traitor to the nation's religious powers. He would not accept the rule of Pharisee or Sadducee leaders. His conflict with the Temple rulers brought immediate plots to stop him. When this proved to have little effect, slander that he was evil and doing miracles by baal-zebub circulated among those devout to the Pharisee and Sadducee sects. When public slander had no effect, a plan was devised to make Jesus appear to be an enemy of the Roman empire and its leader Caesar.

The Jewish Jesus became a victim of prejudice, jealousy, hate, bigotry, and at last murder.

It was those of the Temple religious sects who chose the manner of death Jesus would suffer.

Crucify him...
Crucify him...
If you let him go, you are not Caesar's friend.

The Jewish Jesus became a victim of religious hatred. Did Jesus want the Temple to become his own Church? No. Did he want the worshippers at the Temple to reject God and accept a sinful life? No. Did he want the Pharisees or Sadducees to be hated and make them leave the nation? No. What is it the Jewish Jesus wanted?

He wanted the religious leaders to be holy and be servants to the people, not masters and totalitarian.
He wanted the Temple to be a place of prayer for all nations not just a place for rituals.
He wanted the Priests to stop their hypocrisy of appearing holy but were instead evil wearing religious garments for respect and honor.
He wanted the most holy place upon the earth to be a place where the Jewish God would come again after the holy of holies had been vacant for over 600 years.

The Jewish Jesus was the King of Israel and he had a right to insist that the Temple be a place where men and women could find atonement and reconciliation with God. But this desire was greater than the future plans of the Temple leaders. They hired a man who proved to have joined the Temple iscarri, a secret band of men who had taken upon them blood oaths to kill anyone who might endanger the nation to additional Roman control or power.

The Jewish Jesus was crucified. Upon the Cross a sign displayed his crime.

Jesus of Nazareth
King of the Jews

Yes, the Jewish Jesus was murdered by Roman soldiers at the shout and cry of Temple religious leaders: ...crucify him!

What was ultimately his crime?

It was because he claimed to be the Messieh, the son of David, and also the Son of God. When the high priest asked him if he was the son of the Blessed, Jesus answered yes. Whereupon the chief rabbi tore his clothing and shouted: "he hath spoken blasphemy and is worthy of death." The Sanhedrin Council all voted he must die. He was then taken to the Roman Procurator Pilate to achieve his consent and order the death penalty to be carried out.

In the presence of Pilate the cry of the assembled crowd was:

"We have no king but Caesar".

Thus the Jewish Jesus was rejected by the complete religious establishment in Jerusalem.

Because Pilate wanted his political career to continue to higher ranks in the Roman empire, he turned Jesus over to them to be taken and crucified.

The Jewish Jesus is the most controversal person of history. The world has never been the same. From the tiny city of Jerusalem, the followers of Jesus took his story to all nations. At first what they reported was simply what he did, said, miracles performed, and his teachings. These became written down as the Gospels. But something even more important anout the Jewish Jesus, was his vision and plan to convert Jews and Gentiles into one new joint people of God. This mission became more and more understood after his resurrection.

The Church, the New Testament body of followers, began to establish itself within the frame-work of the teachings of the Jewish Jesus. So powerful was the message that many thousands of Jews joined the first 120 Jewish believers. This collectively became known as Christians. And the one thing that jelled them together was their belief that the Jewish Jesus was somehow also God.

The Jewish Jesus was more than a man. In his own words to his disciples he said he and his Father were one. He also said when he was looked upon by his disciples they were also looking upon the Father at the same time. While the belief he was also God manifested in human form is not clearly laid out as a doctrine in the four Gospels, we can now look in those four books and see him for his glory even though we see for the most part only a man.

The Jewish Jesus is and will be the Savior of the world to Bible believing Christians. And should another man arise and claim he is Jesus or he is the Messieh, no real Christian will believe or receive him.

The Jewish Jesus said to the world:

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.

Ye must be born again of water and of the Spirit.

I am coming again, be ye ready for in such an hour ye think not, I am coming back for my people, my followers, the believers, who are saved.

A Savior saves.

The Jewish Jesus is the only Savior of the world. There is none other.

The Jewish Jesus, Wonderful, Prince of Peace, Son of David, and our coming Lord.

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