Monday, December 21, 2009

The Jewish Jesus And The devil

The devil is a real spirit being. He is called many different names in the New Testament. In the book of revelation he is called the beast, the dragon, the old serpent, and satan. He is also refered to as the accuser of the brethren. No where in any of the Scriptures is the devil a friend of man or of God. Not one time is he a friend to Jesus. He is always an adversary. He is the opposer. He is the spirit of disobedience. He is the ruler of darkness. He is also a liar and the father of all lies. There is no truth in him although he quotes Scripture. He perverts interpretation of Scripture. He is the evil spirit that deceives all nations.

The Jewish Jesus not only had a work upon earth to being salvation, he also had a work to destroy him who had the power of death. Sin is the power of death. The wages of sin is death. Because of this it is the purpose of the devil to get people to sin. Then he next wants to keep them from repenting, having remorse, being sorrowful, and showing regret. He used many devices and tricks to harden people's hearts, stiffen their necks, and to close their ears. With these he is able to secure their damnation. He is able to destroy those who are deceived that there will be no penalty for rejecting God and his offer of salvation.

The Jewish Jesus first reached to fallen mankind. His heart of compassion for their captivity by the devil, led him to seek the lost, find those hurting and bruised, and show concern for those with divers infirmaties. He was the first man to bring hope to Israel with the power of God. His ministry was not about miracles, it was about praying for those who were sick and the miracles followed. Herein we find a great treasure. If only men would live holy and have effectual prayers, they could minister and the signs would follow. The Jewish Jesus did indeed have the unlimited power of God with him. He could do more by his touch than many can do fasting 40 days. It all must be in his holiness and his closeness with the Spirit of God. It is here we discover that in the Jewish Jesus he did not see how close he could live or fellowship with the world, but how solitary and apart from it all he would live. The Jewish Jesus had unconditional love for sinners, the hurting, and those who were neglected. Because so many could not come to where he was, he went to them. This is the heart of a real evangelist. He has something from God and so he desires to take it to those who need it.

The Jewish Jesus met the devil right away. First it was a personal visit while he was fasting in the desert. When this did not cause Jesus to destroy himself, he then got into the hearts of the Temple cult. He inspired them to hate Jesus. To find fault with him. To reject him. He used religion to hide his plot. Religious men are always pawns of the devil. When they are self righteous and unteachable they are candidates of the devil's voice. He will wisper into their ears and bring lies and perversions. With these, the religious enemies feel justified in rejecting the Jewish Jesus. At last, the devil put it into their hearts to have Jesus killed or murdered. Religion that rises to the level of hate, then to perversion, and then to wanting someone dead, is the very work of the devil. The Jewish Jesus did not practice these evil designs.

Here and there the Jewish Jesus met the devil and his demons. Not one time did he sit down and have supper, have fellowship and chat, or make out that he was a friend of the devil. There was absolutely no concord, no agreement, no fellowship. And this is supposed to be the very nature of those people of God who follow the path and life of the Jewish Jesus. How can we make a treaty with the devil? How can we be at peace with him? How can we allow him to bring sin into the home and Church? Why is it so many have let down against the devil and now he is welcome in the living room through a little black wire? We are not to give place to the devil And this commandment has not been lifted.

The Jewish Jesus will soon have the devil locked up in the bottomless pit. And soon as that is over and he is let out, he will go straight to being a devil again. And soon as Jesus puts down his last devil rebellion he will be cast into the lake of fire. Yes, the war is still going on. Not many soldiers these days who still take a strong stand against the devil. Why in some churches today there are more sermons against holiness than there are on the devil. There are more sermons on financial prosperity than on the devil. There are more sermons on ecumenical unity and being one, than on the devil. And the devil now has his own seat right on the platform of many Churches. This is open evidence these are not the Church of the Bible. For the Jewish Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against the true Church. Is this not a sign to all who will receive it, that these backslid churches are not that Church. They are a false church. And their religion allows for all manner of sin, even allowing many who are demon possessed to run and control them.

The Jewish Jesus has givcn us power over all the works of the devil. He has give us power to tread on serpents. He has empowered us with the name of Jesus and with the Holy Ghost to be more than conquerors. We have the victory in our grasp. We have the victory in our prayed up life. We have Jesus for us and nothing formed against us can prosper. We sow into the Kingdom and we reap back our blessings. We are not cursed. We have the promise of the inheritance. The Jewish Jesus is our King, our Champion, our Lord, and our salvation.

Let all nations bring forth praises to his name. Let them honor and praise him who has destroyed the works of the devil in our lives. Thank him who by his blood cut us free from the curse of eternal death.

Let everyone that has breath praise the Lord Jesus. And let all of these forever reject the devil and treat him like the trash that he is.

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